Mr. Boombots
Mr. Boombots was born in the 20th century in a large urban area not far from Chloride, Arizona. He was named Robert by his mother who had a fondness for Mr. Betzhold's Holstein cow with the same name. Since Robert was 17 years old when he was born, his parents decided not to enroll him in high school but to send him to the University of Bushville where he earned six degrees in a variety of fields including nit picking and paper clip reclamation.

In this 1973 photo, we see Robert pretending to be doing something useful by looking serious and hot. It all came about because Robert had trapped a brown mouse by using kosher cheese. It was obvious that the mouse was a Jewish one and so he decided to gas it even though it had suffered the terrible effectiveness of the Made-in-Iraq mouse trap. The calcining oven was used as a make-shift crematory without a chimney. After 20 minutes at 2000 degrees Centigrade (Celsius, for those who don't know any better), the mouse resembled a vegetarian suffering from anorexia and given the name "Survivor™ #6" since it still had a smile on its face. Robert discovered that when brown mice are "sent to the ovens" they give off an orange colored smoke, thus making it easier to differentiate them from white mice which give off magenta colored smoke, under the same laboratory controlled conditions. After suitable prayers, the mouse's ashes were encased in a glass vial and attached to a 666 millimeter gold chain. Robert wears this necklace whenever he feels Dracula is in the area. Obviously the pendant has magical powers since Robert has yet to be the victim of any vampire. By the way, the mouse's application for Survivor™ payments was turned down as it did not have the appropriate tattoo -- PIG (Processed In Germany) -- on its middle arm.