Eric Thomson

Aryan Greetings!

I'll write a few words I must leave for my coolie work, which deprives me of most of my time. Most of my coworkers are typically dysfunctional semi-Whites, whose only 'profession' is absenteeism. Hence, The Last White Man must fill in for them, because I must work, or I do not eat. I do not have the freedom to quit a job and go back to the Indian Reservation, to live off Whitey's handouts; nor do I have the choice of living on welfare, accrued by the number of my burdens upon society.

I am not aware of many pro-White websites, since I have no computer. If I had one, I'd have no time to use it, to de-bug it, and to update its software and hardware requirements as frequently as required.

My advice to all Whites and their families is summed up in my essay, "What We Can Do." I have learned to choose my 'friends' for their politics, rather than choose my politics in order to conform with my 'friends'. I use that word in single quotes, for it is used promiscuously, and thereby has lost its real meaning. 'Comrade' is presently more accurate, for that implies collaboration, rather than mere association.

The Hungarians experienced life under two of the most vicious ZOGs, the first in 1919 under Bela Kuhn (Cohen), the second in 1945 to 1956 under the jew, Rakosi. How did they cope? They resisted the ZOG by means of their family loyalties. Wives and husbands looked out for one another. Both looked out for the children. In families not so directly under ZOG, when it is time to tell the kids about the "birds and the bees", it was time for Hungarian mothers and fathers to decide if they could trust their kids NOT to reveal the "un-p.c." facts of life, if the parents decided to tell them the contrary of what their ZOG indoctrinators were telling them in school. It was a big risk for the parents, for they would go directly into the ZOG-gulag if their kids blabbed to their schoolmates and/or to the teachers/indoctrinators. Sounds like life in the Jew-Ess-Eh, doesn't it? When HungZOG decided to squeeze the Hungarians by MAKING THE WIVES and MOTHERS GO TO WORK, that was the last straw. The Hungarians knew that the destruction of their families would destroy Hungarians as a nation. After that decree, they felt they had nothing to lose and they tore the ZOG-dog police limb from limb. For a brief moment, they wrested freedom from the East-ZOG, only to be betrayed by West-ZOG (the U.S.A. and its NATO allies). Most Hungarians, like most Americans, fell for the "Cold War Hoax" and believed that there was real enmity between the wicked ZOG of the East and the wicked ZOG of the West. Even Dorothy did not believe that, in "The Wizard of Oz". Some of the best Hungarian patriots were murdered by FEDZOGUSA in the maximum-security penitentiary at Marion, where they abducted and detained investigative reporter Frederick Seelig. By fleeing to the west, the patriots had merely jumped from the lefthand of The Great Satan to his righthand. Soviet refugee Guzenko found that out in Canada, where he virtually lived in hiding, for fear that the Soviet Canuckistani ZOG would hand him over to East-ZOG. Victor Ostrovsky, a righteous jew who told the truth about the Mossad and Israel, has received only persecution here in West-Zogland unlike Salman Rushdie, who has been sentenced to death for blasphemy. Blasphemy used to be a capital offense in Christian lands, but no one takes Christianity seriously, so one is free to blaspheme Jesus, but not Mohammed. The Christians now worship the god of tolerance and "St. Marx".

A White family must begin with husband and wife who are a racially-conscious team. I would strongly recommend home-teaching, if possible, for the children, rather than subjecting them to "disease-share centers" and the subhuman conditions of public schools. Even back in the 1940s, the schools were deficient in spreading knowledge, but efficient in spreading diseases including communist indoctrination. I know from my own experience! My grandmother had to teach me how to read, tell time and do multiplication and fractions. My schoolteachers were hopeless, and they taught as if the students already knew! I didn't, and their pretense at instruction left me completely confused and illiterate. Only recently did I learn that public schooling was enforced by the bayonets of the national guards in the U.S.A., for children were normally taught reading, writing and arithmetic at home. No wonder most people could read and add sums! Those who have gone to public schools rarely can.

Mud-gangs are a deadly problem in public schools. In 1954, my parents moved ten miles away so that I could attend a high school which was not then afflicted by Black and mestizo gangs. This was in Southern California.

Pro-White Whites must establish their own mini-communities for mutual support, now, for times are going to become very dangerous and difficult for White survival on this continent, and all the others. Whites must mobilize by reducing their vulnerabilities and dependence upon the ZOG. We must choose our 'friends' carefully, as well as our family members. Those who do not resist the ZOG collectively are doomed to suffer individually.


30 Dec 00.