by Professor R.P. Oliver
'Hildebrand' -- there is no record of his real name, so we shall have to refer to him by the one he assumed, incongruous as it was with his Jewish features -- performed his great work by using the age-old methods of his race. The Jew who had retired from the Papacy as Gregory VI went to Germany, perhaps, as Prinz suggests, to represent the Pierleoni in the financial web by which the Jews controlled international commerce. He took his young kinsman with him, thus giving 'Hildebrand' an opportunity to worm his way into the confidence of Henry III, who was, after all, just a gullible goy. When Henry saw the futility of installing another German in the Vatican, where the pious would find a way to poison him in short order, 'Hildebrand' offered to handle the business in such a way as to save the life of Henry's choice for the office, his friend, Bruno of Egisheim-Dagsburg. And 'Hildebrand' turned the trick by training Bruno as an actor and staging a pageant, an ostentatiously humble entry into Rome that would have done credit to any Jewish director in Hollywood. The Roman populace, stimulated, as Prinz suggests, by a cheering section hired for the occasion by the Pierleoni, went wild with enthusiasm for such saintly modesty, while the Roman nobles, although they may not have been deceived by the big show, accepted the Emperor's choice, and the Jewish financiers had no need of the garrisons they had prudently placed in the strongholds they had acquired throughout the city outside their ghetto, including the Tomb of Hadrian, which had been made into the Castel Sant'Angelo, the impregnable fortress from which Theodora had controlled the Vatican in the good old days, and which now belonged to the Pierleoni. Thus did Bruno become Leo IX (1049-1054), and when he had the tiara on his head, he could do no less than make 'Hildebrand' the first Papal Secretary of State and Master of the Curia, thus both showing gratitude and providing for his own safety. Leo IX gladly surrendered his responsibilities to the zealous and hard-working Jew, who ran the Vatican and the Church and was Pope in all but formal title, while he sent Leo off on an endless series of diplomatic and reforming missions, so that Leo spent in Rome only a few months, all told. In Leo's absence, 'Hildebrand,' who could draw on the unlimited wealth of the Jews -- unlimited for they can always squeeze more from the goyim with usury and swindles -- consolidated his power by cunning generosity to ranking officials and he began to bring into the Vatican, with the eventual rank of Cardinals, Jews of his own family, the Pierleoni, after each had been given a preparatory wetting with holy water. The "acting Pope" thus acquired in the Vatican a staff that was supervised and controlled by his relatives and his pensioners. 'Hildebrand' began his reform of the Church, doubtless with the permission of Leo in whose name he acted, by reviving the old and almost forgotten rule that required of the secular clergy the celibacy that characterized the unnatural life of monastics. By forbidding priests to marry, he made them a class of beings apart from ordinary mortals, and since celibacy ideally implied sexual abstinence, it invoked the universal superstitions about sexual magic and seemed to endow them with praeternatural powers, confirming the Christian claim that priests did have such powers as agents and familiars of their dread deity. The reform, furthermore, prevented the clergy from having legitimate children and that tended further to separate them from their kin and the families in which they were born; moreover, at their death, all their property escheated to the Church, which was henceforth a priest's only heir, so that he could make no provision for children by concubines. It naturally took a long time to make so drastic a change accepted everywhere -- the Scandinavian countries were especially refractory-for it was often resented by the Faithful, who believed that a married priest would be less inclined to seduce the wives and daughters of his parishioners in the Confessional. Leo's successor was Victor II. He had been a friend of the Emperor's, but the wily Jew, after enlisting him in his own interest, sent him back to Germany to pay court to Henry and thus eventually attain the strategic post of spiritual guardian of Henry's infant son, who, after a long minority, became Henry IV. Victor was followed by 'legal' Popes who were puppets until 1073, when 'Hildebrand' had so well entrenched himself that he felt strong enough at last to make himself Pope as Gregory VII and rule the now cohesive Church with an iron hand. I need not catalogue his many drastic reforms, all designed to consolidate the absolute power of the Papacy: they were enumerated and lauded in your history book in school. What the book did not tell you, you can learn from Prinz: that Gregory's pious work was supported and subsidized with Jewish gold. 'Hildebrand' become Gregory was at last ready to turn upon the Empire, which he had so long used for his own purposes, and to inaugurate his over-weaningly ambitious and typically Jewish policy of making the Pope the supreme monarch of all Europe, with authority to hire and fire kings and emperors at his own whim. His skill as a propagandist is shown by the intrinsically improbable story we were all told and believed in school: the fantastically dramatic story that the Emperor Henry IV stood, all but naked, in the snow for three days (!), begging for absolution, while Gregory and Countess Mathilda (on his lap?) lolled in comfort in a warm room of her mansion, watching through the window and enjoying the Holy Roman Emperor's debasement and wretchedness. Needless to say, nothing of that sort ever happened. Henry, accompanied by a detachment of his army, did meet Gregory at Canossa. With spiritual or other charms, Gregory had besotted Matilda, Countess of Tuscany, and was safe in her castle at Canossa, a virtually impregnable fortress, even if it had not been supported by the very considerable army under her command, which would have been a match for Henry's. Henry IV, who had been imbued with superstition in his childhood by Pope Victor II and his coadjutors, had to balance his duty to keep the Empire independent and save it from becoming a fief in the hands of the grasping Jew, against the impracticability of storming the castle with the forces he could muster and the disaffection of his subjects, who were scared by the oratorical fulminations of Jesus's Vicar, who threatened to send them all to Hell for eternal torture, if they obeyed their sovereign. After some haggling, the German and the Jew made a deal with the good faith that is normal and indeed implicit in diplomatic negotiations: it lasted until one side or the other felt strong enough to demand better terms. I have taken all this space for a cursory consideration of relevant aspects of the Papacy in the Middle Ages to show you that, contrary to what now heart-broken Catholics believe, the Jewish capture of their Church is nothing new or recent. The author of the Jewish publication, &The '1007 Anonymous' and Papal Sovereignty... in the High Middle Ages, which I cited in Note 8 of the preceding article, made a careful study of Papal policy in the last centuries before the Renaissance and concluded that it was "designed to insure, on the one hand, that the Jews fulfilled in their daily lives the emblematic and subservient role first ordained for them by Paul...and, on the other hand, that Christian society protected the rightful privileges of the Jews it was obliged to harbor in its midst." He does not note that the "rightful privileges" included usury and spoliation, and does not explain how a "subservient role" can be more than a farce for financiers whose money bags and mortgages make them the real masters of the society on which they live.
Catholics who took their religion seriously should not have been surprised by what was done at the now infamous Vatican Councils. What the learned Father Saenz indignantly called the Ecclesia Montiniana was not really a revolutionary innovation; it was perhaps injudicious and suicidal, but it was essentially the calling of a mortgage the Jews had long held on the Church. In 1972 Donovan Joyce published an astonishingly popular book, reprinted in paperback by the New American Library in 1974, The Jesus Scroll, for the enlightenment of Catholics dismayed by what was happening to their Church. Joyce claimed to have conversed with a Russian archaeologist, who had found an authentic document that gives the true history of the real Christ, Jesus of Gennesareth, who staged a Crucifixion to impress the vulgar by adroit trickery, and survived to live in hiding at Masada until the Romans stormed that last outpost of rebellion in 73. This document, which exposes the whole "New Testament" as a fraud, was said to be in the hands of the Soviets, who were using it to levy blackmail on the Papacy, forcing the Popes to serve Communist purposes by threatening to publish the document that would destroy their racket. I suspect that Joyce's story is a hoax, probably suggested by Hugh J. Schonfield's imaginative The Passover Plot. But the wide sale of the book is proof that there was a widespread awareness that the Vatican was controlled by forces that were still covert. In 1976 the Pope, then Paul VI, appeared in public ceremonies wearing the insignia of a Jewish High Priest, for the information of persons who can think about what they see. A few did read the message and were scandalized. His successor was a 'Conservative,' whatever that meant, John Paul I, who became Pope in 1978 and perished thirty-three days later. The controlling faction in the Curia, by almost desperate efforts, averted an autopsy and even examination by expert toxicologists. David Yallop, in his sensational book, In God's Name, has assembled the evidence which indicates that the Curia has not lost its time-honored skill in administering poisons. I do not profess to know what John Paul I could or would have done, had he been more careful about his food and drink, but he was probably considered an obstacle to progress. He was promptly succeeded by John Paul II, who may have been waiting in the wings for the happy event. He has shown himself the most itinerant Chief Salesman the Church has ever had, and he is promoting "ecumenism," a grandiose scheme, worthy of old 'Hildebrand,' for amalgamating all the world's distillers of spiritual hootch into one vast super-corporation, which could effectively subordinate all governments to its will. I need not comment on John Paul II, for the photograph here reproduced will tell you more than all the words I might put on paper.
You will note how the Chief Rabbi grins as he leads his pet goy into the synagogue to perform for the entertainment of the Masters of the World. You will also note that John Paul is going voluntarily: no collar and leash were needed. John Paul obediently Beatified a Kikess, Edith Stein, who was both "an outstanding daughter of Israel" and a "blessed martyr of the Catholic Church," because, he says, she was killed by the wicked Germans in the famous gas chambers at Auschwitz. Of course, the Germans never gassed any Jews, unless you count the Jews' dear body-lice, of which, it is true, the Jews were ruthlessly deprived to prevent them from infecting the camp with typhus, a highly contagious disease to which they had acquired a certain immunity from long association.(6) And, of course, there never were any gas chambers at Auschwitz,(7) as even the Jews now admit off the record. But what does that matter? The Fathers of the Church made a big splash with cleverly written short stories about "martyrs," and John Paul is merely reverting to the old custom. Adding lies to Christianity is like bringing buckets of sand to the seashore.
It is true that there was a little contretemps when John Paul spoke to a visitor without obtaining permission from the Chief Rabbi, but he has promised to atone for speaking to Waldheim by having the Church officially publish a big bundle of hokum about the Holohoax to put it over on Catholics who are so obtuse that they still respect the intellectually, spiritually, and even ceremonially bankrupt Church. I am writing before John Paul arrives to put on his act in the United States, but whatever he does, you should not be surprised or worried. As I have tried to show you, Im Geisterreich nichts neues. The business is still in the hands of its founders, and Captain John Paul is just taking the ship back to its home port.
(6) See the official medical report in "Liberty Bell," August 1987, pp. 43-46.
(7) See especially Dr. Wilhelm Staeglich's Der Auschwitz-Mythos (available from Liberty Bell Publications, $13.00 + $1.30) and the review by Dr. Charles E. Weber in "Liberty Bell," May 1985, pp. 24-44. The long-awaited English translation of Dr. Staeglich's book has at last been published by the Institute for Historical Review in Costa Mesa, California. The translation is the work of at least three translators, who, in the few passages I have thus far checked, convey the meaning of the German accurately enough, but with marked differences in style and the felicity of their choice of English equivalents for the German text. I may report more fully on the translation in some future "Postscript."