by Robert Frenz 18 Feb 98
The narrator, David McCallum, of a recent "the end is near" TV hour of kosher salami, issued two remarkable statements as if they came drifting down from Mount Sigh Nigh. One of them concerned THE "end of the world," or some version of Armageddon, which is supposed to occur on December 12, 2012. According to David, this date was the terminal date of the Mayan calendar, and therefore the Mayans, in their infinite wisdom I suppose, "divined" that this would be the end of it all. David continued by stating that the Mayan calendar was "the most accurate calendar ever devised by man." David had it all wrong, of course, but that's what TV commentators, and narrators, get paid for doing -- bullshitting the gullible public.
This Mayan terminal date is no more astounding than is 12:00 on your watch when the whole cycle repeats itself. If this batch of savage cannibals had not been interrupted, they would have continued with December 13, 2012 (our Western calendar!) as day zero.
As for accuracy, the Mayan calendar is off about 1 day in 4.3 years while ours -- the Gregorian -- is off only 1 day in 20,000 years. The ancient Egyptian calendar was the most accurate calendar known at the time -- 365.25 days per year. The Mayan version was 365.00 days per year -- a copy. It must be mentioned that, like the calendar, Egyptians had different versions of the cubit -- the Common, the Royal and the Sacred. Who used what depended upon the purpose for which it was being used. The improvements contained within the Gregorian calendar amount to 'fudge-factors'.
A calendar is a system and not just a block of data-holes. It is little more than a schedule of events and a means of keeping track of what to do and when.
The Mayans and Aztecs developed from the earlier Olmecs. On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, the pharaoh Akenanten ruled Egypt. The beginnings of Mayan "culture" occurred about the time Rome was starting to feel its oats -- 250 B.C. or so. The Mayans claimed that their culture started in 3113 B.C. and their calendar reflected this as the beginning of the Mayan age.
The recently discovered presence of cocaine in nearly all of the Egyptian mummies has given additional evidence that the Olmec-type peoples were little other than students of Egyptians who had crossed the sea. (Cocaine, from the coca plant was indigenous to the Americas.) The similarity of pyramid construction, and other devices, is not lost upon the alert. The Aztec legends all mention that the Whitey god would return again. He did -- in the form of Hernán Cortés who wasn't as benevolent as were the Egyptian explorers.
The Mayan calendar is a culturally modified version of the Egyptian calendar. Amerasians, as do most students, typically warp what they learn to fit their inner hereditary psyche. Thus, chicken/goat sacrificing and voodoo rituals have been incorporated into the "catholic" masses of the Caribbean. We have to look no further than any Catholic church which was foolish enough to let Negro jazz, and hump-jumping, enter into its "music" and services. The "weez all eculls" crowd just doesn't get it -- change the people and you change the culture!
A season is a distinguishable period of time. A season to be merry. The Christmas season. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are seasons to us and the ancient Egyptians had their seasons -- when the Nile flooded (Inundation); when they planted (Going Forth); and when they harvested (Deficiency). Thus they had 3 seasons in a year.
The Nile flooded cyclically. The sun peeked out over the horizon cyclically. The moon went through its four-quarters cyclically. Stars wandered here and there, but they always repeated their wanderings cyclically. Men found themselves in the middle of a natural clockwork.
When Sirius (the Dog Star) flicked briefly over the horizon at sunrise (a heliacal), this was the starting point for the Egyptian year (solar cycle). This was also the time when the Nile started flooding. A day was that period of time between one sunrise to next.
Moon cycles (moon-ths) were also of interest since they seemed to be mysteriously connected to the tides of the Mediterranean Sea. In any given solar cycle (year) 13 full moons could be observed. (When 2 full moons occur in the same month, it is called a "blue moon." It's a relatively rare event, hence the expression "Once in a bluemoon." Did you know that?) This indicated that the solar cycle consisted of 12 moon cycles -- well, maybe a smidgeon more. Twelve moon cycles was short of the 365 days the Egyptians counted in their year by about 17 days. The Egyptians, being a practical people, gave up on the attempt to define an accurate correlation and compromised (the fudge factor) by using the two calendars -- solar and lunar -- simultaneously (as did the Mayans). The moon calendar was reserved for religious folderol, while the solar calendar, which was more in harmony with the crop growing activity, was used for civil matters. They did, however, design a new lunar calendar which had its basis in the solar calendar. This calendar consisted of 12 months of 30 days each with 5 days added to the civil calendar at the end of the year. Those 5 days didn't belong to any month. It was also pointed out that 13 months of 28 days each would more closely approximate the solar cycle in length. This of course was true, but the 13 was at odds with the 12 which was better founded. (The reasoning was lost on the Mayans who used the 13 in their day wheel.) A single moon cycle was juggled between 28, 29 and 30 days in an attempt to make things fit. These White Egyptians recognized that their year of 365 days was "out of sync" with the rising of Sirius by only a fistful of days during a person's lifetime. The slow shifting of these two patterns -- their calendar and Sirius rising -- was not something which overly concerned them. In a lifetime, what is a day or two?
As the days stumbled on, from the first sunrise notice of Sirius rising, the Egyptians watched for other stars to appear just as Sirius did, but further down the time yardstick -- so to speak. During the nights, these stars appeared in the sky -- first 2, then 3, and so on, until 12 of them occupied the night sky during Inundation season. The rising of these 12 stars were used to mark the beginning of a period of time we refer to as an hour. Since Egypt is near the equator, where daytime was nearly equal to nighttime, the hours of a day then became 24.
The Mayans adhered to the 365 days in their civil calendar, with THE SAME 5 DAYS reserved for certain sacrifices, etc., as did the Egyptians from whom, it is very strongly believed, they learned of it. (The historical coincidence is a trifle to large for me to swallow, but then I am not a liberal.) They chose to have a "lunar" calendar of 13 months named by their number and for some reason chose 20 as a sort of base for the number system. This was possibly due to the fact that a barefoot person is able to continue counting on his toes. So, their "Wheel of Days" was a 260 day cycle which is not connected to anything real but having its roots in religious-think. If you were born on a certain day, then blah-blah would be your life. Vestiges of this survive in the astrology business today. The Mayans called the aforementioned period of 5 days the "nameless days." If you happened to be born on one of them, you were marked for later sacrifice.
The Mayans further reinterpreted things under pressure from the blood-thirsty priests who were really no people to get on the bad side of. The year then, was divided into periods of 20 days thus giving rise to 18 months -- all with special names such as Crocodile, Sky and Rabbit. As I have said previously, the Mayan calendar is a long way from the greatest calendar on the planet.
The present-day Whiteman's calendar, the Gregorian, has a recognized accuracy of being off only 1 day out of 20,000 years. As with all attempts at reconciling the stars, sun and moon, to fit into man's notions of what a convenient pattern should be, the adding of a day here and there is necessary. The Egyptian insertion of 5 days belonging to no month at all, is called the 5-day epagomenal. (Use the term to impress your friends.) Incidentally, the Romans, in their efforts at a calendar, would toss in a whole month without days or names -- and so did the ancient Greeks. This gave rise to one super holiday. It's a nifty concept: If the day didn't belong to any month, then no was scheduled to work.
The Gregorian calendar, since it appeared to have a divine stamp of approval, was abolished during that human-garbage uprising called the "French" revolution which was as French as the "Russian" revolution was Russian. These criminals also abolished the traditional measuring system and invented their own -- which we now call "metric." The meter -- meaning 'to measure' -- was defined such that 10,000,000 meters was the length of the quadrant arc running from the North Pole to the equator. Previously, there were 10,000,000 Sacred Cubits (Egyptian) in the distance from the North Pole to the center of the earth (a radius). The British "inch" is 1/25 of a Sacred Cubit. By the way, that new French commie calendar had a month of 30 days -- 3 "weeks" of 10 days each. Thus, instead of having 1 day of rest per 7, a day of rest occurred only at the end of each 10 days. The baloney-heads also tried to slap a decimal system onto the time of day. This metric nonsense was later dropped for the minute/hour description and practical reasons dictated that the French would have to return to the traditional Western calendar. Communist notions, which are manufactured in the minds of the demented, simply cannot withstand the limitations of reality.
The Gregorian calendar has 365 days modified periodically by the addition of 1 day (a leap day) every 4 years (a leap year). Century years are not leap years unless they are divisible by 400, i.e., 1600, 2000, 2400, etc. If the year is divisible by 4000, then it is not a leap year. No need to worry though, you won't be around when this happens.
When the revised Julian calendar was introduced in the 16th century, they had to pick some day as the beginning point. This problem fell to Pope Paul III to find a solution. Since certain elements failed to "line up" -- the vernal equinox, in particular, which determined the date of Easter -- the problem remained until Pope Gregory XIII came along. By then, the mismatch was about 10 days and his solution was a simple one: jump the calendar ahead by 10 days. Thus, the day following October 4, 1582 became October 15, 1582 and things have been running smoothly ever since.
One must realize that the present global political climate is one where all White achievements are diminished in the record and all non-White achievements -- some of them non-existent altogether -- are magnified out of proportion. There is evidence mounting that even the so-called Asian civilization of China originated with the White men from Europe. (Indisputable White remains have been found in our Northwest which predate Amerasian settlements.) White civilizations are always characterized by a continuing change and, as it now appears, any other civilizations which exhibit change, more than likely, have been influenced by White people. Without White presence, all societies either remain stagnant, or collapse. The Negro "scientist" who discovered that smashed-up peanuts can be used as a sandwich spread, could never have achieved this feeble notoriety in a Black country. Black "genius" only appears in White societies.
This is not supposed to be a historical lesson regarding calendars -- a very fascinating topic all by itself. As I have shown, David McCallum merely read a seriously flawed script which attempted to give credit to a bunch of savages who didn't earn it and to unsettle marginal brains with doomsday predictions. The "noble savage" is only a bit of someone's warped imagination.
If you'd like to explore this calendar idea somewhat, and perhaps devise your own, I'll leave you with the fact that a solar year is 365.2422 days long and that there are 12.37 lunar cycles in 1 solar cycle. The first figure is accurate to the nearest second.
The hour is divided into small parts called minutes --- initially pronounced 'my-noot', meaning tiny. The Babylonian "60" influence is shown when it is recognized that 1 hour has 60 minutes. The minute was again divided in the same fashion for a second time thus giving rise to the term "second minute." This was shortened to "second." It's about time I took a timely break.