If the Jews can build their Hoaxoco$t monuments and museums in every village, usually at taxpayer expense; if they can saturate our school systems, news media, and educational systems with their Hoaxoco$t horror stories, "docudramas", and propaganda; if they can criminalize a love of your own people as "genocide" and "hatred"; if they can put tens of millions of people on the street to protest anti-Communist wars (Viet Nam), but paralyze all dissent, worldwide, when it comes to wars favoured by Israel (Irak, Serbia); if they could disrupt the entire war effort in Viet Nam with a few simple photographs (for example, a little girl running naked along a road); if they can create a system of intellectual terrorism ranging from Poland to Japan (the Marco Polo incident, in which a successful Japanese magazine with a circulation of 200,000 was destroyed because of a single revisionist article) -- a system in which there is more freedom in Russia than there is in Switzerland -- then they are guilty of the murder of 50 million children by abortion since 1973. Power is responsibility.
By some pathological process of psychological projection, our Jewish "democracies" have now become the exact mirror image of the (largely imaginary) "Nazi" society which they pretend to hate so much. If a "Nazi" society is a society obsessed by race; in which every conceivable decision of public, national, and cultural life is dictated by some crackpot racial theory; in which genocide is routinely practised, with millions of innocent victims, in an atmosphere of general public indifference; in which grotesquely cruel and unethical medical experiments are routinely practised by quack doctors in the service of some commercial interest; in which the bodies of murdered persons are salvaged, re-sold and utilized for commercial purposes; in which might is right, and human life has no value; in which brutal and cruel wars of aggression are launched on the apparent whim of the moment, without declaration of war; in which government routinely spies upon its citizens; in which dissent is routinely crushed, books burnt, and ordinary people persecuted and imprisoned for the expression of personal opinions; in which the news media are tightly controlled and routinely censured, becoming a mere vehicle of ideological propaganda; in which the school system is perverted into a mere instrument of propaganda; in which the cultural achievements and religious traditions of thousands of years are routinely perverted, destroyed, and ridiculed; in which the infliction of suffering is a form of entertainment; in which government is by a self-appointed minority of psychotics, perverts, and criminals; then our Jewish-dominated "democracies" are the most "Nazi" societies in the history of the world.
* Women's League for Conservative Judaism…"
"…people who identify themselves as 'Jews' have led and do lead the abortion movement, not only in the United States, but all over the world… In the late 1960s, pro-life activists observed that the abortion 'rights' movement was primarily motivated and led by people who called themselves Jews [!]. About half of all abortionists and abortion clinic owners [!] identified themselves as Jewish, which was far out of proportion with the Jewish population, which made up less than five percent of the United States population."
"Dr. Kenneth Mitzner, a California aerospace engineer who founded the pro-life League Against Neo-Hitlerism, wrote in 1973 that 'It is tragic but demonstrably true that most of the leaders of the pro-abortion movement are of Jewish extraction.'…"[!]
* All four original organizers of the most influential group of abortion pushers in the United States -- the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) -- were of Jewish birth [!], including now pro-life Dr. Bernard Nathanson.
* Dr. Alan Guttmacher was president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America for more than a decade, founded Planned Parenthood Physicians, and did more than any other doctor to promote abortion in this country. He also advocated mandatory abortion and sterilization for certain groups in the United States.
* Stanford professor Paul Ehrlich is the 'father' of the overpopulation myth. His 'work,' The Population Bomb, was the 'spark' that ignited the anti-natalist movement…
* California and New York state legislators led the drive for legalized abortion in the United States. Legislators who constantly emphasized their Jewishness led the pro-abortion movement in both states; those leaders included state senators Anthony Bielenson in California and Albert Blumenthal in New York [!].
* Pro-abortion 'Jews' dominate such anti-life groups as the American Civil Liberties Union and People for the American Way [!].
* Numerous liberal Jewish groups openly support and advocate abortion, including the American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress, the National Council of Jewish Women, Hadassah Women, the Federation of Reconstructionist Congregations, the Jewish Labor Committee, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, B'nai B'rith Women, Na'amat USA, the National Council of Jewish Women, the National Federation of Temple Sisterhood, the New Jewish Agenda, North American Temple Youth, the United Synagogues of America, and the Women's League for Conservative Judaism. Many of these groups were founded for the express purpose of pushing abortion.
* The officially suppressed Lichter-Rothman studies revealed the following fascinating information about the 'movers and shakers' of the media (both researchers, by the way, are Jewish): Leaders of the motion picture industry: 95% pro-abortion, 62% Jewish: Leaders of the television industry: 97% pro-abortion, 59% Jewish: Leaders of the news media industry: 90% pro-abortion, 23% Jewish.
"…the press gives pro-abortion 'Jews' great play, and excuses them from actions that it would vigorously condemn pro-lifers for. Imagine what the press would do to a pro-life activist who attacked and seriously injured a Jewish abortionist with a baseball bat! Yet, when Jewish abortionist Barnett Slepian beat a pro-life activist in the head with a baseball bat and seriously injured him, the press and abortophiles whined that pro-lifers were anti-Semitic for picketing his home!"
"…pro-abortion bigotry against Catholics originated with two prominent Jews, Larry Lader and Bernard Nathanson. In his book Aborting America, Dr. Nathanson describes part of a 1969 conversation he had with fellow abortophile Larry Lader, in which Lader theorized that; 'Historically, every revolution has to have its villain ...Now, in our case, it makes little sense to lead a campaign only against unjust laws, even though that's what we really are doing. We have to narrow the focus, identify those unjust laws with a person or a group of people ...There's always been one group of people in this country associated with reactionary politics, behind-the-scenes manipulations, socially backward ideas. You know who I mean, Bernie ...the Catholic hierarchy. That's a small enough group to come down on, and anonymous enough so that no names ever have to be mentioned ...'[Source of information: Bernard M. Nathanson, M.D. The Abortion Papers: Inside the Abortion Mentality. Idea Books, Post Office Box 4010, Madison, Wisconsin 53711. 1985, 192 pages, $9.95] …Other even more extreme anti-Catholic statements [were] made by Lader and other early members of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL)…"
"…At no time do 'Jewish' abortophiles become more indignant than when pro-lifers explain and publicize the many parallels between the original Nazi Holocaust and the one occurring in the United States right now. The intensity of their reaction to such analogies is almost comically vitriolic. Abortophile Regina Barshak squawked loudly when pro-lifers drew the Old/New Holocaust analogy, in an article entitled 'A Jewish Cry of Protest' (not a 'woman's cry of protest' or an 'American Cry of Protest' but a 'Jewish Cry of Protest')…[Source of information: Regina Barshak. 'A Jewish Cry of Protest.' Letter in The Boston Globe, March 18, 1972. Also distributed by the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) for propaganda purposes on page 44 of their looseleaf booklet entitled 'Organizing for Action.' Prepared by Vicki Z. Kaplan for the National Abortion Rights Action League, 250 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019. 51 pages, no date]…"
"…Masturbation guru Sol Gordon has angrily denounced the Old/New Holocaust analogy in even more direct terms; 'In our view, individuals who exhibit the least human dignity are those who compare the Holocaust, the mass murder of 6 million Jews, to abortion. There exists no comparison more immoral or depraved. It is both illogical and outrageous to suggest that the calculated murder of millions of children and adults can be equated with an individual woman's decision to terminate her pregnancy ... '… [Source of information: 'Masturbation guru' Sol Gordon. Personal Issues in Human Sexuality. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc, 1986. Page 65.]…"
"…Why are the victims of one Holocaust perpetrating another? [!!!] … Some Jewish pro-life activists, including Rabbi Mordechai Blank, speculate that pro-abortion 'Jews' are simply hardened to the horrors of persecution and feel justified in persecuting others…" [!!!]
"…the chief proponent of abortion in the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) was feminist Chaike Crossman, who suffered in Auschwitz during World War II. [Source of information: Father Paul Marx. Confessions of a Pro-Life Missionary. 1988, 353 pages, $10.00 hardback, $8.00 softback. Published by Human Life International, 7845-E Airpark Road, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879.] Another outstanding example is Henry Morgentaler of Canada, who was also interned at Auschwitz [!]. [Source of information: Life and Family News, June 1987, page 2. Published by the Life and Family Center, Box 7244, Collegeville, Minnesota 56321.] This prolific abortionist was the driving force behind the legalization of abortion in Canada [!!!]. He ignored any abortion law that did not suit him, and set up illegal clinics that were actually protected by local police. Morgentaler gave us a revealing glimpse into his murderous personality when he said that 'It took me years to get rid of this image [of myself helpless in the concentration camps]. And to do that, it was absolutely necessary to oppose authority -- whatever the authority may be.'[Source of information: Canadian abortionist Henry Morgentaler, quoted in Louis DiRocco. 'Morgentaler l'obstiné (the stubborn), according to Sylvie Halpern.' Vitality, August 1992, page 7.] Perhaps Morgentaler is 'taking out' his frustrations and his pain on preborn babies…" [!!!]
"…Bernard M. Nathanson, M.D. The Abortion Papers: Inside the Abortion Mentality. Idea Books, Post Office Box 4010, Madison, Wisconsin 53711. 1985, 192 pages, $9.95. Reviewed by Nancy Koster on page 6 of the November 24, 1983 issue of National Right to Life News. A former prolific abortionist exposes the anti-Catholic bigotry of the pro-abortion movement, discusses the role of the blatantly biased media in obtaining abortion on demand, and explores what the science of fetology has revealed about the unborn child. This enjoyable book is written in George Will's wry and acerbic style. Dr. Nathanson is one of the co-founders of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL). Chapter 3, 'Catholics,' pages 177 to 209, describes in detail how NARAL used blatant anti-Catholic bigotry to push liberalized abortion laws and undermine the teachings of the Church. Other examples of NARAL skulduggery abound in this book. For example, NARAL asserted to the state of Massachusetts that pro-life groups have no right to endorse pro-life candidates, even if the groups are not tax- exempt. In the ensuing lawsuit, Federal Election Commission v. Massachusetts Citizens for Life, Inc., the right to distribute such literature was upheld. This is typical of the harassment lawsuits brought by NARAL and others when any pro-life efforts are in progress. Pro-aborts almost never spend money themselves, but get a government entity to go after pro-life activists. Also see Chapter 1, 'Abortion and the Media,' pages 7 to 109, and Chapter 2, 'Fetology for Pro-Life,' pages 111 to 175. Chapter 2 consists of a detailed and interesting history of fetology in the United States…"
"Gershom Scholem. 'The Holiness of Sin.' Commentary, January 1971, pages 41 to 70… accompanied by Commentary editor Norman Podhoretz' article drawing an analogy to modern political movements and how they are led and influenced by apostate or cultural Jews…
"'Holocaust: New and Old.'" A 14-page booklet containing the complete interview by National Catholic Register editor Patrick Riley with Elasah Drogin of the group Remnant of Israel. The subject of the interview was the parallel between the Nazi Holocaust and the one now happening in the United States, and the willing complicity of cultural Jews in the slaughter. This booklet is available from Catholics United for Life, New Hope, Kentucky 40052."
[source of all quotations: www.all.org/encyclopedia] [defunct]
To view an abortion filmed live, by ultra-scan, on-line, just click www.silentscream.org www.abortiontv.com or www.lifecall.org. You can download the programme to view it with. The film is called THE SILENT SCREAM and is narrated by Dr. Bernard Nathanson, referred to above, a Jew who performed 3,000 abortions and then changed his mind. The film has never been shown on network television, ordinarily a sewer of filth for every other kind of violence.
30 AUGUST 2000
For more pics, search google.com for "abortion gallery " and "abortion photo", "abortion film" etc.
See also:
Part-Jewish Pro-Lifer Demands a Retraction and an Apology
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