N.B.—Numbers printed in italics refer to the footnotes.



Abyssinians, the, 321.

Academy, Burton's letter to the, 136‑143.

Academy, Bataillard's letter to the, 144‑156.

Africa, the Gypsies of, 233‑262.

Algeria, the Gypsies of, 258‑261.

America, the Gypsies in, 282‑285.

Arabshah, 190.

Armenians, the, 321.

Arnim, Count, 17.

Arubim, 79.

Arya, 180.

Ascheri, 110.

Ascoli, 180.

Ashkenazim, the, 46‑56.

Asia, the Gypsies in, 211‑232.

Asia Minor, the Gypsies of, 219.

Aviabron, 18.



Baramaki, the, 231, 236.

Barbary, 260, 261.

Bartalus, M., 174‑176.

Basnage, 15.

Bataillard, Paul, letter to the Academy, 144‑156; list of works by, 157, 158; claim to priority in discovering identity of Gypsy and Jat answered, 164‑171; his reviews reviewed, 171‑201.

Bauer, 17.

Bavaria, 203.

Bearnary, 17.

Bedawin, the, 174, 199, 200, 217, 219, 230, 234, 236, 254.

Belochis, the, 139, 142, 169, 170.

Belochistan, the Jats of, 215‑217.

Belochki dialect, the, 142, 166.

Beni Aros, the, 260.

Berber (Barbar), 181.

Berbruger, M., 198.

Beth Yusuf, 111.

Black Jews, the, 58.

Bocthor, Ellious, 146, 149.

Borrow, George (quoted), 158, 161, 163, 165, 169, 170, 190, 192, 241, 260, 261, 269, 281.

Boudin, Dr., 12.

Braham, 17.

Brazil, 282‑285.

Brosset, 185.

Bunyan, John, supposed to be of Gypsy descent, 163.

Burnouf, Emile, 188.


CAIRO, 238, 240.

Cantemir, Count, 17.

Caraïtes, the. See Karaïtes.




[p. 348]


Chinganeh, 134, 219, 220.

Ciga, 190.

Cingani, 181.

Cohen, M. J., 92ff.

Cordova, Francisca de, 203, 270, 271.

Crosse, A. F., 264, 267.

Cushite theory, the, 155.


Damascus, 231, 232.

Darfur, 239.

Das, 182.

Davis, Dr. J. B., 143.

Denman, Major, 262,

Denmark, the Gypsy in, 203, 209.

Derush, 97.

“Dinim,” the, iii.

Djat, the, 141, 146, 147, 148, 149, 152, 165, 183, 195.

Doba, Capt. S. de, 268.

Dunsterville, Col., 214.



Ebionites, the, 54.

Egypt, the Gypsy in, 233‑257.

Egyptian religion, the, 296, 297, 298, 300, 320.

El Islam, 216, 218, 255, 321‑346; popular errors concerning, 322-­334.

England, Gypsy in, 208.

Essene School, the, 319.

Europe, Gypsy of, 202‑210, 263-­281.

Excommunication, Jewish forms of, 82.


FAGNAN, M., 188, 195.

Falashas, the, 116.

Ferdoussy, 145, 148.

Fetissism, 291, 292, 293, 296, 301, 302.

Fez, 260.

Fleischer, Prof., 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, 165, 184.

France, the Gypsy in, 203, 204, 209, 265, 269.

Frascator, 13.


GAVBAR, the, 218.

Gemara, the, 100, 101, 102, 103.

Getee, the, 134, 141, 150, 165, 216.

Ghagar, the, 198, 200, 233‑257.

Ghawazi, the, 236, 237, 252.

Ghazieh, the, 181.

Gill’s Notices of the Jews, 3.

Goeje, Prof. de, 136, 144, 150, 151, 152, 153, 165, 183, 188, 191, 192, 195, 196.

Goldsmids, the, 18.

Gondomar, 18.

Goths, the, 134, 141.

Grellman, 202, 241.

Greece, 177, 182, 299.

Grisi, 17.

Gypsy, the, of Africa, 233‑262; of Algeria, 258‑261; of America, 282‑285; of Asia, 211‑232; of Barbary, 260, 261; of Bavaria, 203; of Belochistan, 215‑217; of Brazil, 282‑285; compared with the Jat, 133, 134, 137, 139ff; com­pared with the Jew, 5, 17, 161, 162; of Damascus, 231, 232; of Denmark, 203, 209; dress of, 277; of Egypt, 233‑257; of Eng­land, 208; of Europe, 202‑210, 263‑281; famous Gypsies, 163; of France, 203, 204, 209, 265, 269; of Germany, 203‑208; of Hungary, 202, 263‑269; Indian affinities of, 136‑143; of Italy, 205, 206, 265; language of, 134, 240, 279, 280; of Morocco, 258‑



[p. 349]


261; of the Netherlands, 209; of the Panjab, 211‑215; of Persia, 217‑219; of Rome, 206; of Said, 237; of Spain, 203, 207, 265, 269-­281; of Sweden, 203, 209; of Switzerland, 203; of Syria, 219-­224.


Ha‑fraká fast, 10.

Hagadah, the, 98.

Halakah, the, 98.

Halevi, 18.

Hamza Ispahani, 146, 148, 150, 151.

Hasse, hypothesis of, 179, 185.

Hawi, the, 234, 235.

Heine, 17.

Helebis, the, 250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257.

Herklots, Dr., 258.

Hermann, 17.

Hillel, 101.

Horus, 297.

Hoshen Mishpat, 111.

Hughes, A. W., 215.

Hungary, 202, 263‑269.


INDIA, 296, 297, 298, 303.

Indian mythology, 297.

Irby, O. P., 22.

Ishaz al Fasi, Rabbi, 110.

Isis, 296.

Islam. See El Islam.

Ispahani, Hamza. See Hamza.

Italy, 205, 206, 265.


JATAKI language, the, 137‑140, 180, 215.

Jats, the. See Gypsy.

Jerusalem, population of, 68.

Jesus, 313‑316.

Jews, the, acclimatization, 13; atrocities among, 115‑129; cause of vitality, 9, 10; compared with Gypsy, 5, 17, 161, 162; consan­guinity, 7; cupidity, 18, 26, 27, 28; fecundity, 5; future prospects, 62‑71; general character of, 20-­45; illustrious, 17; immorality, 8; of the Holy Land, 46‑62; longevity, 14; mental charac­teristics of, 6, 7; mutable character and physique of, 6; physical appearance of the Eastern, 59; physique of, 6, 7; population, 25; vitality, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13.

Jin‑tchi, the, 134, 142.

“Jore Deah,” 111, 113.

Joseph Karo, Rabbi, 111.

Judophobic opinion of the Jew, 62, 63.

Jurisdiction, Jewish,90.


KAMUZ, the, 146, 148, 151, 165.

Kaoli, the, 218.

Karaïtes, the, 56, 57.

Khabad, the, 54, 55.

Khasidim, the, 53, 54, 55.

Koran, the, 324, 340, 341.

Kremer, Von (quoted), 199, 234‑250, 252.

Kurbat, the, 218, 219, 220, 222, 223, 250, 256.

Kurbat words, vocabulary of, 224-­228.

Kushite theory, 194, 195.


LANE, 284, 258.

Lemnos, 184.

“Liberal” opinion of Jewish future, 62.

Luri, the, 145, 146, 165.


MACAULAY, LORD, speech of, 18, 19.



[p. 350]


MacGregor’s Rob Roy on the Jordan, 31.

Mackenzie, G. Muir, 22.

Maghribi, the, 239.

Maimonides, 110.

Massena, 17.

Massorah, the, 97.

McCaul, Dr. Alexander, 37, 75, 85, 88.

Mendelssohn, 17.

Mendizelal, Señor, 17.

Metempsychosis, 295.

Meyerbeer, 17.

Mezzofanti, 269.

Midrash, the, 96.

Miklosich, 156, 177, 178, 179.

Mills’ British Jew, 37.

Mishnah, the, 96‑106.

Montefiore, Sir Moses, 82, 83.

Mormons, the, 97.

Morocco, 258‑261.

Moses, 302‑313.

Moses of Cordova, 112.

Moses of Trani, 111.

Movers, 194.

Muhammad, attempt to poison, 33, 116; life of, 334‑337.


NAT’H, the, 143.

Nawar, the, 220, 228, 230, 231, 250, 257.

Neander, Prof., 17.

Netherlands, the, 209.

Neufville, De, 14.

Newbold, Capt., 217, 218, 219, 220, 222, 223, 238, 239, 240, 242, 243, 247, 250, 251, 252, 253, 256.

Noachidæ, the, 79, 80.

Noachidæ, code of the, 78, 79.

Nott’s Physical History of the Jewish Race, 3.



Orach Chaüin, 111.

Oral law, Jewish, 72‑92, 99, 102, 117.

Osiris, 296.



Palgrave, 17.

Panjab, 137, 139, 140, 141, 168, 211‑215.

Pantheism, 295, 298.

Parushim, the, 63, 55.

Paspati, A. G., 160, 173, 174, 178, 182, 185, 191.

Pasquier, 269.

Pasta, 17.

Paul, 317, 318.

Perier, 159.

Persia, 217‑219.

Persians, religion of the ancient, 294, 295, 297.

Peshat, the, 97.

Physician, the Jewish, 113, 114.

Pococke, Bishop, 219.

Polytheism, 295.

Postans Capt., 167.

Pott, Prof., 136, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 151, 154, 165, 181.

Proselytes, Jewish, 79.




RABANU JACOB BE‑RAB, 110, 111, 113.

Rabbinical law, 72‑114.

Rachel, 17.

Rasscho, Shaykh, 220, 222.

Ratisbonne, De, 17.

Reformed British Jews,” the, 58.

Reinaud, 147, 149, 150, 151, 165.

Religion, earliest forms of, 289-­302.



[p. 351]


Remiz, the, 97.

Ricardos, the, 18.

Roberts, Samuel, 276.

Rödiger, 150.

Rogers, Consul E. T., 231, 232.

Roma, the, 160, 164, 172, 175, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 186, 187, 198, 202, 221, 228, 233, 252, 261.

Roman Catholic view of Jewish future, 62, 63.

Romani‑chib, 181, 197.

Rome, 206.

Rossini, 17.

Rothschilds, the, 18.

Rouhers, the, 18.

Rumeli, 220.

Russia and the Holy Land, 66, 67, 70.


SABBATH, the Jewish, 74‑77, 86.

Sabbath Services, the Jewish, 76.

Sadik, 11.

Safed, School of, 68, 92, 106‑114.

Said, 251.

Saint‑Martin, V. de, 185.

Samaritans, the, 57, 58.

Sanhedrin, the, 94, 95, 96.

Santa, Dr. de Pietra, 258‑260.

Saracens, 203, 205.

Scotland, 172, 178, 213, 282.

Segor, 181.

Sephardim, the, 46, 47, 48, 49, 55, 56.

Shahnameh, the, 146, 148, 150,165.

Shalomon Alkabez, Rabbi, 111.

Shammai, 101.

Sicani, the, 180, 185.

Sidi Hamed an Muza, 260.

Siginnoi, the, 185.

Sim, El, 240, 241.

Sindh, 138, 139.

Singani, 181.

Sinties, the, 184, 185.

Sleeman, W. H., 141, 165, 211, 231.

Sochæus, 11.

Sod, 98.

Soult, Marshal, 17.

Spain, 178.

Spinoza, 17, 70, 95.

Sweden, 203, 209.

Syria, 219‑224, 228‑232, 250, 320.


TALMUD BABLI, 101, 102.

Talmudic law, 72‑114, 118.

Tchangar, the, 156.

Theism, 302.

Tiberias, School of, 92‑106.

Ticknor, 271.

Torlonias, the, 18.

Trumpp, Dr. Ernest, 137, 156, 168, 197.

Tschudi, 13.

Tsigans, the, 147, 152, 153, 175, 183, 185, 189, 190, 193, 198, 201, 263ff.


UKAYL, 137.


“WHITE JEWS,” the, 58.

Wohl, 17.

Wolff, 17.


XAPOL, 18.



Yahuda, Rabbi, 94, 95.

Yom ha‑Kippur, 65.


ZENGI, the, 150.

Zigeuner, the, 150, 151, 165, 192, 219, 234, 241, 268.

Zincali, the, 187, 192, 219.

Zingaro, derivation of, 190.

Zuth, the, 146, 148, 150, 151, 152, 165, 231, 239.