The Illustrated Auschwitz Lie

(For Chapter 1 only, but with illustrations, click here)


Although the event commonly known as the “Holocaust” occurred ago, a heated debate has arisen over the years as to what actually happened. Since it is possible to reconstruct events, even from the very distant past, based on a few available documents, one might expect that it would not be very difficult, with modern technology, to determine the truth about events said to have taken place relatively recently. With the “Holocaust”, some of the witnesses are still alive: the physical evidence is still available, and can be examined, the archives are for the most part intact.

The official version of history is that the German National Socialists hated the Jews so much that they took advantage of the circumstances, first, to proscribe them, then, to isolate them in city districts and ghettos reserved solely for Jews, and, finally, to deport them (4) (5) to camps in Eastern Europe (1).

Those who were considered fit to work are alleged to have been decimated through slave labor, while those considered unfit to work, such as children and the elderly, are alleged to have been murdered in gas chambers (3)(6)(9)(11)(12)(13) immediately after arrival, and burnt in crematoria (8). Certain camps are consistently referred to by court historians and media as “concentration camp” or “prisoner of war camp”. This is the term used in all German documents (65,114,129,214,230,231).

The gas chambers, for the most part (6)(9)(11), are alleged to have been disguised as shower baths.

The NSDAP came to power in 1993. One point in the Party programme stated that Germany was to be reserved for the Germans. Jews were therefore to be excluded from positions in the economy, liberal professions, government agencies, the arts, etc. The Jewish reaction was not long in coming.

The front page of the London Daily News of 24 March 1933 states 29 bis:
“Judas declares war on Germany. Jews of all the world unite. Boycott all German goods. The whole of Israel is uniting to declare an economic and financial war on Germany.”
“All Israel is rising in wrath against the Nazi onslaught on the Jews…. Resolutions are being taken throughout the Jewish business world to sever trade relations with Germany…. Germany is a heavy borrower in foreign money markets, where Jewish influence is considerable….”

Note that anti-German propaganda already spoke of a “Nazi onslaught on the Jews” and a “Jewish declaration of war against Germany” as early as 1933. Before the passage of even one single anti-Jewish measure in Germany!

This economic boycott was extremely effective. It was no way comparable tot the symbolic one-day anti-Jewish boycott of 1 April 1933, which did German Jews almost no harm whatsoever. Yet it is constantly harped on by the same media which keeps eloquently silent about the highly effective Jewish boycott of Germany; which latest for years! Germany, still prostrate and poverty-stricken as a result of the world depression and the First World War, attempted to encourage as many Jews as possible to emigrate, since this offered employment opportunities for many German unemployed. Paradoxically, this policy was supported by the Zionist movement itself. Zionist representatives made astonishingly frequent appearances at SS meetings and offices in those early years. Yet nothing is heard of this today. Jewish emigration, encouraged to some extent by moderate pressure, was nevertheless a perceptible intervention in the private lives of the largely assimilated German, Jewish population. Many emigrated.

The results, outside Germany, was an unceasing campaign of anti-German hatred.

- 11.02.1922 Isaak Salbey, The Türmer: “The German race must be destroyed, there is no doubt about that”.

- 20.07.1932 Bermat Lacache, The Jewish World League: “Germany is our National Enemy N° 1, its our duty to declare pitiless war upon her”.

- 24.03.1933 Daily Express: “Judea Declares War on Germany, the whole of Israel throughout the world unites to declare an economic and financial war on Germany.”

- 07.08.1933, Samuel Untermeyer, New York Times (World Jewish Union, in the name of the international Federation to Combat the Hitlerite Oppression of Jewry): “The war hereby declared upon Germany is a holy war. It must be waged against Germany to the end, to its destruction.”

- 22.01.1934, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Irgun Zwai Leumi: “We will unleash a spiritual and material war on the part of the entire world. Our Jewish interests demand the most complete destruction of Germany. The German people is a collective and individual danger to the Jews.”

- 27.07.1935, Vladimir Jabotinsky, The Jewish Daily Bulletin, “There is only one power that counts, and that is the power of political pressure. We Jews are the most powerful nation in the world. We have the power, and we know how to use is.”

- 05.09.1939, Chaim Waizmann to Chamberlain, Jewish World Chronicle, as reprinted from the Times: “I expressly wish to confirm the statement that we Jews will fight side by side with Great Britain and democracy.”

- [Date unknown], The Jewish delegation is prepared to conclude an immediate agreement to make all human power, assistance, and abilities of the Jews available usefully against Germany.”

-13.09.1939, Centraal Blad voor Isrealieten inNederland; Millions of Jews in America, England, France, Africa and Palestine are determined to begin a war of extermination against Germany!

- 26.02.1940, Jewish World Congress, Evening Telegram, Toronto: “The Jewish World Congress has been at war with Germany for 7 years!”

- 26.02.1940, Maurice Perzweig, the Jewish World Congress, British Section: “The Jewish World Congress has been uninterruptedly at war with Germany for the past 7 years!”

- 08.06.1940, Rabbi Stephen Wise: “This war is our cause.”

- 08.05.1942, Jewish Chronicle: “We declare that we have been at war with Hitler since the first days of his seizure of power in 1933.”

In February 1936, the German NS leader in Switzerland was murdered by the Jew David Frankfurter. On 7 November, the Polish Jew Herschel Grynszpan shot the German diplomat Ernst von Rath in Paris, von Rath died of his wounds two days later. The murderer was motivated by a desire for revenge, the Germans had forced his parents to emigrate to Poland! The results was the “Night of Broken Glass”, generally assumed to have been a put-up job by Goebbels (although there is a great divergence of opinion on this point). There were acts of violence against Jews, between 36 and 100 Jews were killed, synagogues and Jewish businesses were set alight.

The attributes of the National socialists towards the Jews hardly differed from present-day Jewish attributes towards Palestinians, but with one difference, the Palestinians were the original, ancient inhabitants of Palestine.

When the Second World War broke out in 1939, the Jews rallied decisively to the Allies. Perhaps they should have paused to consider that a large part of European Jewry might have to live and survive under German occupation only one year later.

The President of the World Jewish Congress and later President of Israel, Chaim Weizmann, declared:

“I would like to make it perfectly clear that we Jews stand on the side of Great Britain and will fight for the democracies. For this reason, we place ourselves under the united leadership of the British government in the smallest and greatest and greatest matters. The Jewish delegation is prepared to place the entire working powers of the Jews, their technology, their assistance and abilities to great effects.”

From the speech of the President of the Jewish Congress, Chaim Weizmann, of 8 December 1942 in New York:

“We do not deny it, and we are not afraid to acknowledge the truth, that this war is our war, and will be waged to free the Jewish people.”

“We say that, without us, the success of the Allies would have been inconceivable. Stronger than all fronts is the front of Jewry. We lend this war not only our complete financial support. Victory rests upon the weakening of the enemy, his destruction in his own fortress.”

“And we are the Trojan Horse in the enemy bulwark. Thousands of Jaws living in Europe represents the chief factor in the destruction of the enemy.”

It was only logical for the German to intern the Jews of Europe in one way or another. The Americans did the same thing to Japanese-American citizens of the United States (25-29). Japanese-American citizens, like European Jews, were simply interned “for the duration”. The difference was, of course, that the United States was never invaded, bombed, blockaded or starved. It was never the target of one single bomb or artillery shell, at any time throughout the war: its infrastructure remained intact.

(26) Crude notices by private individuals, inciting others to “racial hatred” of the Japanese, such as the one reproduced here, appeared in early 1942, in the windows of shops and homes anywhere near Japanese owned property. Americans considered this sort of thing to be perfectly normal.

(27)(28) Deportation of American of Japanese ancestry.

(29) Lodgings for American citizens of Japanese ancestry in the concentration camp at TULE LAKE.

Theodore N. Kaufman, President of the American Federation for Peace, published a not-very peaceful book in 1941, in which he set forth a plan to sterilize the entire German people. Time Magazine called Kaufman’s plan a “magnificent idea” in its issue of 24 March 1941.

In is difficult to understand why Jewish groups in the United States should have expressed such rabid hatred of Germany at a time when a large part of Europe had been occupied by Germany and the majority of European Jews were under the hegemony of the Germans.

“Judea Declares War on Germany – Jews of the World Unite – Boycott of German Goods”, Daily Express 24.03.1933, one day after issuance of the Empowerment Decree “assumption of extraordinary powers by Adolf Hitler”. The German reaction it this declaration of war is generally known: On Saturday 01.04.1933, the Reichs government called for a one-half day boycott of Jewish businesses. This was soon followed by a similar declaration of war by Samuel Untermeyer, President of the World Jewish Economic Federation, on 07.08.1933 in the New York Times. After the beginning of hostilities in Poland, another Jewish declaration of war was issued by CHAIM WEIZMANN, PRESIDENT OF THE JEWISH AGENCY, Jewish Chronicle, on the basis of generally recognized international law, was mentioned by Prof. E. Nolte in 1985 in an English-language publication, this mention was certainly one of the factors leading to the so-called Historikerstreit, the “dispute among historians”: see E. Nolte, Das Vergehen der Vergangenheit, Ullstein, Berlin, 1987, pp20ff. 170ff.

Dr. Josef Goebbels showed the book (2) to Hitler in August 1941. Goebbels expressed the view to Hitler that the Jews deserved a lesson. They thereupon decided upon the introduction of the famous Jewish star.

Many of the anti-Jewish measures adopted by the Third Reich did not fall down out of a blue sky: rather, they were the result of deliberate provocation and the escalation of the war.

Since the official policy (encouragement of emigration) could not be continued under the circumstances of the war, the Germans decided to intern a large proportion of the European Jews in camps in the recently conquered territories to the East, and put them to work in a variety of different jobs in industry, particularly, in the armaments industry (32-44). Later, after the war, they were to receive a state of their own. This plan was occasionally referred to as the “Final Solution” in German documents. Postwar propaganda attributed to this word a quite different meaning, one which is both macabre and false. It should not be forgotten that the Jews, in actual fact, represented a considerable security risk to the Germans, they were not persecuted merely as innocent onlookers to the war. Quite the contrary. On the other hand, not everyone in the German leadership applauded the drastic and fateful measures taken against the Jews, either. The majority of Jaws were commercially and economically active and indispensable. Generally, there was no doubt in the minds of the German authorities that these deportations could not be permitted to proceed in an abusive way. But few people in Germany had time to worry about the fate of the Jews. German civilians, women and children, died horribly, every night, night after night, in the firestorms created by Allied bombers or in the collapsing rubble of their homes. In the eyes of the German authorities, the Jews were quite simply suffering their share of the misery of war (23-24).

The theory that there was a wartime “Holocaust” of Jews is “proven” on the basis of a few quite indisputable facts: the Jews were deported en masse, there were showers in the concentration camps (6)(9)(11)(53)(56)(62)(63), tins of Zyklon B were found in the camps (12)(13)(46-50). There were also many crematoria (8)(178)(180), thousands of emaciated corpses were found by Allied soldiers upon the liberation of the camps (14)(17-22). And, of course, German soldiers and guards later “confessed” to accusations made later (15)(16)(17), under the pressure of physical mistreatment and physical and psychological torture.

  1. The location of the most important camps. Some of these are referred in the standard literature to as “extermination camps”. This term is not found in any German document.

(5) This document refers to the deportation of Hungarian Jews (4). It should be noted that the prefix “sonder” is not proof of any criminal purpose. Criminal meanings were interpreted into the term “Sonder” only after the war, all words bearing the prefix “special” are said to have been in reference to extermination! This is purely hypothetical: there is no proof it whatsoever.


Budapest, 30 June 1944
Received, 3 July 1944at 11:05

  1. Deportation of Jews from zone III. Concluded with 50.805 Jews, according to plan. Total number from zone I – III is 340.162.
  2. Concentration in zone IV and deportation finished with 41.499 Jews according to plan. Total figure 381.661. progress of action report separately in telex number 279 of 27 June and number 289 of 30 June to Füschl. Concentration in zone V (previously unaffected zone west of the Danube, not including Budapest) on 29 June. Simultaneous smaller special actions initiated in suburbs of Budapest as a preparatory measure. A few small actions still continue, with special transports with political, intellectual, large families and technically-skilled Jews.

“illegible signatures, distribution list,….”

(7)(251) The little Jewish boy in this photo is supposed to have been sent to Treblinka and gassed there. According to the Jewish Chronicle of 11 August 1978, this little “gassing victim” is supposed to have grown up into a wealthy businessman who now lives in London.


Little Ghetto Boy Reports He is Alive After 37 Years

(9) The alleged gas chamber at Dachau. The Keystone press agency reported: “Dachau prisoners were gassed in this chambers disguised as a “shower bath” [retranslation].

(10) Eight years later, it was officially admitted that was NOT an execution chamber. Dachau city hall officials admitted in a letter dated 8 February 1983 that no prisoners were ever gassed in Dachau concentration camp.


City of Dachau
With regards to your inquiry, I hereby inform you that no gassings of prisoners took place in former Dachau concentration camp.

(11) U.S. Congressmen visiting the showers at Dachau camp. They are in gas chamber.

(12) A can containing 500 grams of Zyklon B. The can contains liquid hydrocyanic acid absorbed in a granular carrier. The liquid evaporates as a poison gas at a rate determined by the ambient temperature and humidity, more or less slowly. This product (under other trade names) was also used by the Allied armies for the extermination of vermin.

(13) A Soviet commission examining empty cans of Zyklon B at Birkenau.

(14) Drastic action was taken at Bergen-Belsen, 80% of the barracks were burnt down, the camp remained under British quarantine.

(15) The desperate-looking Rudolf Hoess with British Major Draper. Hoess was tortured by the British for weeks and confessed “made to order”.

(16) Two young German soldiers (guards, probably at Buchenwald) being mistreated.

(17) SS Doctor Fritz Klein was assigned to Bergen-Belsen for only a few weeks. Tortured and forced to “confess”, he was sentenced to death and hanged. In really, it was the British conduct of the war and the subsequent quarantine which were responsible for the death of thousands of inmates in Bergen-Belsen.

(17) and (18) One of the mass graves of Belsen. Typhus victims of all nationalities in this camp are exploited as “proof” of the “mass grassing of Jews” at Auschwitz.

(18) German guards throwing corpses into mass grave. The fact that neither the camp commandant nor the German staff of guards fled, can only mean that they did not regard themselves ad responsible for the frightful circumstances in the camp.

(19) Emaciated corpses were found in the camps. The caption under this photograph reads “. An American commission views the horror at Buchenwald that Eichmann could not conceal.” In fact and in truth, Eichmann had nothing to do with Buchenwald. He was only responsible for the transport of Jews to the East.

(18-19-21-22) These emaciated corpses are the bodies of typhus victims, since typhus causes extreme emaciation.

(19) Emaciated prisoners possessed on immunity against disease. The quarantine introduced by the British was to prove fateful for them. The British committed the same error in Bergen-Belsen as camp commandant Rudolf Hoess at Auschwitz during the typhus outbreak of July 1942. Hoess also isolated the camp, with the result that the weakened inmates were exposed to the spreading epidemic and became infected en masse with typhus.

(20) Entry to the Bergen-Belsen camp after surrender to the British. It is generally known that typhus and other epidemics broke out in all the camps and these epidemics could no longer be brought under control. The prisoners were severely affected, lived under unhygienic conditions, and no longer possessed any resistance against otherwise harmless infections.

General remarks on 14, 17, 18, 19, 21 and 22.

This type of photograph is usually presented as “proof” of an alleged extermination of the Jews. The bodies are those of concentration camp inmates who died of disease, they were not murdered. They came from all Europe and are not exclusively Jewish.

(23)(24)(23bis)(24bis) This is what German cities looked like at that time. Might one be entitled to ask whether the Germans were in any position to worry about the fate of concentration camp inmates? This was at a time when millions of indigent German refugees were aimlessly all over the country.


(31-32) Auschwitz and Birkenau lay in upper Silesia at the junction of the Weichsel and the Sola rivers in the vicinity of Cracow. This zone was selected by the German as the location of numerous industries (30), because it was rich in coal, which was indispensable for the production of synthetic benzene, synthetic rubber and other substitute products. Many major German companies had branches here. The field was moreover out of range for Allied bombers at the beginning of the war and possessed good transport connections.

The I.G. Farben industrial complex was located between Auschwitz and Monowitz. The prison camp located here also referred to as Auschwitz III. Birkenau was often referred to as Auschwitz II. Auschwitz was the main camp on the banks of the Sola.

(32) The Auschwitz I main camp (in the middle) was formerly a Polish barracks. Birkenau ( Auschwitz II), was in contrast, hastily built in record time. It was originally planned fir the use of approximately 100,000 Russian prisoners of war. There was still no talk of a deportation of the Jews at this time. The Buna complex lay between Auschwitz and Birkenau.

(30) Air photo of the Buna works.

(33) Document relating to the deportation of Jews. Note the word “Endlösung”, which, as may be seen from the context, has no relation whatsoever to any liquidation of the Jews. The second paragraph describes the true function of Auschwitz camp, it was a gigantic industrial complex (30), which needed tens of thousands of workers. Another document contains an order stating that deportations to the East may only be carrier out if the train also carries the necessary living barracks. This makes a mockery of the claim that the purpose of the deportations was “mass extermination”

The commandant of the Security Police and SD for the occupied territory of the Netherlands, den Haag 05.05.1943.
Regarding: Final solution of the Jewish question in the Netherlands Distribution list, tot the Central Office for Jewish emigration, Amsterdam Camp Westerbork.

Based on the latest instructions from SS Gruppenführer Raute and consultations with the representative of the RSHA (Reich Security Main Office), the following actions are to be carried out in the processing of Jews over the next few months, General guideline. The RF SS wishes to transport as many Jews to the East this years as possible. Next trains to the East, Since a new Buna plant is to be built at Auschwitz, which would not be destroyed by air attacks in the West, a very great number of Jews will be needed from the West, above all, in the months of Amy and June. It was agreed that first, the Jews ready for deportation should be transport through the coupling together of several trains during the first half of the month, that is, that the Westerbork camp should be rapidly emptied. Attempts should be made to attain the figure of 8,000 for the month of May. Train arrangements are being made by the BdS, Den Haag, with the RSHA. Since the RSHA is demanding another 15,000 Jews for June, the time must be reached as quickly as possible, when it will be possible to make use of the inmates of the Hertogenbosch camp as well. Amsterdam: This objective is compatible with the intent of the Gruppenführer to issue an order to empty the city of Amsterdam of Jews after defeating the present political opposition. This is take place in 2 stages. The Jews…

  1. State of the situation

The Reichmarschall has assigned the Reichsführer SS and Chief of the German Police with preparation of the measures for the Jewish Questions over an extended period. The Reichsführer SS has entrusted the Chief of the Security Police and SD with implementation of these tasks. He first encouraged the legal emigration of the Jews overseas through special measures. When emigration overseas was made impossible by the outbreak of the war, he introduced the gradual freeing of the Reichsterritory from Jews through their deportation to the East. Moreover, old people’s homes (ghettos for the aged) for the reception of the Jews were recently built within the Reichs territory, for example, at Theresienstadt. For details, please see remark of 21 December 1942. The construction of further old people’s homes in the Eastern territories is planned for the near future. The Chief of the Security Police and SD, for the implementation of their measures, have largely used the ‘Reichs Association of the Jews German’, which was created by the Tenth Order of the Reichs Citizenship Law of 4 July 1939. The Reichs Association, according the section 4 of this regulation, is subject to supervision by the Chief of the Security Police and SD. The financing of the measures, some of which are extraordinarily expensive, has thus far taken place without making any budgetary claims. The funds are being raised in various ways.

(32bis – 35) Germany wished, first of all, to win the war, and needed all available lab our. Photos of workshops in the Jewish ghetto of Lodz.

(36) Garment workshop at Auschwitz. Jean-Claude Pressac claims that these sewing machines were brought along with them by women deportees. The innumerable photographs of the deportation show not one single woman carrying a sewing machine on her back. Pressac’s interpretation is a perfect example of groundless and deliberate misinterpretation.

(37) Inmates were mostly assigned to general work such as building roads and irrigation installations, or to the support of civilian (Polish and German) workers.

(38) Factory for the manufacture of synthetic materials.

(39) Horticulture

(40) The I.G. Farben power plant at Monowitz.

(41) The enormous Buna works manufacturing complex at Auschwitz III.

(42) Air photo of I.G. Farben, 4 April 1944.

I.G. Farben built a complete new production plant a Auschwitz, where a variety of synthetic products were manufactured from coal, especially benzene, rubber and oil.

If the Germans had wished to kill the Jews with gas, inexhaustible quantities of numerous other, more efficient and cheaper chemical products were available for the purpose. Grotesquely, they are supposed to have selected a product manufactured in a factory near Berlin, a product which was in short supply and always expensive and in no way suited to the quick, efficient gassing of human beings, as we will see below.

Zyklon B was in such short supply that the factory could not even fill the required production quotas assigned them by the Wehrmacht. ZyklonB was a vermin control agent urgently needed on all fronts to prevent or controls epidemics.

In addition to I.G. Farben, approximately 30 other manufacturing plants had built subsidiaries at Auschwitz, including Krupp. There was an electrical plant, miles and miles of streets and roads, in addition to farmhouses and fields to feed the hundreds of civilians workers as well as inmates.



Regarding: conversion of ZyklonB circulation gas chambers to ‘Arginal’ and report on the number of gas chambers.

Relating to: Communication of the Supreme Health Officer dated 15.05.1944, journal number 308/44.

To the Supreme Health Officer
c/o Reichs doctor SS and Police
Berlin, Zehlendorff
Spanish Alee 10

With regards to the above mentioned communication, it is stated that there are 10 hydrocyanic acid circulation gas chambers in operation at Buchenwald concentration camp, with a cubic capacity of 10cbm each.

SS – Sturmführer D.R.

The danger of epidemics is always acute in wartime. It always represents a threat to the army as well as to the civilian population. Hygienic precautions are always indispensable whenever large numbers of people must live in close quarters under poor hygienic conditions.

The Germans understood this too and their concentration camps were built to be as possible under normal circumstances.

Hydrocyanic acid (45), manufactured under the trade name Zyklon B (the B stands for ‘Blausäure’, HCN in German), was sold for use in the struggle against typhus-bearing vermin, especially lice (50). The HCN was aborted in a carrier substance, disks or granulate (46), containing the hydrocyanic acid (HCN).

From the archives


Regarding: Vermin control by means of ZYLKON hydrocyanic acid gas.

With reference to the conversation on the 6th of this month, in which the administrative director, Hauptsturmführer Weichselsdörfer, expressed an interest in the radical delousing of barracks in speaking to Dr. Rachs of our firm.

The best and cheapest means of achieving such a purpose is our ZYKLON hydrocyanic acid gas process, which, as may be seen from the enclosed prospectus, guarantees the complete elimination of bedbugs, lice and fleas as well as all rodents in all stages of development as well as their young without damage to the building, installation, materials, dyes, metals, etc…. during the procedure. There are no residual odors.

As the leading company in vermin control, we are engaged in the constant disinfestations of public and private buildings of all kinds against all possible kinds of vermin. We have carried out disinfestations operations for Reichs administration offices, the Wehrmacht, Air Force, Army and Navy as well as all disinfestations operations which may prove necessary in the (labor service) camps. Our process is of particular significance when old barracks and buildings, inhabited by civilians during the post-war period, must again be converted for military purposes.

In view of the fact that an, exact determination of the extent of infestation is impossible due to the concealed life cycle of the vermin, which clings to electrical wiring, cracks in the walls, heating and ventilation conduits and the like and since partial gassings always fail in their purpose due to continued infestation, we recommend TOTAL gassing of the building which, carried out using ZYKLON B hydrocyanic acid gas, guarantees total elimination of all vermin within two days, without endangering adjacent areas. We offer many years of experience and guarantee the particular conscientiousness of our expert personnel. We assume full responsibility. The buildings must, however, be vacated all personal belongings behind, such as suitcases, cartons and so forth, including the most essential items. For this purpose, we advise the complete gassing of all buildings, one after the other, with simultaneous delousing of all personnel. This has been our procedure with the Wehrmacht, as described in the enclosed printed material.

In the event that you are interested, please provide us with more exact information as to be number location, type of construction, roofing and dimensions (cubic meters, length and breadth, from outside corner to outside corner and height, including, for example, the measurement of any basement cavities) of the barracks to be disinfested. In addition, please advise us as to how many barracks must be vacated and totally gassed for 2 – 3 days at the same time in one single working process. We will be pleased to send you a corresponding price offer. We remain gladly at your disposal for any further information and advice on the spot, without cost or obligation to you.
We wait your reply with interest.


(45) Scientific pest extermination with Zyklon B hydrocyanic acid – harmless and guaranteed. Kills lice.
Trained personnel – mostly sanitation workers – using special gas masks (48) and a special can-opening device (49) were assigned the job of fumigating, barracks and objects.

Specially-designed buildings and installations were also used for the purpose, using, in addition to HCN, hot air or steam. The latter was used chiefly for the delousing of clothing, blankets and mattresses, since this not only destroyed the vermin, but cleaned the material. This had the added advantage that it involved no risk, in contrast to the handling of Zyklon B, which was dangerous.

Zyklon B was initially used in the ‘disinfestations’ gas chambers located in structures BW5A and B (women’s camp), in addition to hot air and steam.

(51) Hot air disinfestations chamber in the central sauna at Birkenau. The claim was later made that the peepholes were proof of the existence of an execution gas chamber. That this is not the case, was later admitted by J.C. Pressac.

(52) The disinfestations installation at Birkenau (hot air system).

(53) The large sauna at Birkenau. The inmates entered these from the ‘unclean side’ (left wing of the building in the middle, with the smokestack).

They received a haircut, then entered a shower building (62) (the building to the central wing). In the meantime, their clothing was disinfected (in the building in the middle with the four smokestacks). The inmates finally left the building on the other side – the ‘clean side’. All areas inside the building were equipped with central heating (later removed
With or without evil intent), all work was done by the inmates themselves.

(52, 57, 58, 59) Autoclaves (‘unclean side’), arranged in the central sauna, where parasites, micro-organisms and carriers of epidemics disease in clothing, etc, were destroyed by steam under pressure (not a method of complete sterilization).

Note the massive doors which can be hermetically sealed, in gross contrast to the primitive wooden doors in the alleged gas chambers (88 – 92). Why weren’t the ‘gas chambers’ also equipped with doors like this?

Apart from these autoclaves, there were another three disinfestations chambers operating with hot air in the central sauna.

(55) One of the three autoclaves close-up. Note the adjustable rack which can be pulled in and out to hold the clothing.

(57) Inmates at work at the hot air delousing chambers in the Birkenau central sauna. These installations prove that the Germans were concerned with the health of their prisoners; who were needed for their lab our.

(56) The German word ‘Gaskammer’ often appears in German documents. This word refers to an area in which objects were disinfected with Zyklon B (a ‘normal gas chamber’) or another gas such as Ventox (‘special gas chamber’). Note the designation in the upper part of this diagram of the delousing barracks in BI (women’s section) at Birkenau.

The Auschwitz lie changed the gas chamber from a delousing installation, built to protect inmates from epidemics, into a gas chamber for the mass murder of undesired persons!

(60) Warning sign in Auschwitz. Rather odd, considering that this and other installations. Sign advertising the role of civilian building firm at Majdanek camp. The thousands of civilian workers who came into daily contact with the inmates never made any reports about execution gas chambers.

(64) The Soviets demonstrating how the Germans, supposedly gifted with normal human intelligence, allegedly proceeded during the mass gassings. The editor of the ‘Vim Nederland’ of 29 June 1991 comments. “The liberation of Madjanek camp in the summer of 1944. Russian soldiers showing how the cracks in the door of the gas chamber were sealed with mud and slime, to prevent the seepage of Zyklon B”.

“Vrij Nederland” published this rubbish in 1991 as ‘proof’ of mass gassings and sober- minded Dutch people swallow it without objection.

(65) At Bhopal (India) on 2 December 1984, just before midnight, a cloud of 40 tons of methyl isocyanides escaped from an underground tank at the American Union Carbide plant (…) The victims were asphyxiated in their sleep, fled outside vomiting and fell dead in the street. “It was as if someone had thrown pepper in their eyes”, said one survivor. 1500 Persons died miserably in a few minutes.

(66) This photo was explicated for years to spread the gas chamber swindle. We are supposed to believe that the Germans did their best to fool their victims through the installation of shower heads, while the entry door to the gas chamber was marked with gassing times! For this reason the photo was later retouched to get rid of the inscription.

(67) After the war, the disinfestations chamber at Dachau was described as a gas chamber for the mass murder of prisoners! The gas chamber at Dachau was ‘disguised as a shower bath with false shower heads’, but the stupid Germans obviously forgot to remove the warning notice on the door: ‘Warning! Gas! Danger of dead! Do not open!’ together with the notice stating the gassing times.

Even the Americans eventually grasped the stupidity of this ‘proof’ and retouched the photo so as to delete the text of the warning from later photos.


 The following photos show that the Germans were able to build gigantic gas chambers and even that they were already available. This technology was therefore nothing new for them.

(68) Tunnel with open door. Note the train carriage. The door, which could be hermetically sealed, hung from a drawbridge and was placed before the entrance to the tunnel by means of an electrical motor.

(69) This show the interior of a tunnel-shaped gas chamber equipped with rails, with enough space for several train carriages.

(70) Tunnel with door closed.

(71) Background of a tunnel installation in Budapest. Note the apparatus to bring the gas into circulation and exhaust it after the gassing operation.

(73) This tunnel was located in Budapest. Note the exhaust pipes in the background. The claim is made that the Germans deported nearly 450,000

Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz in 1944 and gassed approximately 350,000 of them immediately after arrival. The question arises: why didn’t they gas them on the spot, right there in Budapest?


 The photos reproduced here originate from the various Leuchter reports. Fred Leuchter Jr. is an American gas chamber specialist who has written reports on several of the alleged gas chambers in German concentration camps.

An execution gas chamber is a small room, with chairs for one or two condemned prisoners and which must fulfill various criteria.

First, the gas chamber must be welded and pressure-proof. It must be coated with an inert coat of paint, stainless steel or plastic. The doors must be sealed with an HCN-resistant material. Windows, door and all hinges must be rendered gas-tight and sealed with rubber or tar-coated canvas and moreover sealed with neoprene or tar.

Second, the room must be entirely dry and equipped with a gas generator or distribution system to enable the circulation of the warm air-gas mixture. The mixture required for a gassing amounts to 3200 parts per million or 3.2% HCN. The chamber must be free of any obstacles and enable a strong, constant and rich flow of air.

Third, the gas chamber must be equipped with a device to exhaust and neutralize the air-gas mixture and replace it with fresh air.

This is assured by an exhaust blower or suction fan with an outlet and inlet valve with openings of sufficient size to permit a suitable exchange of air per hour. This requires at least one complete air exchange every 30 minutes; the room may entered only after two hours of ventilation at the earliest. Finally, the gas ejected after neutralization by means of a special device. The final exhaustion must take place through a long pipe.

The temperature inside the installation, as well as the air in the intake valve, must be least 10 degrees above the boiling point of hydro cyanide acid (26.3 degrees) to prevent condensation of the gas on the walls and floor. HCN has a tendency to crystallize and adhere to surfaces.

After use, the gassing installation must be detoxified ‘through an ammonia spray’. The personnel is required to wear special gas masks as well as protective clothing.

For further information, see the Leuchter reports, published by ‘Vrij Historisch Onderzoek’, Antwerp.

(74) The cabin seen from above, with the door open.

(75) View into the gas chamber at the penitentiary at St. Quentin, California. Note the heavy door.

(76) Fred Leuchter Jr. (right) in front of the door to the execution gas chamber at Parchman, Mississippi. Leuchter was driven to commercial and professional ruin following the publication of his report.

(77) Doors of a Zyklon B delousing chamber (in Auschwitz), exhibiting remarkable similarities to American gas chamber installations. And yet the Germans are supposed to have used primitive wooden doors in their so- called ‘real’ gas chambers, the gas chambers alleged to have been used for the mass murder of human beings!

(78) The gas chamber at Parchman, Miss, seen from the outside. It is isolated from other buildings. Note the pipe for the exhaustion of the gas. There are no such pipes in the alleged German chambers, nor is there any trace or any such pipes.

(78 and 79) The heavy entry door of an American execution gas chamber. Compare this with the alleged German gas chambers (88 – 92).

(81) All valves and connections are carefully welded and moreover coated with a sealant, in order to seal off leaks. There is no trace of anything similar in the ‘Nazi gas chambers’.

(82) The ceiling of the gas chamber. This is where the air-gas mixture exhausted from the gas chamber and expelled through the high chimney.

(83) This is where the chemicals are prepared.

(84) Left: the heavy entry door. Right: the device to neutralize the air-gas mixture exhausted from the gas chamber and expelled through the high chimney.

(86) The chimney of a German delousing chamber.

(87) The chimney of an execution gas chamber at Parchman, Mississippi.


Several German documents mention the delivery of ‘gas-tight doors’ to the crematoria. Jean-Claude Pressac’s Auschwitz. Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers reproduces several of these documents.
Pressac believes that in so doing, he has provided proof for the criminal intent in the construction of the crematoria. In reality, however, these are quite ordinary doors or windows of finished wood, some of which may be seen in illustrations 88bis to 92. The only difference between these and a ‘non gas- tight’ door appears to be that a strip of felt has been nailed into the cracks of the ‘gas-tight’ doors.

The doors delivered to the Kremas were ‘gas-tight’, because, first of all, the temperature of a crematorium has to be kept down, secondly, to prevent the escape of odors and finally, because ventilation can only be effective if there are no counter-effective openings or poorly closed doors.

It should be obvious to anyone who has examined the doors of real execution gas chambers and delousing chambers, that these doors and windows could certainly never prevent the escape of a highly dangerous gas.

If the Germans had wished to use poison gas in these areas, they would have ordered and installed doors which were welded at the very least, such as those in the disinfestations chambers.

(88, 89 and 92) The legendary doors and hatches of the ‘gas chambers’ in which thousands of people are supposed to have been killed on a daily basis.

(90) This a drawing of the entrance door to the alleged gas chamber at Auschwitz, drawn by Auschwitz survivor Max Kantor.

(91) Door to a disinfestations chamber with peephole. This is clear proof that the presence of such a peephole is not proof of the gassing of human being.


 This three-dimensional diagram (93) was drawn by the Canadian geologist and air-photo specialist John C. Ball (see also chapter 10). The diagram is based on US air reconnaissance photos taken in 1944 as well as his own on-– the-spot investigations in 1993.

Photos 94 tot 99 show building 8 of figure 93. First, it is obvious that the building (the alleged ‘gas chamber’) is clearly visible and accessible from all sides, while the camp itself is protected from curious onlookers on two sides by a wall. If the building had been used for the purpose of mass murder, the murderers would certainly have chosen a well-hidden spot or at least walled it in. the building, partly surrounded by a hill of dirt, was originally perhaps a munitions warehouse. The building was modified into a crematorium with adjacent morgue by the Germans. Later, after the rearrangement of the crematorium, the building was used as an air-raid bunker. Figures 110, 111 and 112 show the various conversions of this building.

According to the defenders of the genocide theory, mass murders were committed in the morgue starting at the end of 1941.

(94) The main entrance to the north was visible to thousands of inmates on their way to work outside the camp every day (see figure 93). To the left of the crematorium is the SS hospital (see number 7 in figure 93), the road is at the top. Escaping cyanide gas could easily penetrate the SS hospital, as occurred at Bophal (66). That the SS could have used Zyklon B in this building is therefore out of the question. The chimney in the background does not date back to the war, but was ‘reconstructed’ after the liberation.

(95) Southern entrance (figure 112). This door was only installed by the German in November 1944 as the entrance to the former morgue, which had in the meantime been converted into an air-raid shelter.

(96) In the background; the SS hospital.

The tourist guides at Auschwitz tell tourist that the people who were doomed tot die entered the gas chambers through these doors – which in reality did not even exist yet.

(97 – 99) Interior of the morgue (alleged ‘gas chamber’).

(97) To the left: the entrance to the crematorium – no door, nothing which could be hermetically sealed. See also photo 104. To the right, in the background, a corridor with ordinary wooden doors, door handle and keyhole. See also photo 103.

(98) The morgue viewed from the door to the corridor. To the right: the opening to the oven room. To the left: an ordinary door with glass windows. See also photo 102. The gassing victims could simply have broken down the primitive door and broken the window.

As we will see below, the entrance and corridor were only installed in December 1944. At the time of the alleged ‘mass gassing’ there was, therefore, no access to the cellar, except through the oven room!

This is therefore a ‘gas chamber’ without a separate access door!

Faurrisson discovered this and commented: “No door, no destruction”!

(94 to 99) This is what the ‘execution gas chamber’ is supposed to have looked like! No hermetically sealed chamber, no specially insulated electrical wiring; no installation for the introduction and exhaustion of the gas, rough, unfinished walls.

(105) The ‘Zyklon B introduction hole’ seen from the outside.

(106) Interior view of the same hole. The work looks as if it had been done with a sledge hammer! This opening could never be hermetically sealed, the gas would seep out of the hole and endanger the personnel.

(107) The roof, viewed from a northern direction. Note the alleged Zyklon B introduction holes (1, 2, 3 and 4), two ventilation openings A and B. Photos from Pressac A.T.O. page 150.

(108) A man standing on the roof of crematorium I opens the primitive wooden lid of one of the alleged Zyklon B introduction holes. In the background: the SS hospital.

SS personnel and patients could have gassed during the very first gassing attempt. The ‘Zyklon B introduction holes’ were sealed with ordinary lids made of unfinished wood. Photo (105) shows the ‘introduction hole’ from the outside,

(106) shows it from the inside. Zyklon B vapor from the opening for hours could easily have penetrated the hospital. A similar accident took place at Bhopal in 1984, when clouds of methyl cyanide from leaks in underground containers and were carried by the wind into an adjacent population district. 1500 people died in a few minutes, thousands died later.

Prof. R. Faurisson has noted that these openings were pierced ‘for museum purposes’ after the war. They are not authentic.

(109) This photo was taken in May 1945. The liberators used the roof of the ‘gas chamber’ as a dance floor! If huge numbers of people had really been gassed here, this would surely have been forbidden out of simple decency. In the middle of the photo: a flag pole with a hammer and sickle flag of the Soviet union. No Zyklon introduction holes are visible in this photograph! Nor are there any exhaust pipes for the disposal of Zyklon B!

Tourists are told nothing of this all. Instead, they are told that the four ‘Zyklon B introduction holes’ broken in the roof after the war – are authentic!

Many people say that the Germans closed the originally existing openings and that the officials of the Auschwitz Museum broke four new ones, in different, incorrect locations. Room 3 (see figures 111 and 110) was integrated into the ‘gas chamber’ and the holes were arranged so as to be evenly distributed over the larger ‘expanded’ gas chamber. This was discovered by Robert Faurisson, the first person to bring this swindle to light. But what happened to the four openings?

Inside the morgue, the only opening visible in the rough cement of the ceiling are the four openings made by Auschwitz Museum officials, there is no trace of any other, allegedly ‘originals’ openings. If these had ever existed, they could simply had been re-opened.

Jean-Claude Pressac published photo 109 in Auschwitz:’ Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers’.
He points to three rectangular marks on the roof and states that these are the former Zyklon B introduction holes. Even this is a trick to get him out of an uncomfortable position. In fact, there is no trace of the three alleged ‘openings’ from the inside of the chamber, which is of rough concrete (photo 99). There are no original openings anywhere to be seen.
The conclusion is thus inescapable that, as can easily be seen with the naked eye, no ‘Zyklon B introduction holes’ ever existed! This means that the gas could not have been introduced in the manner described by the witnesses and that the mass murders with poison gas therefore never took place.

Robert Faurisson has pointed to three structural modifications to this bunker:

(110) From 10 October 1941 until 31 July 1943, the building was used as a crematorium with three two-muffle ovens.

In 1942, construction began on the four crematoria at Birkenau. When these were finished in March 1943, the old crematorium in the main camp was taken out of service, the three two-muffle ovens were dismantled.

(111) When Auschwitz came within the range of Allied bombers in 1944 and Monowitz was actually bombed on 13 September of that year, the Germans decided to convert the old crematorium, which had been used as a warehouse since it was put out of service, into an operating room equipped with an air raid bunker for the SS hospital. In so doing, they built a new entrance.

(112) After the liberation of the camp, the crematorium was once again converted, the dividing walls were demolished and the former morgue was merged with the adjacent room, while four ‘Zyklon B introduction holes’ were broken through the roof. It was then alleged that mass murders with poison gas were committed here in 1941-1942.

(110) (1) Entrance to the building, vestibule – (2) laying-out room – (3) wash room – (4) morgue (note: no entrance apart from the entrance through the wash room of the oven room) – (5) three double-muffle ovens – (6) coke and coal storage area – (7) urn room.

(111) Expansion of the old crematorium. air raid bunker for SS hospital with one operation theatre. The blueprint is dated 21 September 1944. Since the SS vacated the camp in January 1945, the conversion was of very limited utility to the Germans.

  1. Entry and lading (2) Operating theatre (3) Former was room, now air raid shelter with toilets (4) Four bunker dividing walls, arranged in a zig-zag pattern, to contain blasts of air during possible explosions (6) Channel and new entrance.

(112) Photo 112 shows the arrangement today. (1) Morgue (alleged ‘gas chamber’) (2) Four alleged Zyklon introduction holes in the ceiling (3) Two openings in the walkway for the toilet and water runoff indicate that this was formerly a separate room (4) Missing dividing wall (5) Ventilation aperture (6) Corridor entrance (7) Urn storage area (8) Coal storage area (9) Two double-muffle ovens (10) Openings between crematorium and morgue (11) Third double-muffle oven

Every year, thousands and thousands of tourists are told that this ‘gas chamber’ is authentic. In fact and in truth everything in this gas chamber is a fake, as Eric Conan admitted, with much wailing and gnashing of teeth, on 26 January 1995 15 years after Robert Faurisson has arrived at the same conclusion (for which he was fined).

This alleged ‘gas chamber’, in its present condition, in no way fulfils the elementary criteria which must be met by any execution gas chamber.

The room cannot be hermetically sealed, in the middle of the floor, there is a opening to the sewer system, the doors are of shoddy construction, there is no door between the ‘gas chamber’ and the oven room, although hydro cyanide acid is explosive in high concentrations, the electrical wiring is not insulated, there is no arrangement for the introduction of Zyklon B into the room and no arrangement for the forced exhaustion of the gas, which means that it would have been impossible to enter the room for a very long time after a gassing, similarly, there is no arrangement for the neutralization of the poison gas and no pipe to exhaust lower than the windows oh the hospital! The room is cool and moist, while it should have been warm and dry, to speed up the evaporation of the Zyklon B. the floor, walls and ceiling are of rough masonry, while the poison gas is easily absorbed by porous surfaces, which means that it would have been impossible to clean the room thoroughly, the masonry would release cyanide gas at all times, endangering anyone who entered the room.

It is upon this sort of deliberate misinformation that the Auschwitz Lie rests.


 (113) An especially sharp air photo, taken over Auschwitz I and Birkenau on 31 May 1944, that is, at the very time when, according the gassing and burning of hundreds of thousands Hungarian Jews was running full blast.

  1. Birkenau
  2. Auschwitz railway station
  3. Large railway shunting areas for the arrival and departure of materials and production from Monowitz and other factories
  4. Auschwitz I and the adjacent working areas
  5. The Sola

 In March 1941, Himmler issued an order for the construction of a prisoner of war camp at Birkenau, which was originally planned for the reception of 100,000 Russian prisoners of war. At this time, there had never been any plans to deport European Jews to the East. Hundreds of these blueprints regularly bear the designation ‘Prisoner of War Camp’.

The expression ‘extermination camp’ is an invention of Allied propaganda, Holocaust con- artists like to place these words in italics, to give the naïve reader the impression of authenticity.

Birkenau was designed like a small city. Everything was planned down to the smallest detail and the infrastructure was very extensive: cesspools, many kilometers of drainage system (the camp was located in a swampy area), hospitals, sewage purification plants, showers with central heating, many disinfestations building with various types of installations, bakeries, kitchens, quarantine divisions, etc….

When it was decided to begin the deportation of Jews to the East, Birkenau was an important transit camp. Much of what is connected to this resettlement bore prefix ‘Sonder’ …special. The words ‘special measures’, ‘special treatment’, etc, occur in innumerable documents without implying any criminal intent whatever.

Birkenau was used as a huge transit camp and lab our reservoir for Poles, Jews, Russian prisoners of war, political and criminal inmates of all nationalities. Many deported Jews landed here first, before being shipped on to other work camps, when the need for manpower was filled at Auschwitz, including Monowitz. Auschwitz was not the final destination for these people, as claimed in Holocaust propaganda.

The USSR had refused to sign the Hague Convention on Land Warfare. As a result of this, neither German prisoners in the Soviet Union, nor Soviet prisoners in Germany, enjoyed protection under this Convention.

The fact that the German government planned all these installations for the use of prisoners and expended financial sums of money to protect their health, does not, of course, prove that life in Auschwitz and Birkenau was comfortable. Quite the contrary. At certain times, the camp complex must have been a true hell, in which the chances of survival were slim.

The construction of this installation only proves that the responsible officials had no intention of extermination human beings, rather, quite the contrary, they planned to keep them alive under the best possible conditions, so they could work and produce in the numerous major war industries in the surrounding areas.

The German had a strong leaning towards bureaucracy, organization and statistics, hundreds of tons of documents, to which critical researchers with revisionist tendencies are often denied access, are now available to historians.

While the documents from the political division of Auschwitz were destroyed before the German withdrawal, the complete documentation from the construction administration have survived, along with the mortality registries, order forms, invoices from civilian firms, coal deliveries to the crematoria (more on this later). Even the quantities of dog food to be distributed to the kennels was carefully set forth.

In addition, the British intelligence services was able to listen in on and decode, all the daily reports from the concentration camp commandants to the central office in Oranienburg. They contain no mention of gassings, yet executions of prisoners sentenced death by shooting or hanging were duly mentioned, along with the figures of sick patients, statistics, production figures, etc….

(114 and 115) Diagram of the Birkenau prisoner of war camp (Auschwitz II), approximately two kilometers north west of the main camp.

BI – III: Camp sectors I, II and III: planned total capacity: 20,000 + 50,000 + 50,000 inmates.
BI: Women’s camp, capacity: 20,000 inmates, the largest building were the kitchens and hospital, which offered open view of the crematorium II.
BIIa: Quarantine division: before an inmate was sent to an adjacent camp or assigned to a job in Birkenau itself, he had to spend approximately 3 weeks in this division. This is the incubation period for the epidemics involved.
BIIb: Family camp: families were quite obviously not always separated.
BIID: Men’s camp.
BLLe: Gypsy camp.
BIIf: Hospital division; note the sports field to the left. Above and visible from the sports field, is the crematorium.
KII – V: Crematorium II to V. These buildings, according to the Holocaust scribers, are supposed to have contained homicidal gas chambers. The capacity, in view of the circumstances (high mortality due to epidemic) and the planned strength of the camp, was normal or even too low, burial of bodies was impossible due to the high water table.
Central sauna: all incoming inmates left the train on the railway spur between BI and BII. They went along the ring road between the crematoria II and III to the central sauna. They then undressed, they received a haircut, they showered, were disinfected, their clothing was deloused, they received prison uniforms, were registered etc… And finally arrived at the quarantine division. In the barracks underneath the central sauna, their possessions were inspected and finally stored, confiscated, i.e., stolen or further utilized. The central sauna was equipped with central heating. Today, many of the installation built protect the welfare of the inmates have simply disappeared. The installations may have been deliberately removed to make the camp look even more foreboding than it was already was, but it is also possible that these things were simply ripped out for use elsewhere. Personal possessions were disinfected in the central sauna in turbines and/or autoclaves ‘translator’s note: there is an apparent error in German here: the word “Enklaven” refers to hot air or steam; no Zyklon B was used here.

Sewage purification plants; two of these were in operation: two under construction and another two planned for BIII.

Structure BW5a and b: installation for disinfestations with Zyklon B in the women’s camp.

(114) Camp plan of Auschwitz O/S (Upper Silesia). It was planned to house 120,000 inmates, who were to be allocated to the three construction sections.

(116) This three dimensional diagram was drawn by John C. Ball on the basis of air photos of four reconnaissance flights in 1944, as well as investigation on the spot.

  1. The fields were ploughed and planted in 1944.
  2. Access roads to the main camp.
  3. Cesspools draining into the Sola 1.3 km further west.
  4. The ‘White House’, where tens of thousands of people are supposed to have been murdered with Zyklon B.
  5. This is were the victims are supposed to have undressed, although there was no building here before June 1944.
  6. Trees.
  7. The photographs taken of the above mentioned four purification plants between May and September 1944 show no ditches, no piles or bodies and no smoke, although it is claimed that thousands of gassings victims were being thrown large ditches and burnt, every day, since the crematoria were overloaded.
  8. Crematoria IV and V.
  9. Empty ditches, 6m long and 1.5m deep, with water at the bottom.
  10. Central sauna.
  11. Group of 30 barracks, also known as Canada, where inmates sorted and reutilized the possessions of new arrivals.
  12. Round basins and ditches for water purification. A sewage purification plant was also begun above BIII, so that every construction section possessed a sewage purification plants. All wasted water flowed into these installations and the more or less purified water then flowed into the Weichsel. These open-air sewage purification installations must have released terrible odors, especially during the summer. Many inmates reported an evil stench, which many of them attributed to the crematoria, while, in reality, it reality originated either from the purification plants or the petrochemical plants at Monowitz.
  13. The two large crematoria II and III were visible to thousands of passers-by inside and outside the camp, over treeless fields and from the numerous barracks in the camp itself, they were only surrounded with a barbed wire fence.
  14. Here there was an orchestra made up of 6 inmates from Auschwitz and Birkenau, who gave Sunday concerts.
  15. Sports and Football fields.
  16. Inmate hospital.
  17. Vegetable garden.
  18. Camp expansion III was still not surrounded by barbed wire (see 230 and 231).
  19. Kitchens (nine in the men’s camp and four in the women’s camp).
  20. Buildings in which clothing, blankets and mattresses were disinfected.
  21. Guard towers.
  22. Three-meter high barbed wire fence.
  23. Camp area for potatoes and vegetable.
  24. Women’s camp: barracks of stone and wood.
  25. Train platform.
  26. Toilets and washroom.
  27. Men’s camp.
  28. Mail entrance.
  29. Railway tracks.
  30. Water pumping station.
  31. Camp administration and related buildings.
  32. To Birkenau.

  (117) View of BII in a northerly direction, viewed here from the entrance way building. To the left: the barracks, an open strip, the drainage ditches, the barbed wire fence, watch towers, the road out of the camp. To the right: not recognizable from the picture, some administration buildings.

(118) These buildings, both of them surrounded only by barbed wire, represents the kernel of the genocide legend. Crematoria II and III of Birkenau. This is where 1.500 people or more are supposed to have been gassed to death and cremated every day.

  1. Access without roadblock
  2. Ploughed and planted fields
  3. Birches and poplars
  4. Photo 136 was taken from this location
  5.  Cesspools and drainage channels, leading to the Weichsel
  6. Watch towers
  7. Tanks for water purification
  8. 16 rows of barbed wire entanglements
  9. It is claimed that groups of up to 100 persons entered the area surrounded by barbed wire through this entrance at one time (see photo 123)
  10. Lawns in good conditions,i.e. they haven’t been trampled on
  11. The claim is made that, in 1944, 1,500 people and more entered the interior of the building using these steps, every day, where they were forced to undress.
  12. The roof of the half- underground room used for the laying out of corps before cremation, is only one meter above ground, the defenders of the genocide theory claim that this room (and 14) was used as a ‘gas chamber’.
  13. The roof, which is one and a half meters above ground, has no openings in it, although it is reported that the Germans threw Zyklon B through four openings
  14. Ditches three meters deep
  15. Crematoria with five triple-muffle ovens
  16. Ditches for water purification
  17. Photo 135 was taken from this spot
  18. Photo 126 was taken from this spot
  19. Kitchen of BI (women’s camp)
  20. Train carriages
  21. Railway platform
  22. The place where the women’s orchestra played during good weather
  23. The sports and football field, located only 50m from both crematoria

 (119) (120) Three-dimensional drawing of the coal storage area and coal conveyor system at Monowitz in comparison with the non-existent coke storage area at Crematorium II. Both Kremas were in fact and in truth only equipped with one coke storage room, containing the normal quantity of fuel. See chapter 10.

(121) Crematorium, cutaway drawing, taken from position 4 on figure 118.

  1. Posts carrying the barbed wire fence.
  2. Open entry door (compare figure 123
  3. Fence
  4. Stairway, leading to the half-underground room
  5. Watch towers
  6. Two rooms designated as morgues in all Germans blueprints and drawings, but alleged to have been used as undressing rooms for the victims before murdered
  7. Corps cellar1, alleged gas chambers
  8. Crematorium with five three-muffle ovens, to the right, offices and coke storage area

 (122) If the Germans had really wanted to carry out mass gassings, then the gas chamber should have looked something like this.

(123) Entry door to Crematorium II.

(124) A transport entering Birkenau.

(126) Arrival of Jewish women and children (deportation of Hungarian Jews). They are standing on the main road between Kremas II and III and are facing the latter. The Holocaust books claim that the road led nowhere and the women and the children are about to enter the false shower rooms in the cellars of the building in the background, where death by gassing awaits them. In reality, the ring road led further on towards the central sauna in the Canada section, as may clearly be seen in (128) (118) and (115). The Auschwitz Lie is based on disinformation like this.

(127) Arrival of a transport. Krema II was located at a distance of approximately 200m (see chimney), the prisoners, wearing striped suits, appear to be warmly dressed and are watching, note that there are no clubs, whips, dogs or any signs on unrest or violence.

(128) Air photo taken on 31 May 1944. This photo shows the road taken by all arriving inmates. Upon descending from the train, they saw the women’s camp BI to the left of the railway line and sector BII to the right. They then continued past the sports and football field (1) and marched along the ring road between the two crematoria Krema I and Krema II and then turned and marched en the direction of the central sauna (4). The open-air sewage purification plants (3) must have released e dreadful stench, particularly in the summer. The possessions of the arriving inmates were sorted and sorted in the 30 barracks (called ‘Canada’ in camp slang) below the central sauna (4). In the central sauna, the prisoners showered, received a haircut, were deloused and received inmate clothing, etc. Afterwards, they marched between Krema IV (5) and ‘Canada’ to the quarantine section in BII – a series of buildings (7). In so doing, they first passed through the hospital division and then large vegetable gardens and the role call area of that BII section. To their left stood a few barracks of section BII, which was still under construction.

(130) (131) Model of the crematorium II as well as the alleged gas chamber (morgue I). Although Pressac admits that this model exhibits numerous errors (131). It is still exhibited at the Auschwitz Museum. The ventilation system is completely misrepresents, since the cold air intake is at the top and the hot air outlet is at the bottom, which is quite normal for a morgue, while a gas chamber requires quite different conditions (since warm air rises): HCN gas is lighter than air and should be exhausted at the top. Furthermore, the corpses lying on the floor of the mass gassing chamber would block the ventilation grid, making all further ventilation impossible! But no execution gas chamber can operate without a ventilation system!

The model (133) shows 7 pillars of solid concrete. Many witnesses claimed that these pillars were hollow (142.
Furthermore the model (133) shows four (other witnesses spoke of three) Zyklon B introduction holes. In reality, these did not exist.

(132) The model in the Auschwitz Museum shows morgue 1 (the ‘gas chamber’) as being much longer in comparison to morgue 2 (the undressing room) than it in reality was. Compare the original blueprint (129).

The roof of the model shows four Zyklon B introduction holes, which in reality did not exist, and which are NOT in a straight line.

The falsified air photos (see chapter 9) show them sometimes in a straight line and sometimes not. The Auschwitz Liars get caught up in a tangle of contradictions, sinking deeper end deeper in quicksand with each successive sleight-of-hand trick.

(133) The alleged ‘gas chambers’ packed with murder victims. This would be impossible, since the “low” ventilation system consists of pipes laid at floor level along the longitudinal walls.

The corpses, saturated with hydro cyanic acid, would have represented a source of very great danger. It would have been necessary to drag them, one after the other, into the small elevator, which only designed for one or two coffins at a time and then carry them to the oven room, on the floor above the so called ‘gas chamber’.

To remove up to 2,000 bodies in this way from a room saturated with poison gas and then burn them in ovens with limited crematory capacity, with new transports constantly arriving and other bodies in need of cremation from natural death, would have been an absolute impossibility.

(143) Drawing 932 (129) shows three morgues, the small morgue 3 (probably a vestibule), morgue 2 (including an altered blueprint with access stairway, where the bodies were laid out prior to cremation and morgue 1). The latter morgue may have been used for corpses received in a state of incipient or advanced decomposition or for the corpses of typhus victims. These three rooms were all under ground. At ground level, above morgue 3, were the entrance to the crematorium building, a few rooms as well as the elevator and further away the large oven room with five triple-muffle ovens. At the end of this oven room, were a few other rooms as well as coke storage area. The inmates who worked in the crematorium lived in the attic of the oven room. In the chimney room, further in front, were a motor room and a rubbish incineration area.

Morgue 2 was initially planned without any entrance stairway and actually built as such. These steps first appear on blueprint 2197 dated March 1943.


These holes are a central point in the discussion.

Eyewitnesses claim that there were three or four of these holes in the roof of morgue 1, through which the SS men threw the deadly granulate into the death chambers. Since these holes cannot be located, however, the only possible conclusion is that they never existed.

(134) This photo was taken on 20 January 1943 and was reproduced J.C. Pressac on page 335 of A.T.O.. the photo shows the sharply contrasting snow-covered roof, on which the opening of the ventilation shaft is only visible between the seventh and eight windows. The four Zyklon B introduction holes are nowhere to be seen.

(135) This picture was taken in the summer of 1943. It was taken from the location of the sewage purification plants behind Krema II. Visible below windows seven and eight is the dark spot on the roof of morgue1, which was not yet covered with earth. This photo originates from the Kamann series Beuleitung ‘Construction Administration’ photograph album. The ventilation opening is only barely visible below window eight, there is nothing else to be seen.

This means that what we have here is a picture which ‘disappeared’ and was suddenly ‘discovered’ later. In view of the many fakes dished up by the Soviets, this must sound suspicious to the critical observer.
Pressac continues:

“Leichenkeller 1 has only 3 of the 4 openings for pouring Zyklon B, with which it was finally fitted. Rising to about 55 or 60cm above the roof, they were later covered to a depth of about 45cm with gravel and earth, so that only 10 to 15cm remained visible. This would explain why they did not stand out much when the grass grew and why they are so indistinct on the next photo, though this seems to be contradiction with aerial photos taken by the Americans in 1944 which how them to be higher.”

With the blindness which is so typical of him, Pressac ignores the fact only three of the four Zyklon B introduction holes, which are supposed to have existed at this time, are visible in the photo. Everything which does not fit into his preconceived notions is carefully blanked out. He is correct, however, in stating that introduction holes, which only protrude from the high grass by 10 – 15cm, would not be visible in air photos. Yet huge shadows are visible on many US air photos. This proves that these photos were faked before being published by the CIA. This problem, as well, is passed over by Pressac in silence (for a detailed discussion, see John C. Ball, Ernst Gauss, Germar Rudolf, etc…).

The photograph is a fake, first of all, because not a single Zyklon introduction hole to be found on the roof of morgue 1, which is now in a collapsed condition. The falsification is based on ‘eyewitness testimonies’, which mentioned three, instead of four, introduction holes during the early years after the war.

It would be truly remarkable if the Construction Administration had permitted such compromising photos to be taken and then permitted them to be left lying around someplace. The first thing to do, would be to track down the original, there is not the slightest doubt that the three Zyklon B introduction ports never existed.

The fakers probably based their work on the Franke-Griksch report, which allegedly dates back to 1943. It is, however, one of the most miserable fakes that we know of. This report speaks of three introduction holes. At the time of the falsification, there was no way of knowing that the official version of the Holocaust would finally require 4 introduction holes.

The fakers possessed an insufficient knowledge of the location, which themselves to be deceived by an optical deception caused by the white spot to the left, next to the locomotive smokestack. In effect, the morgue 1 (gas chamber) appears to the observer to stand at a right angle to the crematorium building at the height of the third window from the left. They therefore placed the Zyklon B introduction ports to the right (see diagram 137 and 138).

In truth, the ‘gas chamber’ stands at a right angle to the crematorium building underneath the second window. That the photo is fake is clear from the fact that the Zyklon B introduction ports lie purely and simply in the wrong location.

The reason why the fakers allowed themselves to be deceived by an optical illusion, is because they failed to study the blueprints with sufficient care. They fancied that morgue 1 began underneath window 7, but the white spot to the left of the locomotive chimney is already the beginning of the underground cellar, the roof of which was covered with earth, while the rest was still exposed. The layer of earth piled up on the roof was required to assure an even, low temperature in the morgue.

This data is taken from Jean-Marie Boisdefeu. La controverse sur l’extermination des Juifs par les Allemands (Brussels, 1994).

A fake photo of this caliber – it should be noted that it is only one of many proof, once again, how the Auschwitz liars have been forced to resorts to all sorts of sleight-of-hand tricks which must sooner or later be discovered. Those who discover these tricks are insulted as ‘amateurs’, ‘pseudo- scientists’ or ‘educated lunatics’, but there is never any rebuttal.

And the people who resort to all these tricks are the same people who accuse the revisionists of falsifying history!

(139) Enlargement of photo (136).

(141) A.T.O. (page 353) Inside the alleged gas chamber, that is, morgue 1. Here, as well, there is no trace of Zyklon B introduction holes. Pressac does find a wooden plug in the vault, to which one of the false shower heads was attached, according to him, but he can find no proof that this is so. It is obvious that these plugs were used for the attachment of electrical lighting cables. Note the heavy support pillars of concrete, with the iron reinforcing rods still clearly visible. Some of the Holocaust mythologists claim that these pillars were hollow, so that the Zyklon, introduced from above, could diffuse through holes in the pillars.

(142) In view of the lack of hard facts, one must be satisfied with the artistic talents of J.C. Pressac (A.T.O. page 487).

Not one single material proof for such a Zyklon B introduction device is available, no document, no order form, no invoice, no reference to such a document – nothing!

(143) Drawing based on the original plans of the underground morgue.

If Zyklon B introduction holes in the ceiling had been planned, these would have been installed in a workman-like manner and these plans would have been taken into account during the pouring of the concrete. Such openings, executed in a workman-like manner (as may be seen in photos 144-148) can still be seen, both in the attic of the crematorium (oven room), as well as the roof of the morgue 2 (the last is the room in which the intended victims are alleged to have been compelled to undress before being gassed).

(149 – 150) these are the only two openings which can be found in the roof of morgue 1 (gas chamber). These are irregular holes, pierced by brute force through the roof, in which the iron reinforcement rods were simply cut through and bent back. These two openings are far from the location where they really ought to be. They were probably broken through by ‘gold diggers’ after the war, hoping to find something to loot in the room lying underneath. It is also possible, of course, that the intention was to fake the appearance of Zyklon B introduction ports.


 The Zündel trial in Toronto gave rise to intensive research activity among revisionists. It is to Ernst Zündel that we owe the Leuchter report, named after the American gas chamber technologist Fred Leuchter Jr. (for Leuchter’s conclusion see page 12).

(151 – 154) Fred Leuchter crawling in the accessible part of morgue 1, that is, the ‘gas chamber’, making examinations and taking samples of material from the masonry.

(155 – 158) The German chemist Germar Rudolf.

According to the Holocaust scholars, the gassings took place with hydrogen cyanide, which was manufactured in Germany and sold under the trade name of ‘Zyklon B’. The B stands for ‘Blausäure’.
Zyklon B evaporates at 26 degrees C and is diffused into the ambient atmosphere. [Translator’s note: It boils at that temperature, it evaporates right down to the freezing point.]

Hydrocyanic acid reacts with iron forming the compound ferric-ferro cyanide. These are unusually stable and can last centuries.


For these reason, Leuchter took samples from the mortar from various inside the alleged gas chambers. He took a control sample from a delousing chamber (sample 32). The analysis of this sample by a well known US laboratory shows that sample 32 contained almost one thousand times as much ferric-ferroycyanide as the other samples, which showed no relevant cyanide concentration at all! The inescapable conclusion was that the alleged execution gas chambers had never come into contact with hydro cyanide acid at all (see figure 166).

Fred Leuchter was subjected to a medieval-style witch hunt after the publication of his report, a witch hunt which led to his commercial ruin. His whereabouts are now unknown, in order to escape his tormentors. Fred Leuchter was a gas chamber specialist, but not a chemist or academic. The section of his report which dealt with the chemical aspect of the matter did not fulfill the scientific expectations of the young German chemist Germar Rudolf (see photos 162 to 164 taken during sample taking).

After lengthy theoretical and empirical studies, he published the so-called Rudolf Report, named after him. This expert report rebutted the homicidal gas chamber hypothesis in particularly great detail.

Cyanide compounds are easy to recognize due to their blue color, the acid furthermore owes its name (in German) to this color. Cyanide and iron compounds last centuries, even under rough weather conditions.

(155 and 156) Germar Rudolf took samples from the inside and outside walls a building containing a Zyklon B delousing chamber. The compound formed by the reaction between hydrocyanic acid and iron has penetrated the wall and today, even 50 years later, is clearly recognizable even on the outside wall.

(156) On the inside of the Zyklon B delousing chamber, the walls exhibit penetrating bluish stains.

(158) No blue stains are to be found anywhere on the walls of the ‘gas chamber’, in which mass murders are supposed to have committed and which are protected from the sun and violent storms, laboratory testing shows no relevant content of cyanide residues.

(159 and 160) These graphs show the optimal evaporation rate of hydrocyanic acid ‘from the carrier material’, the time is about 4 to 6 hours at temperatures over approximately 20 degrees Celsius. All the reports of the mass gassings according to which it was possible to enter the chamber within 15 to 30 minutes, should therefore be relegated to the category of fairy tales.

(164) Cyanide concentrations tables. Investigation undertaken by Germar Rudolf, Laborator, Institute Fresenius, Taunsstein, Hessen.

Only the samples taken from the delousing gas chambers (9 to 22) show any significant content of cyanide residues. These are completely absent from the other samples, the latter contain only levels of cyanide residues which normally occur in nature.

This means that these rooms (including the ‘execution gas chamber’) never came into contact with Zyklon B and that therefore mass murders with Zyklon B could never have taken place there.

(165) In the face of scientific research, the Auschwitz liars can only reply with counter-arguments taken from the realm of over-heated fantasy. This is Max Kantor’s depiction of the delousing gas chambers.

(167) Table with cyanide concentrations in the samples brought back by Fred Leuchter. The analysis was performed by Alpha Analytical Laboratories in Ashland, Massachussetts. Sample 32 (from a delousing chamber) shows a concentration of 1050 mg, while all the remaining samples either show no verifiable concentrations or concentrations which are so low as to be only barely verifiable.

(168) The same tests were performed on order of the Auschwitz Museum by the Institute for Forensic Medicine in Cracow, Poland. The local laboratory used a method which was entirely inadequate, but still found no relevant cyanide residues in the ‘execution gas chambers’.

These scientific findings have never been rebutted. Germar Rudolf worked for the famous May Planck Institute in Stuttgart. He lost his job and was sentenced to a term of imprisonment without probation.

Judge A.J. Molhoek in Den Haag (Holland) ordered 2,000 copies of the Rudolf Report confiscated after 500 copies had been sent to Dutch chemistry teachers. In the absence of reliable arguments, the Holocaust must be protected from the revisionists by police truncheons and thought-crimes legislation.


 If Auschwitz had been an extermination camp, the Germans would have had to possess some means of corpse disposal. No mass graves have ever been discovered in the vicinity.

The area is no swampy and the water was so high, that recourse to mass graves would have been practically impossible in any case.

It is a fact that five crematoria were erected, with various models of ovens and various oven capacities. This appears extraordinarily suspicious to the first glance. At any rate, all five crematoria were never in use ‘simultaneously’ and were constantly breaking down.

The book by the French pharmacist Jean-Claude Pressac, “Les Crématoires d’Auschwitz” (1933, published in German by Piper under the title Die Krematorien von Auschwitz in 1994), has been praised to the skies by the mass media. But the title is a false promise: there is no trace of a technical treatment of the topic.

The only serious study of the crematoria at Auschwitz and Birkenau so far was written by the Italian Carlo Mattogno (175) in collaboration with the engineer Franco Deana (176), with the further assistance of a German engineer who has since died. The work appeared in two volumes at Edizioni di Ar. An abridgement appeared in the anthology Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte, Grabert Verlag, 1994.

(175 and 176) Carlo Mattogno (left) and Franco Deana (right).

(177) A modern Belgian crematorium, where three to five bodies per muffle are cremated daily.

(178) Kremas II and III at Birkenau, which both contained five triple-muffle ovens.

(179) Two-muffle ovens at Buchenwald, similar to Krema I at Auschwitz.

(181) Voucher for 16 ton coke for crematorium Birkenau delivered on 30 April 1943.

(182) Voucher for 4 ton coke carried on 14 March 1943 in railway carriage number.

(183) Voucher for 6 ton coke mixed for division crematorium carried on 16 March 1943 by rail carriage number 11.

(184) The SS administration also needed to estimate the anticipated coke consumption. The illustration is a photocopy of a document dated on 17 March 1943.

The factual basis means that it is very easy to calculate the number of cremations anticipated at that time.

(partial translation of figure 18, dated 17 March 1943)

“Relating to: estimated coke consumption for crematorium II and III according
to the data given by Tops and Sons (oven Builder), dated 11 March 1943.
10 firings = 350 kg/hr
In 12 hours = 12 x 350 = 4,200, for 2 crematoria = 8,400 kg
With constant use, these values are considerably lessened, so that one may calculate 2/3 of this quantity. For crematoria II and III therefore consumption in 12 hours = (350 x 12) > 3 x 2 = 5.600 kg.
Crematoria Iv + V:
(35 x 4x 32 x) > 3 x 2 = 1120 x 2 = 2,240 kg in 12 hours.
Totals: Krema II = 2,800 kg
Krema III = 2,800 kg
Krema IV = 1,120 kg
Krema V = 1,120 kg
Total = 7.840 kg in 12 hours (daily)

These are peak performance figures! They do not indicate annual consumption, since the number of hours requiring heating cannot be known in advance (end of partial translation).

Mattogno: “The 5.600 kg coke anticipated for crematoria II and III correspond to the cremation of (5.600 divided by 20.3) = 276 emaciated corpses. The 2,240 kg coke anticipated for crematoria IV and V would suffice for the cremation of (2,240 divided by 15.5) = 146 corpses. This corresponds to a total of 422 corpses. Since we must assume a twelve-hour period of operation per crematorium per day, with the other 12 hours per day being spent in cooling and repairing the ovens, the indicated quantity of coke also includes the quantity required to re-heat the ovens….”

According to the above, the hypothetical number of corpses to be cremated amounted to maximum 320 bodies.

The conclusion of the two authors is as follows: “… This proves that the SS plainly anticipated the cremation of corpses of registered inmates and did not plan the cremation of any gassing victims …”

(185) The Germans maintained an efficient administration and kept exact books on the strength of the camps at all times.

A considerable proportion of the documentation has survived intact, including 45 death books, containing the most important information on all mortality cases.

(185bis) A crematorium is an installation with specific technical characteristics and capacities, which are very exactly known, both in theory and practice we quote the following from Deana and Mattogno’s research:

“The maximum cremation capacity of the crematoria of Auschwitz and Birkenau amounted to 1,040 and 1,248 daily. From the documents, we know the number of days on which the crematoria were in operation. If the crematoria had functioned on an interrupted basis during their period of operation, they would have been hypothetically able to burn the following numbers of corpses:

Crematoria II and III: (915 – 212 days) x 192 corpses per day = 40,128 corpses.
Crematoria IV and V: (279 – 70 days) x 192 corpses per day = 40,128 corpses.

In total, it would have been impossible to cremated more than 293,208 corpses. This is about halt the total number of gassing victims indicated by Pressac. In this case, it would have been impossible to cremated the corpses of inmates who died of natural causes.”

Mattogno and Deana: “Since we know both the practical and theoretical coke consumption for the cremation of a corpse, the following empirically tested conclusions are inescapable”:

The Topf double-muffle oven of the model used at Auschwitz required the following quantities of coke for the cremation of one corpse under continual operation:

Normal corpse: 25 kg coke
Slim corpse: 28 kg
Badly emaciated corpse (“Moslem” in camp slang): 30.5 kg
The coke consumption of the triple-muffle oven amounts to 16.7 kg, 18.7 kg and 20.3 kg.

“… From the above data, the following conclusion can be drawn, the coke deliveries from March to October 1943 provide irrefutable proof that only corpses of inmates having died natural deaths were burnt in the crematoria. Therefore, no mass murders by gas were committed during the period of March to October 1943…”

“ According to the ‘Calendarium’ of Danuta Czech, the standard work in support of the official theory, at least 522,000 people were gassed and burnt during the period between 1 January 1944 and 30 October 1944. The calculations show, however, that theoretically, the crematoria could only have disposed of 126,960 corpses and that in this case, therefore, the remaining (approximately) 395,000 corpses must have been burnt in the cremation ditches (which were described by eyewitnesses, but not a trace of which has ever been found.”


The refractory birch masonry of a crematoria oven usually disintegrates after the cremation of about 3,000 corpses, under very favorable circumstances. In view of the facts of the case, the authors come to the following conclusion:

“ On the basis of the above, it may be concluded that the ovens of Auschwitz I and Birkenau could have burnt approximately (138,000 + 24,000) = 162,000 corpses. This number corresponds quite exactly to the number of inmates who can be proven to have died of disease. The cremation of the alleged gassing victims was therefore an impossibility.”


Eyewitnesses claim that when the crematoria were ‘overloaded’, the corpses were burnt in the open in ditches. The wildest stories are current on this point. One of the most important eyewitnesses to the cremations is Filip Mueller, he describes the procedure on several pages in great detail. According to him, the layers of bodies were piled up on tope of each other in a ditch, upon which wood was piled upon the top layer and set in fire.

The cremations in open-air ditches described by Mueller and the other eyewitnesses are technically quite impossible. The two authors come to the following conclusion:

“ To burn the bodies in the manner described by him (Mueller), they would have had to sack them in alternate layers with wood in between. Since such a stack would receive no draught of air for combustion from the bottom and very little draught from on top, due to the convection of heat and obstruction caused by the thick stacking of bodies, such an arrangement could only have smoldered.”

(186 – 189) Alfred Kantor’s recollection of daily life at Auschwitz:

“ The crematoria burn 20,000 per day.”
“ 1,000 gassing victims [Vergasungsopfer] in 14 minutes.“
“ Good conduct had the result of ‘being sent to the crematorium.”
“ Living infants were burnt with petrol under the open sky.”

Comment is superfluous.

(186) Many inmate drawings show crematoria with black smoke billowing out of the chimneys. In reality, crematoria chimneys issue very little smoke and no smell at all.

(187) A few witnesses speak of a stairway leading to an underground room, according to other witnesses, the victims entered the crematorium through an ordinary door. The eyewitnesses testimonies all contradict each other.

(188) although the inmates got out of the trains at a railway platform which was only 200 m away from the crematorium, according to this drawing they were conveyed to the crematorium by lorry.

According to Alfred Kantor, the inmates were gassed for good behavior and shot for good behavior!

(189) Alfred Kantor, an Auschwitz survivor and artist, loses all control over himself when painting crematoria and cremation ditches.


 (190 – 200) Deportation under barbaric circumstances, beating with truncheons and whips, vicious dogs and arbitrary executions.

The photos, by contrast, show ordinary procedures of reception into the camp. German soldiers walk calmly about among the new arrivals. The arrivals show no signs of panic or fear.

In contrast to the eyewitnesses testimony of the Belgian woman Regine Beer: “SS men to us whip in hand.” Page 46: “Those who had suffocated during the journey were dragged out of the car and immediately burnt.”

On the other hand, one sector of Birkenau was designated as a ‘family camp’. BII was planned for the reception and processing of patients from the various work camp in the area. All this contradicts the extermination theory.

(190 – 200) Regine Beer continues in the French edition.

“SS soldiers came to us, whip in hand. Men, woman and children were immediately separated. At the end of the road stood the camp commandant or doctor. With a movement of the hand to the right or the left, they decided whether the people were to die immediately or whether they had the right to live a bit longer.

“ The old, the sick, the weak, people with a child in their arms or by the hand, pregnant women and entire groups were immediately sent to the left. To be gassed and burned, but we didn’t know that yet.”

All this corresponds to the official dogma. We have all read similar descriptions of the selection upon arrival at Auschwitz. It has since been shown that the ‘selections for gassing and burnings’ are sheer fantasy. As noted by Boisdefeu on the basis of several official documents, the right-hand of the convoy which included Regine Beer (the line of people who were fit to work), included, as correctly stated in the official history, 99 women who were registered under the numbers A5143 to A5211 (Regine Beer received A5148), while the left-hand line (the line with the women, children, sick people, etc., who were believed to have been gassed), included a child 9 years of age named R. Friedel and his mother, T. Esther – both of whom returned to Belgium after the liberation of the camp! They were not gassed at all (we fail to see why the other persons considered ‘unfit to work’ in the same line should have gassed either). Rather, they were simply sent to the family camp – nothing more! At this time, those considered ‘unfit to work’ could not be sent to camps further East, in the USSR, because of the advance of the Red Army and were therefore apparently housed at Auschwitz itself. Our two heroines then underwent a second selection, after which they still were not gassed (for the simple reason that nobody was ever gassed at Auschwitz, (but were registered at the same time as the Czechoslovakian and Hungarian Jews – number A5769 for the mother and A3099 for the daughter.

(201) “During their stay in the concentration camp, those who fit to work were lodged in armaments factories for the utilization of their labor. The children were separated from their parents and sent into the gas chambers immediately after their arrival with the old and the sick, the Jews who were no longer able to work.”

(202 and 203) The infamous selection. Children, old people and sick were allegedly murdered and burnt immediately. In reality, they were lodged in the family camp or sent to another camp. For example, Ellie Wiesel or Simone Veil (253 left) were still children during their deportation, so was Anne Frank. She wasn’t gassed but transferred to Bergen-Belsen. In Buchenwald, more than 1,000 children were released, who had been transferred there from Auschwitz, children can be seen even in photos taken after the liberation of Auschwitz (224 – 226).

See before (190 – 200): Regine Beer

(203) this famous photo, which also appears on the cover of J.-C. Pressac’s Les Crématoires d’Auschwitz, appears constantly in the media. A women with a star of David strides past the line of men. She does not seem to suffer from any particular fear of the German soldiers.

In a Japanese camp, she would have had to bow respectfully.

(204) The prototype Hollywood German.

(205) Distribution of food in the Plaszow camp, which also appears in Stephen Spielberg’s list. It should be noted that they prisoners are well-fed and clothed and are wearing decent shoes.

(206) Food being brought to the barracks on a horse-drawn wagon. These photos also originate from the Plaszow camp. Drainage ditches are visible everywhere.

(207) Authentic photograph of Plaszow camp. It should be noted that the soldiers accompanying the prisoners are unarmed.

(208) Scene from Plaszow: inmates pushing a cart loaded with stones out of the pit. To the left: an onlooker.

(209) Plaszow: roads in the camp being asphalted. To the left: four prisoners carrying a canister with food.

(210 and 211) If the prisoners were terrorized, the guilty parties were mostly Kapos and foremen, in other words other prisoners. In this regard, Regine Beer complains about the Polish Kapos more than the Germans. Of these Kapos, she writes (page 57). “At the top of a working crew was a Kapo. These were mostly Poles. The Polish women never left us alone for a moment. Maintenance of peace and quiet were their favorite task, and the end justified the means. They withheld a portion of the rations from their fellow prisoners (page 59). They weren’t afraid of anything since in most cases they had already been to prison as criminals. They beat us right away and with great pleasure, that was plan to see.
Frans Fisher in L’Enfer de Breendonck: “Once one of the chiefs (Kapos) thought we weren’t marching fast enough, so he hit me on the kidneys with a truncheon. This chief bore the yellow stripes on his jacket which designated an Israelite.”

In fact, the internal organization and administration of each German concentration camp was entrusted to the inmates themselves, since there was a lack of guard personnel as all the available men were at the front. The SS restricted itself to supervision and guard duties. Most of the inmates therefore had very little contact with SS personnel. Many inmates admit that they were better treated by SS men than by their fellow prisoners.

(214) The orders for the German SS guard personnel was unequivocal, mistreatment was strictly forbidden!


The inspector of the concentration camp Berlin, 4 June 1937 and leaders of the SS Death’s Head Association.
Order Sheet SS TV/IKL n° 5

May 1937

The order sheet is distributed at the end of a month, it is intended to contain a retrospective summary. The contents are to be made known to the units upon receipt of the order. N° 29: Mistreatment of prisoners SS Oberscharführer Zeidler, in the concentration camp Sachsenhausen, as the result of sadistic impulses, struck an inmate in the most beastly way. He was demoted to SS man, permanently discharged from the SS and handed over to a criminal judge. This case is cited as a deterrent example. Constant reference must be made during training to the constitute mistreatment. The punishments which a camp commandant is empowered to inflict upon a recalcitrant prisoners are so severe and thorough, that there is no need for any self-help. The decency of the SS will be kept pure in all cases by the expulsion of the criminals.


(215) Distribution of food. This drawing appears in M. Koscielniak (Ondergang. De vervolging en verdelding van het Nederlandse Jodendom, Dr. J. Presser).

(216) Distribution of food in Dachau 1938. The good condition of the Dachau inmates before the war indicates that the camp was designed as an installation for the imprisonment, principally, of serious criminals, as well as Communists, with a poor outlook for rehabilitation or ‘re-education’. When the camp was forced to accept more and more prisoners due to the circumstances of the war, these serious criminals and communists, who had already been interned for considerable periods of time, were entrusted with key positions. They only thought of their own interest and their own survival and as a result, simply followed their own instincts and felt no solidarity with the fate if the thousands of political prisoners on their conscience. The political inmates and Jews were involved in a bitter struggle for survival against the common criminals. See, in this regard, the books of the revisionist Paul Rassinier, who personally experienced the camps of Buchenwald and Dora.

(217) Plaszow. Cheerful-looking inmates bringing bread from the kitchen to the barracks, with civilians standing around in the background.

(215) These drawings are hardly compatible with the order reproduced in (214).

(218) Report from the Prague Post Office of 20 September 1943. It involves a payment made on 8 June 1943 in favor of the prisoner Otakar Litomisky booked in his favor at Auschwitz on 18 July 1943.

(219 and 220) Voucher for the mailing of a package of food on 26 July 1943 to the prisoner Otakar Litomisky in Auschwitz concentration camp. The sender was instructed to draw up a statement of the contents of the package duplicate, one copy was sent with the package, the other was to be kept. Inmate no. 113359 Otakar Litomisky only received one of the packages sent to him at Auschwitz and that one was plundered almost empty (source: Brieven uit de hel. Herinneringen van gevangene Otakar Litomisky, n° 113559, Voselaar, 1992).

It was Litomisky’s fellow inmates who were responsible for the plundering of the packages.

(221) This is the American horror story version of life in the camps, in which the evil Nazis were responsible for everything.

(222 and 223) While German cities were bombed flat, here is a report on Dresden, where Allied terror bombers killed more than 250,000 people between the 13th and 15th of February of 1945 while the evil Germans did their best to save thousands of inmates.


The Higher Police and SS Leaders. Dresden, 22 March 1945.
The Commander of the Ordnungspolizei ‘Security Police’.
Routine order n°47.

  1. Air attack on Dresden.

 To counter wild rumors, the following short extract from the Police President of Dresden on the 4 attacks dive bombs.

  1. Attack on 13 February 1945 from 22.09 to 22.35 approximately heavy explosive bombs and 400,000 dive bombs.
  2. Attack on 14 February 1945 from 1.22 to 1.54 approximately heavy explosive bombs and 170,000 dive bombs.
  3. Attack on 14 February 1945 from 12.15 to 12.25 approximately 1500 heavy  explosive bombs and 50,000 dive bombs.
  4. Attack on 15 February 1945 from 12.10 to 12.50 approximately 900 heavy explosive bombs and 50,000 dive bombs

 13,441 houses were totally destroyed or severely damaged, i.e. 36% of all the houses in Dresden.
The following were also totally destroyed or so severely damaged that they could no longer be used.
30 banks 647 shops
36 insurance buildings 2 museums
31 warehouses and department stores 19 churches
32 large hotels 6 chapels
25 large guest houses 22 hospitals and clinics
75 administration buildings 72 schools
6 theatres 5 consulates, including the
Spanish and Swiss consulates
In the refrigeration storage house, only 180 barrels (50 kg each) were destroyed, all other stocks were saved.
By the evening of 20 March 1945, 202,040 bodies had been recovered, the majority women and children.

The death total must be expected to rise to 250,000; only approximately 30% of the dead could be identified.

The Ordnungspolizei (security police) of Dresden suffered 75 killed and 276 missing, who, for the most part, must be presumed dead. Since the dead could be not carried away and buried, either rapidly or in time, 68,650 of the dead were cremated and the ashes scattered in the cemetery.

Since the rumors far exceed the reality, official use may be made of the actual figures.

The losses and damage are severe enough.

The entire severity of the attack lies in the fact that this degree of damage was caused in a few hours.

For the Commander of the Ordnungspolizei (Security Police) The Chief of Staff, signed Grosse. Colonel of the Schutzpolizei (Security Police).


(224) Healthy-looking children during the liberation of Auschwitz.

(225 and 226) Block 11 in Buchenwald was the children’s block. Upon the liberation of the camp, the block contained more than 1000 children who had been transferred here from Auschwitz at the end of the war and who looked very healthy.

(228) What is one to think of the statement of the Polish midwife Stanislawa Leszczynska and the healthy infants in photo n° 227?


Report of the Polish midwife Stanislawa Leszczynska, former inmate of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

“… The sick women gave birth in the vicinity of the oven. Approximately 3,000 children were born with my help. Despite the fearful dirt, the vermin, the rats, despite contagious diseases, the lack of water and other deficiencies, which cannot even be described, they were so terrible, extraordinary things happened in the hospital there.”

One day, the camp doctor ordered me to draw up a report on cases of puerperal fever and mortality among the mothers and new-born children. My answer was that I had never had a single case of mortality among the mothers and new -born children. The camp doctor looked at me with astonishment. He said that not even the model clinics at German universities could boast of such success. His eyes reflected scorn and hatred. It is possible that the emaciated organisms were too immune to offer a breeding ground for bacteria (18).

(18) International Auschwitz Committee – In Hell They Preserved Human Dignity – Anthology volume II part 2, Warsaw 1971, page 187. The report relates to the hospital in Auschwitz-Birkenau. The blue Auschwitz anthology is an official publication of the Auschwitz Museum.



 Being aware of the criminal consequences of a false sworn statement, I, Franz Krause, born on 16 June 1904 in Gedaithen, Krs.Allenstein, East Prussia, residing at …, make the following report, the correctness and truthfulness of which I confirm under oath.

From October 1943 to March 1945, I was the chief squad leader (sergeant- major) of headquarters company 1st division of the tank regiment of the ‘Viking’ division. In early May 1944, I was assigned to the tank regiment as leader of the support point. ‘Support point’ means the management of material reserves, devices, clothing, etc. I received the order to construct the support point in the Auschwitz concentration camp, while the division was on the troop exercise ground at Heidelager (Debica, Poland). In the Auschwitz camp, a barracks, in which I could store the materials, was made available to me by the

My stay right there lasted 10 weeks, so that I used the opportunity to allow my wife and 5 years-old boy to come stay with me. The dwelling made available to me by the camp administration was located in an individual dwelling house. Since I had enough time, I walked around the camp to get to know it. No restrictions were imposed upon me by the camp administration.

I remember especially well that I heard music and went over to see where it came from. In front of the local administration building stood thousands of inmates standing in march formation and marching along the camp road to the armaments factories located outside the camp under the direction of Kapos (prisoners) to the sound of music. Towards evening, they returned to the camp. This was repeated every day during my stay. I have established that the inmates were well fed and their behavior was also good.

I made the same observation in the women’s camp. To the song of ‘High on the Yellow Wagon’, they marched to the local agricultural experimental installation, which was under the direction of Thies Christophersen. I remember that the women came from the adjacent camp of Birkenau.

During my inspections, I discovered a camp with suitcases. Since I had only escaped with my naked life from the Tscherkassy encirclement, I went to camp commandant Baer to ask if he could give me a suitcase. Baer refused. In a second conversation, he explained to me that the suitcase belonged to the prisoners and that he could not dispose of them. He reported to me upon the occasion a commission had examined the lodgings of the camp personnel a few weeks before. If anything was found which belonged to the inmates, the person was sent to the SS punishment camp at Matzkau near Danzig. Baer did not wish to risk such a punishment for the sake of a suitcase. I never forgot that statement.

During my wanderings through the Auschwitz camp, I never saw a gas chamber, nor did I perceive any stench of burnt corpses. The columns of smoke that I saw came from the surrounding armaments manufacturing plants.

If people object that thousands, or even tens of thousands, of prisoners were gassed or burnt during this period, ‘I must reply that such proceedings could not have remained concealed from me. At any rate, I never saw or heard anything about it! A sub-squad leader from the administration lived in our neighborhood, with whom I often conversed about everything possible. Our wives became close friends and visited each other. There was never any mention of gassing of inmates. We also visited a musical event in the camp.

On the whole, I got to know Auschwitz as a decent labor camp.

I had no contact with the inmates themselves, they were on labor service during the day, so that the camp was almost empty. I never saw anything in the way of brutality of the SS against inmates. Only once, I saw a labor commando hoeing weeds in the camp, the supervising Kapo was very aggressive and kicked several inmate.

This my report of the major impressions which have remained in my memory.
Signed, Franz Krause.

N° 11 of the role of sworn statements for 1991, notary public Helmut Meyer, Einbeck, 7 March 1991.


(230 and 231) Blueprint 2521, drawn up on 30 June 1943 in the Economic Main Administration Office of the SS in Berlin, provided for the construction of a new camp section B III for the reception of approximately 16,000 sick inmates as well as a quarantine section.

This fits in very poorly with the theory that Auschwitz was planned as an extermination camp.

Pressac points out that a later blueprint, dated 7 December 1944 (barely two months before the liberation of the camp) designates BIII as the intended location for ’60,000 prisoners’. This is no way changes the fact that in June 1943, that is, shortly before the termination of Crematoria II to V, blueprints were drawn up for the reception and care of 16,000 patients and proves only that this plan was later changed for some reason.


 (232) Paul Rassinier, (233) Maurice Bardeche, (234) Thies Christophersen, (235) Wilhelm Staeglich, (236) David Irving, (237) Udo Walendy, (238) Arthur Butz, (239) Robert Faurisson, (240) Fred Leuchter, (241) Robert Faurisson, Fred Leuchter, Mark Weber, (242) Juergen Graf, (243) Jean-Claude Pressac, (244) Germar Rudolf

Doubts as to the correctness of the innumerable atrocity tales on the Second World War arose very soon after the war.
One of the trail-blazers was the Frenchman Paul Rassinier, who was himself interned in Buchenwald as a resistance fighter. Author of several books, The Lies of Ulysses (1950), Ulysses Betrayed by His Own (1961), The True Eichmann Trial (1962), The Drama ‘tragedy’ of the European Jews (1964). These books are worth reading even today. The Lies of Ulysses provides a profound insight into the way in which German concentration camps actually functioned.
The short text the Auschwitz Lie, published in 1973, was like a bolt out of the blue. In this book, the agronomist and former Wehrmacht soldier Thies Christophersen, who was assigned to Raisko, an Auschwitz satellite camp as an agricultural expert after being wounded in France, describes what he saw there and how he investigated the wild rumors current among the inmates. He stated that he never saw any gas chambers and testified that the treatment of the inmates in Raisko was very humane.

Although it was a very modest text, the effects were enormous. 100,000 copies were sold, including the translations. The book inspired many other researchers, like Ditlied Felderer, Wilhelm Staeglich, Arthur Butz, etc…, to examine the question.

In the meantime, many other researchers had also gone to work.

One obstacle, of course, was that Poland was still Communist and independent researchers were hardly allowed into Auschwitz and Birkenau. The communists had established the correct version of history – apparently forever.
But the Poles were not suspicious of Ditlied Federer. As a Jehovah’s Witness, he was investigating the fate of other Jehova’s Witnesses who had died in Auschwitz and other camps. He was also accompanied by his beautiful Philippino wife, whom the Poles mistook for a Vietnamese, that is, the citizen of an allied state. Felderer very soon discovered that something was rotten in the official version of history. He took thousands of photos and interrogated almost everyone he ran into. He thus performed significant research work, the results of which he sent to the German-Canadian Zündel.
In Germany, the former judge Wilhelm Staeglich published his book. The Auschwitz Myth in 1978. Another classic, written by the American professor of electronics and computer sciences, Arthur Butz, had already appeared in 1946. Both books are indispensable for anyone seriously interested in revisionism, even today.

In many countries, texts appeared which disputed the official version of the Holocaust. Leading the way was the Institute for Historical Review in Los Angeles, which held revisionist conferences and printed or published numerous books. Some of their most prominent writers are Mark Weber, Tom Marcellus, Greg Raven, Bradley Smith, Friedrich Paul Berg, Arthur Butz, Carlos W. Porter, J-M Boisdefeu and Enrique Aynat.

In Germany, Udo Walendy began the revisionist periodical Historische Tatsachen, 72 issues of which have appeared.
In France, the Annales d’Histoire Revisionniste were the first to appear, followed, later, by the Revue d’Histoire Revisionniste.

Prof. Robert Faurisson was the charismatic leading figure in this movement. He attacked the touchy topic with academic exactness and incredible courage. For doing so, he lost his position as professor and continues to be persecuted by the justice system to the present day. So far, he has been the victim of seven physical attacks.

Faurisson first worked through the most important source material. He then undertook research at the archives of the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine in Paris, the National Archives in Washington, the Auschwitz State Museum at Auschwitz and the Bundensarchiv Koblenz. Naturally, he also visited the most important locations of the alleged genocide of the Jews. He the visited the gas chamber in the state prison at Baltimore and Maryland in order to form an exact idea of the procedures utilized in executions with cyanide gas.

Faurisson was the first researcher to find the blueprints of the crematoria I, II and III in the Auschwitz archives, which he published. On the blueprints, the alleged gas chambers are designated as ‘morgues’. He discovered that the four openings in the roof of Krema I, as well as the only door leading directly into the ‘gas chamber’, did not exist at the time of the alleged mass gassings and therefore could only have been pierced through the roof of Krema I since the liberation of the camp.

Execution gas chambers were invented in the USA and used because the intention is to cause painless death. The planning and realization of the execution is, however, anything but simple. The procedure is so risky, so detailed and expensive, that this method is increasingly being abandoned and being replaced by lethal injection.
A gas chamber must satisfy innumerable requirements.

Revisionist research expanded enormously when Faurisson made contact with the worldwide leader in gas chamber technology, Fred Leuchter, during the 1988 Zündel and Faurisson asked Leuchter to draw up an expert report on the rooms designated as gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek, which at that time still lay behind the iron curtain. He was to determine the capacity of the crematory ovens.

The Holocaust lobby later attempted to bring Fred Leuchter into discredit. They claimed that he had lied about his engineering credentials and had been bribed by the revisionists, quite apart from the fact that he was, of course, smeared as a ‘Nazi’. The Holocaust lobby nevertheless proved itself incapable of a technical rebuttal of the conclusions of the Leuchter report.

The Leuchter report had dealt a heavy blow to the Holocaust legend, other expert reports in support of Leuchter’s conclusions then followed.

Of particular significant are the Rudolf report, after the German chemist, the evaluation of air reconnaissance photographs (Air Photo Evidence) by the Canadian geologist and air photography exert John C. Ball.

As their last card, the defenders of the orthodox version of the Holocaust then backed the French pharmacist J.C. Pressac, hailed by the media to be a converted revisionist. This is not true: Pressac did, it is true, undertake research work with Robert Faurisson, but never endorsed Faurisson’s conclusions and never published any revisionist work of his own.

His monumental work Auschwitz: The Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers is very important from a documentary point of view. For the revisionists, it represents a true mine of information, which they use extensively. From a scientific point of view, however, the work is worthless, because the author mixes reliable sources with pure fiction in the most irresponsible manner in order to reach the desired result. He does not examine opposite points of view and never cites technical literature.

Whenever Pressac stumbles across a fact which contradicts his hypothesis, he simply ignores it. The entire work appears to have been written by someone who can no longer see the forest for the trees. The same is true to an even greater extent of his second, much shorter book, Les Crématoires d’Auschwitz. La Machinerie du meurtre en mass.

The defenders of the official version of the Holocaust need not fear any sudden upswing in revisionism, of course, since disputing or even disputing the Holocaust has been made a criminal offence in several European countries. The worst countries are Germany and Austria, where revisionists risk lengthy prison sentences. Even in France, legal proceedings are regularly taken against revisionists, but the authorities are content to levy heavy fines, which ruin the defendants.


 (245) Tables at Auschwitz, engraved in 19 languages, stating that 4 million victims had died. This falsification of history was to stand unquestioned for 45 years.

(247) The Polish Pope John Paul II doing obeisance before a lie, he certainly knew the truth, because the Polish church was kept informed on events in the camp on a daily basis.

(248) The trial of the German-Canadian revisionist Ernst Zündel lasted many years (1983 to 1992) and resulted in much valuable revisionist research. The trial led to discussion of the Auschwitz ‘death books’, hidden by the Soviets. As a result of this trial, the Soviets were finally compelled to transfer the death books to the Special Class Office ‘Sonderstandsamt’ in Arolsen, which now keeps them under lock any key.



03/Names of 130,000 Auchwitz inmates discovered in Moscow, 21 September 1989 TASS-the name cards of 130,000 Auschwitz inmates and the death lists of the concentration camps, which were discovered in the Soviet archives, will help discover the fate of citizens of many countries who were victims of the Second World War. 46 extensive volumes contain the detailed death certificates of over 74,000 people, day by day, hour by hour, stating the name, year of birth and the names of their parents. The announcement was made by Valentina Fatjuchina, leader of the main division for the investigation of the Red Cross, in a Tass discussion.

That these books existed in the Soviet Union, has been known since 1964. During a trial of the butchers of Auschwitz in Frankfurt-am-Main, the Soviet representative who appeared during the trial presented a few of these volumes. As stated by Valentina Fatjuchina, the material discovered during the liberation of Europe from fascism by the Soviet Army was transferred to the USSR. They were then housed in various archives, which made the search for them more difficult.

Many persons in search of the volumes addressed themselves to Valentina Fatjuchina herself. It took years of untiring work, endless entries and applications to official agencies, since many archives were not accessible in those years. It was only in the past one and half years, more or less, after access to the archives was facilitated, that the documents could be found. Furthermore, nothing had been known of the existence of 130,000 cards of inmates of the concentration camp. The International Committee of the Red Cross will begin work on these documents immediately.


(249) Ernst Zündel proudly pointing to the former location of the stone tablets stating that 4 million people died in the camp. The tablets had just recently been chiseled away and dumped in the Memory Hole. A few years later, a new text appeared, showing 3 million fewer victims. The official myth of the genocide of the Jews speaks of 1.5 million Auschwitz victims.

(250) Near the entrance to the camp, there is still a plaque mentioning the exact number of 340,000 victims Revisionists research appears to indicate approximately 120,000 victims.


During the existence of the camp, 405,022 prisoners, men, women and children, were entered on the registers. On this number, 340,000 persons perished at Auschwitz and other camps.


At the entrance, chiseled in stone, the figure of 4 million appeared. On the rear of an adjacent building, however, is the original tablet shown here, indicating a figure of 340,000 victims. In 1989, it was still there.


(251) this photograph of Jews being rounded up for deportation has appeared countless numbers of time in the media, for its emotional impact. It is usually accompanied by the allegation that the little ghetto boy was gassed with his entire family. In reality, he is now lives in the USA. His name is Tsvi Nussbaum. He was deported to Bergen-Belsen with his family. After the war, he emigrated to Israel and in 1953 to the USA.

(253) Reading the memoirs of former concentration camp inmates, the question necessarily arises as to their objectivity.

Thus, the Belgian Regine Beer (253 right) claims that she was forced to carry 50 kg sacks of grain at a time when she herself weighed only 40 kg! During her six-month term of imprisonment at Auschwitz, she fell ill three times. Yet she was never subjected to a selection or sent to the gas chamber! Instead, she recovered, although the conditions in the hospital are supposed to have been truly terrible. Really a Superwoman!

She does not reveal why she was deported, since her mother and two sisters were left in peace in Belgium. The Beers were not Jewish. The veil of secrecy is discretely lifted a bit on page 40, however, when she says: “It’s possible that the Germans knew about my occasional resistance activity”.

Was Regine Beer really naïve enough to believe that the Germans would be pleased with these activities? She only describes her term of imprisonment at Auschwitz during the second half of 1944, a period of six months at most. Of her personal background, she says very little, but waxes eloquent at great length about quite ordinary conditions which were to be found in any concentration camp. Her book is obviously the work of a woman who was very little to say, but who has been promoted to the skies as a symbolic figure. It is remarkable that she never saw what she simply MUST have seen ‘if the Holocaust is a fact’.

She reports that she worked in the kitchen of the women’s camp (position 21 on figure 118), when the Hungarian Jews arrived, these are supposed to have been mostly gassed and burnt. This happened only 30 meters from the kitchen, where she had a clear view of the scene of the crime, but Regine Beer wastes not a single word on this monstrous tragedy or her personal feelings in this regard, although she must have been an eyewitness of the first rank.

(254 – 257) Stephen Spielberg’s film Schindler’s List shows camp commander Goeth shooting at inmates in the camp from his villa on a hill into the camp. This is a gross falsification on Spielberg’s part. Goeth’s dwelling was, in fact, not located on a hill at all, but in a depression below the camp, offering no view into the camp at all. For Goeth to have shot into the camp from dwelling would simply have been impossible.

(254) on the basis of air photos of the Plaszow camp, John C. Ball proved that Goeth dwelling was located on the other side of the camp, behind a hill. He could not, then, as graphically depicted in the film, shoot at inmates in the camp from his dwelling. This means that the Auschwitz liars are, once again, simply lying to millions of movie-goers, who allow themselves to be treated with contempt in this fashion.

This is only one of the many swindles in Spielberg’s film. Spielberg even has the shamelessness to insinuate that sometimes water issued from the shower heads and sometimes gas. This allows the movie-goer to gain the impression that Zyklon was like city-gas, which could flow through pipes! Naivety and superstition are as pervasive in the 20ste century as in the darkest of the Middle Ages.

(256) Spielberg depicts the SS camp commandant as slim and snappy, a real Hollywood Nazi. In reality, Goeth was a middle aged-man, balding with a pot belly. He was, in fact, a passionate marksman, but shot at birds, not prisoners.

(258) Women inmates on rest break in the Plaszow camp, before pushing the stone-laden carts up the hill. There are no Kapos with whips in sight. In this regard, compare the illustrations 210 and 211.

(259) This shows the inmates pushing the carts uphill. A few onlookers stand around in the background. A quite normal photograph of people of people at work.

(260) Laughing women pulling now empty carts back down the hill.

(261 and 262) the arrival of new, mostly Jewish prisoners (Plaszow camp). They are receiving bedclothes and necessary possessions. Civilians and one Kapo look on. The road on photo 262 is slippery and not yet paved or asphalted.

(263) Male and female inmates working together to improve the roads in Plaszow camp.
Camp commandant Goeth was placed on trial by the Poles after the war and hanged.

(265) One of the barracks at Birkenau seen from the inside. In the middle is a type of central heating installation, running the entire length of the building. It is also equipped with toilets and wash basins with running water, a dining room and offices for the block leader and his subordinates.

There are many indications that the camp administration wished the conditions to be as satisfactory as possible under the circumstances. Note the warning signs: “One Louse Means Your Death”, “Respect Your Superior”, “Keep Calm”, etc… There were large showers with hot water, a post office, a library, a brothel as well as relaxation facilities. The reality was therefore often quite different from the claims that are made, but not always. Many camps were administered rationally and in humane manner.

Camp commandants and other officials who were guilty of misconduct were sentenced by SS courts and executed (such as Buchenwald commandant Karl Koch).

(266) The barracks shown here were entirely without anything providing and short of comfort. In actual fact, most of the Russian prisoners of war, for example; had never experienced anything of the sort, because living conditions were worse in Russia.

(267) Barracks in Dachau after the liberation. Note that, even during the chaotic last months of the war, efforts were made to maintain order and cleanliness in the camps.

(271) After the war: millions of German prisoners of war had to survive for months in the rain, cold and wind in holes under the open sky. According to the Canadian James Bacques, up to one million prisoners of war died of deprivation.

Many preferred to work and sleep in the coal mines, because they were somewhat better fed there and to a certain extent, protected from the weather. These men would have been quite happy in an Auschwitz- type barracks!

“It was deliberate US Army policy not to provide any shelter or other comfort in the prisoner cages.” Saturday Night-September 1989.

(268 – 270) There is a great deal of literature on the numerous camps German prisoners of war, as well as for the hundreds of thousands of ethnic from Eastern Europe. The controlled media, however, are only concerned with the fate of the Jews.

In his paintings and drawings, Otto von Kursel depicted his impressions of an American concentration camp on German soil.

(272) Among the revisionists, Walter N. Sanning has dealt with the demographic aspects of the alleged Holocaust in the greatest detail. He estimates the number of the Jews who disappeared in the German sphere of influence at 300,000, plus approximately 400,000 in the Soviet sphere of influence.

(273) Walter N. Sanning attributes the general disappearance of the European Jews to the following circumstances in particular, a large proportion of them emigrated, mostly to the USA, Palestine, or other countries, on the one hand. On the other hand, according to Sanning, most of the Polish Jews fled into the USSR, where they were deported further East on Stalin’s order’s, or, if they were fit to perform military service, conscripted into the Red Army. Finally, very many Jews still live in Western Europe even today (officially, more than 700,000 in France, there are large Jewish communities in Britain and Belgium).

(275) Many Jews died even before falling into German hands. After the withdrawal of the Red Army and the approach of the German Army, there was a general settling of accounts ‘with the local population’. The local population of the regions involved (Eastern Poland, the Baltic, the Ukraine), blamed the Jews for the crimes of the Bolsheviks. The Jews had, in fact, occupied a large proportion of key positions in the communist power apparatus.

This picture shows an anti-Jewish pogrom in Lemberg before the arrival of the Wehrmacht.

The victims of these pogroms were later said to have been killed by the Germans.

(276) During the Soviet conquest of the German Eastern territories, million of people fled as refugees, civilians, soldiers, prisoners of war, forced labors, camp inmates. They were all shot at indiscriminately and many died.

(277) Multi-millionaire Jan Philipp Reemstra and the agitator Hannes Heer together organized and the anti-German Army exhibition which travelled all over Germany in 1997, with the praise and support of the media and public authorities. The exhibition featured a mixture of complete lies and half-truths, as well as the depiction of events taken out of context or lacking all substantiation. The photographic material, most of it retouched, is of Soviet origin, taken by unknown persons, undated and without any indication as to where they were taken.

(The Magazine) Focus number 16/17 succeeded in showing the manner in which a photo from the book ‘Deutsches Vorfeld im Osten’, 1941, showing Jews bathing, was misused by German journalists and historians in 1988 to prove mass executions of Jews. In 1997, the Reemstra-Heer duo included this photo in their anti-German Army exhibition against better knowledge.


(The propaganda book ‘Deutsches Vorfeld im Osten’, calls this picture, Jewish work crews, allegedly going bathing.)
1988: The journalists Ernst Klee published this extract in his book ‘Schöne Zeiten’ (The Good Old Days). The caption ‘Jews being forced to undress prior to execution’ was simply invented by him.

(Translation of book title: The Good Old Days: The Genocide of the Jews as Seen by the Murderers and On Lookers.)
‘Yes, I made those lines up, you can count that against me as a MINUS.’-

ERNST KLEE, journalists and author, defending his exposition against the accusation of demagoguery: the Hamburg multi-millionaire Jan Philipp Reemstra. [?]

‘This photo is one of the best-known images of the Holocaust outside the concentration camps.’
Hannes Heer, Director of the Wehrmacht exposition.

1997: The Wehrmacht exposition shows this extract with the caption: ‘Jews being executed’, as proof in the section of the exposition entitled ‘Wehrmacht and Holocaust.

(Note: in the original photograph, the man to the left of the man covering his genitals is very clearly wearing a bathing suit, as is the man with his back to the camera at the left. This has all been blacked out, apparently with a paint brush, in the extract shown in the exposition.)

(279) The US weekly magazine Life (21/05/1945, page 36), comments: ‘The bodies of almost 3,000 slave laborers being buried by US soldiers. These dead worked in underground factories in the manufacture of V1 and V2 rockets.

In actual fact, these dead were the victims of the US terror attack on Nordhausen on 4 April 1945. Although the war was almost over, German cities continued to be bombed. Thus, the city of Nordhausen was bombed and almost totally destroyed on 4 April (2 days before the evacuation of the camp to Bergen-Belsen), also destroying the Boelke barracks in which the inmates were being housed. (From the series of publications from the Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, number 21, Stuttgart page 194, Prof. Martin Broszat).

(280) (281) Photos from the National Archives of the October Revolution and the National Photographic and Film Archives in Krasnogorsk. The photos are supposed to have been found on German soldiers and are said to illustrate the mass execution of Russians.

It is hardly conceivable that German soldiers could be stupid as to run around the front line carrying proof of their crimes.
‘The staff of the Supreme Commander hereby issues the following order:

  1. All settlements in which German troops are located are to be destroyed and burnt to a depth of 40 – 60 kilometers from the main front line and 20 – 30 kilometers to the right and the left of all roads. The destruction of the settlements to the above indicated radius is to be carried out by the air force and artillery using grenade launchers, over large surface areas, as well as by political education squads, ski troops and partisan divisions, equipped with bottles of inflammable liquids.
  2. For this purpose, fighter defense squads are to be formed within every regiment, to a strength of 20 to 30 men, responsible for causing explosions and setting fire to the settlements. Courageous fighters must be selected for these actions to destroy the settlements.

 (National Archives, Washington, Archive Series 429, roll 461, General Staff of the Army, Division Foreign Army East II H 3/70 Fr 6439568)

(282) Same origin as in photos 280 and 281. The commentary of the Dutch weekly Vim Nederlands (29/06/1991) reads: ‘The crematoria of Majdanek camp. Zyklon B containers lie around nearby.’ In reality, these containers appear to be funereal urns for the ashes of cremated persons.

(283) This photo is typical of the difference in mentality between ‘exterminationists’ (defenders of the genocide myth) and revisionists.

Jean-Claude Pressac describes this photos as ‘a very important photograph’, (correctly) placing the scene between Krema IV and V. According to Pressac, 3 Hungarian Jews are gently forcing an elderly woman towards the entrance to Krema V, where they will all be gassed and cremated together. Pressac says: ‘As for the woman’s attitude, it could simply be that she, with no illusion about what is to happen and having seen the SS photographer, suddenly turned away, saying in effect, ‘I don’t want that bastard of an SS to photograph me’.

Robert Faurisson sarcastically answers that Pressac must be under the influence of drugs from his own pharmacy.

The photos shows 3 men and woman (possibly sick or expecting a child), while a few German soldiers walk uninterestedly past in the background (without truncheons or dogs). In actual fact, the photo shows nothing remarkable.
(284 – 290) From ‘Dachau: The Hour of the Avenger’ (Col. Howard A. Buechner), Thunderbird Press, Metairie, LA. USA, 1986.

During the liberation of Dachau camp, many German soldiers from the surrounding area surrendered under the protection of a medic with a Red Cross flag. The photo also shows members of the Volksturm, mountain troops, Luftwaffe personnel, Wehrmacht, SS soldiers in camouflage, soldiers in civilian clothing, etc….

Inmates inciting American troops to murder the German prisoners Lt. Walsh placed his division under the command of Lt. Bushyhead (nickname Bird’s Eye) of Native American Indian origin, to guard the prisoners.\

Lt. Bushyhead placed the prisoners against the wall of the hospital and shot them with a few salvos of machine gun fire, giving inmates pistols in order to finish off the survivors. The bodies were looted. No action was taken by the Americans to prevent the inmates from taking revenge upon German personnel. The middle- aged man shown here was killed by inmates with a shovel, this is the same man seen lying dead along the wall holding a crucifix in his hand.

General Patton was informed of this massacre, but ordered the evidence destroyed and prohibited any further investigation. No one ever prosecuted for the murder of the 346 German soldiers interned at Dachau, who were entitled to protection under the Hague convention. Dachau was surrendered in full accordance with the terms of international law.
That the murder victims were members of the camp guard personnel is simply a lie, the photographs show soldiers from all German units. Even the camp personnel were not all criminals per se.