The more improbable a mental item is, the more faith is required to accept it. The 'religious' hucksters use this to their -- not God's -- advantage. When your prayers fail to materialize, you are accused of not having enough faith which, of course, God recognizes and thereby withholds His favors until the day you "shape up" -- usually by sending more money. The deranged naturally exhibit the greater quantity of 'faith' since most believe in the wildest of absurdities. (Our ZOG asylum is currently in the hands of such people but it is not a unique thing nor is it because Americans are more brain-dead than other populations of other times.) We are thus led to accept the idea that the more ridiculous one's mental state is, the more God loves him. I find this a horny pill to swallow. God has always indicated that He prefers -- if He EVER bothers to give two shakes -- people of sound mind since societies run by nitwits always have a way of decaying and dying. Societies run relatively close to rational lines according to what is observed in Nature, are always more productive and healthy. There have been very few of them over the years and they seem to have very short lives. This, you might suggest, contradicts my prior statement but those Natural Socialist states did not die of internal rot. They were simply overrun, and destroyed, by hordes whose entire motive was a common hatred for what was obviously superior. This is a very old theme and the fact that God never seems to intervene leaves me with the thought that He really doesn't give two shakes. Communism, as you may recall, is the politics of envy and you do not have to travel very far to see it in action. It's all around you -- everywhere.
Parochial schools have a very small count of low IQ people which apparently is closely associated with skin color. Many times I was told that the only reason a parent was sending their youngster to a private school was out of concern for their safety. In one of my schools, theft, vandalism, rowdiness and poor scores closely paralleled the increase in Black students. In an earlier essay I mentioned that an integrated school becomes borderline at about 5 percent Black. If this percentage is 25, then for all practical purposes you can write it off as a place where anyone learns anything. Integrated education simply means that all standards will be brought down to the level of the primitive Black. This saddens me since I do hold compassion for those unfortunate White kids who have been cheated out of something, which in my day, was essentially worthwhile. Most of our average White kids have no place to turn. Many come from dysfunctional homes, "one parent families", and other such sewers. With little adult support they take to drugs and subsequently sex. Many simply imitate unruly simians all of which ensures that their futures will be quite bleak. This spells disaster for any society which is unable, or unwilling, to correct itself. As the hordes of muds flood into the living space of Whites, the more difficult it will be to salvage anything. The turd-world has demonstrated beyond any doubt, that it is incapable of building much of anything. They are bringing their disastrous modes here. They seek not "freedom" but freebies. If America resembled their own country, they would not seek to plant themselves here. Unfortunately, goats bring along their goat relatives and their goat behavior -- even if you could tolerate their smell. It takes a heap of faith to not see the obvious.
According to the rich doctor, Joe's love object "just happened" to make a "forgivable mistake" by associating with a "bad" Black man -- a comparative rarity it seems. Torah's following advice was a miniature tirade about the exceptional niceties of Black people as a whole.
Normally, I'd have laughed a little and waited for the next clown to pose his/her problem which seems to always involve some aspect of promiscuous behavior. A cousin of mine, decades ago, started dating a talking ape. Blacks never have platonic relationships and so it became noticeable that Karen was doing the oscillation bit from the start. All was smooth until he requested that she give his brother "head" -- fellatio. She objected when the two of them showed up at her door. They left. He returned -- with a shotgun which he pressed into her groin before pulling the trigger. This left quite a mess on the front porch and the poor underprivileged lad ended up doing 3 years at Attica -- obviously a severe and racist sentence for holding a gun which discharged "accidentally". After he was released, he was again apprehended but this time for selling drugs to school children. "And he came form such a nice family," the local Christians were heard to sing.
Although of my blood, I held not one grain of sympathy nor compassion for this young lady. If one chooses to swim with piranha or bask with crocodiles, then what could anyone expect? To believe that jungle behavior is caused by the jungle is indeed an article of supreme faith. Leopards cannot change their spots.
I was driving down a busy street when I noticed two 5-6 year olds running loose in the street. I pulled over and motioned them to me. In that moment a passerby shouted, "You stupid s.o.b., get your f---ing brats out of the road!" I then asked what their names were to which I was informed: "Bonnie" and "Clyde". Quite odd, I thought. I asked where they lived and they pointed. I took them by the hand and moved toward the house. "The door is locked," said Clyde and Bonnie followed with "Uncle Jim is helping mom put up new curtains." As we stood on the porch, me knocking on the door, revealing sounds were quite noticeable. "Umm." "Ahhh." "Squeak, slosh, squeak." Uh, uh, uh." So much for curtains. So much for women who profess concern for their offspring but for the time required to whip up an orgasm, forsake them when the right stud comes along.
TV "drama" is now little more than effeminate gossip and sob stories, or muds saving the world -- a world they had no part in creating. Such a deal..
Lemmings, of course, believe that "communism is dead." They also believe that God violates His own laws ("miracles") and that a non materialistic heaven has streets of gold. Communists are internationalists and they wish to abolish all nations. Since a nation is a group of people with a common blood, they thus support race-mixing. They promote anything, which serves to destroy a nation and its people, from drugs and pornography to jigaboo jungle racket. They work to destroy families by convincing the mindless that day care communes are better than mothers. They always seek to destroy male authority using slogans such as "equality" knowing full well that a "one parent family" -- which is not a family at all -- leads to the psychological destruction of the young. The big cheese communists are no more interested in the "poor" than are the rich capitalists. In fact, they are usually the same people. To the last, communists are gun grabbers. So far, they have been able to convert most churches into public "cells" where the word of Marx is sold as "the Bible tells me so." America is fighting communism? Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. The featherbrained American tax-payer has been funding, and protecting the whole racket since the first. You really didn't think "we" declared war upon Germany in order to protect the corn fields of Iowa from submarine attack, did you?
If some young person who knows of no way to fight what his instincts tell him he should, other than wearing a swastika, can be called a Nazi without belonging to such a political party, then I think it's OK to call non-party member communists such simply by virtue of their associates and behavior.
Communists need you in order to build a utopia for themselves. They might promise you a share in it, but lying is part of the way they do business. The Russian idiots found out the hard way. Will we be any smarter?
On the communist, one-world, agenda is the universal "brotherhood" of man and everyone able to understand this page, has been subjected to barrages of this malarkey. We are all one species -- Homo sapiens -- we are told until we can parrot it like the parrots we are. Some actually believe this contrary to what their senses tell them. It's like believing something is true because "The Bible tells me so." (If God wrote the Bible, did He use a ball-point pen or a word processor?)
The biological classification of life on this planet is just a MAN-MADE classification. It it held tightly in the confines of the THEORY of evolution. A biologist classifies a thing based upon it similarities to other things previously classified and further involves the BELIEF that things which are similar ARE related. Moreover, these relations IMPLY a common ancestor and hence evolution. If one visits a library, he readily notes that books are classified according to similarities but no librarian I know of believes that the books are related nor have descended from one another.
The first step toward any AWAKENING is the revelation that we just might believe things which are NOT TRUE. Our egos demand that we hold all our "truths" to be self evident for no man can admit that what he currently believes is nonsense. If you cannot admit that you might be holding dear a few, yet unidentified, falsehoods in your cranium then you are a bigot, in spades. One can only break out of the lemming category if he is willing to explore his own position and belief. This will prove difficult for those who have a low level of self discipline -- will power.
Over the years, schools of biology have clashed. Some argued for a different species name for the Black African which was consistent with other rules for naming. Relative to zebras, crows and other life, continents of residence were a principal reason for a new designation. Without question, the easily recognized difference between the "hair" on the heads of Blacks as opposed to Whites, should have been enough for any biologist with a working pot of gray cells. Some species, for the lay person, are indistinguishable and all sorts of species are inter fertile. In the end, Marxist notions -- most of them finding fertile ground in Christianity -- ended up with the greater political strong-arm support and so the politically correct belches about Whoopee Goldberg and Clint Eastwood being "sister and brother" is little more than fodder for the simple minded. Once convinced -- and I hope from genuine deliberation -- should one act as a proselyte and romp about believing that the "truth shall set you free" and preach to the masses of asses? I say no. You'll only meet with resistance and sooner or later you'll get your teeth loosened and for what? No one changes anyone else's mind. They have to do that for themselves, if ever. (Even when the icy water reached their chins, some passengers on the Titanic still believed that it was insinkable. Shades of South Africa and Rhodesia -- Zimbabwe -- eh?) This then, means that you should never argue the matter anymore than you would discuss politics with a crocodile. If you are clever, any discussion could be quickly terminated, and secured, with some simple, calm statement. I've seen Eric do this on many occasions leaving his antagonist open mouthed with a blank stare (the Christian glaze) where "does not compute" is brazenly written upon the eyeballs. As a White man, why would you want to stir up a hornet's nest when you presently do not have the means to blast them into the next world? Patience. All will come to those who wait and prepare.
The Black man is not your equal -- never was -- never will be. Because the government allows them special rights (Sondernegers) and protections, that makes them no more equal than are the rats, cows, monkeys, roaches, etc. which are objects of worship by East Indians. Act White. Think White. With 60 percent or more of the young Whites acting like niggers, and spaced out cannibals, you will be in a minority but that should be a compliment for the muds of this world NEED US. We do not need them. Never have and never will.
The media is the propaganda arm of our ZOG. Some claim that the ZOG is a servant to the media bosses. Who cares? They are united by worm holes.
The Internet, when it first farted upon the scene was immediately attacked.
If a site popped up which "offended" the "tolerant", all sorts of hassle
resulted from bugging the service provider to "hate" mail by the bushel.
(Isn't it curious that most of the so-called hate mail comes from those
who attack others who hold opinions different than theirs? It's the old
ploy: Shout "thief" and point at someone else while you empty the cash
register.) The "defenders of free speech", who actually hate it, got mired
down in the resistance of many who actually believed in the right to a
freely expressible opinion. The pressure was off and sites mushroomed so
that one can now find all sorts of material, some enlightening and others
little more than inflammatory drivel, without too much effort. This, my
friends, is only a lull in the battle, for the evil empire has no intention
of letting people, such as myself, gas on forever without opposition and
censorship. Their busy little minds are conjuring up something -- who knows
what? -- which they feel will ultimately silence the dissenters in the
last place on earth where they are still allowed to roam at will -- the
United States of America.