Dear Robert:
I have spent most of the morning extracting jewspaper items which I hope you will find informative and interesting, as I do. One fellow asked me what I was doing with all the bits and pieces of information, and how I could ever remember it all. I replied that it was easy, for the minor notes fit into the larger theme, as in a kind of monstrous symphony. After a while, one notices the outlines of a big picture, into which the small news items fit like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. This is the job of an intelligence analyst. Were I working with real intelligence reports, as a ZOG-nerd for NSA, I would really have to be anti-White to avoid becoming alarmed and despondent.
As a student of International Relations, I survived with a score of others, to begin graduate studies in the subject. I.R. is a subject which includes everything, so it is indeed a large subject. Basic tests were on such things as using a terrain map with elevation lines to determine where one would find (a) a deepwater port; (b) a hydroelectric station; (c) a major rail line. Courses included the destabilization and formation of governments, and lots of other information useful to the analyst and/or activist.
By way of 'welcome' to graduate studies in the field, the head of the department said, "So you want to study International Relations on the graduate level." We all nodded in affirmative. He said, "Well, there's one quality you must have, above all others." He paused to let us cogitate. What could it be, we thought, talent in foreign languages, math skills? I'm sure no one, including myself came up with the answer. The professor said, "You've got to be tough." That surprised everyone. He continued, "Because you will be dealing routinely with concepts and information which would send most people you know right up the wall." So far, I have found that statement to be true.
In regard to intelligence analysis, which all of us do in varying degrees, in our daily lives, he said that the gathering of information is easy, but its analysis into useful categories is not, and still requires human brains because it is a matter of quality, as well as quantity. The analyst must be able to sort the important from the unimportant, and to distinguish false information from true. He said that "there are no big secrets", but they are so big and so obvious that most people do not see them. Right again!
Was it any 'secret' that the "Cold War" was an Orwellian hoax? What sort of 'war' were we fighting when we were shipping our alleged archenemy, the USSR, all the grain, money and technology it needed to avoid collapse, every year since 1917. The 'brushfire' war which we fought at great costs in lives and tax-payers' money served to bolster the Soviet and U.S. spheres of interest, while maintaining the fiction that the USA and USSR were really enemies who were champing at the bit to nuke one another. Orwell might comment that such a crude and obvious hoax made his "1984" look like a masterpiece of subtlety. In short, the "Cold War Hoax" should have fooled no one, not even the "proles" or Goyim, but it did, just because it was such a Big Lie. I remember seeing U.S. farmers driving their tractors, with a small U.S. flag sewn on both sleeves of their shirts, while producing bumper crops of wheat for the Soviet Union! Such patriotism!
I found the movie, "Three Days of the Condor", pretty credible. At the end of the film, Redford, who has discovered evil machinations on the part of the petroleum cartel, is discussing his plans with our favorite villain, Max von Sydow, who advises him to work as a freelance assassin. Redford wants to 'tell the world' of his discovery and believes that The New York Times will publish it. Sydow says with weary worldliness, "Oh, I don't think so."
On reflection, at least half the students and 34 of the professors in the Department of International Relations were jews. Because of my years of travel and work in various countries, as well as my fluency in Spanish, I received mostly "A" grades in all my subjects. The jews knew that I "was not one of them", but I was also studying them and learned much about jews as a nation. Sometimes it is necessary to pay for information with information. Sometimes it is necessary to take calculated risks to find out important facts.
I could see that my direction and conclusions were making the hebes uncomfortable. The head of my department did not like my endorsement of autarky or self-sufficiency for national economies. I may have been barred from all Soviet countries when I stated, for effect, that "Communism was just a smokescreen for someone's nationalism." The silence which followed that little brain-bomb was resounding in the classroom, where our discussion was taking place. No wonder I was never allowed to visit any of the Soviet 'workers' paradise states'. Needless to say, many of my professors had U.S. State Department and/or CIA connections, so their Red tribesmen were also notified. "Beware of Eric, jew, for he is Aryan." "He can see!" "He's not one of us!"
The Soviet Jewnion was certainly notified of my views through my article in the short-lived JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY REVOLUTIONS, which had two subscribers in Moscow, as I recall. My article was entitled, "The National Bourgeoisie: Traitorous Technicians to the Third World?" The article pointed out that the so-called 'underdeveloped countries' are certainly developed for the extraction of their raw materials and natural resources. I pointed out that their middleclasses were not indigenous creations, but colonial agents, whose job was to extract the countries' wealth and to introduce foreign capital and debt. Such a deal! Although the thesis was expressed in Soviet-Marxist words, the content and conclusion was strictly National Socialist. No wonder the Soviet Jewnion and its satellites, including Cuba, did not want me popping in for a visit! No wonder I got hustled out of East Germany as soon as their head of secret police, the jew, 'Mischa' Wolf, discovered my presence in Berlin, where I applied to visit the head of their economic institute, Dr. Joswig! During my brief stay in Berlin, I was told by an East German 'scientist', in a pre-arranged interview, that the USSR was getting scientific information from the English-speaking countries, and translating it into Russian, for eventual provision to its satellites. The 'scientist' said he hoped that the East Germans would be able to learn English and receive the material firsthand. With that, I was hustled out of the cafe by my constant companion from The Interior Ministry, where our 'chance' meeting had taken place. In such a situation, nothing ever happens 'by chance'.
Over the decades, I have been accused of working for the CIA, from whom I never got a paycheck. Perhaps the CIA did learn some useful information from my articles and correspondence, as well as wiretaps, but I wish the entire world to know what I have to say, so that would include the CIA et al. I have no secrets, only appointments, as Death says in "The Seventh Seal", one of the first Swedish films sent overseas with Max von Sydow playing the lead. In regard to procuring information for FEDZOGUSA et al., we both serve an important purpose in achieving as little as we have with our message. The Goyim will not be lead by truth, for they obviously prefer to heed kosher lies. That informs us, as well. What upsets the hebes is that information is like a First Aid course: when it is needed, it can be used. The masses of asses don't see any need for it, but if and when they do, they can use it. The reason I have never been approached to work for FEDZOGUSA is their profound knowledge that "I am not one of them" and the more I learn, the less I would ever want to be. The more I know about them, the better I know myself. We are all permanent students of life, the most important lesson of which is: "They Live. We Sleep." The Goyim pay for lies and spurn the truth when it is presented to them, free of charge. They are so jew-dazed that they think what is free has no value and is hence, worthless and despicable. Yet, truth is essential, like the 'free' air we breathe. Anybody who is too stupid to realize that is fit meat for the kosher slaughterhouse, and good riddance! Far be it from me to try to prevent such two-legged cattle from doing themselves in, through omission or commission. I an not one of them, either. Sometimes I feel as though I were a visitor from another planet, for I am surrounded by people whose efforts at counter-productivity are astounding. This is why I don't fret, and just wonder. (Nicht ärgern, nur wundern!) If I see a mob of lemmings heading for the cliff, I just step aside, for there is nothing gained by seeking to impede Nature. We can only go in our desired direction by following Her rules, and never by breaking them. We really do live in 'interesting times', as the Chinese curse goes: "May you live in interesting times." The eggroll is extra.
The sheeple are strange logicians. They refuse to reason in peacetime and then they adopt the most unreasonable ideas in wartime. Their reasoning goes: "Don't you tell me the card game is rigged! I just lost all my money playing in it!" Or, "Don't tell me that Pearl Harbor was plotted by FDR. I lost my brother in the attack!" Are some things just 'too serious, to think about? Why not use our thinking to avoid such tragedies? "No way!" the sheeple say. Hey, kids, what time is it? It's kosher slaughter time! So, in the meantime, let's continue to 'protect' our homes by leaving then for ZOG-duty overseas, to make room for the unopposed invasion of aliens who bring us their crime, poverty and disease, as well as their Babel of 'diversity'. When we're tired of it all, we can all watch niggerball, the opiate of the masses. On this cheerful note, I bid you ORION!
Eric Thomson