In the postwar years, Celine became very much aware of the fruits of the “victory” that left France full of cemeteries and crippled young men. He identified the Jews with the decadence of France and began to write about it. His fame as a writer is not based on those writings, of course. But it was with the Germany victory of 1940 that Celine would have a chance to send his message across without any censure. His ferocious anti-semitism but also, and this is very important, his equally rabid attacks against the corrupt French middle classes (the equivalent of modern day lemmings; selfish, greedy, unprincipled and jew-dazed) earned the hatred of the future victors. One of his quotes ran like this: “I don’t know what I hate most: an arrogant, shitty French bourgeois, or a filthy Jew”
In his WW2 memoirs the writer Ernst Junger, who had re-joined the army with the rank of captain, mentions a dinner party at the German army HQ in Paris where several leading French intellectuals were invited; one of them was Celine, who shocked him (he was a conservative and, therefore, an enemy of Adolf Hitler) with his bitter criticism of the German soft handling of jews and communists in France. Eric makes the same point in his letter and, of course, he is right. Another Frenchman whose name I cannot remember also said to Junger: “You obviously haven’t learned anything in Russia, you should follow the Bolshevik example and exterminate your enemies.”
Celine and his comrades were proved to be right when the night fell over Europe in 1945. Many of the aristocratic high-ranking officers of the German army HQ in France who found their “crude” and radical words offensive were later accused of war crimes and accordingly jailed or executed. But that pales in comparison with the horrendous “retribution” visited by the Communists and their Jewish leaders upon the French who sympathized or collaborated with the hateful “Nazis”. It has been estimated that nearly 100.000 Frenchmen were tortured and murdered during the first weeks of the “Liberation”; that is many times over the number of Frenchmen who died in 1940 fighting for a cause that wasn’t theirs.
Returning to Celine: during the occupation he wrote his most radical work:“Bagatelles pour une massacre” (I’m sorry but my basic French fails me here) where he denounces almost all the Allied leaders as Jews or crypto-Jews. What is really extraordinary, and honours him, is the fact that after spending several years in prison in Germany (he had retreated with the German army into the Reich), he returned to France in the 50’s with the first amnesty given by the government and started to write and speak about the war and the jews in the same manner as he did when the German army ruled France. The fact that he wasn’t murdered could be explained by the strict censorship that the media imposed him, neutralizing his actions. Until the end, Celine was a staunch defender of Adolf Hitler and an implacable enemy of the Jews.
Celine can be seen as a rare phenomenon within the context of the French right; he developed a political conscience of his own, fairly simple but with a sincere and very strong conviction. He did not have the pathetic sense of self importance that most of the lower middle class men of his time had, looking down on the workers. Most of the French right looked at him with suspicion if not with disgust for his sarcastic, crude sense of humour and his ferocious anti- judaism. He was a kind of lonely wolf and never joined a movement or party.
It must be remembered that, outside the Third Reich, the most powerful anti-jewish movement in Europe was the French, unfortunately fragmented and without a proper national leader. The tradition established in the late XIX century by the great Etienne Drummond; author of the book “La France Juive” (The Jewish France) carried on in the form of many little groups. Unfortunately the conservatives, who formed the core of the Action Francaise, lead by the imbecile of Charles Maurras who nurtured an almost pathological hatred for the Germans, behaved as usual; as much as they loathed the Jews, they were even more afraid of the working classes who did not speak “properly”. As one French National-Socialist writer said: “The history of France could have been different, had the “Action Francaise” been distributed among the workmen, instead of being distributed among middle class boys after church”
Mention must be made of an honorable, brave, upright French patriot: Andre Doriot; a real National-Socialist, a working class leader who came from the Communist Party and ended up dying on the Russian Front in 1941 as a simple NCO’s in a regiment of French volunteers (see PS at the bottom). He became a National-Socialist in the 30’s and with his genuine, powerful oratory won the hearts of thousands of workmen, many of them former Communists. Compared with him, the pathetic figure of Charles Maurras who kept preaching his old-fashioned anti-German gospel, (even under the German occupation!) makes a shocking contrast. Maurras paid for his stupidity in the most satisfactory way; after the Jewish (excuse me: “Allied”) victory he was arrested and tried for “collaboration” and sentenced to life imprisonment. His “crime”: writing against the Jews. It did not matter that the old imbecile had put the Germans and the Jews in the same bag; he never understood the root of the conflict. He was a truly good Conservative!
To sum this up: The Jewish myth of “La Resistance” is simply a big lie. More Frenchmen died wearing a German uniform than a “French” one. Or, as a French SS-soldier said to that despicable German-hater, General Leclerc (De Gaulle’s pet) before being executed “for treason”. “We are not wearing the German uniform, but the European, you are the one that should be ashamed wearing an American uniform.”
Among many facts distorted or completely and conveniently “forgotten” by the contemporary pseudo-historians (prostitutes at the service of Israel) is the great number (we may say huge, considering the circumstances) of Frenchmen who joined the armed forces of the Third Reich. Nearly 30.000 Frenchmen served in the Luftwaffe, the Army or the Waffen-SS. The first unit was the“Legion de Volontaires Francaises contre le Bolchevisme” (Legion of French Volunteers against Communism) or L.V.F. as it was known. It was formed immediately after the invasion of the USSR in 1941 and numbered nearly 3.000 men like the German infantry regiments of WW2 (3 battalions of 5 companies each with nearly 200 men per company). The continual arrival of volunteers kept the regiment up to strength. With the radicalization of the conflict, the Frenchmen were reorganized in 1943 in an elite unit called SS-Sturmbrigade Frankreich (SS-Assault Brigade “France”) of nearly 6.000 men; it will fight heroically in Ukraine, Poland and East Prussia being wiped-out twice. In 1945 the survivors of the battles in the Russian front were amalgamated with hundreds of Frenchmen that were serving as auxiliaries in the Luftwaffe or the Reichs Arbeit Dienst and formed the short-lived 33rd SS-Freiwilligen Grenadier Division “Charlemagne” that was destroyed in East Prussia. A handful of survivors, nearly 300 men under the command of the SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer (captain) Fenet managed to enter Berlin before the Russian ring closed to defend the Führer. Fighting in the nearby of the Reich’s Chancery together with their Scandinavian comrades (Norwegians, Danes and Finnish) of the 11th SS Freiwilligen Panzer Grenadier Division “Nordland”, the Frenchmen destroyed dozens of Russian tanks denying to the Soviet commanders the possession of the city, which they promised to Stalin as a present for the 1st May. A handful of them survived, including Fenet who won the Knight Cross of the Iron Cross as well as two NCO’s named Apolot and Vallot. When the French volunteers of the Waffen-SS made the decision to, entered the Reich’s capital they knew that for them there would be no retreat, neither mercy; but they had taken an oath and that oath was symbolized in the words engraved in their belt buckles: Meine Ehre Heisst Treue (My Honour is called Loyalty).