POLAND And the Lies of the Allies

by Eric Thomson with research by Paul Norris

Poland and its hapless people had largely served their purpose by becoming the excuse for Britain and its reluctant French ally to declare war on Germany in 1939. As historian David Irving points out, Britain's touted war aim was initially the "defense of Polish sovereignty." Of course, it had been agreed upon before 1939 that Britain and France would not intervene if the Soviet Union were to violate Polish sovereignty, as happened a few weeks after the German preemptive strike against Poland. But, unlike the Moor of Shakespeare, the Poles did not go away. Even after the kosher slaughter of some 15,000 members of the Polish officer corps, the Poles and their national interests remained. In fact, it was this Soviet massacre of the Poles at Katyn which served to emphasize to the Poles their likely fate under Soviet/Khazar rule. Therein lay the seeds of a Polish-German alliance. In 1943, the government of Britain was indeed worried by indications that the Poles might wish to put Polish interests ahead of world banksterdom.

On August 10,1943, W.D. Allen of the Central Department of the British Foreign Office writes plaintively to the Political Intelligence Department chief in the Foreign Office:

"Consequent upon our conversation this morning, I attach a paper which was primarily intended as an aide-memoir within our section and which, therefore, may contain some rather obvious statements. Nevertheless, it is a very accurate picture of the grounds for suspicion which I mentioned to you this morning... May I urge most strongly the necessity for not hinting to any Polish contacts your suspicions on this matter... because if they felt that there was any leakage of information through us as to their own fears and suspicions, it would close the door to any future negotiations between us and them."

The accompanying memorandum is marked "Most Secret" and is entitled "POLISH GERMAN COLLABORATION." It begins thusly:

"The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the situation which now exists in Poland and to the danger that the Germans may succeed in setting up a collaborationist regime in the General Government. At no time since the occupation has such an eventuality been considered possible until now, but recent deterioration in the situation makes it seem that this possibility should be taken into serious consideration... Background: (1) Resentment against Soviet Russia has for long been intense and practically universal among the Poles in Poland. As the German military power seems to be waning, the possibility of collaboration is likely to be greater and no less if the fear of Russian (sic) occupation increases. (2) German anti-Soviet propaganda has been and is in accordance with the sentiments of the great majority of the Polish people to whom it is directed. (3) It is believed, both by the general population and by the responsible leaders that Soviet and communist subversive propaganda and activity in Poland is intended to disrupt the country so that it will be unable, after the defeat of Germany, to offer effective resistance to Soviet domination..."

"Evidence of the Present Critical Situation: (1) Since the affair (sic) of Katyn the Germans have for the first time obtained the collaboration of responsible Polish journalists in their press campaign against Soviet Russia. Delegations from several responsible Polish bodies visited Katyn under German auspices. (2) The clandestine press of Poland is concentrating more and more upon bitter attacks against Soviet Russia and against the subversive activities within Poland which are being encouraged by Soviet Russia. (3) The tone of our responsible contacts in the Polish Ministry of the Interior has changed noticeably in the past few weeks... They are obviously nervous at the inevitable effects of the recent German anti-Soviet campaign upon a population 'without proper political orientations' (sic). It seems clear that while they are confident in the attitude of the resistance organizations, they are now becoming alarmed at the possibility that these organizations may lose something of their support from the people and that individuals may be found whose fear and hatred of Russia is sufficiently strong to induce them to collaborate formally with the Germans, at any rate to the extent of opposing Russia (sic). (4) Since the affair of Katyn, Russian (sic) accusations of collaboration among Poles in the General Government, although malicious, have been specific and give the impression that there is some degree of fact behind the exaggeration. (5) Frank [the German Governor General of Occupied Poland} has recently declared that he hopes to make the General Government a model satellite state. This reads like propaganda intended to anticipate the probable course of events. (6) The Krakauer Zeitung of 24th July reports a meeting between Governor General Frank and the President and Director of the Polish General Welfare Council 'to discuss the general situation of the Polish population, with special reference to the events in the Lublin district.' (7) A P.W.I. report from Stockholm ingenuously states that the 'Germans are starting to set up a Polish Quisling government. This plan results from a successful propaganda on the Katyn mass graves.' In view of the above, it does seem that there is a strong possibility of some kind of Quisling Government being set up in Poland supported by (a) Warsaw degenerates; (b) genuinely patriotic Poles who passionately fear the Russian (sic) menace more than anything else in the world."

The trick was to keep Poland strong enough and determined enough to fight the Germans, but not to fight the Soviets. So far, the Polish Secret Army had served British-Soviet interests well via guerrilla warfare, sabotage and espionage against the German war effort in Poland. It is even mentioned in one Polish Secret Army report that agents were helping to spread the deadly typhus disease. Polish military units serving with the British and so-called Free French forces had to be placated as well so that their fear and loathing for the Soviets could be put 'safely' in the background.

In addition to these pressing priorities, Special Operations Executive, Britain's espionage, sabotage and terrorist organization, was complaining in correspondence with Britain's Psychological Warfare Executive or propaganda ministry that their cells of agents were being destroyed and neutralized by German roundups of civilians for labor as well as security reasons. Naturally, such roundups were also having the same effect upon the Polish Secret Army and the British had received such complaints from the Polish Government-in-Exile. On August 11,1943, in a letter to W.D. Allen of the British Foreign Office, Lieut. Colonel Perkins of S.O.E. writes:

"...The deportations [i.e. roundups] are serious and are affecting our work in that the cells of the underground Resistance Movement in the affected areas are to a great extent liquidated, and also such materials as we have been able to deliver are liable to be discovered. If any form of deterrent could be devised we would welcome it... a possible form of deterrent would be a statement by the United Nations that (German) settlers would be regarded, after the war, as a form of war criminal, having taken possession of property which they knew to be illegally acquired."

It was clear from the outset that the government of Britain had no intention of assisting the Poles with military or material support. Words were going to be the only thing the Poles would get, just as in 1939. It only remained to be decided what words were going to be selected.

In a Most Secret Cypher Telegram dated August 22, 1943 from the British Foreign Secretary to the War Cabinet Offices in Washington he states:

"I mentioned to Mr. Hull [the U.S. Secretary of State] on August 20th the request of the Polish Government for some joint Anglo-American declaration regarding German crimes in occupied Poland. Mr. Hull admitted that he had received a similar request and that he would consider it, though he felt that any such declaration was not likely to give much help to the Polish population."

British propagandists were the authors of the Allied declaration. It was one among many lies of the Allies and it was among the more cynical, for it was initially designed to eclipse the Soviet atrocity of Katyn by accusing Germans of even greater, but entirely fictitious atrocities against the Polish people. The Poles were not likely to be fooled for long, but it was only sufficient that they remain fooled until the Soviet steamroller had run over them. The complicity of the Polish Government-in-Exile with this treason against the Polish people reveals how little it had in common with the people it claimed to represent. On August 12, 1943, Lt. Col. Perkins of S.O.E. received a letter from the British Foreign Office:

"The Polish Foreign Minister called upon me this evening and asked me to draw the Secretary of State's special attention to the suggestion made by the Polish Government for the issue of a declaration condemning the German deportation of the populations of Central Poland. Annexed is a minute by Mr. Allen on this point together with the draft of a possible declaration which it is suggested might be telegraphed to the Prime Minister with a view to persuading the President to join in a joint statement..."

W.D. Allen's attached minute begins:

"The Polish government have suggested that His Majesty's Government should issue a declaration condemning the German deportations of the population of Central Poland, which, according to recent reports received from Poland, are on the increase. The Polish Government would hope that any such declaration should be given the maximum publicity in our broadcasts to Poland and Germany, and that it should also be used in leaflets to be dropped over Germany (especially, if practicable, Eastern Germany) and, if possible, Poland as well. A similar request is being addressed to the United States Government... S.O.E. would accordingly welcome any form of deterrent that could be devised."

"P.W.E. [Psychological Warfare Executive] see no objection to publicity being given to any declaration and would be prepared to do everything possible to give effect to the Polish proposals, subject to technical and operational limitations. Such declarations as H.M.G. [His Majesty's Government] have made in the past on the subject of German atrocities in Poland have been made in Parliament. They have not gone beyond promises of retribution against those responsible. The deterrent effect of such statements appears to have been negligible, and if any further declaration is to be made, it would be useful if it could contain some indication that the actions being carried out by the German authorities in Poland will in some measure be held against Germany as a whole... The Poles were at first inclined to revert to the idea of reprisals. It has been made clear to them that these are out of the question. A further Polish suggestion for a warning to the Polish population against premature action on the lines of that recently broadcast to Greece and Yugoslavia is being examined separately. It raised difficulties from the Soviet point of view."

The attached declaration by W.D. Allen, as amended by others in his department, dated August 12, 1943, is as follows:

"Reliable information has reached H.M. Government regarding the crimes committed by the German invaders against the population of Poland. Since the autumn of 1942 a belt of territory extending from the province of Bialystock southward along the line of the River Bug has been systematically emptied of its inhabitants (hundreds of thousands of whom have been deported from their homes)."

The draft declaration continues:

"In July 1943 these measures were extended to practically the whole of the province of Lublin and also to the neighboring provinces of Radom and Cracow." [Editor's note: this typewritten sentence was considerably altered by the poison-pen-wielder who changed it to read as follows:]

"In July 1943 these measures were extended to practically the whole of the province of Lublin, where hundreds of thousands of persons have been deported from their homes or exterminated." [Editor's note: The "hundreds of thousands" reappear from the propagandists' bag of tricks, along with the word, "exterminated", which was entirely absent before. The wording is also purposefully misleading. Were the mythical "hundreds of thousands" "deported" or were they "exterminated"? Could the spies of S.O.E. have failed to detect an extermination program involving hundreds of thousands of people? Impossible. No exterminations were mentioned in S.O.E. correspondence because there weren't any. The Germans were moving the Poles, not murdering them.]

W.D. Allen's draft continues:

"These measures are being carried out with the utmost brutality. Many of the victims are killed on the spot. The rest are segregated. Men from 14 to 50 are taken away to work for Germany. (Some) children (are killed on the spot, others) are separated from their parents and either sent to Germany to be brought up as Germans or sold to German settlers or despatched with the women and old men to concentration camps, were they are now being systematically put to death in gas chambers. [Editor's note: words in parentheses were added to the original.] H.M. Government re-affirm their resolve to punish the instigators and actual perpetrators of these crimes. They further declare that, so long as such atrocities continue to be committed by the representatives and in the name of Germany, they must be taken into account against the time of the final settlement with Germany. Meanwhile the war against Germany will be prosecuted with the utmost vigour until the barbarous Hitlerite tyranny has been finally overthrown."

So here we find the amazing "gas chambers," emanating like the proverbial deus ex machina from a typewriter in the British Foreign Office. But watch closely, for you are about to see another sleight of hand take place.

It is noted that the arbitrary inclusion of "hundreds of thousands" of Poles in the categories of "deported" OR "exterminated" might serve to eclipse the 'mere' 15,000 or so Poles murdered by the Soviet Khazars at Katyn. On August 26, 1943, the British Foreign Office telegraphed Moscow with the request that they make a similar statement condemning the "extension of German campaign of mass murder and deportation against population of Poland" on behalf of the Polish Government. But the Soviets, apparently, cared little what the Poles or the world thought in regard to alleged German atrocities. The Soviets, after all, had already blamed the Katyn mass murders on the Germans and lamely continued to do so after 1945, even 'trying' and executing the alleged 'German perpetrators,' without convincing anyone of Soviet innocence. In any case, the Soviets had no fear of justice, because they knew for whom the Allies toiled.

It was thus not until August 31, 1943 that the following telegram arrived from Moscow: "Molotov has replied that the Soviet Government were precluded by lack of time from examining draft declaration and proposal for simultaneous publication by them of similar communication. The Soviet Government's attitude towards responsibility of Hitlerites for the crimes committed in occupied territory had already been defined in a number of notes and in special statement of October 14th last (see my telegram No. 250) made in connection with declaration by them in regard to nine occupied countries including Poland." The Soviets preferred their own lies.

Meanwhile, back at the "gas chambers" or actually the typewriters of the British Foreign Office, all were satisfied with their creative writing exercise. The Polish Government-in-Exile was in full agreement with the text of the declaration, as W. D. Allen advised Sir Owen O'Malley, the British Ambassador to Poland, in a memo dated 20 August 1943. By August 27th, the declaration had gone out over the wires to Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. All was in readiness to spew forth at the appointed day and hour, when the lies would be proclaimed to the world.

But one man, Mr. Cavendish-Bentinck, a senior official of British Intelligence, was "a little unhappy about the statement [Editor's note to American readers: this meant that he was extremely unhappy], to be issued on the authority of His Majesty's Government, that Poles 'are now being systematically put to death in gas chambers'." You can imagine the consternation amongst the hackwriters of the Foreign Office and their chiefs when they received this 'rocket' in the form of a memo dated August 27th, 1943. The telegraphed "gas chambers" declaration had gone out to all Allied authorities on August 27th! How they all must have hated this 'horrible man' who threatened to wreck their game with his maddening coolness. Cavendish-Bentinck's memo continues:

"The only two references which I have been able to find... which deal with this form of execution are as follows: (1) Telegram of l7th July, 1943 from Poland. "Commander-in-Chief armed forces Lublin district informed me that he had evidence that some of these people are being murdered in gas cells there" (Majdanek Camp). (2) Telegram of 17th July, 1943, from Poland "It has been ascertained that on July 2nd and 5th two transports made of women, children and old men, consisting of 30 wagons each, have been liquidated in gas cells." It will be observed that the first of the reports gives no indication of the date of the occurrence, or the number of people concerned; the second is silent as to the place and the source. It is true that there have been references to the use of gas chambers in other reports; but these references have usually, if not always, been equally vague, and since they have concerned the extermination of Jews, have usually emanated from Jewish sources. Personally, I have never really understood the advantage of the gas chamber over the simpler machine-gun, or the equally simple starvation method..."

Cavendish-Bentinck was no doubt aware that the Soviet-Khazar rulers of the erstwhile Russian Empire had used mass-starvation as a weapon against the Ukrainians in the 1930's and that gunfire was used to slay the Polish officers at Katyn. Starvation would be used again by the Soviets and also by the Americans to murder millions of Germans after Germany's surrender in 1945. Gas chamber technology for executions, as opposed to delousing, was well-known in the United States and had been in use since the 1920's. If mass-gassing were cheaper and more efficient than shooting or starvation, one suspects that this method would have been used by the Soviets and the Americans instead of the previously mentioned methods.

We now know that British Intelligence was intercepting and decoding all German radio transmissions in regard to labor and concentration camps such as Auschwitz-Birkenau-Monowitz, Majdanek et al. and gas chambers were not the means used for the execution of prisoners. The British also knew the number of inmates at each camp, as well as the number transferred into and out of the camps. Cavendish-Bentinck was undoubtedly privy to this information and did not want the British to be embarrassed by German rebuttals. The "gas chambers" must be saved for later, when the Germans could not defend themselves...

Cavendish-Bentinck's memo continues:

"In my opinion it is incorrect to describe Polish information regarding German atrocities as 'trustworthy'. The Poles, and to a far greater extent the Jews, tend to exaggerate German atrocities in order to stoke us up. They seem to have succeeded. Mr. Allen and myself have both followed German atrocities quite closely. I do not believe that there is any evidence which would be accepted in a Law Court that Polish children have been killed on the spot by Germans when their parents were being deported to work in Germany, nor that Polish children have been sold to German settlers. As regards putting Poles to death in gas chambers, I do not believe that there is any evidence that this has been done. There have been many stories to this effect, and we have played them up in P.W.E. [Psychological Warfare Executive] rumors without believing that they had any foundation. At any rate, there is far less evidence than exists for the mass murder of Polish officers by the Russians (sic) at Katyn... I think that we weaken our case against the Germans by publicly giving credence to atrocity stories for which we have no evidence. These mass executions in gas chambers remind me of the story of employment of human corpses during the last war for the manufacture of fat, which was a grotesque lie and led to the true stories of German enormities being brushed aside as being mere propaganda. I am very sad to see that we must needs ape the Russians (sic) and talk about 'Hitlerite' - instead of 'German'."

The panic buttons were pressed and emergency cords pulled throughout the British ministries that day. At the bottom of Cavendish-Bentinck's memo is W.D. Allen's scribbled message: "I have discussed this with Mr. Roberts. It seems too late to make substantial changes. But we could telegraph to Washington and Moscow on the lines of the amended draft." At the very bottom of the memo are notations in two other hands: "Tels sent & M. Kulski informed." And, "The Polish P.M. readily accepted the change." So the "gas chambers," which existed only on paper in the first place, disappeared with the stroke of a pen.

On August 28,1943, the governments of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa were sent secret telegrams with the following text: "Following for Prime Minister. Begins. My telegram D No. 596 of 27th August. Declaration regarding German atrocities in Poland. On further reflection we are not convinced that evidence regarding use of gas chambers is substantial enough to justify inclusion in a public declaration of concluding phrase of paragraph 2 of draft contained in my telegram D. No. 597 of 27th August and we are therefore suggesting to United States Government that sentence in question should end at 'concentration camps.' Ends."

On August 30,1943. The Times of London published the declaration in its final 'approved' form:


A British Warning

The following statement was issued yesterday by the Foreign Office:

Trustworthy information has reached His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom regarding crimes committed by the German invaders against the population of Poland. Since the autumn of 1942 a belt of territory extending from the province of Bialystok southwards along the line of the River Bug has been systematically emptied of its inhabitants. In July, 1943 these measures were extended to practically the whole of the province of Lublin, where hundreds of thousands of persons have been deported from their homes or exterminated.

These measures are being carried out with the utmost brutality. Many of the victims are killed on the spot. The rest are segregated. Men form 14 to 50 are taken away to work for Germany. Some children are killed on the spot, others are separated from their parents and either sent to Germany or sold to German settlers - or dispatched with the women and old men to concentration camps.

His Majesty's Government reaffirm their resolve to punish the instigators and actual perpetrators of these crimes. They further declare that, so long as such atrocities continue to be committed by the representatives and in the name of Germany, they must be taken into account against the time of the final settlement with Germany. Meanwhile the war against Germany will be prosecuted with the utmost vigor until the barbarous Hitlerite tyranny has been finally overthrown.

From our own Correspondent, New York Aug. 29

The American State Department today issued a statement in similar terms to the British Government's statement regarding German crimes in Poland." 

The reader has just witnessed, by looking over the shoulders of a few bureaucrats, as it were, how the "Nazi gas chambers" were produced by an inter-office memo emanating from the British Foreign Office on August 12, 1943 and how they were made to 'vanish' by means of same on August 28, 1943. Of course, the "gas chamber rumors" which were being spread by Britain's Psychological Warfare Executive et al. were making their mischievous rounds, as they are today.

Once Germany was militarily defeated, the "gas chambers" were resurrected at Nuremberg, along with World War I-type propaganda hoaxes such as "human soap" or "soup," "lampshades of human skin," etc. Nuremberg Document 3311-PS, which was submitted to the Allied kangaroo court by Dr. Tadeusz Cyprian, the Polish Deputy Representative on the United Nations War Crimes Commission in London, accused the German authorities of operating "extermination camps" at Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor. The accusation makes no mention of Poles being exterminated, for Poles were no longer running Poland by that time. Jews and Jews alone were the alleged victims: "In these camps the Jews were put to death in their thousands [Editor's note: not millions?] by hitherto unknown, new methods, gas and steam chambers as well as electric current employed on a large scale." No mention is made of those supposedly ubiquitous "gas vans" which were later alleged to have done most of the "gassings." Instead of "gas vans," we have "steam chambers" and even "electric chambers." Since these were on par with the "gas chambers" we have heard so much about, why do we hear nothing about them today? In this document, Treblinka is specifically mentioned as using "steam chambers intended for mass killing of Jews by suffocating them." It even describes the "steam chambers" and the boiler installations, so there was no confusion here between "steam" and "gas" chambers. The "steam chambers" have gone into the Orwellian "memory hole" with the "gas chambers of Dachau." As we have seen, anything can be written on paper, for "paper is patient."