A few years after the completion and publication of his monumental work “The Decadence of the West” Oswald Spengler wrote a series of essays about different subjects. The most important and relevant, of all of them, is the one entitled “The Man and the Machine”. It consists of five chapters; the last one: “The End: The rise and fall of the mechanical culture.” provides some extraordinary and disturbing prophecies which, unfortunately, have all come too true. It must be kept in mind, that these pages were written in the 1920’s and that this author did not have the opportunity, neither the means, to travel around the world to observe and study many of the issues that he discusses, and yet his analysis proved to be correct most of the time. Oswald Spengler was not a racist in the sense of Gobineau or Rosenberg. In fact, he disagreed with Rosenberg in some aspects, but this makes his point of view even more poignant and valid. Since he was not writing to justify or support a racist policy as envisaged by the authorities of the Third Reich, his work is particularly enlightening. Oswald Spengler died in 1936. His lack of understanding and support of the racial policy of the Third Reich does not means he did not understand most of the causes of the “decadence of the West”; in fact he knew them very well and he could not but celebrate, as he did, Adolf Hitler’s electoral victory in 1933. Our mortal enemies knew this very well and, being the vindictive and hateful creatures they are, they never forgot, nor forgave him. That is the reason behind the present silence and, therefore, complete ignorance about Oswald Spengler and his work. I hope that these small excerpts shall encourage other FAEM readers to look further for his books and, what is more important, to analyze and discuss its importance and relevance for the future of the White race as a living, healthy, cultural entity.
“ ...(the machine) its beginning, in many ways, to contradict the scientific praxis. The decomposition is announcing itself everywhere. The machine, by its own number and refinement, ends up obliterating its own purpose. In the great cities the car, by its sheer numbers, has nullified its main purpose and people reach certain places faster by walking… In many tropical countries the villager, with his primitive crafts, its becoming a dangerous competitor to the modern and technical exploitation of the great white factories. And the white industrial worker, in old Europe and North America, is beginning to see his job in jeopardy” (written in the 1920’s! Spengler obviously did not elaborate further about the intimate connexion between capitalism and Judaism, but still his observation is 100% correct and prophetical. The Aryan businessmen and industrialists of the late XIX century, devoid of any sense of national, social and racial responsibility did not care about anything but profits, and in doing so betrayed their countrymen and their race, becoming willing tools of the jews, who already were in control of the international banking system: Rothschild, Bleichroeder, Warburg, Cahen d’ Anvers, Baring, Camondo, etc.)
“The third symptom, and the most serious, of this decomposition; is what we may call the betrayal against the technology. …The enormous superiority of Western Europe and North America in the second half of the last century in every aspect of its manifestation, be it economical, political, military and financial, rested in an unchallenged monopoly of technology. The great industries were developed in relation with the resources of these Nordic countries. …We were in possession, not only of the basic materials, but also of the methods and the brains, which were able to develop them. But towards the end of the century, the blind will of power (greed) begins to make decisive mistakes. Instead of preserving the technological knowledge, the greatest treasure that the White people owned, it was proudly offered to the world through all the high technical schools… while accepting with proud satisfaction (arrogance born out of a ridiculous sense of self-importance) the admiration of Hindus and Japanese. It is the beginning of the so-called ‘dispersion of the industry’ as a consequence of the idea that is better (more profitable) to move the production centres closer to the consumers. Instead of exporting only products, secrets, procedures, methods and engineers are exported. All the coloured races had access to the secret of our strength, they learned it and they profited out of it.”
“Everywhere, in the far East, in India, in South America and South Africa, industrial areas had been formed or are now being established; and, as they pay inferior wages, they proved to be lethal competitors to the old industry (White industry). The irreplaceable privileges of the White nations have been sold out, wasted away and betrayed. (Spot on!) …Here begins the revenge of the exploited world against its masters. The basis of the economic organization of the White society is shaken by the countless hands of the coloured workers, who work as well as the Whites and with far less expectations." (Only when they are supervised by very competent White technicians, or if they are Japanese. Regarding their expectations they are regulated by the kind of society in which they live. It may be obvious, but it must be said over and over again: Without greedy “jew dazed” White traitors this catastrophe would not had happened!)
“The heart of the world industrial production had shifted since the world war (1914-18) put at end to the respect (born out of fear and admiration for its superior technology) that the coloured nations had for the White man. This is the real reason behind the lack of employment in Europe and America, lack of employment that does not constitute a crisis, but the beginning of a catastrophe.”
“The history of this technology (In this paragraph Spengler uses the word technology as a synonym of Western civilization) is coming very quickly to its end. It is rotten to the core, like all the other great forms of any culture. But we do not know when and how it will end. Considering this, there is only one attitude towards the world that is proper for us: the one quoted by Achilles when he said that is much better a short but glorious life, than a long one but dull and meaningless. …We have been born in this age and we must walk our path till the end. There is no other way. Our duty is to remain in our post, without any hope of help. To remain there, like that Roman soldier whose skeleton was recently found in front of a house in Pompeii, and who died there because when Vesuvius erupted nobody gave him the order to abandon his post. That’s greatness, that is racial pride. An honorable end is the only thing that cannot be taken away from a man.”
In this last paragraph Spengler uses the German expression Weltanschauung which literally means: overview of the world / conception of the world. I translated here as an attitude towards the world because that's the result of such idea or image. According to our personal conception or idea of the world we behave in a certain manner that results in an attitude. The story of the famous Roman guardsman who died at Pompeii is an archetypal figure of Roman virtues; if it did not happened as told it certainly happened hundreds of times across the centuries. The race that built such an empire could not have done it without men of that quality. This heroic figure was the subject of a beautiful painting by Sir Edward Poynter (1836-1919) entitled “Faithful to the end” (present whereabouts unknown) proving that even in the late XIX century the moral values of the Roman Empire still provided inspiration for great artists who were able to hear “the voice of the blood”
The reference to “racial pride” is another tricky grammatical hurdle; the Spanish version which I used for this work uses the expression “tener raza” which literally means “to have race”. Since Spengler was not a racist in the classical sense, or at least in the proper bio-political sense, this expression has to be understood as an attitude that reflects the highest principles or values of your race. As I regard such an attitude as a conscious act inspired by strong ethical beliefs which are the product of a certain culture, or race, I have chosen the expression “racial pride”.