people proscribed by opinion, and doomed by the laws to opprobrium and
ignominy; a race which, driven from all liberal professions, has been for ages,
and still is, robbed of its right to hold landed property; which, subjected to
special and severe regulations, has learned at once to obey and yet to
preserve a manner of independence; which, despite the contempt that it inspires
and the hate that it awakes and the prejudices wherewith it is received and
judged, still resists this contempt, this hatred, and finally all those causes
which ought to disunite, loosen, and annihilate the family, the race, the
nation;—such a people, I say, deserves the observer’s attention, if only from
the fact of its existence.”
OF general works upon the
subject of the Gypsies we have perhaps enough, and more than enough; this
objection, however, cannot be urged against specialities, which still are highly
desirable in every department of “Chinganology.” I use the latter term in
preference to the French Tsiganologie, of
which more presently, and the “Romanology,” a term of dubious import, lately
introduced into English.
I wish to place in
extenso before the public the following conclusions which the study of some
years has, it is hoped, justified me in drawing with regard to the relation of
the Gypsies and the Jats
1. The medićval Gypsies of
Europe were the last wave of Aryan emigration that flowed westward during the
early fifteenth century; and this wave was possibly preceded by more than one
similar exodus.
2. The medićval Gypsies show
family resemblances, physical and moral, ethnological and linguistic, with the
modern Jats, a highly important race, which extends from the mouth of the Indus
[p. 134]
to the head of the great Valley, thence ramifying
over Turkistan and the far North.
3. There are solid reasons
for believing the Jats and the Jin‑tchi of Tatary to be the modern representatives
of the classical Getć and the Goths of later days.
4. The language of both tribes (Jat and Gypsy) is of Indo‑Persian type, the Indian ingredient not being so much decomposed as in the modern varieties of Prakrit. An absolute isolation of speech, especial reasons for secrecy, and the fact of being oral and never written have preserved its purity among the Gypsies; while the Jats, in close contact with alien tongues, have made those secular linguistic changes which are familiar even to English and French.
5. The most ancient name of
the race is Chingáneh, a term still
used in Persia and Turkey, and necessarily corrupted by the Arabs, who have no
ch, to Jingáneh.
6. Concerning the origin of
the Gypsy article (o—os, a—as, etc.), which is unknown to both Sanskrit, and Prakrit, the suit is
still pending. Possibly it is original and peculiar to the dialect; more
probably it is an European and especially a Greek innovation. Briefly, until we
have grammatical and vocabularian sketches of the Central Asian and the
Turkoman‑Gypsy tongues, we are not in a position to draw conclusions.
propose to discuss the Indian affinities of the
[p. 135]
Gypsies. I begin with a detailed critique of the
various reviews proceeding from the prolific pen of M. Paul Bataillard, who
claims the merit, such as it is, of having first identified the Gypsies and the
Jats. I end with topographical notes on both tribes throughout their extension
from the Indus to Morocco and even to the Brazil.
Part I
THE following letter to the Academy
(March 27, 1875), which opened the discussion between M. Paul Bataillard
and its author, speaks for itself1:
“In the Academy of February 27, 1875, I had these words:
“‘Professor de Goeje, of
Leyden, has printed some interesting Contributions
to the History of the Gipsies (sic). He accepts the view propounded by Pott,2
as early as 1853, that the Gipsies are closely
In this reprint of the original letter the only changes are a few verbal
corrections and suppressions of the parts elsewhere enlarged upon.
The famous work Die Zigeuner in Europa
und Asien, 2 vols. 8vo (Halle, 1844‑5). It was followed by two Nachtrags (which I have not seen). The
first contains a Syro‑Gypsy vocabulary; and the second, notices of their
manners and customs in Turkey and other countries. See Zeitschrift d. Deut. Morgen. Gesell., III., pp. 321—335, of
1849; and Ibid., Vol. VII., p. 393.
[p. 137]
related to the Indian Jatt (a name which the Arab
historians transform into Zott). . . . Dr. Trumpp1 has already
pointed out the close resemblance between the European Gipsies and the Jatt of
the banks of the Indus.’
“I venture to hope that you
will permit me to show the part taken by myself in this question.2 Sindh and the Races that inhabit the Valley
of the Indus (London: Allen), my volume written between 1845 and 1849, and
published in 1851, thus treats of the peoples of the plains:
“‘The Jat, or as others
write the word, Jath, Juth, or Jutt, was, in the time of the Kalhorá dynasty,
one of the ruling classes in Sindh. It was probably for this reason that the
author of the Tohfat el Kirám. (a well‑known book of Sindhi Annals) made
them of kindred origin with the Belochis, who now repudiate such an idea with
disdain. The Jat’s account of his own descent gives to Ukayl, the companion of
Muhammad, the high houour of being his progenitor; but what class of Muslim
people, however vile, do not claim some equally high origin?
“‘As Játaki, the dialect
peculiar to the people, proves, they (i.e. the
Sindh division of this extensive race) must have come from the Panjáb,
1 Dr. Ernest Trumpp's Sindhi Grammar. (Trübner, 1872).
The literati of Europe form a guild into which none but members are admitted.
At times their absolute disregard of meum
and tuum, especially when they plunder an obscure name, is a fine
study of trade morality—or its reverse.
[p. 138]
and the other districts Ubho or Báládasht, Jhang-Siyál,
Multán, and other regions dependent upon the great Country of the Five Rivers.
Driven by war or famine from their own lands, they migrated southwards to Sebi (Sibi
or Siwi, Upper Sindh)
and to the hills around it. They
are supposed to have entered Sindh a little before the accession of the Kalhorá
Princes, and shortly afterwards to have risen to distinction by their superior
courage and personal strength. At present they have lost all that distinguished
them, and of their multitude of Jágírdárs, Zemindárs, and Sardárs now not a
single descendant possesses anything like wealth or rank. The principal
settlements are in the provinces of Kakrálo, Játi, Chediyo, Maniyár, Phuláji,
and Johí. [Those of Umarkot speak, it is said, a different dialect from the Indine
Jats, and not a few migrating
tribes graze their herds on the great Delta.1] They are generally agriculturists or
breeders of camels, and appear to be a quiet, inoffensive race. Throughout the
eastern parts of Central Asia, the name Jat is synonymous with thief and
“‘The Sindhi
Jats have many different Kamus or clans, the principal of which are the
following: Babbur, Bháti, Jiskáni, Kalaru, Magási, Mir‑jat, Parhiyár,
Sanjaráni, Siyál, and Solángi.’
“To this text were appended the following notes:
in the Sindhi dialect means: 1. A camel‑driver
1 These
words were afterwards added to my MS. copy.
[p. 139]
or breeder. 2. The name of a Beloch clan. Generally in the lower Indus Valley it is written Jatu, and pronounced Dyatu. It has three significations: 1. The name of a tribe, the Jats. 2. A Sindhi, as opposed to a Beloch; it is in this sense an insulting expression, and so the Beloch and Brahins of the hills call the Sindhi language Játhki. 3. A word of insult, a ‘barbarian,’ as in the expression do‑dasto Jatu, ‘an utter savage.’
“Lt. Wood's work shows that the Jats are still found in the Panjáb and all along the banks of the Indus.
“Under the name Jat no less than four races are comprised.
“I continued:
“‘it appears probable from
the appearance and other peculiarities of the race that the Jats are connected
by consanguinity with that peculiar race the Gypsies. Of 130 words used by the
Gypsies in Syria, no less than 104 belong to the Indo‑Persian class of
language. The rest may be either the remains of the barbarous tongues spoken by
the aboriginal mountaineers who inhabited the tract between the Indus and
Eastern Persia, or the invention of a subsequent age, when their dispersion
among hostile tribes rendered a “thieves’ language” necessary. The numerals are
almost all pure Persian. There are two words, “kuri” (a house) and “psih” (a
cat), probably corrupted from the Pushtu “kor” and “pishu.” Two other words are
Sindhí “mánna” for “máni,” bread, and “húi” for “hú,” he. As might be expected
from a tribe inhabiting Syria,
[p. 140]
Arabic and Turkish words occasionally occur, but
they form no part of the groundwork of the language.’
“It was my fortune to wander
far and wide, during four years of staff service, about the Valley of the
Indus; and to make personal acquaintance with many, if not all, its wild
tribes. I saw much of the Jats, lodged in their huts and tents, and studied the
camel under their tuition. They are the best ‘Vets.’ and breeders known to that
part of the Indian Empire. My kind friend, now no more, then Colonel, and
afterwards General, Walter Scott, of the Bombay Engineers, had a Jat in his
service; and the rough old man’s peculiarities afforded us abundant diversion.
Thus I was able to publish in 1849 the first known notice of Játakí and its
literature. The author of the famous ‘Dabistan’1 applies the term
‘Jat tongue’ to that in which Nánah Sháh, the Apostle of the Sikhs, composed
his Grauth2 and other works. Throughout the Panjáb Jatki bút
(‘Jat tongue’) is synonymous with the Gunwár ki boli or ‘peasants’
jargon’ of Hindustan.
“I wrote the word Játaki
with two italics. The first denotes the peculiar Sindhi sound, a blending of j
and t; the second is the familiar cerebral of Sanskrit and Prakrit,
which survives to a certain
1 The full title is Dabistán‑i‑Mazáhib, or School of Faiths (not “of Manners”): there is a translation by David Shea and Anthony Troyer for the Oriental Trans. Fund, 3 vols. 8vo (Paris, 1843).
Adi Grauth: the Sacred Book of the Sikhs.
[p. 141]
extent in our modern English tongue, though unknown
to the Latin and the Teutonic languages. The tribal name is Jatu,
with the short terminal vowel which in Sindhi, as in Sanskrit, follows the
consonant; its plural, Jatán, ends with a well-marked
“At that time I divided this rude race of
semi-Bedawin into four great tribes; namely:
“‘The Panjábí Jat, who is
neither a Hindu nor a Hindi (Muslim). He first appears in Indian history as a
nomad, alternately shepherd, robber, and temporary tiller of the ground. Many
became Sikhs, and did good service to Nánah Shah’s faith by their zealous
opposition to Muhammadan bigotry. As this was their sole occupation for many
years, they gradually grew more and more warlike, and at one time they were as
fighting a race as any in India. They have been identified by Colonel Sleeman
and others with the ancient Getć and their descendants the Goths.1
“‘The Jat or Dyat of the
Hazárah country, Jhang-Siyál, Kach (Kutch) Gandáva, and Sindh generally,
where they may number two hundred and fifty thousand out of a total population
of one million. They are all Muslims, and are supposed to have
Jornandes, “De Getarum sive Gothorum Origine et rebus Gestis.” The learned
Abbate Fortis (Dalmatia, I. 1, § 1) includes among the Slav peoples
the Scythians, Getć or Goths, Slavini (Slovenes), Croats, Avars, and Vandals.
Our grandfathers derived the term “Goths” from Gog (and Magog).
[p. 142]
emigrated from the north during or shortly after the Kalhorá accession; hence their dialect is commonly called Belochki. In those days the Belochís were very little known to Sindh, whose aristocracy, the Amírs, Jágírdárs, and opulent Zemindárs, was either Sindhi or Jats. About Pesháwur “Jat” is still synonymous with Zemindár or landed proprietor; at times, however, it is used as a term of reproach.
“‘The third is a clan of
Belochís, who spell their name with the Arabo‑Persian, not the Sindhi j.
In the lower Indine Valley they hold the province of Játi, and other parts to
the south‑east. The head of the tribe is entitled Malik (literally “King”), e.g. Malik Hammál Jat.1
“‘The next is a wandering
tribe, many of whom are partially settled in Candahár, Herát, Meshhed, and
other cities of the Persico‑Afghan frontier. They are found in Meckran;
and they sometimes travel as far as Maskat, Sindh, and even Central India. They
are held to be notorious thieves, occupying a low place in the scale of
creation. No good account of this tribe has as yet appeared; and the smallest
contributions upon the subject would be right thankfully received.’
“The fifth which must now be
added is the Jin‑tchi of
Central Asia. These people are not, as Mr. Schuyler2 seems to think,
‘Káfirs from Káfiristan’;
The account given by Mr. Hughes of the Jat in Belochistan will be found in a
future page (215).
2 Turkistan. (Sampson Low & Co., 1876.)
[p. 143]
they are apparently true Jats—an idea once advanced
by Mr. Andrew Wilson of the Abode of Snow.1
“These tribes are looked
upon as aborigines, which simply means that their predecessors are unknown.2
“Such were the notices
collected by me in manuscript some years before 1849. At that time the
Orientalists of Europe were almost unanimous in identifying the Gypsies with
the Nat’h, a scattered Indian
tribe of itinerant tinkers and musicians, the ‘poor players’ of the great
Peninsula, utterly ignorant of horse‑couping, cattle‑breeding, and
even poultry‑snatching. And the conviction still holds its ground; only
lately my erudite correspondent, Dr. J. Burnard Davis, reminded me of it.
“Of course the humble linguistic labours of a perpetual explorer can hardly be familiar to the professionally learned world; but I cherish a hope that you will aid me in resurrecting my buried and forgotten work.”
1 Academy, October
14, 1876.
The letter here contains a sketch of Játaki literature in Sindh.
I have also suppressed a paragraph noticing their migration and tribal name;
both these subjects will be discussed with more detail.