The Website of Carlos Whitlock Porter


Miscellaneous Comments on the "Master Race"

ME: ...
It should be obvious that Master Race does not suggest Herrenvolk and that Herrenvolk does not suggest Master Race. Hitler uses the term Herrenvolk in the sense of dominant race of people in Mein Kampf, but he does not identify this dominant race of people with the Germans, only the Aryans. And so on. To most people, this will seem like hair-splitting. But it makes a difference.
For example. The Jews are the dominant racial or ethnic group in America, and most other Western countries. No one would deny this. They often admit it, and brag about it. But they would never admit to being a Master Race, and I would never call them a Master Race. What the hell is this supposed to mean, I'm supposed to bow down and worship them, they have a right to lead me around on a dog collar, like Lynndie England at Abu Ghraib? Hell, no!

But I think even the Jews would admit to being a Herrenvolk, they would feel flattered, because Herrenvolk implies a race or people enjoying a dominant position because of some innate quality, a people in a position of superior power who deserve respect. This is the way people in positions of national dominance ALWAYS regard themselves, just look at the colonial powers. There are no exceptions.

It is obvious that the alleged "translation" of this one very unsual coined word, Herrenvolk, "Master Race", was deliberately calculated to elicit this reaction of repugnance and disgust. It's like advertising: you've got a soap powder that's a miserable product, but you invent some fantastically catchy slogan, like "Rinso-Sudso suds your duds, Rinso-Sudso-sudsy-wuds, Rinso-Sudso!!!" (music), and you make millions, even if the product is garbage. That's what they did with this one lousy word, used a known total of 6 times [!].

To me, "Master Race" is too narrow to be a correct general translation for "Herrenvolk", even if you could prove it was an acceptable translation in certain contexts. It's like seeing the word "bird" and translating it as a certain kind of bird -- cedar waxwing, Baltimore oriole, or azure-winged magpie, etc..

Herrenvolk implies a people who deserve respect. It does not imply a slave master dragging people around on a dog leash. When you translate you respect the intention, the thought. You think, what is this person trying to say, how would he say it if he was a native English speaker in an original piece of English? No colonial power would call itself a Master Race. They simply say, look, we're in charge around here, we represent a superior civilization, democracy and development, and so on, so you people have to do what we say. If you're translating Stephen Foster songs about slavery and the song says kindly ole Massa, you don't translate it as evil, greedy, predatory ole Massah what be exploitin' the horny handed sons of toil, us niggahs, see.

That's what they've done. The term Master Race is a trick, a con, added to make ordinary concepts and ideas seem horrifying. There is nothing original about speculating that once upon a time, whites were the dominant racial group (the Herrenvolk) in America, Britain, South Africa, or Australia, but they lost their self-confidence, their belief in themselves, their will to retain themselves in power (their Herrenstandpunkt), so they lost their power. Now the niggers and the chinks and so on are the dominant racial group, the Herrenvolk. It's just a trick of semantics. When R. Crumb shows a nigger telling the President of the United States, "yo' fo'foddahs wuz bad-asses (a Herrenvolk), but you be weak (Ihr seid ein Knechtvolk), it's the same idea. These are normal ideas. We hear these everyday. There is no need for these grotesque pseudo-Germanic, pseudo-Teutonic compounds, Master Race. It's rubbish. Almost all these passages in Mein Kampf are purely speculative, they relate to the far distant past and future. For example, did you know did you know that the Australian aborigines originally came from the Indian subcontinent? They are Dravidians, a low-caste Indian racial group. The Tasmanians are Papuans, a primitive black race from the South Seas. The Tasmanians never set foot in Australia. Neither one can sail worth a damn. So how the hell did they get there?

All over the South Seas, for example, the Caroline Islands, you find fantastic stone remnants of ancient civilizations, enormous stone causeways, monuments, canals miles long cut through solid rock. Nobody believes the ancestors of the present-day island natives built these things. So there is a great deal of circumstantial evidence of what Hitler says in vol. 1, chapter 10, of Mein Kampf. That at one time in the distant past, an ancient Aryan race conquered most of the world and that remnants of these peoples can still be seen. Anywhere you look in the world, wherever there are different racial groups or mixing, the lightest-skinned racial group in always in a position of dominance (they are a Herrenvolk). You can see this in South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, all over.

There is considerable evidence for this; academically, it is known as "Solutreanism", click here or here or here.
There are several documentary films on the subject, perhaps most notably ICE AGE COLUMBUS.

In other words, the contexts in which Hitler uses the word "Herrenvolk" (a grand total of 3 times) are neither particularly original nor particularly controversial.

Obviously, it's not just lightness of skin that makes Aryans superior, rather, the whiteness of skin is an exterior indication of complex genetic differences which predominate throughout the body. Every cell in the body is different between different races. Any police scientist can verify this. You think the cops can't tell the difference between the races from a skull? Everything Hitler says in this connection can be verified. For example, my own info on the aborigines and the Tasmanians and the Caroline Islands comes from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica. The best other book I know of on these problems is called WHITE MAN, THINK AGAIN, by a South African named Anthony Jacob (who appears to have been an anti-Communist Jew), usually available from or,

One of the best works on the incapacity of the Africans and the self-destruction of white civilization in Africa

or THE MARCH OF THE TITANS, by Arthur Kemp. In Mexico, the ruling classes, the Herrenvolk, are all white. In Haiti, they are mulatto. And so on. They are the remains of an ancient Herrenvolk, a dominant race. But this does not imply that Hitler believed that the Germans in particular had the right to drag the Poles, French, Dutch, etc., around on a dog leash. 

What's more, everything he ever did contradicts almost everything he says in Mein Kampf.  His actual career in politics was not what one would have expected from reading Mein Kampf. To explain what he says in Mein Kamp would require a discussion of the historical context in which Mein Kampf was written, in 1924 – 1927, for God's sake, which was very early...           
          The real translation of Herrenvolk (an almost unknown coined word, almost never used, 3 times by Hitler and 6 times total), is, to me, a people which respects itself and expects to be respected by others. A people in which the working class and bourgeoisie, manual workers and intellectual workers, are placed on a basis of equality and treat each other with respect. A people which is master in its own house. A people which is its own master, and is master of the situation. An independent people. Herrschen means to rule and one of the translations for Herrscher, ruler, is sovereign, i.e., independent. Herrenvolk does not mean a race, and Herrenvolk does not Sklavenherrenrasse, Herrscherrasse, or anything else of the kind. These words have no negative connotations. It is almost impossible to put them together in such a was as to get a negative meaning. If you described the Spanish as "un pueblo de hombres, pueblo de señores, pueblo de caballeros", etc., it would be taken as an enormous compliment. This is true in all languages.  If they didn't understand "pueblo de señores" at first, then you could simply say that in Spain, ordinary people possess a quality known as "señorío", which means dignity, stateliness, etc., in addition to all the other qualities inherent in being a man, i.e., courage, dignity, pride, self-respect, reliability, a sense of honour, a sense of chivalry, etc.  The same is true in Italian, Portuguese, and French, mutatis mutandis. Herr is a term of respect. A Herrenvolk is what they would call in Italian "un popolo che si fa rispettare". A man who "causes himself to be respected" had damn well better be treated with respect...

...On race, see RACE, EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR by J. Philippe Rushton (the full-length book, not simply the midget version), or RACE by John R. Baker of Oxford University...

As I was saying, about the Caroline Islands.....

Ancient Stone Buildings

In Ponape and Kusaie, massive stone structures, similar to those which occur in several other parts of the Pacific Ocean, have long been known to exist. They have been closely explored by Herr Kubary, Mr F. J. Moss, and later Mr F. W. Christian. None of the colossal structures hitherto described appears to have been erected by the present Melanesian or Polynesian peoples, while their wide diffusion, extending as far as Easter Island, within 400 m. of the New World, points to the occupation of the Pacific lands by a prehistoric race which had made some advance in general culture. The Funafuti borings (1897) show almost beyond doubt that Polynesia is an area of comparatively recent subsidence. Hence the land connexions must have formerly been much easier and far more continuous than at present. The dolmen-builders of the New Stone Age are now known to have long occupied both Korea and Japan, from which advanced Asiatic lands they may have found little difficulty in spreading over the Polynesian world, just as in the extreme west they were able to range over Scandinavia, Great Britain and Ireland. To Neolithic man, still perhaps represented by some of the more light-coloured and more regular-featured Polynesian groups, may therefore not unreasonably be attributed these astonishing remains, which assume so many different forms according to the nature of the locality, but seem generally so out of proportion with the present restricted areas on which they stand. With the gradual subsidence of these areas their culture would necessarily degenerate, although echoes of sublime theogonies and philosophies are still heard in the oral traditions and folklore of many Polynesian groups. In the islet of Lele, close to Kusaie, at the eastern extremity of Micronesia, the ruins present the appearance of a citadel with cyclopean ramparts built of large basaltic blocks. There are also numerous canals, and what look like artificial harbours constructed amid the shallow lagoons.

See also: Nan Madol
Various books by Graham Hancock, such as Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization, Fingerprints of the Gods and others; there are many oddities. Nothing is known for certain...
Again, from the EB 1911...

In Ponape, the remains are of a somewhat similar character, but on a much larger scale, and with this difference, that while those of Lele all stand on the land, those of Ponape are built in the water. The whole island is strewn with natural basaltic prisms, some of great size; and of this material, brought by boats or rafts from a distance of 30 m. and put together without any mortar, but sustained by their own weight, are built all the massive walls and other structures on the east side of the island. The walls of the main building near the entrance of Metalanim harbour form a massive quadrangle 200 ft. on all sides, with inner courts, vault and raised platform with walls 20 to 40 ft. high and from 8 to 18 ft. thick. Some of the blocks are 25 ft. long and 8 ft. in circumference, and many of them weigh from 3 to 4 tons. There are also numerous canals from 30 to 100 ft. wide, while a large number of islets, mainly artificial, covering an area of 9 sq. m., have all been built up out of the shallow waters of the lagoon round about the entrance of the harbour, with high sea-walls composed of the same huge basaltic prisms. In some places the walls of this "Pacific Venice" are now submerged to some depth, as if the land had subsided since the construction of these extensive works. Elsewhere huge breakwaters had been constructed, the fragments of which may still be seen stretching away for a distance of from 2 to 3 m. Most observers, such as Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge and Mr Le Hunte, agree that these structures could not possibly be the work of any of the present Polynesian peoples, and attribute them to a now extinct prehistoric race, the men of the New Stone Age from the Asiatic mainland.

PAPUANS (Malay papitwah or puwah-puwah, " frizzled," "woolly-haired," in reference to their characteristic hairdressing), the name given to the people of New Guinea and the other islands of Melanesia. The pure Papuan seems to be confined to the north-western part of New Guinea, and possibly the interior. But Papuans of mixed blood are found throughout the island (unless the Karons be of Negrito stock), and from Flores in the west to Fiji in the east. The ethnological affinities of the Papuans have not been satisfactorily settled. Physically they are negroid in type, and while tribes allied to the Papuans have been traced through Timor, Flores and the highlands of the Malay Peninsula to the Deccan of India, these "Oriental negroes," as they have been called, have many curious resemblances with some East African tribes. Besides the appearance of the hair, the raised cicatrices, the belief in omens and sorcery, the practices for testing the courage of youths, &c., they are equally rude, merry and boisterous, but amenable to discipline, and with decided artistic tastes and faculty. Several of the above practices are common to the Australians, who, though generally inferior, have many points of resemblance (osteological and other) with Papuans, to whom the extinct Tasmanians were still more closely allied. It may be that from an indigenous Negrito stock of the Indian archipelago both negroes and Papuans sprang, and that the latter are an original cross between the Negrito and the immigrating Caucasian who passed eastward to found the great Polynesian race. The typical Papuan is distinctly tall, far exceeding the average Malay height, and is seldom shorter, often taller, than the European. He is strongly built, somewhat "spur-heeled". He varies in colour from a sooty-brown to a black, little less intense than that of the darkest negro. He has a small dolichocephalous head, prominent nose somewhat curved and high but depressed at the tip, high narrow forehead with projecting brows, oval face and dark eyes. The jaw projects and the lips are full. His hair is black and frizzly, worn generally in a mop, often of large dimensions, but sometimes worked into plaits with grease or mud. On some islands the men collect their hair into small bunches, and carefully bind each bunch round with fine vegetable fibre from the roots up to within about two inches from the end. Dr Turner gives a good description of this process. He once counted the bunches on a young man's head, and found nearly seven hundred. There is usually little hair on the face, but chest, legs and fore-arms are generally hirsute, the hair short and crisp.

The constitution of society is everywhere simple. Huxley believed that the Papuans were more closely allied to the negroes of Africa than any other race. Later scientists have endeavoured to identify the Papuans with the Negritos of the Philippines and the Semangs of the Malay Peninsula. Alfred Russel Wallace pronounced against this hypothesis in an appendix to his Malay Archipelago (1883 ed., p. 602), where he observes that "the black, woolly-haired races of the Philippines and the Malay Peninsula ... have little affinity or resemblance to the Papuans." Dr A. B. Meyer, who spent several years in the Malay Archipelago and New Guinea, developed a contrary conclusion in his Die Negritos der Philippinen (1878), holding that the Negritos and Papuans are identical, and that possibly, or even probably, the former are an offshoot of the latter, like some other Polynesian islanders. A. C. Haddon, discussing, in Nature (September 1899), a later paper by Dr Meyer in English on the same subject (The Distribution of the Negritos, Dresden, 1899), practically adopted Meyer's views, after an independent examination of numerous skulls. As to how the Papuans, who are the aborigines of New Guinea, may have peopled other and much more distant islands, information is lacking.

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