"I believe you have been taken in by the media hype about the people of Iraq. Even if they didn't like President Hussein they will fight for Iraq. A lot of Russians did not like Premier Stalin in W.W.2, but fought because they were defending mother Russia. I know a lot of folk look down on the Arabs but they are quite willing to die for what they believe in which is more than a lot of ring in the ear, pot smoking, nigger loving, American youth are willing to do.
"Iraq, and it's resources belong to the Iraqi people, not the Hebrews, Americans, British or assortment of oil companies. In the final analysis the stupidity our country in the middle east will most certainly be a factor in the coming world war which will determine the survival of western man."
"Aside from the Communist, most French people were not all that thrilled about a liberation that tore their towns to pieces with bombing runs. From what I have later read, there were more rapes in France in one year of Allied presence than all four years of German occupation. I think they were relieved that there would be no more Allied bombing raids. Some told me they clapped their hands when the Germans shot down a raiding Allied aircraft. Many French men worked for the Germans; some even went to Germany to work in German factories. I don't believe the French cared about the British because the British had sunk their warships in North Africa
"The French undoubtedly would have made some accommodation with the Germans because they thought National Socialism was better than the crack pot quasi Communist Governments that had gotten them into the war. As you know, France had fought many wars with England over the centuries including wars in North America, and Canada. Admiral Darlan, the French North African Commander, was very anti British and resisted the invasion of North Africa much to the surprise of the Allies. He was later ordered assassinated by P.M. Churchill.
"If the war had not been continued by the British, the French would have settled their problems with the Germans, and worked for a United Europe, which was one of Herr Hitler's objective. There might not even have been a war with Russia because the French might have been influential in the matter. Marshall Petain, that grand old Marshall of the battle of Verdun, never deserved the treatment he received after the war by the insubordinate General De Gaul, and his Communist entourage.
"After the war some some 60 thousand Frenchmen were executed -- many were educated professional men who were anti Communist, and had collaborated with the Germans. This does not include the many thousands of Frenchmen that served in the Charlemagne S.S. Division. Nor does it include the many thousands of former French from Alsace Lorraine that were subject to service in the German Army after 1941 when the provinces were reincorporated back into Germany. These were in fact German lands that went back, and forth over many years. the racial stock was Germanic, and most spoke the German language.
"France is a continental
nation, and aside from the influx of North Africans after W.W.I., they
have strong ties to their German cousins, and if left to their own devices
without English meddling would have long ago made some accommodation with
Europe is now drifting away
from American and British control, and that will become more evident as
time moves on. The future of Europe rests with France, Germany, and Russia."
"We found pubic hair on the left thigh of the victim. The lab reported that it was Asian, probably Japanese."
My, o my. What they won't say next. There are 3 types of hair, as there
are races (species, actually), in that ugly agglomerate known as hoomen
beans. Due to race-mixing, there are strange varieties of mongrels -- all
ugly and mentally volatile.
Most honorable RobertSan,
Here's a sampling of what we have over in Iraq, liberating the hapless inhabitants, many of whom apparently don't appreciate the sort of liberation an eternal dirt nap brings.
"Sgt. Sprague, from White Sulphur Springs in West Virginia, passed it [the ruins of the ancient city of Ur, founded 8,000 years ago] on his way north, but he never knew it was there.
"I've been all the way through this desert from Basra to here and I ain't seen one shopping mall or fast food restaurant," he said. "These people got nothing. Even in a little town like ours of twenty five hundred people you got a McDonald's at one end and a Hardee's at the other."
a lot for making us proud, Sergeant Rockhead. Semper Fi, Bro. (submitted
by a reader)
"So, it seems while your
criticism of Zündel, which caused untold attacks on you, had
quite a bit of merit. Of course, I must add that neither you, nor I,
wishes him harm. He just seems not to be the saintly martyr we all thought
him to be. Anyway, one more piece to show Frenz is more than just a crotchety
old geezer!"
Robertsez -- I clipped most
of this letter as it contained information of a personal nature which led
this person to say what he did. Other questions arose which I will address
here since I am not in the deception business as some seem to think.
The front page is straight from the hip, even the punctuation marks, misspelling and often bad grammar. My intent was never to write some essay which would gain me an "A". I may be a bastard but I am not a pretentious one, for I dislike ostentation of all flavors. I have often wished Eric were my proof reader, and editor, but alas, he's busy supporting himself in Aztlan of the northwest. Every once in a while, after a night's sleep, some things I have written appear to me to be of very poor taste. I often have poor taste but try to avoid very poor taste. (In this age, there is no longer a place for the gentleman. Being nice to those whom wish to secure your demise, is the path to doom. The good old days of talking our problems away is gone with the wind.) In the morning, if such a case appears to me, I delete passages, change fuck to screw, cunt to beaver, etc., and so one could find that some archive is not identical to the original. I often found that I erred in some name or data. I change that too. This is not a policy but an attempt to mitigate words of criticism towards target people. I view no man as a total piece of crap and very often the poor slob deserves several ounces of pity. I don't see this as a big deal except for those who love to waste time over whether a semi-colon should be a comma or not. Basically, that's the backbone of revisionism.
I would like my critics to write to me instead of steaming in some closet venting only to a small group. As for "offering evidence", don't hold your breath. I am not out to win converts to my views or relieve you of your excess money. I say what I say for one purpose, and one purpose alone. To get you to think about the events around you instead of allowing rigor mortis of the noggin to be a way of life. Proof of anything lies in your acceptance. No one can prove anything to you if you refuse to objectively examine the facts. Often, this involves pain. I have received many letters where the person confessed that my words pissed him off to an extreme. After his emotions abated and he started to think, his views were altered but not necessarily the same as mine.
I do not require that people believe me. I only ask that they remember my words for time will be the final judge.
Christians are amazing. They claim to be doing the Lord's work, but when their ass is in a sling, they ask the Lord to do His own work and save them from the calamity they created by doing His. Such a deal.
The sponsor of this Orwellian piece of shit is none other than the Bible-banging Senator Minnis. As I have reminded, these Christian types are the jews' best allies and warriors. All are hardened race-mixers. All are enemies of the White race.
Aboriginal applicants for the Canadian Royal Mounted Police can't seem to hack it on entrance exams. No problemo. CANZOG will tweak the scores so all will be made equal. The Globe and Mail uses the term "visible minorities" which means non-Whites. Whites are an invisible minority.
Kikes indicted for fraud in their kosher foods racket. It's in the blood. They even mess up their own stew.
The Polish Sklarzyk family -- blonde and White -- are being deported back to Poland for overstaying the time limit on their visitor visa. Don't worry. The vacancies will be filled by non-Whites.
There goes Japan. In Tokyo's Roppongi prostitution and drug district -- yas! democracy has come to Japan -- the local Yakuza gang used to control things. The blessings of diversity have changed the scene. Now, the Israeli, Nigerian and Iranian gangs are warring with each other for their share of this wonderful cultural market. When it comes to society destroying shit, why is it that there is so little Teutonic input?
Mexico is taking more than it's legal share of the water from the Rio Grande. Only a racist would believe that.
The NAFTA jobs and companies which went to Mexico, discovered what any true White racist knew all along. Mexicans produce shit. Ask anyone who bought a German Jetta manufactured in Mexico. Of course, putting things back to where they worked well is a no-no. All of the failed Mexican experiment is being shipped to the land of opportunity -- China.
"So, in this Iraq game, there are really two wars. One is a very brutal, bloody war "over there". The other is the information war. Conditioning. The themes are as follows:
"(1) The enemy is quite powerless. His missiles are fired, but they never hit a target. Helicopters do crash regularly, but the cause is maintenance problems, or patriot missiles. Whatever, but not the enemy.
"(2) Causalities are very few. When the "first American casualty" occurred, the radio mouth reported it. And the second. But very few casualties. Naturally, no reports of ZOG troopers being captured. Until these prisoners showed up on Iraqi television.
"(3) The war is a technical thing. The conditioning here starts with video games, cartoons, etc. You press the button; the enemy is destroyed.
"(4) War is fun. You win, and nobody really gets hurt. The jew has put out any number of television shows with this theme. The best example being the "A-team". They're a little crazy. They laugh a lot. And they get the job done. Naturally a nig thrown in for color.
"If too many white boys got word that war is a nasty kill-or-be-killed matter, not really a game, rather a matter of life and death, they wouldn't join the ZOG legions. The Vietnam "conflict" got started the same way. Specific reports of very limited casualties. But after a while, word got around. And then it was tough to motivate the white boys to fight the empire's wars.
"But now there's a new generation. They haven't known serious wars. But know all about jew movies and video games. The white boys, few in number, but still there, apparently haven't gotten the word yet. And ZOG wants to keep it that way. Carefully controlled media. And plenty of arrests at the anti-war demonstrations. Fasten the cuffs too tight, a kick here and there. People get the message from ZOG.
"But ZOG can't keep the lid on things forever. And then the game
is over."
While the nitwits focus upon who's shot and who's captured, and whether smart bombs are really that smart, I view this ALL as DISTRACTIONS -- entertainment. This whole rigged affair, bloody as it might be, is nothing other than a land grab by USZOG so as to favor its 666 state, Israel. Religious nuts, whether Jew or Christian, are insane people claiming Israel is to be all of the land between the Nile and the Euphrates. That's what the 2 stripes on the 666 flag represent, and one should also note that the other jew structure, the UN, has the same shade of blue on its flag.
Oil is not the main reason why Iraq will soon be a de facto chunk of Israel. Israel, with its idiotic environmentally unfriendly desalinization plants, simply does not have enough water. Iraq has water, and lots of it.
Why don't the jews march in and seize Iraq? First, they do nothing without USZOG's approval. Israel is no more a sovereign state than is Vermont. (The U.S.S. Liberty affair was nothing more than an in-house action perpetrated by people with special privileges, as are all non-Whites here in ZOGland.) Papa ZOG supplies the money to keep it afloat and the cannon-fodder to do the dirty work.
Although the fate of some captured American soldiers might seem barbaric, we should all remember that the stage for barbarism was set down by ZOG during, and after, WWII. Now, if there are absolutely no incidents on American soil, as we are made to believe -- poisoned water supplies; biowarfare, gas, bombs, etc. -- then the Americans could see that only those in the Mideast were really in harm's way. Maybe the idea would occur to pull out.
A butchering of captured American soldiers shows to any doubtful "enemies" that America is not invincible, thus raising their morale. If the US responds in kind, with brutal prisoner treatment, then there'd be a strong reluctance for their opponents to surrender. In either case, it bodes not well for the over-confident American soldier trained with computer games.
The notion that Saddam somehow holds the Iraqi people captive is just as ludicrous as the past popular jew nonsense about Hitler "capturing" the German people. This was useful propaganda before the fall of Germany but afterward, the whole German nation was indicted. Typical jew deceit.Left alone, people determine the government which suits them as we now observe when the "liberated" Blacks in Africa are going back to one-man despotic rule. Cannibalism will return, there is no doubt, and liberal fathers should remember this when he allows his daughter to date members of this other species. In this event, "Baby, I'd like to eat you," would take on a whole new meaning.
There is no question that ZOG will destroy itself. I think it's too early to say that this present bloodletting on behalf of the jews, the excuse being oil, will be the only factor.
(Franks is a jew and it appears that Iraq is destined to be ruled, under ZOG, by jews. I wish people would learn what those two blue horizontal bars on the Israeli flag represent. Once you know the answer, this Mideast waltz will become more clear to you. RF)
Robertsez -- The enemy is within. 'Twas a uniformed "Arab-American" who tossed that grenade into the command tent. What sort of shit-head believes that the granting of American citizenship changes someone's biology, or way of thinking? What makes anyone think, as Whitey loses his grip, that our domestic nigeroos will still try to act like White people? Dream on jackass. Might we call the coming period, Hitler's revenge?
I came across FAEM a few months ago and have been checking in every day for some good, common-sense, down-to-earth, commentary on the besotted state of what is left of the USA. I'd like to thank you both for your good work. I thought it best not to put off thanking you any longer in case the government shuts down the net in some bullshit emergency they may concoct. Reading your web site has given me some good arguments to counter those people I meet (almost everyone) who sprout off the propaganda they hear on CNN. Funny thing is: Everyone knows the government is lying, yet the great majority are going along with the program nonetheless. The ones who are speaking up against the government are the leftists. Unfortunately, the left is very tightly controlled by zog jew communists. The jews got lots of "useless idiots" here in Sacramento, CA working for 'em.
I went to an antiwar rally last night here in the capital of sunny california wearing a self-made T-shirt which reads: "If This War Is About Protecting USA, Why Do We Have Open Borders?" The woman who ran the whole show came over to me with hatred and venom in her eyes. To her mind, I guess that she saw me as some kind of nazi. {She was very presumptious, though, as I myself am an immigrant. I was born in Italy, was adopted by Americans of Italian descent. It was a great gift: A family and a great country, land of the GI-JOE heroes and the land of honesty and decency. I grew up in XXXX, NY. It was at the time, a very decent, safe, clean place. XXXX, NY is now shot to hell too}. It was quite a putrid experience having this communist women glaring at me (it was just like being back in college at XXXX.) and I saw clearly that this group -- Sacramentopeace.org -- is not interested in the well-being of this country. It seems to me that they are working to destroy it, albeit in an underhanded way as the left loves to do. Likewise, all the prowar people I came across were not moved at all by my argument concerning open borders. Open borders during war time! And -- hardly anyone, either pro-or antiwar, cares the least bit. Lots of traitors and cowards.
My grandparents and my parents have passed away and I am happy that they are not here to see the complete destruction of the USA. Thank you for your web site. I had never heard of Revilo Oliver before finding your web site. Boy -- this country needs a lot more men like him, and men such as yourselves who speak up for the decent Americans: Americans such as myself who are brokenhearted about the whole situation. I don't have words to fully articulate how broken I feel as I go about my life here in California -- land of the American dream turned nightmare.
Sincerely, J.S.
Now, after 23 years, the old fraud, Ingrid Rimland, admits that she didn't write this:
Just when I thought I'd end all comments concerning this female, something new pops up!
It came as no surprise that she is now trying to pass herself off as
a "German" BUT ... she now denies ever writing one of the books which she
was credited as the author: Psyching Out Sex.
recently wrote a comment concerning this book and stated:
(Reviews by)
The author, Ingrid Rimland, Ed.D., irimland@cts.com , May 12, 1998
author of this book was Dr. Edward Pohlman.
I was given a manuscript to edit as part of my master's program at the
University of the Pacific and agreed to have it published under my own
name, even though I did not write it. There were reasons for this
having to
do with campus politics and academic credit. I do not consider this work
be mine, even though it was published by a highly reputable publishing
Westminster Press. -- This text refers to an out of print or unavailable
edition of this title.
(Read this asinine comment over very carefully making sure that your brain is fully engaged. Notice the sentence "I do not consider..." and then the "even though..." bit. She obviously wants her name connected to "...a highly reputable..." publisher, in any event. Again, "I do not consider..." is an odd remark. Why not "I did not write..." or, "I did not author..."? Also, ask yourself "why?" to each and every point. Perhaps you'll conclude, as I did, that this woman has been, and still is, a fraud since day one. When the foolish Ernst Zündel decided to employ, bankroll, and promote, this denizen of the world of falsehoods, he did irreparable harm to the whole of revisionism. Take it from me: Ernst will live to regret this idiotic decision of his.)
Chameleon Ingrid used to shed crocodile tears over leaving her "beloved Paraguay." After giving the Mennonites a bad rap, she claimed when it was useful, that she was one of them. And so it was when she claimed to be a "Russian" and later, a "Ukrainian." What astounds me is not that she is still running loose without a straight-jacket, but that outfits like the noisy JDL and the unemployed Revisionists, take her seriously. Good gawd, Greta, we're surrounded!
Psyching Out Sex was published in 1975 and Ingrid took all of the credit for this work which was helpful in getting her many speaking engagements. (Who collected the royalties on the book and what other pieces of hanky-panky did she engage in to secure "academic credit?") NOW, after 23 years, she confesses that it was just a fraud -- a foul piece of deception! And, pray tell, what sort of "campus politics" would interfere with the publishing of yet another batch of stale Freudian drivel? What other lies have you been telling, Ingrid?
"The President is responsible for keeping the United States. It is the province and duty of the executive to preserve to the nation the blessings of peace. The legislature alone can interrupt those blessings, by placing the nation in a state of war." Alexander Hamilton.
* Of the Army's 45,586 enlisted combat infantryman, 10.6% are black.
* Of the Air Force's 12,000 pilots, 245, or about 2%, are black.
* In the Navy, 2.5% of the pilots are black.
Senior Air Force officials say they are troubled by the number of black pilots and plan to do better.
* The Army's enlisted Green Berets are among the least diverse groups in the military. Only 196 of the Army's 4,278 enlisted Green Berets -- fewer than 5% -- are black.
The reasons for the racial divide are unclear, but several theories have emerged, including lingering racism in some quarters of the military and a tendency among black recruits to choose jobs that help them find work in the civilian sector.
Robertsez -- "...the reasons for the racial divide are unclear..."? What sort of ass would ask such a question anyway? "Lingering racism..."? Your ass inhales farts that's why all of your thoughts are brown. Here's the simple inequality as set down by Mother Nature: Apes are not humans. If orangutans could enlist to the extent they'd be 50% of the group, I am sure they'd be under-represented as pilots. As for the 2% niggers which are called pilots, I have my doubts if this would be possible without "special consideration", as in Affirmative Action.
Ernst Zündel:
"I have really..... if you are fishing
for any political information, my father was a Social Democrat, my mother
was a simple Christian woman. Her father had been union organizer in Bavaria
and ah, of the garment workers' union. His ah....., name got him into trouble.....
because it was ah....., Isadore Meyer
and, of course, he was called
Izzy Meyer
by his people and the people thought since he....."
"Was jewish?"
Ernst Zündel:
"No, No, I don't..... I don't think
Robertsez -- Notice the typcal jewish response of the form: My mother was Italian but my father was a carpenter. The subjects are of the same class but the objects are not.
The political headwaters of this, and the last, century has been Communist world domination. This jew structure, going under several names and varieties depending upon current situations, is as nutty as the mongrel brains which dreamed it up. To secure the advance, 2 things were needed: (1) a supply of useful idiots and (2) money. When it comes to supplying both there has never been a better place on earth that the good old home of the freebie, the U.S.A. When one follows the entire history of the 20th century, this constant direction is as plain as the sun, from support for the "Russian" revolution of 1919, to the food bailouts under President Hoover to the massive credit and aid supplied to their beachhead in Russia by the jew FDR. WWII was all about saving jews and their communism. It is no coincidence that Max and Felix Warburg, brothers, supplied money to the Bolsheviks in the WWI period. One brother being "German" and the other "American". The "Cold War" was bullshit from day one and so is any, and all, supposed "disagreements" with Israel. Israel operates as a special state of USZOG -- part of the governing body -- and to believe that Israel wags the American tail is simply deceiving one's self. Israeli policy IS USZOG's policy and not the other way around. USZOG feeds, supplies, and will defend, Israel. If your father feeds, supplies, and defends you, does that make him your servant? Get real and think. After being dis-educated in our Marxist sewers, I know that is a hard thing to do, but work at it..
The UN is a jew scheme totally under the power of USZOG. It allows the morons of the world, serving as representatives, to delude themselves that they have a vote in things of consequence. If any batch of clowns serving in that body manages to oppose USZOG, then that vote is ignored, as we have seen.
Israel is USZOG's first major outpost and the Iraq circus is all about expanding that region. The whole silly "war" with Iraq will be managed so as to occupy the country with as little bloodshed and destruction as possible. When that is secured, who will be next? There will be a next, and a next, and a next, until the entire planet is one gigantic Judeo-American empire. If that is achieved then the Constitution will be dead -- it's at best a cripple now -- and you can forget all about freedom of this and that because it will no longer be necessary. Today, our freedom of speech and so on, is still necessary to play the part of crumbs tossed to the honking geese supplying the blood and money. In the world planned, they will only be room for masters and serfs.
You cannot fight Communism with Christianity, for both are Marxist to the core. Organized Bible-bangers are applauding this expansion for they too, are interested in expanding their power over people too brain starved to think for themselves.
This was very plain to me in 1964 since I took the time to research
everything from the first Menshevik belch in 1905. This led me backwards
in time to Marx and forward to the "Cold War". The presumed death of my
(missing) grandfather during the Hamburg firestorms was instrumental in
my drive to seek truth.
I'm up late at night, and flipping through channels.... so I come across MTV and catch this part of a rap song. Its supposed to be an "uplifting" message to kids.... but turned obviously anti white, and pro nig nog.... no surprise instantly. In it the rapper was saying how blacks weren't always porch monkies... that they were kings and queens... referring to Egypt and that they taught the Romans and Europeans, and that we stole their wealth... yaddah yah and that because we didn't like seeing black faces on "mountains" that we defaced the sphynx... was it not caused by erosion?.... That angered me so much I had to get out my aggression on my drums rather than a person's face. Maybe I need anger management... NAH!
Robertsez -- One should feel no more animosity toward simians than one does skunks spraying your bedroom mattress. They are just doing what comes naturally. Your anger should be directed towards those people who made it legal, and compulsory, for the skunk to roam free in your home.
For kicks I listened in on Hal Turner last night. "I advocate" -- his exact words -- the removal of all jews from local, state and federal offices by all means necessary. If they can't be "convinced" to step down, then assasination would be an appropriate option.
If "Hal" is on the air tonight, HE IS A JEW! I wish his groupies could put two and two together.
I don't know if you heard on your local jews news, but here in NJ if the feds raise the terror index up to "red" our state will be in a lockdown situation, with no one allowed to leave their homes until the "all clear" is given out. It is obvious that because we are the most densely populated state, and without question one of the most "diverse", this will be a great bit of geography to practice the nuts and bolts of martial law. I fully expect that we'll go through this within a month. After a few of these dry runs, I guess ZOG will feel confident that it can handle the fallout of any terrorist attack that they -- oops -- I mean "Al Qaeda" may launch.
The empire has a lot of wars going on these days. So often, one hears of "special forces".
Well, what makes them special? Take a casual look at the pictures, and you see right away. They're white.
Not the Chings, Chows, and Martinez types. Just real white men.
Of course, with white men in the minority, they are exceedingly special.
Of the 250,000 american soldiers waiting to kill the people of Iraq, 150,000 are "combat" soldiers. So, at least 100,000 are mud. And of the active 150,000, little mention is made of them being special.
In a mud/mud mixup, anything can happen.
On this eve of the big wazoo, I'd like to pass on my opinion which is based not on firepower, right, wrong, analyusis of useless statistics, or even wishful thinking, but on race. I am not a Monday morning quarterback with a cart full of reasons why the past was the past.
This is not WWIII, a worldwide Viet Nam, or even close. The whole middle east is infested with mongrel peoples even though most think God blessed the earth with the ugly products of their miscegenation. Unity of purpose, over the long haul, they don't have. The only "brave" jews I have learned about are those in a battle-ready tank where their enemies have slingshots and I am sure the same bravery would exist if roles were reversed. USZOG mud forces are not much different. The "warriors" in the circus now approaching the main attraction, are not white Germans of 1940 nor racially sound Japanese of the same period. If the Iraqis were of the same stock as Shaka Zulu, then we might have a bit of a problem. Yes, there will be world-wide pops and bangs but it will be not much more than gang criminality as seen as daily occurrence in all cities of America.
The real war is where Chinese are occupying key positions all over American in direct competition with the jews. The Mexicans are occupying our territory and our main concern will not be some "terrorist" nor Osama clones. It will be the economy. At bottom, the whole big show is a product of race. Life is biology. "They breed and we feed" will be our undoing. The lust for screwing has always provided more than enough cannon fodder.
While everyone is chewing their fingernails watching the blather on CNN, I will try to get a night's sleep. If I awake, then I'll know the world didn't end. In the meantime, those who choose to lose sleep over this should count the yapping jews on TV. They will be far more numerous than any dream load of sheep.