At the end of the World War Hungary fell under the control of a radical and distinctively international Jewish element. At its head was Count Michael Károlyi, who was a Christian by religion, an aristocrat by wealth, and an "opposition" by politics. During his membership in the Hungarian House of Parliament, Károlyi exhibited a rather mediocre talent and a meager political ability. During Hungary's hour of peril, Károlyi and his Jewish co-agitators utilized his social position in order to swing Hungary under the control of the radical and distinctively international Jewish

{The reader's kind indulgence is asked for the outspoken manner in which we write. If we want to convey the truth, we must be courageous enough to speak the truth. When we speak about the international Jews of Hungary, we do not want to be misunderstood; but we cannot speak about the Mohammedans, when, in truth and fact, the actors, concerning whom we speak, are international Jews. Christian civilization is entitled to know the truth, and we mean to tell the truth, even if that truth should register a shock in the supersensitiveness of the international Jews, concerning whom we speak. If any or all of the international Jews, concerning whom we speak, do now object to the revelation of the truth concerning their baneful and un-Christian activities, let them revise their method of activities and join the great Christian family of mankind and accept and be actuated by the great Christian principles of unselfish human fellowship.}

element of the country.

During the hour of Hungary's danger, when the war was nearing its end, when her enemies were preparing to crucify her, when she was in dire need of a strong Christian government, Károlyi and his international Jewish adherents began to conduct a ruthless campaign of agitation against the constitutional government of Hungary. Finally, on the night of October 30, 1918, in a mock revolution, Károlyi and his international Jewish co-agitators assumed full control of Hungary. On November 6, Count Stephen Tisza, the Prime Minister of Hungary, a devoted Christian and one of the greatest Hungarian statesmen ever lived, who had so vigorously opposed the World War, was, by a mob of drunken soldiers of the new regime, brutally assassinated in his home, in the presence of his devoted wife. It should be noted that this was the first important political assassination in the history of Hungary, as it was the first instance in the history of that country, that a well organized gang of international Jews, headed by a Christian idiot, had obtained full control of Hungary. The assassination of Count Tisza may serve as a warning to every Christian country in the world as to what might happen to Christian statesmen when an organized group of international Jews obtain full political control of any given country.

The new regime proclaimed "The Hungarian People's Republic," and Károlyi was elected its president. The old and venerable constitution of Hungary was swept aside. The Parliament was disbanded and the "National Council," consisting of extreme radicals and international Jews, took over the full control of Hungary. On November 11, 1918, King Charles IV formally abdicated. Károlyi and his "National Council" had firmly seated themselves in the governmental saddle.

The new government sent an order to the Hungarian soldiers at the front to return to Hungary. The soldiers complied with the order. In Budapest they were told by the Minister of War, Lindler, to go home. Then the Minister exclaimed: "I do not want to see a soldier any more." Thus, the Hungarian army was demobilized. Afterwards, the country police force was also demobilized. "After the Socialist and Bolshevist element gained more and more ground in Károlyi's councils, the nucleus of a new army was created, consisting exclusively of trusty Socialists and Bolshevists." {See "Hungary Since the Armistice," by Count Laszlo Széchényi, in "The North American Review," July, 1923.}

Miss Cecile Tormay, a noted Hungarian writer, in her book, "An Outlaw's Diary," {McBride.} on pages 88-89, describes the Károlyi "revolution" in the following language:


"Károlyi's revolution was engineered exclusively by Jews. They make no secret of it. In the government there are officially three, in reality five, Jewish ministers.


"Garami, Jaszi, Kunfi, Szende and Diener-Denes (all Jews!) have control over the Ministries of Commerce, of the Mayors of the communes. The vile spell, which had benumbed the capital, cast its evil eye over the Nationalities, of Public Welfare and Labor, of Finance and of Foreign Affairs. By means of the Police Department of the Home Office, they have control over the police and the political secret service: they have placed at its head two Jews, former agents provocateurs."


"The right hand man of the Minister of War is a Jew who was formerly a photographer. The president of the Press Bureau is a Jew, and so is the Censor. Most of the members of the National Council are Jews. Jews are the Commander of the garrison, the Government Commissary of the Soldiers' Council, the head of the Workers' Council. Károlyi's advisers are all Jews!"


When he believed that his government was firmly established, Károlyi, with a motley crowd of Jewish "advisers," dressed in shooting jackets, breeches and gaiters, went to Belgrade to arrange the terms of the armistice with the French General D'Esperey who commanded the allied forces in the East. "The General wore a full dress uniform, with all his decorations. He glared in astonishment at the motley company. He became cold and contemptuous, shook hands with nobody, and folded his arms over his chest. Astonished at first, he became ironical. 'Are you all Jews?' the General asked. Then in disgust the General threw his head back haughtily, turned on his heel, and left them. {"An Outlaw's Diary," pp. 107 and 108.} Károlyi and his crowd were not invited to dinner.

After dinner, "General D'Esperey put on his field uniform and with hard words handed Károlyi and his Jewish crowd the terrible, degrading conditions of the armistice." {Ibid, p. 108.} While handing the terms of armistice to Károlyi, General D'Esperey is reported to have said: "The Czechs, Roumanians and Jugoslavs are the enemies of Hungary, and I have only to give the orders and you will be destroyed." {Ibid, p. 104.} Thus, Hungary had received the first severe blow immediately at the end of the World War.

The terms of the Armistice, dictated by the French General were harsh and imposed extremely heavy obligations upon Hungary. A large part of her military supplies, rolling stock, river boats and live stock was to be delivered to the Allies. The Hungarian army was to be reduced to five divisions of infantry and one division of cavalry. About one-third of the territory of Hungary was to be occupied by the allied and associated army, though the civil administration of the occupied territory was to be carried on by the Hungarian government. It was stipulated that the occupation was temporary and the boundaries of Hungary were to be settled by the Peace Conference.

The Hungarians at once proceeded to comply with the terms of the armistice and began to strip their own country of the things demanded by the Allies in the armistice. After the Hungarians fulfilled the terms of the armistice and delivered to the Allies what they demanded, the French General, D'Esperey made good his threats and let loose the Servians and Roumanians, who, like hungry wolves, invaded and fell upon Hungary, and shamefully ravaged the country. Thus, the terms of the armistice were immediately violated by the Allies.

Stripped of the things the Allies wanted and her army demobilized, Hungary was unable to check the invaders, who proceeded to devastate everything that was left in Hungary after the armistice. The country was invaded in the South by the Servians in November, and in the East by the Roumanians, in the month of December. The Roumanian soldiers were beragged, wearing straw hats; but they helped themselves to whatever clothing they found in Hungary. These marauders were followed by the Czechs in the North and took from the Hungarians whatever was found. The invaders, after having stripped the country of its valuables, proceeded to divide up the territory of Hungary and to occupy their shares as "strategically important points." It was a free grab; and unfortunate Hungary was torn into pieces, as by the claws of ravaging wolves. And the Entente, which had fought "to make the world safe for democracy," looked on, coldly and with fiendish unconcern.

The invaders recognized neither domestic nor international law. Not satisfied with robbing the helpless Hungarians of their land and personal belongings, the marauders violated even the persons of the Hungarians. According to the report of Professor Coolidge of Harvard University, who was a member of the American Peace Commission, in the ancient Hungarian city of Kolozsvár, a young lady, speaking in the Hungarian language, remarked to her husband that the Roumanian soldiers patrolling the street were bedecked in Hungarian uniforms, whereas the day before she saw them in Roumanian rags. The young lady and her husband were arrested and, stripped of their clothing, were given twenty-five strokes of birch on their naked bodies. It was further reported to Professor Coolidge that the Servians also had introduced flogging as a punishment for the Hungarians who lived in the "occupied" territories. How scornfully the Roumanian invaders violated even the international law is shown by the following statement written by a professor of the University of Kolozsvár to the editor of the "London Nation" and published in that periodical on July 12, 1919:--

"On May 10 the Roumanians, relying on military force, declared our university to be the property of the Roumanian State, and invited our professors to take the oath of fidelity to Roumania and its King. Relying on international law, we unanimously refused to commit such an act of treason to the fatherland. Thereupon, 48 hours after the dispatch of their demand, our university was surrounded, during lesson hours, by armed forces. The professors were expelled from their chairs, our laboratory equipment was seized, and nearly 2,500 students were dispersed by the suspension of our university life. Furthermore, the assistant professors and their staff were forced, on pain of immediate expulsion, to remain in their places and continue their clinical work under the control of their old students of Roumanian nationality.

"It is needless to add that all this is contrary to international law. It is enough to remind you, that according to the fundamental principle of international law, every military occupation previous to the conclusion of peace is merely temporary, and has no judicial consequences. Furthermore, article 75 of the Hague Convention expressly forbids any citizen of occupied territory from being invited or forced to take the oath of allegiance to the conquering power, while article 56 provides that the property of schools and scientific institutes, even if they belong to the State, must be considered to be private property." {Quoted in Statement of Eugene Pivany to Committee on Foreign Relation, Sixth Congress, First Session.}

Against this vandalism and cruel violation of laws and outrages committed against the properties and persons of the Hungarians there was no recourse. To resist these vandals by arms would have been suicidal, because Hungary had no standing army; besides, the Allies were holding Hungary by her throat. It was more in line with human reason to allow themselves to be robbed of their personal belongings and liberty and thus save their lives, than to save their property by driving the invaders out of Hungary and, at the same time, allow themselves to be killed by the guns of the Allies.

Besides, Hungary expected the Allies to keep their words and comply with the terms of the armistice. It was reasonable for the Hungarians to believe that the nations which fought for the high ideals of making the world "safe for democracy" would have due respect for their promises and agreements and protect the rights of the conquered. Relying upon this belief President Károlyi frantically appealed to the Allies and begged them to accord to Hungary that treatment to which she was entitled under the terms of the armistice and according to international law. The appeal fell upon deaf ears and the invaders continued ransacking Hungary, unmolested, unresisted and with the consent of the Allies.

This insane policy of the Allies visited upon Hungary another series of outrages. The Bolshevik regime of Russia, by that time, had "educated" the bolshevikally inclined Hungarian Jewish prisoners of war held in Russia. They were trained to become skillful agitators and untiring apostles of the gospel of Bolshevism. While the "occupied" territories of Hungary were being devastated and ransacked by the invaders, and while Károlyi's government was in the full control of radicals and international Jews, these trained agitators, supplied with an enormous amount of Russian money, and augmented by a large number of Russian Jews, swooped down upon Hungary and spread all over the unoccupied territory of the country, preaching the "redeeming gospel of Bolshevism." They promised the Hungarians liberty, wealth and immunity from the invaders. If the Hungarians would accept the doctrine of Bolshevism, all their sufferings would be eliminated. Under the Bolshevik regime the country would be cleared of the invaders. Everybody would have all he should desire. "Become a convert to Bolshevism," said these apostles, "and Hungary will be free." . . Those bolsheviks were voluble promissors.

Under normal conditions Hungary would be the last country in the world to become Bolshevik. But this was not a normal condition. The Hungarians were being robbed and flogged by the invaders who were in every respect inferior to the Hungarians. An appeal to the conscience and to the honor of the victorious Allies brought them no relief against the outrages and indignities committed against them. The newly organized army was in the hands of the radicals and international Jews. There was no strength left for the Hungarians in Hungary successfully to oppose Bolshevism. Károlyi,

{Károlyi and his Jewish co-politicians afterwards fled from Hungary. For some time the rendezvous of this political scum of Hungary was Vienna. From there they directed their venomous propaganda against Hungary. When their fund was depleted, they scattered into several countries. With the aid of Czechoslovak passports some of them had succeeded in entering the United States of America. Under Jewish patronage they are in this country now slandering the land of their birth which they had almost succeeded in ruining. In their dishonorable and slanderous propaganda they refer to themselves as "exiles," comparing themselves to the great and ever faithful son of Hungary,--Louis Kossuth. But it should be remembered that Kossuth was a Christian Hungarian and that during his world-wide activities in behalf of Hungary he never slandered Hungary. Károlyi and his Jewish co-politicians,--those birds which so unconscionably befoul their own nest,--have never been and are not now patriots of the type of Louis Kossuth.}

without and [sic; any] authority from Hungary, turned the government over to the Bolsheviks. Christian Hungary was no more.

The Bolsheviks took over the control of the Hungarian government on March 21, 1919, and "ruled" Hungary until August 12th of the same year. Bela Kuhn, whose real name was Moritz Cohen, one of the "educated" prisoners of war, assumed a dictatorial power and thus became the "Semitic Dictator" of Hungary. The personnel of the "government" were selected from the ranks of the agitators, about ninety-five per cent of "whose names tell us that they were of Jewish origin." {Dillon's "Inside Story of the Peace Conference," p. 224.} The country then was divided into districts, and at the head of each district a commissaire was placed. It was not uncommon for the Bolsheviks to appoint janitors of Jewish churches to the office of commissaire who held in the hollow of their hands the life or death of the people in their districts. Terror squads were organized, and the "red terror" was in full swing.

The Bolsheviks now set to work to destroy what was left of Hungary. They followed the example of the iconoclastic farmer whose vineyard was threatened by a storm. Seeing that his grape vines were in danger of being destroyed by the impending storm, this farmer took into his hand a heavy pole and, with his face turned toward heaven, said: "Now, Lord, let's see which one of us can do a more perfect job of destruction." Then he proceeded to "beat the storm to it." Private property was seized and turned over to the converts of bolshevism. The rights of individuals to life, liberty and property were trampled upon. Those who did not subscribe to the Bolshevik doctrine were arrested, jailed and summarily executed. Venerable old men were torn from their families and shot to death in full public view. And when fathers of Christian families were held in jails without food, and their daughters or wives wished to take food to them, it was necessary for these ladies to pass through the offices of Samuelly, the Jewish chief of the Bolshevik terror squad, who fiendishly offered to permit the food to be conveyed to the incarcerated fathers, provided the young ladies would first submit to the ravages of Samuelly and of his henchmen. When these Christian young ladies had turned away in disgust and horror from that unspeakable Monster, he ordered them out of his office; but before they could escape from the building, they were seized and outraged, and their abdomens ripped open. Men were arrested in their clubs, carried away in trucks, murdered during transportation, and their bodies were thrown into the river.

The terror with which the bolsheviks ruled Hungary is fully explained by the following order given by one of the commissaries:

"Do not shrink from the shedding of blood, for nothing worth while can be obtained without it. Without blood there can be no terror, and without terror there can be no dictatorship of the proletariat." {Quoted in Count Paul Teleki's "The Evolution of Hungary and Its Place in European History;" p. 136.}

To carry out to the limit their system of "blood and terror," the bolsheviks abolished the right of trial and the right of defense. Christian Hungarians who opposed the bolsheviks were arrested and, without the formality of trial, and without the right of defense, were condemned to death. As an example of this bolshevik outrage, the following case is cited:

The bolsheviks arrested ten Hungarians in the Baross Cafe, in Budapest. They were charged with being "counter-revolutionaries." At midnight of the same day the accused were hauled before Czerny, one of the leaders of the bolshevik "terror squad." The prosecutor read and explained to the prisoners the charges against them. Then Czerny, the "Lenin boy," put his watch on the table and told the lawyer of the accused that he had one minute to plead for each of the ten accused. After this mockery, without any formality, the bolshevik terrorist condemned eight of the ten accused to death. On the same morning the eight condemned were shot to death. {Ibid, p. 138.}

This, then, is a fair example of what a government by bolshevik Jews, for bolshevik Jews and by bolshevik Jewish atrocity can accomplish! And Christian civilization might pause for a moment and ponder over these unprecedented atrocities.


In that terrible national catastrophe the Christians of Hungary looked toward the Christian Churches as the only source of national salvation. They clung to the word "Christian," in which the salvation of Hungary was assuringly implied. While passing in front of any of the Christian churches, the Christian men reverently uncovered their heads. The Catholic bared his head just as reverently as the Protestant. The Christian women of whatsoever denomination, with prayer on their lips, passed in front of the Christian churches, appealing to the Prince of Peace, that He might avert that awful national tragedy and save Christian Hungary from that terrible Jewish tyranny. It was somewhat later that Lloyd George, ex-Prime Minister of England, as if to confirm the belief of the Christian Hungarians, said: "The religion of Jesus Christ is the only thing that can save the world from another catastrophe."


It may be of some interest to the reader to know the reason why the bolshevik Jews succeeded in obtaining dictatorial control of Hungary, and why those bolshevik Jews wreaked such a terrible vengeance upon Christian Hungary. We shall give facts which will explain the reasons.


The Hungarians had always been tolerant and extremely liberal and friendly toward those who settled in Hungary. In 1785 there were 75,000 Jews in Hungary, and they got along very friendly with the Hungarians. During the time the Jews were persecuted in Roumania, Russia, and Poland, thousands of Jews from those countries flocked into Hungary. Just like the United States of America did, Hungary threw her gates wide open and admitted the persecuted Jews and treated them with the utmost of Christian liberalism. The result of that liberalism was that in 1910 there were 912,000 Jews in Hungary.

Hungary was good to the immigrant Jews. Under the very liberal laws of Hungary, the immigrant Jews were given the right to acquire Hungarian citizenship, even before they learned to appreciate the rights and privileges of Hungarian citizenship. Many of them considered Hungary not so much as their country but as a field of exploitation. Like Marlow's Jew of Malta, they considered the accumulation of wealth, by any means whatsoever, above any religious or political consideration. When the Hungarians realized that their liberalism toward those immigrant Jews was a mistake, it was too late. Those Jews, like the Jew of Malta, could grin and say:

"Rather had I, a Jew, be hated thus (being wealthy),

Than pitied in Christian poverty.

They say that we are a scatter'd nation:

I cannot tell; but we have scrambled up

More wealth by far than those that brag of (Christian) faith."


"O girl! O Gold! O beauty! O my bliss!"


{Marlow's Plays. The Jew of Malta.}

Count Teleki, former Premier of Hungary, says in his book, on page 142, that "bolshevism in Hungary was led and directed by these foreigners (Jews). Of course," he says, "there were Jews of older Hungarian origin, just as there were Hungarians taking part in the bolshevist movement, but the hatred of the people was aroused by the Galicians" (the Polish and Russian Jews). When the Hungarians opposed the outrages of those Jews, the cry of "white terror" was sent broadcast, and Count Teleki says "we (Hungarians) had no means to defend ourselves," for the reason that the dissemination of news and, therefore, the means to mold public opinion, were in the hands and control of Jews in Europe. Those Polish and Russian Jews could torture the Hungarians,--they could wait in front of Christian Churches for the Hungarian Christians and as those Christians came out of the churches they could be hanged to the nearest trees; but Christian civilization did not hear of it. But if a Hungarian Christian happened to step on the small toe of any of those Jews the Jew had yelled so loud, that the whole of Christendom had heard it.

Thus, during the bolshevik dictatorship in Hungary, those "foreign" Jews devastated Hungary, tortured and murdered Christian Hungarian women, young and old; yet Christian civilization heard very little of those atrocities. At this time, when even some of the American newspapers are writing ultimatums to the Hungarian government to resign because the Jews do not like that government, Christian civilization, and even the better element of Jewdom, might, with some moral benefit, ponder over the facts recited here. It is an utter folly for any Jew to believe that the Christian Hungarian men and women can be impoverished, tortured, outraged and murdered without a very vigorous and, indeed, active protest.

It would seem natural that the Christian nations, such as the victorious Allies are, would intervene to prevent the bolshevik Jews from utterly destroying Hungary. But there was a purpose of a definite nature in torturing the Christian Hungarians to the extremest point of endurance. Certain financial groups had an evil design on Hungary. Certain financial advantages were to be obtained from Hungary, before her suffering would be assuaged. But before such advantages could be gained, Hungary had to be forced down on her knees. Certain groups of international financiers wanted their pound of flesh from Hungary. And no Portia was there to insist that no more than one pound of flesh shall be cut!

Those international financiers, however, did not have the temerity of the "Merchant of Venice" to take into their hands their whetted knives and cut their pound of flesh from Hungary. They were too cowardly for that. They used the Roumanian army and the "Allied Army of Occupation" for that purpose. As a first step, a Roumanian army was sent into Hungary to occupy all the non-occupied territory of Hungary and to capture Budapest, the capital.

The plan of campaign decided on had Marshal Foch for its author. It was, therefore, business-like. He demanded a quarter of a million men (July 17, 1919), to which it was decided that Roumania should contribute 120,000, Jugoslavia 50,000 and Czechoslovakia as many as she could conveniently afford. But before the preparations were begun, Bela Kuhn flung his troops against the Roumanians with initial success, drove them across the river Tisza with considerable loss, and struck dismay into the members of the Supreme Council at Paris. The Roumanians afterward returned and defeated the Hungarians. {Dr. E. J. Dillon's " The Inside Story of the Peace conference, p. 221.}

The Roumanian army now marched on to Budapest. Suddenly a peremptory order was sent from the Peace Conference to the Roumanians to stop. But the Roumanians replied: "We take orders here only from our own government, which is in Bucharest." {Ibid: p. 232.} The reason for this order was not by any means a tender attitude on the part of the victorious Allies, to save Hungary from further ravages and outrages. The purpose was to gain time to parley for economic advantages. Some of the officers of the Allied army were in the employ, or else members, of certain financial groups, seeking economic advantages in Hungary. To accomplish their purpose, they combined military force with bribery. Kuhn, the Bolshevik dictator, was offered brilliant advantages to be given him by the Allies. He was assured that if he would give, in the Bánát, certain concessions to a financial group he would be left in power unmolested and that "subsequently he would be honored by an invitation to the Peace Conference of Paris." The name of this "financial group for obvious reasons remained nameless." {Dr. Dillon's "The Inside Story of the Peace Conference," p. 239.}


Such was the army, the power behind that army, and the method used to make the world "safe for democracy!"


The "Bánát," coveted by the "certain financial group," is one of the richest unexploited regions in Europe. Its mines of gold, zinc, lead, coal and iron offer an irresistible temptation to pushing capitalists and their governments who feel further attracted by the credible announcement that it also possesses oil in quantities large enough to warrant exploitation. {Ibid.}


The Bánát was an integral part of Hungary for over one thousand years, ever since Hungary existed. During all these one thousand years all the nations of Europe recognized it as a part of Hungary. But after the armistice, the Jugoslavs claimed the Bánát for themselves, "in order to possess herself of these abundant supplies." The Jugoslavs, however, were not able to hold that territory; therefore, the "certain financial group which for obvious reasons remained nameless" attempted to obtain concession therein from the Bolshevik regime. The "concession hunters are not fastidious about the nationality or character of those who bestow what they happen to be seeking." {Ibid, p. 239.}


These "enterprising officers belonging to the Allied Army of Occupation" did not succeed, at first, in their attempt to obtain control of the Bánát. But what is impossible for an army controlled by "financial group"?

If no concession could be obtained from Jugoslavia or from the Hungarian Bolsheviks, there were other methods whereby the concessions could be secured. In short, the Bánát was made an "independent republic." And since "it was obvious that the new community contained a very small population for an independent state, a protector would be required." And "this humanitarian role of protectress" was promised to be assigned to democratic France. And French agents were on the spot to approve the arrangement (The actors in this episode were not all officers and civil servants. They included some men in responsible positions). {Ibid, p. 240.}  

"In this compromising fashion Bela Kuhn was left for the time being in undisturbed power, and none of his friends had any fear that he would be driven out by the Allies so long as he contrived to hit it off with the Hungarians. Should the Hungarians turn away from him, however, the cosmopolitan financiers, whose cordial virtues are suppleness and adaptability, would readily work with his successor, whoever he might be." {Ibid, p. 240.}

It so happened, however, that the concessions sought in the Bánát were not obtained from the Bolshevik dictator. But this was a small matter for the "financial group." With the consent of the Peace Conference at Paris, which was also controlled by the "financial group," the Roumanians were let loose and they marched through Hungary and occupied Budapest. "Vengeance is mine," said the "financial group." And they got vengeance.

The Roumanian army now redoubled its efforts to pillage in Hungary what was left by the Bolsheviks. "The story of the pillaging by the Roumanian army in Hungary is Homeric. It equals anything of the kind done in the war. The Roumanians took away machines, farm implements, cattle, and even seed grain of the peasants. A member of the English Mission, sent into the east of Hungary to investigate the facts, said epigramatically, that the Roumanians had not even left the nails in the boards"! {J. J. Bass' "The Peace Tangle;" p. 193.}

"During the revolutionary movement and the lengthy crisis ensuing, a part of the capital of the country was annihilated, another part was eaten up; what might have remained has fallen victim to the Roumanian occupation. Our factories have been stripped; and the bulk of the stock of machinery and animals and means of communication of our agriculture have been either requisitioned or simply taken away by the armies of occupation. Indeed the lack of supply since the Roumanian occupation, the lack of all means and implements has made the supply of the materials essential to the maintenance of our economic life impracticable. {Hungarian Note 2. Presentation Note to Peace Conference, January 14, 1919, p. 19.}

Nor was this all. In their effort to make a thorough haul from Hungary, the Roumanian soldiers entered the homes of the Hungarians, stripped the linen from their beds and carried off their clothing. Anything and everything that could be piled into trucks and freight cars were taken. So eager were the Roumanians to clean up Hungary, that they actually took and carried away the door knobs. And Hungary was so thoroughly "cleaned out," that no linen was left, in which the newly born babes could be wrapped, so that the unfortunate creatures had to be wrapped in ordinary tissue paper.

When there was nothing left for them to take, the Roumanians backed large trucks in front of the doors of the Hungarian National Museum and were preparing to haul away the invaluable treasures of arts and other collections of national import. What the ignorant Roumanians wanted with the priceless collection of arts is a matter of speculation; but that they intended to "clean out" the Museum was evident enough. But it happened that by that time there was in Budapest an American Military Mission, commanded by Brigadier General Bandholz. Having heard of the intended vandalism by the Roumanians, General Bandholz hastened to the Museum. The Roumanian trucks were already backed up to the door of the Gallery when he arrived. He quickly put the United States seal on the door of the Museum and in a brief, stern and unmistakable American style told the Roumanian Staff that the breaking of that seal would result in serious consequences. The Roumanians promptly left the Museum and the priceless treasures of arts and other collections, the pride of the Hungarian Nation, were saved.

The Hungarians could no longer bear the outrages and humiliations of the Roumanian invaders. Under the leadership of Admiral Nicholas Horthy, now Governor of Hungary, a number of brave Hungarians organized an army. Poorly equipped though they were, they marched on to Budapest. They were determined to fight and die, rather than suffer any more outrages at the hands of the invaders. The Roumanian army, as cowardly as it came in, moved out of Budapest and marched to the line of demarcation, without offering any resistance. Thus, at last, Budapest, together with the little strip of Hungarian territory, was freed from foreign occupation and ravages.

These are facts that occurred after the armistice, between Hungary and the victorious Allies, was signed. The high sounding phrases, the lofty principles and the much heralded "war aims" were lost sight of, when "the financial group" wanted to obtain concessions in the virgin land of Hungary. If the sufferings of Hungary were stopped here, it might have appeared that dazed civilization had come to its senses and assumed a human form and acted in terms of human thought and feeling.

But Hungary's cup was not full to the brim yet. She had to undergo a painful operation on the table of the Peace Conference of Paris and there to learn how cruel modern civilization can be. There on the operating table she was taught the modern meaning of the term, "the world safe for democracy."

"O judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts,

And men have lost their reason!--Bear with me;

My heart is on the table there with (Hungary),

And I must pause till it comes back to me."


{With apology to "Julius Caesar."}