by Professor Revilo P. Oliver
November 1987
In May 1987, under the rubric "Home to Mama," I gave a succinct account of the Jew, Aaron Lustiger, who, in the opinion of competent observers, is the Cardinal most likely to become the next Vicar of God on earth. I did not take time to consider the present Vice President of Yahweh & Son, Inc., now in charge of the firm's sales office in the Vatican.
The early history of the Papacy is lost in obscurity and fictions. According to a story that is certainly spurious, the first Bishop of Rome was a Kike from Palestine named Peter, supposedly crucified when Nero executed the Jewish terrorists who had destroyed with fire a large part of the city, and who were converted into Christian "martyrs" a century later. The Church exhibits a list of Popes who supposedly held office in the First and Second Centuries. If persons corresponding to those names ever existed, it is quite possible they were given titles that the Christians made out of the word by which children designated a father, tutor, or even paedagogue, papas in Greek and papa in Latin. The title would have been given by the plebeian and ignorant members of any group or congregation of Christians, however small, to their head man or priest, who was 'daddy' to them. It became restricted to bishops in the Third or Fourth Century, and was not formally restricted to Popes in the modern sense of the word, i.e., the rulers of the Church in the West, until 1073.(1)
Since the earliest Christians, whom we charitably assume to have been unconnected with the ancient Bolshevist conspiracy, were more or less exclusive Jewish sects, many of the individuals called Papae at Rome must have been Jews, but we cannot identify them, for the versipellous race has always and habitually disguised itself by having many of its members hide under non-Jewish names. Likewise, we cannot tell how many of the Fathers of Church were Yids. It is true that many of them spoke harshly of Jews, but that is not an index of race: it was good business. Wherever Jews establish themselves, their depredations make them hated by their victims, most of all by the lower classes, who suffer most and know their predators. Since the Fathers of the Church were in the business of snaring proletarian 'Gentiles,' they would have obtained few recruits, if they had not denounced the Jews. As we all know, when Mordecai, alias Karl Marx, founded the Communist Conspiracy, he had to denounce his own race and he even advocated a "world without Jews." (Oi! ain't dat 'genocide,' Izzy?) Even today, some naive anti-Communists think that Marx was "anti-Semitic"! That the members of his own race were never deceived by his clever sales-pitch is obvious from the preponderance of Jews in Communist cells everywhere from the very first, although they often pushed a goy accomplice out in front as a stalking-horse.
What we think of as the Papacy today began with Gregory I (590-604), a Bishop of Rome who expanded and consolidated the power of his office by systematizing and fixing the organization of the Church in Europe. So far as I know, we have no reason for suspecting he was a Jew, but, on the other hand, we have no certain indication that he was not. It is only reasonable to suppose, however, that he and most of the Popes since his time were not Jews, and there is even a likelihood that many or even most of them were Aryans, of Mediterranean, Alpine, or Nordic stocks. Most of them were Italians, i.e., born in Italy, but that means almost nothing.
In the last century of the Roman Empire in the West, the Greeks and Romans were virtually extinct, and their place had been taken by their former slaves and subjects, to whom they had foolishly given citizenship. The 'native' population of Italy was a polyphyletic mass, the descendants of Semitic, Hamitic, Iberian, Celtic, and even Teutonic ancestors, with, of course, predators of Yahweh's race. It is seldom possible to do more than make a guess about the race of a "Roman."(2) The dying empire was defended by soldiers who were German mercenaries and were made Roman citizens when they were given an honesta missio at the conclusion of their stipulated years of service. The barbarians who invaded, overwhelmed, and dismembered the Empire were almost all Germans. And after the collapse of the Empire, Germanic tribes, especially the Longobardi, descended into Italy and occupied the choice territories.
With a few exceptions, such as Gregory V (996-999), a young German who became Pope at the age of twenty-three because he was the cousin of the Emperor Otto III, and who was the Vicar of the Christ for three years until he was poisoned in the Vatican, the Popes came from the racial chaos of Italy, which was further confounded by frequent intermarriages, and it is impossible to identify them ethnically except by more or less gratuitous conjectures. Who, for example, could analyze the racial emulsion that produced the great Feminists of the Middle Ages, the notorious Theodora and her daughter, Marozia, who governed the Vatican, certainly with the cooperation of Baruch Pierleone, the great Jewish banker in Rome, and enthroned their numerous paramours and bastards as Popes pro tempore?(3)
The first of the Mediaeval Popes who was certainly a Jew was Gregory VI, who bought the Papacy from Benedict IX in 1045. Benedict was glad to sell, primarily, of course, for the enormous sum of money, two thousand pounds of silver, that was paid him, but also, it seems, because he was not content with his concubines and wanted to resign so that he could marry a well-born girl.
The purchaser, who was probably born Yochanan but took the name of Gregory VI, was a member of an enormously wealthy family of Jewish usurers, the Pierleoni, who had been battening on the inhabitants of Rome and the Church for more than two centuries. He could readily afford not only to buy the Papacy, but to repair and refurbish the dilapidated building on the Vatican to make it a suitable residence for himself. He probably had established financial or other connections with the great monastery at Cluny, which was agitating for a reform of the Church and enthusiastically supported the new Pope.
Gregory VI did not have the joyous career he expected. He, of course, had been prepared for his holy office by having himself sprinkled with holy water and changing his name to Johannes Gratianus so that he appeared to be a "convert" to Christianity, but the gesture was understood by the large colony of Jews in Rome, who did not cease to consider him a perfectly orthodox member of their race and the religion it professes. The Roman populace, which theoretically elected the Popes, was contented and happy, perhaps soothed by a little Jewish largesse in the right places, but in the following year, the Emperor, Henry III, came down from Germany with a small army. He disapproved of the sale, which had been carried out without his knowledge, and, no doubt, disapproved of the new Pope. He convened a synod and deposed Gregory VI, although technically the Jew was permitted to "resign," as he, convinced of the error of his ways, did "voluntarily," with his eye on the swords and halberds of the men at arms who were standing at the doors. You need not be told, I am sure, that the German Emperor, Henry III, must have been a wicked Nazi, precursor of Hitler.(4)
Gregory VI was the first of the three Jews who became Popes and, as Joachim Prinz boasts, no doubt correctly, saved the Church from dissolution. For their careers, I refer you to Prinz's Popes from the Ghetto, published by the Dorset Press sometime after 1966. You will understand, of course, that the author naturally does his best to glorify the members of his race, and that 'ghetto' is the term that designates the part of a city that the Jews take for themselves, so that they can all snuggle together, and the very wealthy can enjoy their riches, without being observed by stupid goyim.(5)
Prinz's three Papal heroes are Gregory VI, Gregory VII (1073-1085), and Anacletus II (1130-1138). If you were reading alertly, you gasped. When you took your course in European History in high school (if there are still high schools that have time for educational subjects) or college, you read a glowing encomium of that great and pious man, Hildebrand, who saved and drastically reorganized the Church, giving it the structure that endured without change until our own time. And you, doubtless drawing inferences from his obviously German name, probably imagined a fine, upstanding figure of a man, an ecclesiastical hero, whose ability and achievement you must admire, whether or not you have religious urges. You are going to feel indignant when I tell you that 'Hildebrand,' the great Gregory VII, now a certified Saint and pal of Jesus in the sky, was just a typical, scrawny, swarthy, pint-sized Kike with an accipitrine beak, one of the Pierleoni, and that, as Prinz has proved, he, with the aid of his wealthy fellow tribesmen, saved the Church, thereby serving his race.
Although Jews, by a racial instinct, perpetually and habitually whine about "persecution," and your textbook in history gave you a picture of the poor, innocent darlings so cruelly used by the nasty Christians, including, explicitly or by implication, the Church, a moment's reflection will show you why the Church was indispensable to the Jews. It gave them a legal monopoly of usury, the principal source of their vast wealth, for, as Prinz himself points out, they lent money to princes and monarchs at 33%, and when they gouged the poor, who had to pawn their little possessions, they charged interest at 300%! And, sad to say, there were bigots who didn't love Jews!
When insolent Europeans tried to solve the Jewish Problem, there was always the Papacy to protect God's Own from "persecution." It is true that occasionally the masses or intelligent noblemen got out of control, but that was seldom, and Papal policy was fixed from the very first. As I have said, there is no evidence that Gregory I (590-604) was a Sheeny, but when the Aryan Visigoths in Spain wanted to give the swarm of Jews in that country the alternative of either becoming Christians or plundering the natives elsewhere, thus preventing them in one way or the other from growing fat on usury in Spain, Gregory at once intervened to avert so impious and un-Christian an act.
That is but one incident, but it was a precedent and determined Papal policy. You will remember, for example, that when some of the early Crusaders tried to clean up their own countries before going off to what was called the "Holy Land," some Jews did suffer, but most of them found sanctuary in the Church until the wicked Aryans went away and they could resume business. Think what would have happened to God's Darlings, if there had been no Holy Father in Rome whose edicts were obeyed by the clergy throughout Europe!
(1) I need not add that when the bosses of the Vatican became ashamed of the childish title, they replaced it officially with Pontifex Maximus, thus, in keeping with their most notorious forgery, the "Donation of Constantine," proclaiming themselves the heirs of the Roman Emperors. In English, papa was introduced into Anglo-Saxon by the Christians, but the word was changed into 'pope,' partly through the vowel-shift of Middle English, but primarily, I am sure, to differentiate the religious title from the infantile term for 'father.'
(2) I have, for many years, observed that the religious and non-religious alike blink with astonishment when I ask about the race of the sainted Aurelius Augustinus (his full name is unknown), whom Christians, even Protestants, venerate and whom historians remember for the orgiastic emotionalism of his Confessiones, which inaugurated that kind of egotistical literature; for the eristic subtlety of his De civitate Dei, an apology for Christianity that is a model for unscrupulous lawyers and propagandists; and for the audacity of the lies he told in the pulpit. He was born, a Roman citizen, in Tageste in Numidia, which creates a statistical probability that he was a Berber, just as there is a statistical probability that a man born in Jacksonville, Florida, or in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is an Aryan, although the individual may in fact belong to any race. That Augustine was not a Jew seems certain, because his father was a "pagan," and in his youth he was attracted to the Manichaean variety of Christianity, which would certainly have repelled a Jew (unless he could make money out of it). If he was a Berber, he belonged to the Hamitic race, which, whatever its precise ethnological classification, was certainly more akin to Aryans than to Semites; but there is no way of being certain he was not a Semite, possibly of Punic origin, or even an Aryan, descended from some early Roman or Italian colonist or from Celts who had moved from Spain into what is now Algeria, or, less probably but possibly, of almost any other sub-race (e.g., his ancestors could have been akin to the ethnologically puzzling and now extinct Guanches of the Canary Islands). If Augustine had been born in Italy or any other part of the Roman Empire, we would face comparable uncertainties.
(3) In 914, Theodora installed one of her paramours as John X, who is remembered for the decisive victory over the Saracens he obtained through the valor of his erotic colleague, a part-German adventurer of whom Theodora was so fond that she married him to her daughter, Marozia. John X was eliminated by Marozia in 928 and replaced by two of her satellites until her bastard son by Pope Sergius III became old enough to be installed as John XI in 931. He represented God on earth until his legitimate brother eliminated him in 935 and permitted four men to flit to and from the Papacy until he could install his own son as John XII.
(4) Henry proceeded to convene a synod in Rome and an assembly of the nobles who represented the Roman populace in elections to the Papacy, and both prudently chose a German, Bishop of Bamberg, who took the name of Clement II and represented God for ten months until he was poisoned, to permit the return of Benedict, who had been enriched by his sale of the Papacy but had somehow failed to get the bride he wanted, and now felt nostalgia for the good old Vatican, where he and his concubines had been so comfortable. He had only eight months of his renewed pontificate, for the Marquis of Tuscany, who was loyal to the Emperor, advanced on Rome and poor Benedict prudently skedaddled. His successor, Damascus II, also a German, represented God on earth for only twenty-three days before the pious theologians of the Vatican poisoned him. They are said to have resolved to poison all Germans out of loyalty to Gregory VI, whose "resignation" they regarded as invalid, and to show the Emperor that their poisons were more efficacious than his troops.
(5) The Jews are now openly establishing their ghettos in Southern California; see Liberty Bell, April 1986, pp. 4-6. They claim to have three hundred ghettos throughout the country, which were established without publicity.