This book is a sequel to Carleton Putnam's Race and Reason, which has sold over 150,000 copies since its publication in 1961. Race and Reality brings up-to-date the story begun in the earlier volume. Readers familiar with the latter will find summarized here Putnam's essential viewpoint set in a fresh perspective. They will also find added documentation and much that throws new light on the world's deepening racial crisis.
Written in the form of a midnight soliloquy, Race and Reality recounts the author's experiences with the scientific hierarchy since 1961. It traces to its source our national bewilderment on the Negro question. It also reviews the balance of the evidence in regard to the hidden facts. The book then tells the inside story of the Stell trial and explores the methods by which the truth about it has been evaded and ignored. Finally, in a question and answer section similar to that in Race and Reason, it deals with the scores of related issues which so often confuse the central problem. In the last two chapters, it focuses on that problem and proposes a solution.
Stuart Campbell, in a lead review
in the American Bar Association Journal, forecast that Race and
Reason would become "one of the most important books of this
generation." The same might well be predicted for the present work.
"Putnam penetratingly analyzes how liberal dogmatism has paralyzed the ability to doubt popular views even in academic cloisters with resultant prevention of publication of research on racial questions. My personal investigations verify some specifics and the general tenor of Putnam's extensive reporting of such effective suppression . . . I urge thoughtful citizens to read Putnam's analyses and, in keeping with constitutional principles of freedom of speech and press, to provoke public debate between the unpopular ideas he presents and those currently popular. I urge this action in the interest of replacing prejudice, prejudgment and bias with scientific method and objectivity even though I by no means accept all of his conclusions. I have also learned by both spoken and written communication that several members of the National Academy of Sciences share Putnam's conclusion that there do exist significant genetic differences in distribution of potential intelligence between races."—William Shockley, Nobel laureate and a leading member of the National Academy of Sciences.
Copyright, 1967, by Carleton Putnam
International Standard Book Number: 0-914576-14-3
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 67-19407
Howard Allen Printing 1980
All rights reserved. For information write Howard Allen
Enterprises, Inc., Box 76, Cape Canaveral, Fl 32920
Printed in the United
States of America
"The great difficulty we have in facing the race problem is that a whole generation of educated Americans have grown up under Professor Boas' teachings. . . . These are the people who are now in power in the United States and they don't know what it's all about. . . . That leaves the race question to be solved only by the more uneducated people in the country. That means it's going to be solved in a pragmatic way which is always, of course, the most disagreeable way possible."—Extract from a confidential letter to the author from the son of a former President of the United States.
CONTENTS [by original pages]
Midnight in Maine 1
The Fantasy 14
The Facts 46
The Day in Court 67
Decisions—On and Off the Record 87
Point Counter-Point 95
Vista at Daybreak 176
Morning 182