8 May 2003
While enjoying the benefits of
pot, a drug rock star couldn't remember if he killed his equally
degenerate herpes bed companion. While the authorities were trying to unravel
the murder, this piece of ugly crap OD'd on heroin. What a saving for
the taxpayer. I hope it's a fad that catches on soon.
This country has a lot of hard-working, and substantial, young people
which you'll never hear about, much less see on TV. The media masters only
show the sickening "spring break" garbage, MTV and Stern, in an attempt
to legitimize depravity.
Whooz a joo? Like
the "holocaust", whenever someone wants to find the scoop -- the Jewish
Lists, perhaps -- he uses a reference compiled by jews. What sort of deal
is that? In Judeo-America, as with the other Judeo-puppet states of Europe,
most resources are jewish resources. All education is kosherized and debates
generally concern two jew points of view. No matter what the issue, jews
are directing both sides. Amazingly so, millions still haven't caught on
to the "two party system" racket yet. As long as you play on a jewish field,
using jewish rules, then you will lose, as we see happening on an accelerating
basis. If playing with matches got your barn burned down, then why do you
wish to continue playing with matches?
The jews have successfully kosherized all major Christian religions
in this country and the day is planned where Christianity will merge with
Judaism, Judaism remaining unaltered. Already, on kosher Christian TV channels
-- if they weren't kosher, they wouldn't be on the air -- you can see hexagrams
in the background which will increase in size while the stupid goyim continue
to send money. I asked a priest once that if he were interested in the
welfare of his congregation, then it should be he who gives them money,
and not the other way around.
OK. Let's suppose we have agreed and could definitely
have a group known as "White", as per rigid definition. Then what?
Do you really think that would cause more cooperation and concern for other
Whites? Or do you think self-serving greed would still be as prevalent
as it is without ever defining White? At this point in the game of Balkanizing
America, I say it makes no difference whatsoever whether anyone knows what
"White" means racially. Just observe what your fellow beings are complaining
about. What's the difference between lily-white John Smith demanding more
federal assistance and Rastus Jones doing the same thing? Both want something
for nothing. And that's the problem. Everyone wants MORE -- a bigger house,
greater income, longer vacations, etc. Right now, millions of affluent
Americans have more junk on their property than they can consume. And for
what? To satisfy some warped mental need, that's what. Kids don't need
better bicycles. They need better parents.
In NYS, a new tax bill will add another $2000 - $3400 burden to the
working resident. The radio is alive with name calling, accusations, and
venom directed towards the politicians whom THEY elected! Since most voters
cannot remember anything for more than 10 days, the odds have it that the
scoundrels will be re-elected using the same lies that got them elected
in the first place. Yes, we want more freebies and fewer taxes. Yet no
one ever seems to catch on to this contradictory moronic demand.
Senator Robert Kerry in not a
Jew. Senator Robert Kerry is a jew.
Madelaine Albright is not a Jew. Madelaine
Albright is a jew.
Dr. James Hursh is not a Jew. Dr. James Hursh
is a jew.
Prof. Lewis Kossuth is not a Jew. Prof. Lewis
Kossuth is a jew.
Father Mondo is not a Jew. Father Mondo is
a jew.
Bill Gates is not a Jew. Bill Gates is a jew.
The TV evangelist Benny Hinn is not a Jew,
but he is a jew.
Eleanor Parker is a Jew. Eleanor Parker is
not a jew.
Elizabeth Taylor is a Jew. Elizabeth Taylor
is not a jew.
Carroll Baker is a Jew. Carroll Baker is not
a jew.
Marilyn Monroe was a Jew. Marilyn Monroe was
not a jew.
Walter Mathau is a Jew. Walter Mathau is a
Ariel Sharon is a Jew. Ariel Sharon is a jew.
In my high school graduating class, there were
12 jews but only 4 Jews.
A jew doesn't change his genetics by changing
his religion.
Nearly 40% of American jews are atheists.
Is this starting to make sense to you? This
Jew-jew thing?
Greed always consumes itself.
Big business, and in particular American big business, is the enemy of all
peoples world wide. They will rape the planet, start wars, and let people
starve as long as the profits roll in. Big business relocates in China,
with full approval of our alien ZOG government, so they can get cheap labor.
Whatever is produced, the Chinese worker will never be paid enough to buy
his own products. That's the object of cheap labor in the first place.
Who will they then sell their products to? The American worker is having
his standard of living reduced by loss of jobs, increased taxes, and the
ever-growing parasite class feasting off his labor. Many Americans thus
will not be able to even buy Chinese manufactured goods. By then, the corporate
rip-off artists will have scammed their way free with millions of ill gotten
gains leaving the worker to wonder how it all came about.
Slight changes in genetic structure
often make a great difference in outward appearance. These changes obviously
can come from the mixing which occurs during fertilization. Another factor
is mutation which is not as rare as we might suppose. It's very often that
we hear of some virus mutating rapidly so as to produce another variety.
Fruit flies have also been known to have such alterations beyond heredity.
I cannot now remember the substance we used in high school biology to produce
gene alteration in peanuts thus producing, at times, very strange results.
The fact that one's eyes are not blue, for example, does not prove there
was some woodpile mischief in his family tree. A mutation centuries ago
could still continue.
Stating that blue eyes is a White attribute is not the same thing as
saying those without that color are not White, nor does it mean there's
non White blood in their family tree. Genetics has a huge historical content
and when it comes to the past WE ARE NEVER CERTAIN. A theory is just an
opinion supported by a fact or two, and no one should get upset if some
theory states things we do not like to hear. We often are subject to outright
lies which upset us, and it's a shame we couldn't frequently remind ourselves
that "sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never harm
Most Whites, deep inside, do not like Black people and that has nothing
to do with their appearance, contrary to ZOG propaganda. We stay clear
because we are not comfortable in their company. If we could relax our
analytical approach to race, and let our racial feelings do the talking,
we'd all be better off. I often converse with Blacks but after a minute
or two, I quickly realize that we are no more brothers than are the tiger
and the lion. I cannot relax in the loud, jungle racket they choose to
call music. Their humor is always guttural. Topics of discussion very shallow.
That dislike comes from contact and I would feel the same towards any "white"
person exhibiting the same characteristics.
One thing we should all keep in mind is that if we intend to preserve
those inherited characteristics which make White people the superior creators,
then we have no business race-mixing with people who throughout history
have shown no such capacity.
Many email servers
have introduced their versions of filters, and other devices, so you can
feel safe from naughty messages or repeated ads on how to get rich by doing
nothing. This allows them to determine what's good for you and I discovered
that the problem I had was with such a server was due to this. Some stuff
wouldn't load and others simply froze the system. I went back to cheap
and simple -- no holds barred. That's the way hate should be.
The jew Bill Gates claims
Microsoft's computer of the future will make people smarter. I've got news
for him. The only thing which will make people smarter is a time machine
so they can travel backwards and select different parents.
Gene therapy reminds me of the fellow who put the same make spark plugs
as used in a Ferrari, into his Ford Escort, thinking it would turn into
Why are there so many niggers
in European cities when most of the population doesn't want them there?
Obviously, these countries are not democracies, for if they were, they'd
have been allowed to vote on what happens to their country. The fact of
the matter is that the jews want them there and knowing that most people
will screw anything one shade this side of ugly, it's a way to pollute
the genetic base and destroy White people.
The final securing of jew rule over the American population came about
under the jew Roosevelt regime. That's why the Great Depression was engineered.
Germany, rapidly emerging as a powerful racial, and economic state, was
a threat to the mongrel jews who dreamed of world rule and exploitation
through the twin sisters Capitalism and Communism. WWII was concocted to
destroy Germany. As a result, the Zionist regime then occupied Germany
with military troops and they are still there with Germany's puppet government
being the lap dog of Judeo-America. Through threats, bribes and subterfuge
-- particularly though the jew-invented UN, control of other governments
continued. The USSR has been jew controlled since 1919 and is the kissing
cousin of Judeo-America. They are all out to "get Whitey" as some are now
beginning to sense.
If Europeans are complaining about "mongrelization", then I'd ask if
this is not desirable to them, then why are they screwing niggers? Do they
find their own kind repulsive?
Jews threaten all peoples and without White people, all other branches
of mankind will fall prey to the kike. Stay true. Breed true. The Day of
the Big Bullets will arrive.
One thing which marks hooman beans
is their tendency to copulate with anything available. This is particularly
true when an invading army sweeps into a foreign area. Human history has
been a sequence of race-mixing from day 1, it seems. What we now call White
people, were not the White people of 4000 years ago. The Celts, for example
were blue-eyed blond people as were many other tribes in western Europe.
They moved east, conquered, and "amalgamated" -- a fancy word for race
mixing -- with the indigenous peoples. The Homeric heroes were fair-haired
Celts, called Archaeans.
The area known as Greece contained dozens of city-states with populations
not much beyond 20,000. The astounding thing is that with predominant White
blood, they produced genius by the score, and all without computers. Who
hasn't heard of Pythagoras, Aristotle or Heroes? Who hasn't heard of their
gods Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter -- all fair haired? Today, when we look at
any typical modern city of 20,000, it is extremely unlikely we'd come up
with a single person with ability approaching 10% of those ancient Greeks.
As I clearly demonstrated in my 1984 essay on the Olympics, large populations
such as Russia and the United States, are only mediocre in their performance,
always dominated on a per capita basis by the more White countries of western
Those ancients certainly were no angels for they warred upon each other
with enthusiasm -- the Spartans exterminated the Plataeans and the Athenians,
the Melians. Now we can add another favorite sport of humans to that of
screwing anything available and that's killing anything one is capable
of. What a wonderful legacy.
Blue eyes and yellow hair, plus peach colored skin, are White attributes
exclusively. Since we choose to call many people with brown hair and brown
eyes, White, it doesn't detract one iota. A wart can appear on a White
man's nose but only a silly person would say that it was a White attribute.
The presence of millions of such "White" people only serves to indicate
that White has not changed, but that which we choose to apply the label.
Black, wool-like, kinky hair is a Black attribute even though we see straight
black hair on some we choose to call Black. All of these notices show evidence
of race-mixing and not some sophomoric notion that "White people come in
a variety of types," as Zündel often remarked, thus demonstrating
his abysmal ignorance of the topic. He couldn't even define race, yet the
jews labeled him as a racist.
If we study this photo of the sculpture of Discobolus, created about
2300 years ago, we could well ask what our simian "brothers" in Africa
were producing at that time without the hindrance of White racism. Even
today, with massive assistance from White people, they still cannot produce
one item worthy of being on the same shelf as those statues of old. You
could wait 5000 more years and the story would still be the same. That
which prevents Black people from performing on a White level is one of
biology -- you cannot teach penguins how to fly.
The history of WWII, as is now taught, appears to be that war was declared
upon Germany in order to put an end to their national program of jew gassing.
It's pure rot and the reason it is accepted probably follows from mental
laziness when it isn't a result of stupidity. The truth is available to
anyone who seeks it. Unfortunately, people of this sort are rare indeed.
A part of the National Socialist program was based upon its awareness
that creativity was part and parcel of White people and from the German
stock, a greater people could be formed by restricting the genetic continuance
of lesser creative elements through controlled breeding. This is accomplished
more harshy in Nature's real crucible by life forces insuring their demise
before they can breed. If the remaining, highly contaminated, remains of
the Great Race are allowed to waste what's left of their genes in the pursuit
of happiness, a new Dark Age will certainly result. If we prove not
desirous of such a goal, then Mother Nature will surely make it all happen.
As long as we are ruled by mental cripples who let their Big Sky Jew direct
traffic, we will suffer in this kettle of fish.
Presentation is everything.
Yeah, only if you are a fish. Fish do not get interested unless it's flashy,
clearly demonstrating that the internet attracts a whole lot of fish. Many
web sites are using the latest HTML so they can attract more fish. This
meant that my browser often froze when I visited such sites, which didn't
have anything worth reading on them anyway. I decided to try the ballyhooed
Netscape 7.02. It was pretty and had only one new feature of value. This
was at a cost of not having some older, and very useful, features. After
having several sessions of freeze-ups, inactive buttons and a torpedoing
of out-going mail, I gave up and erased the whole mess down to the last
registry entry and Windows .ini and data files. I dislike IE as it is the
main target for internet vandals and meat beaters.
If one is looking for information, then all of that space and time consuming
graphics -- spinning globes, whistles, dancing bears, etc. -- only hampers
the quest. BTW, I never met a fish with a brain worth mentioning. FAEM
will continue to keep it simple.
Earlier I mentioned
that the city of Buffalo NY is broke and that goes for nearly all large
cities. The Mayor of Boston is having difficulty finding money to pay for
the demands of the bottom-feeding welfare class. White people seem to love
their dregs for a Chinese government would put an end to the Problem-Makers
in short order. One Senator objected to proposals to increase the hours
of work for welfare recipients as it would interfere with "quality time"
spent mother to kiddies. How "quality time" relates to simians I do not
I mentioned that Buffalo would find funds necessary to pay its teachers,
police, etc. That happened. They are going to rob Peter to pay Paul. The
net effect will be to oil the gears of inflation. It cannot be avoided.
The muds demand that we feed them, as their 'right', and the palefaces
appear to feel they have an obligation to do so. That's how disasters come
As one surveys our increasing domestic mess, which is far more interesting
than blowing up poor countries on the other side of the globe, I am amazed
that so many are blind to its obvious racial aspect. But perhaps they do
know, but to mention the real problem might invite the hangman's noose.
People steeped in fear have already forfeited their right to exist.
With Zionist jews controlling the "right" and Marxist
jews controlling the "left", all I can say is that again the "forged" Protocols
have it dead on.
Friday, May 9, on the AMC channel at 8:55 PM Central time,
you will be able to see "They Live".
Will you be able to spot the alien jew? I think the presentation will be
edited as the last scene in the video has a blonde 'feminist humping' a
Black alien. (Feminist humping is where the female is in the top side driver's
seat. That this only happens in the perverted human groups, cleanly demonstrates
the unnaturalness of it.)
Don't forget that Nature
is Nazi, and She won't be fooled. Time is on our side.
The parasites seem to know this, for their behavior is more frenzied and
The great Chinese philosopher,
Fu King, has defined "un-American". It's anyone who tells FAEM they have
no right to express opinions or views which they don't like.
Anyone who denies the First Amendment should leave the U.S.A. for places
like Canada where he can feel safe from the thoughts of others, and be
kosher at the same time.
Why visit Mexico
so you can enjoy the Cinco de Mayo celebrations? Many former American
cities have their own, like Eric's Yakima. If your city is left out, be
patient, Mexicans are on the way.
Eric told me of a penis enlargement method
used by some Blacks in Rhodesia. They fasten a heavy rock on the end and
leave it there. He saw one fellow whose knees were raw from the rock slapping
against them as he walked.
I saw an odd new waitress
at the local mestizo greasy spoon. If asked where her roots were, she'd
probably say "Everywhere." From black beady eyes to hooked nose and one
lip fatter than the other, she resembled a character out of Star Wars.
Her skin was gray-brown while her hair was straight and brown. Her shoulders
were wider than her hips, as an added attraction.
As race-mixing continues, we are seeing more and more disharmonic blondes
-- those with brown eyes. In a few more years of this, most people will
resemble one of Picasso's nightmares. He was another sick jew, BTW, hailed
as a genius -- by other jews, of course.
A city of 100,000
might have 100 police officers. Out of the 100,000 there are probably 40,000
stout hearted men. If one day these 40,000 decided they had enough of their
"police protection", they could change things in about an hour. The numbers
illustrates one thing. Government exists by sufferance -- the consent of
the people. It is not some entity dropped from the clouds to direct our
lives. If the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, mean little
to you, then why do you call yourself American?
Police officers are mercenaries. They do what they do for money, pensions
and a feeling of power. Cut off their pay and you'll see how dedicated
they really are.
Our niggerball players are also mercenaries. They play, not for your
city, but for money and pussy. In fact, it would be rare for one of them
to be from your city. "Your team" is yours only as long as you pay them
more than the next city. They have no allegiance to you or your city. That's
what mercenaries are.
When I look at the several photos of "our troops", why do I see so many
Mexicans and Chinese? Are these Americans? You say that giving someone
the label "American", and then handing him a paper that says he's naturalized,
changes him from a bad guy to a good guy? If that is so, then why did "good
guy" Americans seem to have been involved in the Trade Towers disaster?
The only time the lion
will lie down with the lamb, is when the lamb is inside the
lion's stomach. God set this order in motion and supplied the actors. To
seek a world where lions eat ivy and little lambs eat ivy too, is to tell
God He didn't know what he was doing -- wouldn't you say?
The highest Darwin Awards are always given posthumously.
I see that many web sites are championing
Ernst Zündel but I'd like to note that he personally will never see
any money from a "defense fund". That will go into other pockets and the
way this nonsense is playing out, I'd bet that many blighters will soon
have cream cheese all over their faces. It's beginning to look like an
ADL operation. I'd love to be wrong. We'll see.
A scoundrel serving
a righteous cause makes him no less a scoundrel. The blightwing fails to
recognize this.
I suspected the
below was a form letter and an alert FAEM reader clued me in ---
"13 year old American" my ass, (please
forgive me for the less than polite greeting! ;o) Since
"Wiesenthal" is about to retire, some ambitious kikester is looking to
replace him and he or her is out on a fishing expedition, or just the usual
ADL busybody. See letter to David Irving! http://www.fpp.co.uk/Letters/Auschwitz/Melanie040503.html I
tremendously enjoy your site and honest commentary. Visit many times daily
to learn and confirm my own perception of the goings on in our tiny world
and what every straight thinking white should be very, very aware
of by now. Best regards, and please keep it up"
I know that many
schools are getting their kiddies to poke computer keys and gawk at 'hate'
sites. They are then directed to give a talk on hate in America. I guess
reading, writing and arithmetic are too fascist for them. Here's a letter
I just received --
What proof for the gas chambers? I
AM a thirteen-year-old American. I'm doing a report about you and was wondering
if you could answer this question for me.
The question is, "What is one of
the reasons that you say that the Jews are making up that the Gas Chambers
ever were used?"
I would greatly appreciate if you
could answer me by May 6th. Thank you very much for your time. <>
Now, most students can be
expected to view a site, gasp for air, and then write some unresearched
diatribe condemning "hate", "anti-Semitism", and little green men from
UFOs. But, there are always a few who actually like to think for themselves,
thus demonstrating the failure of Marxist education. My response
to this, I hope serious, query is found at -- http://www.faem.com/links/melody.htm
It's Orwell
time. A "hero" is defined as (1) a blighter in jail, (2) one
with AIDS or (3) someone who surrenders to an enemy.
Although it is still not very widely taught,
the truth about Pearl Harbor is available 60 years after the fact. One
might wonder what the American people would have done if this were broadcast
instead of that barrage of lies. Would the truth have really made a difference
or are people mostly sheep following the sheep in front of them? The internet
allows us access to the truth of matters as they unfold but truth or lies,
it appears that no one does much other than view it all as entertainment
-- a break from the usual games and porno fare.
I wonder if the honkey has noticed how "American"
is being redefined. The term is getting more non-White by the year.
What sort of female critter would drop her
six week old infant in a day-care center? As I was driving through Fayetteville,
I noticed on the outskirts a sign saying that the "Pleasant Child" disease
commune accepts children as young as that.
It appears that we might not be on the Titanic.
It seems to be shaping up more like the USS Maine.
Although now a collectors' item, the "wanted"
poster the Zud had printed up with Eric's face on it, does serve to reflect
on those whoopee days of the 1980s at 206 Carlton Strasse in SARSland north
of Lake Ontario. Eric was accused of non violently appropriating $10,000
of the Zud's monthly donations. As it turned out, his married jewish mistress
"accidentally" discovered the missing money, but Eric had already left
leaving a note that it was a "parting of the ways". If Eric really wanted
to steal unaccounted for money, he was often given that chance on his routine
journeys to the bank sometimes with $20,000 in cash. Eric was an American
citizen and could have easily kept going one way across the border. The
warming bit of irony is the Zud is now being partially axed for a book
he didn't write -- The Hitler We Loved and Why. This became court evidence
after one of those court circuses we came to love and expect. The Zud received
$100,000 as the author of that book from a will left by a wealthy Boston
attorney. He never even gave one thank-you to the man who really
wrote it -- Eric Thomson. As I often repeat -- character is everything.
As it stands, the Zud is now being punished for things he did not do. Perhaps
it's the way of the gods to even the score after years of unsavory behavior.
When one subjects himself to the speech of a
simian, he should try and imitate those sounds when he departs. You'll
see that the pronunciation always follows the path of the least muscle
work. Consonants are often changed when they appear at the end of a word,
such as 'start' which comes out as 'star'. 'They are' and 'there is' end
up sounding as 'theys'. "Theys no mussard on da table," and , "Theys only
us." Pay attention to your tongue's behavior when you say "the" followed
by "da". You'll see what I mean.
One sound is often used for different nouns. 'Hole', 'whore', and 'hoe'
all have the same sound so a comment such as, "Theys a 'ho' in da 'ho'",
could mean several unrelated things. Apparently the people who talk this
way aren't sure of what they are saying because every third sentence is
"'No' wha' ah'm sayin'?"
As the honkey becomes more simian in his behavior, we can expect a continuation
in the lack of understanding between "can" and "may", and "less" and "fewer".
How often do we hear "I have less marbles than does Diana."?
A distinguishing mark of life forms is the complexity of their communication.
The more intricate, and sophisticated it is, the more intelligent the animal.
Yes, Helen, we are indeed on a down slide in the direction of the grunting
savage. The Vedda of India only have 3 numbers in their marvelous system.
One, two, and more. That surely simplifies things.
It's ladies'
night! Circles have been around ever since the sun was
invented. Way back in 400-200 BC, give or take a week, the Greeks (not
to be confused with present day inhabitants of that area) started doodling
with the mathematical properties of nearly everything they could sketch.
Archimedes was a prime figure at that time. Since Egypt was just across
the pond, some of those ideas were used there in a practical manner. The
Egyptians (also not to be confused with present day inhabitants of that
area) never got interested in the theoretical aspects as did the Greeks.
It is quite likely that these extraordinary people could have developed
more if they had a better system of handling calculations. This reminds
me of the fact that in 1910, enough was known about internal combustion
engines to develop very high speed designs if there were in existence metals
capable of withstanding the stress and strain. At the time, 2000 RPM was
considered "high". Be that as it may, the Greeks went into a slump; took
a hike from thinking or perhaps were hampered by affirmative action. Their
ideas didn't take a slow boat but were picked up by the Arabs and Hindus,
then on into China, thus giving rise to their small contributions. Egypt
took readily to race-mixing and eventually produced the do-nothing mulatto
state which it is today.
About 200 BC, Apollonius was busy with the problem of finding circles
simultaneously tangent circles to 3 given, and separate, other circles.
A little doodling will show there are 8 such circles for any set of 3 others.
Mathematicians have been working on this problem since the day of its dawning
and I understand that there are, so far, about 20 solutions. Please note
that there are about 400 proofs of the Pythagorean theorem. This comes
about because of mathematicians and their one-upmanship mind set. Reinventing
the wheel seems to be a major part of their work.
Euclid and Newton wrote on what is now called the Apollonius Problem.
This was during the heyday of European thinking, 16-17th centuries AD.
The Black Death managed to rid Europe of most of its bottom feeders and
jews were told to scat. In such a better environment, great things were
accomplished. Anyway, Descartes had a pupil named Elizabeth Casey
whose father was Professor Frederick V. John Casey of Dublin. This
woman was the first person to offer an analytical solution to the
problem of Apollonius, thus proving how women were being "held
down" even then. (As Instauration clearly established, all societies, except
White, never accepted women as the equal of men. That's why the women's
'lib' groups are saturated with jewesses and muds.)
Recent research now indicates that many of the ancient Greek ideas may
have drifted east from the land of the Kelts.
Sorry folks!
My ISP called and said there was a slight problem with my out-going email.
He said he'd fix it. Later he called and said that probably 27 out-going
email vanished. I don't know what he meant but one woman wrote back to
say she never received what I had assumed I had sent. Who knows?
The twaddle about Zündel having another go around with "justice"
is just that. The hand was dealt long before he was picked up at his palatial
estate in Tennessee. Money sent to a "defense fund" won't change things
and neither will 'protests' and other gatherings of people with silly notions
in their heads. Get real. Justice is only a variety of wishful thinking.
This is pure, corrupt, power politics.
The insanity marches
on. In Buffalo NY, where the finances just went thud,
they are having a baked goods sale for the purpose of bailing the
city out. How many cakes must you sell to come up with $30,000,000? The
sheeple are scurrying about making their bleating sounds but I can safely
say the problem will be solved by turning on the spigot of inflation.
When you take a
dimwit and educate him in Marxist ways, you get a dangerous
dimwit. He then becomes a rabid follower of anyone who gives the order
to kill. A patriot is one who stands BY THE COUNTRY and not merely
OBEDIENT TO THE GOVERNMENT. Patriots oppose corrupt governments.
It appears quite popular today to accuse others, with whom you do not agree,
of being traitors and scum bags, and so on. Perhaps such name-callers should
think a bit about the Declaration of Independence, if they are indeed capable
of rational thought, for it clearly distinguishes between a people, country
and the government. Here's a revealing sentence.
"That to secure these Rights, Governments are
instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the
Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these
Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter
or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,
laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in
such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and
In response to the prune-brains who never have an intelligent thing
to say other than "... if you don't like America, leave it..." I could
remind that "...the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it..."
that those who love America, remain in America, and clean out the crap.
Our 3rd president, Thomas Jefferson, recommended a revolution every 20
years. Was he a "traitor"? Did anyone tell him to "..love it or leave it..."?
Here's Eric's slogan:
If you love America, don't leave
Zud news. Zündel has
been officially tarred as being a security threat to Canada and will soon
be seeing his fatherland, as Eric predicted long ago. Ingrid, Angrid, Sarah,
Ina, or whaterever, is asking donors to place her name on the $5000 checks
which are supposed to be for Ernst's benefit. Are you catching on yet?
EZ is NOT a White supremacist, Nazi, or danger to anything, as the jackals
of the news love to repeat. HE NEVER WAS! His downfall came because he
chose to tweak the jews' noses without having an organization supporting
him, even after he was given a warning to stop.. That naughty ego trashes
people all of the time. His glands propelled him into beds where she shouldn't
have been. It's an old story.
Speaking of White supremacists, the only criteria necessary is to be
a paleface. A National Socialist says that this isn't enough. Previously,
Rhodesia was ruled by inferior White people. Inferior to many superior
Blacks in that land. A 'supremacist', if he wishes to stick to accepted
definition, believes his group should be in the driver's seat. Supreme
is not the same as being of better quality. NS wants to build better people
and that's a distinction one should keep in mind. (There are many "supreme"
rock stars but they are all low lifes.)
Of all the goofs running
for prez elect in 2004, it appears that Lyndon LaRouche is #1, so far,
in the number of contributions and #3 in the amount of money collected.
Perhaps Americans are getting tired of the past scams where both major
candidates were Zionists who agreed. Alas, Lyn is a democrat and even if
elected, I'd suspect all of the non White programs would still be in place.
Jews control the LaRouche steamship, in case you wanted to ask.
Be patriotic. Spend your money on everything except America. Our ZOG is
dumping $15 BILLION of YOUR money fighting AIDS in Africa.
As more people lose their jobs, and more facilities being moved to Asia,
we are told the economy is improving. Sis just called me and said the teachers,
police, etc., and so forth, in Buffalo NY, were told they received their
last paychecks -- the larder is empty. Also, it was announced that property
taxes will probably go up 10%.
Of course, people will receive more paychecks but the pay will come
from taxes for ZOG doesn't have one dime which they haven't previously
snatched from the boobs. When it becomes dangerous to raise taxes, the
$$ printing presses will start to roll and that's spells inflation which
is now becoming apparent even to the most brain-washed.
Patience has its rewards and
character is everything.
About 8 years ago, I was at a local gathering of politicos who were
throwing their support to a Mz. P. She was about 28, blonde and rather
good-looking. The men drooled and the women were glad "they" were going
to be represented by this feminist straight from warming motel bed sheets.
She was nominated, and later elected. As I left the meeting, one prominent
fellow asked me what I thought of their selection. Being a very polite,
and shy person, I replied, "She's a piece of shit." That wasn't what Dale
Carnegie would have done but I never did like having a brown nose.
Today, the papers are full of the "disappointment" concerning this frump
and how she's managed to shaft the voters who elected her. As gramps used
to say, "A jackass doesn't have to give a speech so you can decide what
sort of critter it is."
Eric and I predicted
years ago that, as the crunch deepens, look for more and more jews to move
to "our" side and claim they were always with us. They'll even try to convince
that they are White, that is, "good jews". Do not be deceived for when
the wind was blowing in the other direction, they were not "one of us."
See the video The Sweet Jew if you want a historical refresher on
this two-edged chameleon. When Rhodesia was White governed, the jews were
"White". After the Black take-over, they were no longer that color. Observe
and LEARN.
Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation
has announced layoffs and movement of some operations to India. New York
State has all ready moved some of its computer related activity there.
I was in a restaurant where a few honkies were bitching out loud. One irate
middle-aged woman yelled, "F--- the government!" A few others grumbled
about this latest ZOG-approved move. As I was leaving, I paused and said,
"This new screw is not surprising. You White folks voted to give your country
away. What did you expect?"
NEWSFLUSH: Mestizo advocacy
groups are happy because Washington's Chinese Governor Locke has approved
in-state subsidized tuition for "undocumented immigrants" who have lived
for 3 years illegally in the U.S.A. Out-of-state tuition is around $10,000
higher than subsidized in-state tuition for state residents. No space nor
money for you, Whitey.
Obviously, we are getting the government we pay for. If "diversity"
is so great, why can't it pay its own way? No, we are paying to have "diversity"
IMPOSED upon us, by ZOG!
The team = Insane
Zionist Christians.
The cheerleaders = Insane Zionist
The opponents = Any poor nation
incapable of defending itself.
The spectators = Anyone tired of
watching niggerball and Howard Stern.
My youngest sister reports that the
city of Buffalo NY will run out of funds within the week. They no longer
have money to pay teachers, police, etc. The city appealed for a $30,000,000
loan from the state, which is also broke, and was turned down. It will
be interesting to see what all becomes of this. Is it time to turn on the
printing presses and make $1000 bills instead of $1 bills? After all, the
cost of ink, paper and labor remains the same. Why not have Greenspan issue
$1,000,000 to each citizen? Then we could lay claim to being the only country
where everyone is a millionaire.
The country is over-taxed with welfare parasites who vote. Get it? THEY
VOTE! And guess what they vote for? Cutbacks? Austerity budgets? Ho, ho,
ho and a bottle. Even the working dodo wants lower taxes and more Medicare
plus "better" schools. Talk about idiots burning the bridges they are standing
The Iraqi people are apparently
not interested in being ruled by a foreign occupation government. This
is difficult for the American boob to understand. The reason being they
live under a Zionist Occupation Government and appear to love it.
Enough jabber.
Why wear it to death as would some gossiping harpy?
Ernst Zündel is a German nationalist who prefers not to live in
the country he claims to love. He is neither a racist, White supremacist
or a criminal. He left Germany because he did not want to be drafted into
the military. That's why he emigrated to Canada because the US had a draft
at that time. With an uncle named Isadore Meyer, he can hardly be expected
to be behaviorally anti-jewish. He housed Black people in his home and
found no difficulty in physically embracing the females. He championed
homosexuals and allowed AIDS carriers to wander about his house. He was
a pacifist looking for an easy way to obtain shekels. He had a jewish mistress
and the odds are that his present "Mennonite" wife is also a jewess. After
WWII, hundreds of jews in the Ukraine found it useful to become Mennonites,
as many do when they become Catholic, or whatever. A good share of these
so-called Mennonites ended up in Paraguay and later on, in Israel where
they "discovered", like Sen. Kerry and Madalaine Albright, that they were
jews after all. It is also highly likely that wife #3 lied on her application
for American citizenship. Her background, beyond the silly tear-jerking
fiction contained in her books, is very sketchy where she apparently has
enjoyed being known under several names.
The Zud made it very plain that he headed no organization, intended
to head no organization, and his main effort concerned only that which
he frequently defined with the statements, "I am the cause!", "Send ME
money.", "Leave ME in your will." If you jumped on his bandwagon believing
something different, then that was your problem. He made it quite plain
what he was doing with your money. In this respect, he certainly was not
dishonest. Anyway -- "enjoy!" as the jews say -- it's your money.
You might find
this worthwhile ==> http://www.sendemback.org
Some IE users
have reported problems with FAEM graphics. My IE works just fine. How about
As US mercenary troops begin shooting unarmed protesters,
it sho' do look likes weez all jews now.
Just as there are many Catholics
who are jews, so are there Mennonites who are jews. Right Sarah?
Usher's disease is a hereditary
disease which renders the victims blind and deaf eventually, but usually
at birth. People so afflicted are willingly having children where the outcome
is predictable. One would certainly not call such people problem-solvers.
They are problem-makers who must be supported by society as a whole. Millions
are now being spent upon such creatures whose hearts are so cold and full
of selfishness, that they knowingly pass their affliction upon their next
generation. We are creating through misguided charity, and insane 'tolerance',
a growing class of useless eaters. I believe we are at a point where the
problem-solvers can no longer support such parasites many of whom are enjoying
a standard of living exceeding that of the working man. China does not
have such a problem for they tolerate no useless eaters.
Suppose Germans were
invading the country as the Mexicans now are. Suppose our texts books used
Hans and Helmut where they are now using Julio and Juan. Suppose labels
and other material were being written in German and street corner conversations
were increasingly in German. Would the American dodo object or just stand
and gawk as they are now doing relative to the hispanics?
The Zud was extremely useful
to the jews. Well-heeled poor judges of character sent him bushels
of money but more important where those rare books and other information
detailing the enormity of anti-German propaganda, and lies, directed towards
the German people during WWI and WWII. Zudhaus was a repository of some
of the most unique information available relative to the holohoax and attempted
extermination of the German people. He was bequeathed Dr. Lindsey's valuable
computer disk records with the direction to copy them and distribute them
far and wide. A severe character flaw prevented the Zud from honoring promises
or allowing anything beyond picayune amounts of information to be shared.
He was no friend of White people. He simply sat on some of the most worthwhile
material known, save what the jews have stockpiled, and much dealing with
Allied war crimes. All of this, or nearly so, went up in smoke and what
wasn't burned was destroyed by water. This ended his usefulness and the
chapter had ended. What follows from this day on will be revealed at the
end of the current side show. It appears that the delay serves to allow
Zudess #3 time to secure her hold on the loot. The web site will disappear
and Germany will have a new guest whose health will be reported as being
very poor. It's the same old story with different characters. The day in
the sun is meeting the night.
El Presidente
wants to see that our taxes are reduced. Perhaps we should give up this
"cashless society" way of doing things and go back to cash. In this way,
if people fudged on reported income, wouldn't this be a way of reducing
income taxes?
As more and more criminal citizens write useless checks, and credit
card fraud mounting, I doubt if cash will ever disappear. In fact, it has
been my experience that more and more people are demanding cash, except,
of course, those who depend upon fraud as a means of living.
is catching on in places not inhabited by the American blightwing, we are
in need of a symbol better than the "just say no" Start of David. Each
time one uses this symbol, he has to explain its meaning. This is not to
anyone's benefit. Since the hexagram usually means 'jew' to everyone, it
doesn't convey the idea that Zionism is far more than a slew of jews. We're
waiting for you bright young men to help out here.
Ain't communication wunnerful?
Connection to the Internet was first through the home utility called telephone
lines. Later, another utility connection, TV cable, was used. Now I understand
that the electrical power lines might be used as a connection. After that,
I guess the next to be used would be the gas lines. In this case it could
be called the "kosher connection".
A group of people,
sporting weapons, shouting "White Power", and crawling through the trees
near Outback ID, is realistically described as being irrelevant. If they
did the same thing on the outskirts of Bulawayo Zimbabwe, they would be
relevant and then met with hostile guns.
I have mentioned before, that if elections really
changed things, they would be made illegal. The amazing thing I find is
that people continue to vote for scoundrels who have no intention of filling
anything except their own pockets. Other than repairing a few potholes
in the streets, what really significant change has any of our elections
ever brought about? Everything we complain about was put into place beyond
the reach of an election so what makes anyone think that an election will
change things?
Rockwell was more than the people really deserved
and when he became too much of a nuisance, he was shot. MLK was far more
useful as a martyr, to those interested in destroying the White race and
their society, than he was as a loud mouth, child seducer and superficial
If the exercise of the First Amendment ever became
relevant, it would soon vanish along with those who seemed to think it
had value. The F.A. exists only with the permission of ZOG's guns. So far,
all of our Internet whooping and cussing, is irrelevant since it has changed
none of ZOG's planned direction. This fact ZOG uses to "prove" that the
F.A. is still a feature of our society. Political correctness is simply
peer pressure to stifle what ZOG does not approve of, but if that is shown
to be ineffective, then the F.A. will vanish as did the dodo bird.