The Christian church, directed today by the jews, is every much an enemy of White people as are the jews. It is far more deadly, and disgusting, than any racial enemy because they are mostly of our kind. There is no way we are at an advantage when we allow such people, group or singular, to be included as comrades in this increasing struggle. No one should remain beyond criticism because he can be considered White.
Dear Sam:
I do agree wholeheartedly with most you wrote. Yes; we White people are our own worst enemy; and, as a whole we richly deserve what we get. That means the daily torrent of filth about our culture, great ancestors and their achievments and so on. it is like getting kicked in the teeth over and over again. When I look at this situation and the placid acceptance of it by the great majority of pale-faced bipeds that surrounds me, I canno't help to feel like you. In fact I do it several times a week (I wonder why I have not developed a bleeding ulcer!)
Now. Why do get so mad about it? Why don't we say: "to the hell with all this useless struggle and suffering, we shall never reverse this situation" ? I think because, deep down, we known that there is nothing better or worthwhile than this, apparently, lost cause "the White cause". It is precisely because we know what we are and what our ancestors did, that we care; that we get mad with our own kind, when we see them behaving in such abominable, shameful way. The White cause exists in spite of you, me and all the disgruntled, frustrated, bitter and resentful White men and women that are racially and culturally aware of their heritage and see it desecrated everyday by the repulsive Jews and their even more obnoxious Goym puppets.
An Italian comrade told me once: "In 1942 our parents had an option, to enlist in the Waffen-SS and to fight for a new Europe, for a new, racially-concious, united Europe. Today we don't have any option but to suffer the brutality and the arrogance of the victors. It is a shitty life we got, but we musn't give up. We owe it to all those who remain faithful and paid the ultimate sacrifice" . Those, more or less, were his words. It may be a bit of a cliche; but it is essentially true. I don't know you but I was born in 1960, the second generation of Italian migrants in South America. Within my family there were no political arguments neither strong or radical opinions. I became aware of the tragedy that represented for the White race the destruction of the Third Reich through some inexplicable process that took place in my late teens. I say inexplicable because it wasn't just the reading; in fact I would say that the few books I read provided only a confirmation of it; because, somehow I have always been a national-socialist (without the ridiculous fascination for German uniforms or medals that many so-called national-socialists have). Now I'am 42 years old and the world is a far more disgusting place than 25 years ago. But, somehow, I cannot say "there is no such a thing as the White cause". Because that would mean deluding myself. In fact, I am more fanatical about mi ideals that when I was 17. The world has not done anything but to proved them right over and over again!. The White cause exist because the enemies of the White race are in charge. The only problem is: most of the White men are not aware of it; and many of those who are don't care.
We cannot escape of ourselves. As Eric rightly said: "Our skin is our uniform" We have to honour it with our lives. I'm sure you must feel as sad or disgusted as I am when I see White youngsters walking around dressed like niggers and behaving as such. But, precisely is that behaviour that reminds me that I'm on the right track. I can't help it. I would not trade my place with any wigger that drives past me in a Porsche or a Ferrari with a fantastic blonde at his side. I don't want their "paradise". I want a better world for my kind. I don't think I'll see it, but that is not important, what is important is not to give up. As Germany's most highly decorated soldier, colonel Hans Ulrich Rudel, said: "One has only been beaten, when one has given up"
Sam: Maybe I misread your last paragraph and you're are not as disillusioned as it seems. Anyway, we all feel that way from time to time (it comes with the job...). Your letter was great and I look forward to others. By the way I do agree with you: I wouldn't shed a tear if I could see the "chosen people" wiped out. But first we must put the house in order: a thorough cleansing of our own kind. There would be no room for wiggers or Bible bashers (another sick branch of the Jewish tree).
Regards -- RIENZI
Robert -- "When
I read what you were writing about Rimland, I interpreted it as saying
that she was basically a fraud. I did not believe it. That is NOT to say
I claimed you were wrong. (After all, as I have said, you and Eric seem
pretty competent and up front.) The only 'evidence' I would have been able
to give is that the stuff in her Z-grams seemed not useful to the H Industry,
the jews' religion.
"However, I realize that even
if she did put 'damning' stuff on her site, that does not necessarily imply
she was at all sincere about the things one (such as myself) may find really
important. "Now, after reading
about Demon Doctor, it gave me an entirely new perspective on her. At this
point, I don't trust her at all." H.S.
Robertsez -- I never intended for people to believe she was a fraud. I view her no differently than most other Americans who would do nearly anything to enrich themselves at the expense of others. In this regard, I know nothing other than what I read, and if what I read is false, then my deductions are perhaps false also. I've had my say, Eric had his, and only time will demonstrate the degree to which either may have strayed. Let's leave it at that.
Rules for discussion: (1) Read Psyching Out Sex. (2) Read Demon Doctor. (3) Tell me which points of my comments you don't agree with and give your reasons. (4) Wait until the Zündel mess is resolved for all things will be clear after the clouds have passed.
I hold a woman's position in high regard and that's why any one of them who wanders from being the "cradle of our race", invites my immediate scorn. When I make this known, I get accused of being a woman hater. I hate no one -- even those who pummeled me; lied to me; or have stolen from me. I despise feminists and keep that no secret. I dispute the common notion that it is the female who defines motherhood. It's the man's prerogative.
It's time more of us started to be "up front" for this sick society
is decaying because people refuse to point out where real problems lie.
The whole society either covers up or glorifies in degeneracy. It is at
war with reality and I sometimes even wonder if they will recognize the
reason for the tears which will be plentiful in the not too distant future.
I have no problem with anyone being a mischievous bastard as long as he is not seeking a following, for such people are barred from catalyzing unity by their very character. We are not united because there are many grains of salt in our sugar. When I point out what I believe to be a grain of salt, then how does this make the sugar worse?
I've received much email in regard to the current Zud situation and my beliefs about Sarah, Ina, Ingrid or Angrid. Many do not agree but as of today, not one has submitted their reasons for claiming I am "wrong", which is not an appropriate response. It's very easy to tell someone that he is "full of it" without ever countering one of his positions.
Eric believes that both she, Mark Weber, and others, are trying to further
themselves by feeding on the unfortunate situation of Ernst. Eric further
predicts that Ingrid will end up with all of Ernst's property and there
exists a possibility that she will reunite with her previous husband.
The book must be true. It made me cry.
It was a just war. I lost my leg.
He can't be a jew. He bought me breakfast.
He must be intelligent. I don't understand anything he says.
It has to be great bread. I paid $8 for the loaf.
He has tears in his eyes. He must be telling the truth.
I know he's on our side. He said he was.
He can't be a jew. He's an Irish Catholic.
He lies to his parents but he tells me the truth.
I know it's true. I saw it on TV.
How can his words be of value? He doesn't have a diploma.
He's no friend of mine. He told me whom my wife was sleeping with on
her bowling night.
He must be Chinese. His last name is Lee.
I'm an 'A' student. I get 'F's because the teacher doesn't like me.
You don't get jealous and go into a rage when I sleep around. That's
how I know you don't love me.
Why is it that I am always underpaid?
I am beautiful and brilliant. My mother told me so.
She's a virgin. Her son told me so.
"Well, I just can't let the numbers pass by because it says something really disturbing about the entitlement mentality of this country.
"If you lost a family member in the September 11th attack, you're going to get an average of $1,185,000. The range is a minimum guarantee of $250,000, all the way up to $4.7 million.
"If you are a surviving family member of an American soldier killed in action, the first check you get is a $6,000 direct death benefit, half of which is taxable. Next, you get $1,750 for burial costs. If you are the surviving spouse, you get $833 a month until you remarry. And there's a payment of $211 per month for each child under 18. When the child hits 18, those payments come to a screeching halt.
"Keep in mind that some of the people that are getting an average of $1.185 million up to $4.7 million are complaining that it's not enough.
"We also learned over the weekend that some of the victims from the Oklahoma City bombing have started an organization asking for the same deal that the September 11th families are getting. In addition to that, some of the families of those bombed in the embassies are now asking for compensation as well.
"You see where this is going, don't you?
"Folks, this is part and parcel of over fifty years of entitlement politics in this country. It's just really sad.
"Every time when a pay raise comes up for the military they usually receive next to nothing of a raise. Now the green machine is in combat in the Middle East while their families have to survive on food stamps and live in low rent housing.
"However our own U.S. Congress just voted themselves a raise, and many of you don't know that they only have to be in Congress one-time to receive a pension that is more than $15,000 per month and most are now equal to be millionaires plus. They also do not receive Social Security on retirement because they didn't have to pay into the system. If some of the military people stay in for 20 years and get out as an E-7 you may receive a pension of $1,000 per month, and the very people who placed you in harms way receive a pension of $15,000 per month.
"I would like to see our elected officials pick up a weapon and join ranks before they start cutting out benefits and lowering pay for our sons and daughters who are now fighting.
"When do we finally do something about this ??"
Robertsez -- Nothing will be done for Greed 'R' Us. Weez all jews now. America's once feet of iron are now feet of clay and rapidly turning to feet of sand. Enjoy the down hill ride but be careful of the abrupt halt at the end.
It's nice that draft-dodging, millionaire, jewess wife, Rush has so much concern for we peasants. I wonder about what he meant by "we".
Hitler's predictions are coming to pass.
I think truth should be outlawed as most people simply cannot handle it well.
In the abstract cave of the mind, it is possible to turn a chimpanzee into an Aryan, but in the real world, it isn't.
It's an old battle, real vs. abstract. The purpose of education is to insure that your brain never gets to think about the real world because that often makes people unhappy. That cannot be allowed.
From Prof. Elizabeth Brandt, University of Idaho, 3-8-3
"Well, yesterday was an exciting day in my small town. The FBI flew in 120 agents, fully-armed in riot gear, on two C-17 military aircraft (I think -- they were BIG planes) to Moscow Idaho (population 17,000 +/-) to arrest one Saudi graduate student for visa fraud."
Robertsez -- It's interesting that this adademic twit found the event "exciting". As the chains are built, link by link, I suppose it will also be exciting when the sheep are finally shackled.
"Back when Ingrid was young and hot, the Mennonites were a conservative lot. Even today, about 30% are conservative (women wear dresses, obedient, no makeup).
"Mennonite women marry men in the same religion. The reason? The women dress in a very conservative manner. Your imagination is your guide as to what is under those cape dresses. Rather, the women are married for their excellent character and morality. Needless to say, divorce in conservative circles is extremely uncommon.
"It seems that Ingrid married a jew in a time when 99% of Mennonites were in the conservative camp. Obviously she’s no Mennonite.
"Jews don't show up in the Mennonite churches and listen to 15 sermons in 3 hours about Christian virtue. Really, no non-Mennonite can hold out that long.
"On another note, the Eduardo material is excellent. Lots of well-researched quotes. No calls to violence (ala Maguire's militia and weapons material).
"Very enjoyable material for the student of jew studies." A.M.
-- "My dad always
used to say that the nigger overrides the White in any Mulatto. I learned
the hard way that he was right and the liberals are wrong. If nogs had
never been slaves, they'd still be hostile and anti-White. African bushmen
who never experienced colonialism or American slavery hate Whites as much
as their kinsmen in Chicago, Cincinnati and Johannesburg do. Bolshevik
lies will never change this. I have a slogan I repeat to myself on occasion;
"Not a Racist? It doesn't matter; THEY hate YOU anyway".
"I see where Quadroon Powell today is announcing
a formal March 17 deadline for Iraq. More shadow language. March
17, 2003 is Jewish Purim this year, the holiday for celebrating
the killing of goyim by Jews. The Jews understand it immediately.
The Muslims will understand it too. So will Chinese, who do not suffer
from a Jewish controlled mass media.
"The non-Jews in the west will be kept dumb by their Jewspapers, their televitz and their Judeo-Rapture cult preachermen."
Dear Eric, Maguire & Robert:
After nearly four months of isolation, as a consequence of the untimely death of my computer, its a great pleasure to be in touch with you again; in times such as these sites like FAEM are as rare and precious as an oasis in the Sahara.
I have spent a month in Italy (late September and early October). The effects of the globalization (or mongrelization) are quite clear at an ethnic level. The presence of blacks from central Africa was a total shock; I talked to a couple of them in one of the Sunday markets where everybody that has something to sell goes to Porta Portese ( one of the ancient gates of the Rome) and sets up a stall. They were selling replicas of famous brands in the form of leather goods, sun glasses and watches. An Italian friend of mine explained to me that most of this products come from dozens of tiny workshops concentrated around Naples, many of them controlled by the Mafia. A week later, visiting Florence, I found nearly 20 Africans seated on the steps of the church of St. Lawrence; they were selling leather bags and, by the look on their faces, they were not doing very well. I asked to several Italians if they have problems with the blacks and all of them say no, but they were not very happy with them. "They are all refugees" they told me "... and our government believes that we must take care of them". Most of Italians, like all brainwashed, or braindead, Whites cannot see that this is a problem that will never go away, but it would also become worse as the years go by. I know that the situation is much worse in Spain where hundreds of Africans of all shades cross the Mediterranean every month. In some Spanish cities there are already "no go" areas for Whites.
I mentioned this at least once in FAEM: The problem of the "refugees" is not the so-called refugees in themselves, but the White traitors in the government that opened the gates for them and those in the media who cry rivers for these "poor victims of war and famine". We must to put our house in order, and that means, one day, to settle the score with these treacherous pale face bleeding hearts who spite on their race and nation in the name of "universal love and tolerance". To target foreign refugees or illegal migrants is both moraly and politically wrong, and gives ammunition to the Jewish media.
Regards -- RIENZI
Some species
have a remarkable power of crossing with other species; other species of
the same genus have a remarkable power of impressing their likeness on
their hybrid offspring. -- Charles Darwin.
Material lifted from Simon Sheppard's excellent web site
I think these authors are right, who maintain that the nigger has a prepotent power over the honky, so that both the meta mulatto and the para mulatto more resemble the nigger than the honky; but that the prepotency runs more strongly in the male nigger than in the female nigger, so that the meta mulatto, which is the offspring of the male nigger and female honky, is more like a nigger, than is the para mulatto, which is the offspring of the female nigger and male honky. (Noun substitutions made by Robert.)
I was awakened one early morning by a muffled voices and much scuffling. In the morning I found out what the noise was all about. Four of the more husky fellows yanked Keating out of his bunk, took him to the shower where they applied laundry soap and shaved every hair from his body. Yes, Helen, every hair. Then they dried him and covered him with Kiwi shoe polish. Back to the shower where they used laundry brushes and lye soap to remove the shoe polish. Horror of horrors. There was no such thing as "civil rights" then and no lawyers to file lawsuits. Did this change anything? You bet! Keating was thereafter the cleanest soldier in the barracks. He'd shower at least 4 times a day because he was informed that the exercise would be repeated if the Sgt. ever made another remark about his contribution to the aroma of the company area.
A society always gets what it tolerates.
"Teaching tolerance" is nothing more than advice on how to short-circuit one's survival instincts. Jews, nigs, muds, and cruds certainly are not tolerant of Western civilization because they continually try to change it. Their success is our demise.
Robertsez -- Great observation. Now there are 2 of us. Niggers ain't us. They're another species.
I was once criticized because I negatively commented on a lecturer's collective of false information. I was told, that for the sake of diplomacy, I should have done it in private. Your ass, sez I. His crap needed public airing and I care not who might be offended, poor babies. Since when does truth have to be discussed privately in order to protect the reputation of a wolf in sheep's clothing?
You cannot separate a person's character from what he does. A faggot grammar school teacher cannot be expected to shelf his desire for perversion because he is in a classroom. Michele, a sweet naive young lady, once confessed to me that she knew her current love lied to his parents and stole things from his grandmother, "... but, he tells me the truth and is honest with me because we are in love." Yeah honey, and chickens can whistle.
While still gainfully employed, I never accepted as a student of geometry (I understand that today teachers no longer have a say in the matter.) anyone who was not well versed in elementary algebra. Thus, it would do the student well if he were to read Ingrid's first book -- rehashed psycho babble -- Psyching Out Sex, Westminster Press, 1975. This would be your first step into understanding this broad's batty brain. The next assignment is reading her 1988 book, Demon Doctor, where she alludes to the fact that Dr. Mengele "butchered" her son Irwin in the jungle of Paraguay. Ingrid also describes her Nazi-hunting days working for Weisenthal. This particular book is incoherent rubbish although based upon real events in her life. In one chapter she describes a doctor riding into an operating room on a white horse, gun belt and all. Then there was a heavy bearded "Nazi" who used a false mustache to disguise himself while he used two fingers to make SS thunderbolt signs in the dust of cars parked on the main street of a jungle encampment. Other than myself, a known masochist, I know of no one who could finish Demon Doctor. Eric got as far as chapter 3 before he gave up. He could not tolerate one character losing 5" in height over the span of one chapter. Demon Doctor has all the earmarks of those idiotic tales of the Holohoax, which we have come to love so well.
In 1945-1949 Germans did not leave Europe, especially those in areas controlled by the Soviet. Both hands of ZOG were trying to kill as many as possible. Jews were permitted to leave, as well as Mennonites, because Mennonites are apolitical, according to their religion. Thus, we are left with this: Ingrid was a Mennonite or Ingrid was a jew, as they were the only types which were resettled in Paraguay. She married a jew named Rimland, a rather odd thing for a Mennonite to do. (Their wedding cake was baked in a vacant anthill, in case that is of interest.) No Mennonite would engage in Nazi-hunting; writing psycho babble books; trying to capitalize on a son's birth defects ( via lecture tours); attending IHR conventions; or having a web site which involves quasi political matters. Her comments about her web site are contradicted by the court testimony of Ernst's second wife.
You have your assignment and only after that will I listen to any argument as to whether I am right concerning what I have said. (Eric agrees but still insists, "What is her maiden name?") If Ingrid has been lying all along, then what I believe just might be false. I'll leave that to you. Believe anything which keeps your gonads charged. It's your dime and my opinion. I do not care one way or the other. She could be Cinderella for all I care. Queen Mambi might also be nice.
Never fear, all the experts agree that it will be a 10 day event not including time out for prayer. After that, the Iraqi people will welcome their liberators in much the same fashion as did the French after we destroyed many of their cities following D-day. If enough "dumb" weapons are used, the entire country of Iraq will be filled with people who could claim refugee status and thereby relocated to Hemp Wisconsin where they would enrich the gene pool and provide another source of "cheap labor." Israel would be given the territory to allow Palestinians somewhere to flee thus enlarging the size of their hunting preserve.
Dump Israel Rally!
June 8, 2003 at Buffalo NY. Sponsored by the Racial Nationalist
Party of America.
Information --- RNPA, POB 1281, Lockport NY 14095. Phone/FAX (716)
The commentator, after he was through gushing about the brilliant mathematics of the Mayas and their "world's most accurate calendar" -- a replica of that used in Egypt, by the way -- announced that the Mayas invented the zero. Heavens to Betsy, Greta, I didn't know that. I guess all of those honky history books have been falsifying truth.
The exact origin of the symbol for "nothing" is not known but was used extensively by Bothius, a Roman living about 500 A.D. Since Rome produced little in the way of mathematics, whatever was attributed to the Romans was copied from the Aryan Greeks. There is no zero in Roman numerals. Bothius rubbed authorities the wrong way and was executed at the ripe old age of 49. Nonetheless, 'zero', as well as the complete number system, was introduced to Baghdad about 820 A.D. where it assumed the form of Arabic numerals. It would appear that the Hindus, also Aryan at the time, with a religion which includes contemplation of an absolute void, or nothingness, may have been the root for the use of such a symbol outside the religious domain. In any case, The Mayans never invented the symbol although they used it.
Heck, Bessie the Borden cow, in her many trips about the stake where she was tethered with a rope, obviously had some knowledge of the "zero' her path displayed.
As White folks are being phased out, it seems quite practical that their
accomplishments be assigned to non-Whites. There's no profit in letting
the muds think White folks were some sort of gods, wouldn't you say?
Why aren't all of those haters of White people migrating to lands where there are no White people? That would appear logical to me.
As I have said, Israel is just a privileged outpost for Greater Israel -- Usrael. "Dual-citizen" means the same as it does for those living in Illinois -- a US citizen as well as an Illinois citizen. Passports are used to obtain special first-class accommodations for jews and also as a screening device to block undesirables.
There is no such thing as an "illegal arrest". Officers of the law, and citizens in the case of a SUSPECTED felony, also have this power of arrest. If fact, there's an interesting variety called "resisting arrest", which nails your ass for sure. All people are innocent until proved guilty. This means that LEGALLY innocent people are arrested LEGALLY as a matter of course.
There was a nifty little brawl at Ray's Dinette many, many years ago. Chairs were flying and ice cream splattered against the walls. One particular arrangement of strawberry sauce and cashew nuts, on the mirror, appeared to me to be worthy of jewish art, if properly framed. A price of $10,000 came to mind. Ray called for police assistance and it promptly arrived. Neither Bill nor I were involved in the ruckus. At the time, the police really had no idea of who was who, or who did what. All inside were young males except for the trollop Ann, who started the brawl by arranging a "let's you and him fight". Loose girls often get a kick out of such competition. Anyway, Bill shouted that he did nothing and objected to the point of swinging at an arresting officer. Off he went, in cuffs, being held off the ground by two officers. I went along with the group without the need for handcuffs. It was a free ride to the local station which was within a couple of blocks of home, thus shortening my planned walk.
We were in the slammer for a short period. The word was out and my friends
coughed up the necessary cash to secure bail for both Bill and I. Two days
later, we appeared in court where the owner of the dinette testified that
Bill and I had nothing to do with the damage. Those charges were dropped.
The judge told me I was free to go and had the right to bring a counter
charge against the officer who arrested me. It was not an "illegal arrest",
by the way. The charge was false but the arrest legal. I declined because
I sincerely felt that the officer was simply doing his duty based upon
what he knew at the time. Bill, however, was reprimanded to the county
jail for committing the crime of "resisting arrest".