The Website of Carlos Whitlock Porter


Germany vs Porter:




REPLIES TO SUBPOENA OF 22 AUGUST 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Richter Ulrich
Landgericht München I
Nymphenburger Strasse 16
D-800335 München
Spa, 1 September 1997
Landgericht München Az. 18 Ns 112 Js 11637/96
Fax: (089) 55 97 43 54

Judge Ulrich!
Without prejudicial admission, waiver, and with all due reserves. With regards to your summons translated into English and dated 22 August 1997: If you really want to prove something, you can produce the following physical evidence from the official Nuremberg trial record, accompanied by proof of origin and authenticity thereof:
- 1 steam chamber for the extermination of human beings (IMT XXXII 153-158, III 567);
- 1 electrical chamber for the extermination of human beings (IMT VII 576-577, XII 369);
- 1 German atomic bomb for the extermination of Auschwitz inmates(IMT XVI 529);
- 1 tree used as murder weapon by Wehrmacht (IMT VII 582);
- 1 portable oven used for the extermination of Russian prisoners of war(IMT VII 586);
- 1 pedal-driven brain bashing machine used for the extermination of Russian prisoners of war (IMT VII 376-377);
- 1 bone-grinding machine (IMT VII 439, 549-550, 446, 593);
- 1 spanking machine (IMT VI 213);
- 1 lampshade of human skin (IMT XXXII 258, 259, 261, 263, 265, 269);
- 1 pocket book of human skin; 1 pair of driving gloves of human skin (IMT XXX 352, 355);
- 1 pornographic picture painted on canvas of human skin (IMT XXX 469);
- 1 book bound in human skin (IMT VI 331);
- 1 saddle, 1 pair of riding breeches, 1 glove, 1 house slipper, 1 ladies' handbag, all of human skin (IMT V 171);
- 1 torture box disguised as an ordinary wardrobe (IMT XVI 561, 546, 556-557);
- 1 chair stuffed in human hair (IMT XIX 506);
- 1 pair of booties of human hair (IMT XXXIX 552-553, XX 353
- 1 jar of human soap (IMT VII 597-601);
- 1 piece of tanned human skin (IMT VII 600); - 1 gas van (IMT VII 571);
- 1 doormat of human hair (NMT V 1119-1152, Trial of Oswald Pohl).

I am not interested in the appeals procedures of a foreign totalitarian dictatorship.
I refuse to appeal.
I refuse to appear.
If you fine me, I won't pay it.
If you put me in prison, I will go on hunger strike like Bobby Sands.
The burden of proof is on you, not me.


Carlos Porter


Richter Ulrich
Landgericht München I
Nymphenburger Strasse 16
D-800335 München
Spa, 5 September 1997
Landgericht München Az. 18 Ns 112 Js 11637/96
Fax: (089) 55 97 43 54

Judge Ulrich!
In addition to production of the physical evidence mentioned in my fax of 1 September (for example,
1 "steam chamber" for the extermination of human beings,
1 German "atomic bomb" for the extermination of Auschwitz inmates,
1 "pedal-driven brain-bashing machine" for the extermination of Russian prisoners of war, etc),

I demand production of the following documentary evidence:
a) all data in your possession relating to Hitler's I.Q. (point 3 of the indictment);
b) a clarification of whether you agree with Wilhelm Keitel's assessment that Hitler was a genius (point 3 of the indictment), and that mass murder with Diesel exhaust and insecticide is therefore the act of a genius; or, alternatively, a clarification that you consider Hitler to have been an idiot, which would explain the use of Diesel exhaust and insecticide for mass killing;
c) the original of the "Hitler mass murder confession" (point 3 of the indictment), since you object to my statement that the document is a "photocopy";
d) a clarification of whether or not you agree with Field Marshal Milch's assessment that it is unclear that Hitler was of sound mind in 1945, accompanied by all data in your possession relating to Hitler's mental health in 1945 (point 3 of the indictment).

I must point out to you that denial of the existence of "steam chambers for the extermination of human beings" (point 1 of the indictment) is not a crime under German law, since nobody believes that they existed. If you wish to prove that the "steam chambers" did exist (along with the German "atomic bombs" and "brain-bashing machines" also referred to in the text which is the subject of the indictment), I demand that you produce a "steam chamber" and bring it to court, proving the authenticity and origin thereof.

When you have assembled the prosecution evidence which will be required to prove your case, I shall consider preparing a defence. I refuse to reveal the whereabouts of my witnesses, because you will arrest them; you already burnt their books, remember?


Carlos Porter

[to be continued...]

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