For more of the same, just search google for "JFK 1965 Immigration Act".
27 September 2008
For example:
President John F. Kennedy's immigration message to Congress on July 23, 1963, assailed the national origins quota system as having "no basis in either logic or reason." He complained,
"It neither satisfies a national need nor accomplishes an international purpose. In an age of interdependence among nations, such a system is an anachronism for it discriminates among applicants for admission into the United States on the basis of the accident of birth." (Kennedy, John F.,
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1964, pp. 594-597.)
An interesting proposition, since JFK's money bought him the Presidency, cash on the barrel-head.
Is it an "accident"that you are born to your own parents, in your own country, with the genetic characteristics of your own ancestors?
Is it an "accident" that Chinese children are born to Chinese parents in China, and that African children are born to African parents in Africa?
Perhaps they should be born to French parents on the planet Mars.
Perhaps they should be born on airplanes and be parachuted down to earth at random, to eliminate the "accident of birth".
Perhaps there should be a worldwide lottery to see who gets forced to adopt the latest little African or Chinese bratlet, to eliminate the "accident of birth".

A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS was originally published by the Anti-Defamation League of B`nai B`rith in 1959, and only issued by a non-kosher publisher in 1964, after the assassination, with a foreword by RFK, saying how fervently they all wanted to fill America with "huddled masses of wretched refuse" from everybody's "teeming shores", etc.
Other editions include introductions by Teddy Kennedy and/or Abraham Foxman of the ADL (you pay extra big-bucks for the kosher Foxman edition).
From the introduction by RFK:
"I know of no cause which President Kennedy championed more warmly than the improvement of our immigration policies. Our attitude toward the immigrant has gradually matured to a full appreciation of the contribution he can make and has made to American life. Much of the story of that development is set forth in this book. But recent years have witnessed a legislative lag. Every forward step in legislative legislation [sic] since World War II bore the John F. Kennedy imprint: The Displaced Persons Act and the Refugee Relief Act, which he sponsored while in Congress; the 1957 bill to bring families together, which he led to passage in the Senate; and the comprehensive reform of our law which he recommended to Congress as President. In 1958, while the fight for the 1957 amendments was still fresh, he published his first edition of this book. It was deliberately designed to provide those who were unfamiliar with this aspect of our history with an appreciation of the enormous contributions to American life made by immigrants. He felt that the understanding was essential to any future effort to eliminate the discrimination and cruelty of our immigration laws."
Please excuse me while I shed copious tears.
Shall I clean up with kleenex or toilet paper?

Why don't all these self-righteous Jews practice their own policies in Israel?
30 September 2008