A Revelation


Arnold Leese

I publish this booklet in an attempt to impress my fellow Britons that their race is being displaced and replaced, and without malice to any individual.

The I.F.L. pamphlet thus entitled saw three editions, all sold out; Gothic Ripples No. 31, dealing with the same subject, is also sold out. So now the Editor brings the list up-to-date. The reason that the Aristocracy is here dealt with in preference to any other section of the community is simply that their pedigrees are traceable with less difficulty than, say, the members of the professions, the merchants or trade unionists.

Hereditary Title Holders With
Jewish Blood

12th Duke of St. Albans.                                                     3rd Viscount Bearsted.

8th Duke of Richmond.                                                        9th Viscount Chetwynd (distantly).

2nd Marquess of Reading.

3rd Marquess of Milford Haven (distantly).                            3rd Viscount Esher.

                                                                                         9th Viscount Galway (distantly).
6th Earl Rosebery.

21st Earl of Suffolk (distantly).                                            2nd Viscount Goschen (distantly).

17th Earl of Devon.                                                             14th Viscount Arbuthnott (distantly).

6th Earl of Carnarvon.

7th Earl of Mexborough.                                                       2nd Viscount St. Davids (distantly).

Countess Loudoun (in her own right).                                    [handwritten: 1st Viscount Samuel]

                                                                                          7th Baron Auckland. 

16th Earl of Kinnoul.                                                            7th Baron Brabourne.

4th Baron Burnham.                                                             3rd Baron Phillimore.

2nd Baron Cranworth (distantly).                                           7th Baron Plunket.

                                                                                           2nd Baron Parmoor (distantly).
4th Baron Cranshaw (distantly).
                                                                                           3rd Baron Rothschild.

8th Baron Foley.                                                                   2nd Baron Roborough (distantly).

3rd Baron Herschell.
                                                                                           3rd Baron Ritchie of Dundee.
2nd Baron Hirst.
                                                                                           2nd Baron Strachie.
9th Baron Howard de Walden.
                                                                                           3rd Baron Swaythling.

1st Baron Jessel. 
                                                                                           1st Baron Schuster.
2nd Baron Mancroft.

                                                                                                        1st Baron Simon (once Sir E. D.).

3rd Baron Melchett.

2nd Baron May.                                                                     1st Baron Hankey (according
                                                                                                  to Jewish Guardian, 6th
                                                                                                  June, 1922).
2nd Baron Michelham. 

4th Baron O'Neill (distantly).

Baroness Ravensdale (in her own right).

and the following Baronets:-

Sir G. W. Albu.                                                                     Sir J. R. Ellerman.

Sir A. Beit.                                                                           Sir J. P. G. M. Fitzgerald.

Sir E. D. Broughton (distantly).                                              Sir G. S. Fry.

Sir H. J. W. Bruce.                                                                 Sir K. C. A. Fraser (distantly).

Sir Geo. Bull.                                                                        Sir H. J. D'Avigdor-Goldsmid.

Sir J. L. R. Blunt.                                                                   Sir W. Garthwaite.

Sir A. J. Cahn.                                                                       Sir E. C. Goschen (distantly).

Sir F. Cassel.                                                                         Sir J. L. Hanham.

Sir H. B. Cohen.                                                                     Sir P. G. Hamilton.

Sir G. C. Campbell.                                                                 Sir P. A. Harris.

Sir T. H. W. Chitty.                                                                 Sir F. D. S. Head.

Sir R. C. G. Cotterell.                                                              Sir J. C. W. Herschel.

Sir P. V. David.                                                                       Sir G. Jessel.

BARONETS Continued

Sir K. S. Joseph.                                                                     Sir R. F. Phillips.

Sir F. L. E. Joseph.                                                                  Sir E. H. Preston (distantly).

Sir H. A. B. Johnson.                                                               Sir L. L. Richardson.

Sir C. G. Lampson.                                                                  Sir C. G. S. Shuckburgh (distantly).

Sir T. P. Larcom.                                                                     Sir E. L. Samuel.

Sir H. J. Lawson.                                                                     Sir F. H. B. Samuelson.

Sir R. G. Leon.                                                                        Sir E. V. Sassoon.

Sir T. J. P. Lever.                                                                    Sir F. V. Schuster.

Sir E. J. M. Levy.

Sir P. J. Magnus.                                                                     Sir R. G. A. Staples.

Sir A. J. Meyer.                                                                       Sir G. J. V. Thomas.

Sir P. E. Mostyn.                                                                     Sir W. R. Tuck.

Sir B. E. S. Mountain.                                                              Sir H. A. Wernher.

Sir C. G. J. Newman.                                                               Sir H. E. Yarrow.

Sir M. B. G. Oppenheimer.

Hereditary Title Holders Who
Married Jewish Women

9th Duke of Roxburgh mar-                                         11th Marquess of Tweedale
ried granddaughter of a                                                      married a Jewish Wagg.
                                                                                  6th Earl of Rosse married a
                                                                                        Jewish Messel.
5th Marquess of Salisbury
married decendant of Jew                                             7th Earl Castle Stewart mar-
Bernal Osborne.                                                                 ried a Guggenheim.

5th Marquess of Cholmondeley                                      6th Earl of Craven married a
married a Sassoon.                                                             Jewish Meyrick.

16th Marquess of Winchester                                         29th Earl of Crawford married
married a Jewish Marks.                                                      descendant of Jew Bernal

5th Marquess Camden married                                       1st Viscount Bledisloe married
a Jewish Cassel.                                                                  as 1st wife a Jewish Lopes.

Hereditary Title Holders Who Married Jewish Women - Continued

[Handwritten: Earl of Harewood married a Jewish Sterco (?)]


1st Earl Mountbatten married                                          Sir J. P. Bagge married a Jewish
       granddaughter of Jew Sir                                               Mendel.
       Ernest Cassel.

2nd Viscount Scarsdale married                                      Sir M. G. Beckett married a
a Jewish Pretzlik.                                                                 a Jewish Brett.

9th Viscount Powerscourt mar-                                       Sir R. C. Milnes-Coates married
ried a Jewish Beddington.                                                     a Crew-Milnes of distantly
                                                                                          Jewish blood.

26th Baron de Clifford married
a Jewish Meyrick.                                                           Sir T. Colyer-Fergusson married
                                                                                          a Cohen as second wife.

1st Baron Fairfield married a                                                 
Jewish Van Noorden.                                                      Sir A. E. H. Dean Paul married
                                                                                          a Jewish Wieniawski.

1st Baron Killearn married a                                                  
Jewish Castellani.                                                          Sir T. E. P. Falkiner married
                                                                                         the granddaughter of a
1st Baron Soulbury married a                                               
Jewish De Stein.                                                                  

1st Baron Brassey married the                                        Sir H. S. M. Havelock-Allan
daughter of a Ricardo.                                                         married a Levy as 3rd
5th Baron Newborough mar-
ried daughter of Lazar
                                                                                    Sir L. J. Jones married a Jewish
                                                                                        Schuster as 2nd wife.
15th Baron Lovat married a 
Jewish Broughton.                                                          Sir E. A. Lechmere married the
                                                                                        daughter of a Samuels.

                                                                                     Sir R. Leeds married a

12th Baron Kinnaird married a                                         Sir J. S. P. Mellor married the
Jewish Clifton of Treves                                                      Jewish Mrs. Raie Mendes.

1st Baron Latham married a                                             Sir A. Moir married the grand-
Jewish Allman.                                                                    daughter of a Jewish

3rd Baron O'Hagan married as                                          Sir O. Mosley married as 1st
1st wife, the daughter of a                                                    wife, granddaughter of
Jewish Braham.                                                                    Jew Levi Zeigler Leiter.

1st Baron Goddard married a                                            Sir J. S. B. Noble married
Jewish Schuster.                                                                   a granddaughter of Jew Sir
                                                                                           J. Goldsmid.

1st Baron Lyle married a

4th Baron Delamere married                                             Sir N. A. Pearson married a
granddaughter of Jew Sir                                                      Mond (divorce later).
Ernest Cassel as second
wife.                                                                                Sir C. C. E. Welby married a
                                                                                           Jewish Gregory.

The Following Hereditary Title
Holders Have Heirs Married
To Jewish Women

Viscount Halifax.                                                                 Sir A. C. Cory-Wright, Bart.

Baron Hothfield.                                                                  Sir Christopher Robinson, Bart.

Baron Milford.                                                                     Sir R. S. Adair, Bart.

Sir R. Bonsor, Bart. 

Knights Of Jewish Blood (Living)

Abrahams, S. S.                                                                      Drage, B. 
Abrahamson, M. A.                                                                  Dickens, G. C. (distantly).
Ameer Ali, T. (mother Jewish).                                                 Duveen, G. E.
Arbuthnot, G. S.                                                                      Ellissen, H.
Balcon, M. E.                                                                           Ezechiel, P. H.
Baron, E. S.                                                                             Ezra, A.
Barrow, Geo. de S.                                                                   Frankau. C. H. S.
Bloch, M.                                                                                 Gold, H. G.
Bovenschen, F. C.                                                                     Gluckstein, S.
Burton, Montague.                                                                    Goldstone, F. W.
Carlebach, P.                                                                            Green, A. M.
Castellani, A.                                                                            Gregory, T. E. (Guggenheim).
Clavering, A. (Closenberg).                                                        Hambro, C. J.
Cohen, J. B .B.                                                                          Hansford, B.
Cohen, R. W.                                                                            Harris, A. I.
Cohen, S. S.                                                                             Heilbron, I. M.
Cohen, Henry.                                                                           Henriques, P. G.
Courthope-Munroe, H. (Isaacs).                                                  Hurst, G. B. (Hertz).
Cripps, Stafford, (distantly).                                                       Kay, H.
Dannreuther, S.                                                                         Korda, A.
Davis, Ernest.                                                                            Lebus, H. A. H.
Davis, Godfrey.                                                                          Luke, H. C. (Lukach).
D'Costa, A. H.                                                                            Lockspeiser, B.
Deedes, Wyndham.                                                                    Mayer, R.
De Stein, E. 

Knights Of Jewish Blood (Living) Continued

Mendl, Chas.                                                                             Samuelson, H.
Merton, Thos.                                                                            Scholefield, J.
Meyrick, S. J.                                                                             Schuster, G. E.
Moore, L. F.                                                                               Seligman, C. D.
Mosely, A. G.                                                                             Simon, L.
Myers, M.                                                                                  Slesser, H. H.
Norbury, H. F. O. (Nathan).                                                        Sperling, R. A.
Oppenheimer, E.                                                                        Stanley, H. J. (Sonnenthal).
Oppenheimer, F.                                                                        Sterling, L. S.
Palmer, C. E.                                                                             Stern, A.
Railing, A. H.                                                                             Waley, S. D.
Ricardo, H. R.                                                                            Wilberforce, H. W. (distantly).
Rosenthal, C.                                                                             Zimmern, A.

The Jewish penetration also extends to sisters, uncles, etc. of many other Lords and Baronets, whilst in some cases British Lords have had Jews as godfathers to their children!

The terms "Jew" and "Jewish" in the above summary refers to Blood, not to Religion. The Jews belong to many different races, none of which are native to Britain.

As a result of this Jewish penetration, Britons have begun to accept Jewish-looking fellow-citizens as normal.

If full information was available, all these lists would be lengthened very considerably.