by Professor Revilo P. Oliver
December 1986
Most Americans will remember that in January 1959 a foul and probably part-Jewish murderer named Fidel Castro seized the island of Cuba with the surreptitious support of the government in Washington, which was implementing Lenin's strategy of encircling the United States before it falls, "like a ripe fruit," into the hands of Judaeo-Communist "World Government." And the Jews' leading liepaper, the New York Times, assured American suckers that the bearded monster was an "agrarian reformer" and the "George Washington of Cuba," while our domestic pests, the rabble of neurotics who call themselves "intellectuals" because they vociferate so loudly, went into hysterical ecstasies over the "great democratic leader" and spat at their betters. When the Communist base so near our shores was well established in 1961, the government of which Jackanapes Kennedy was the front-man made Castro's power absolute by betraying into his hands, with the treachery for which Americans are now famed throughout the world, the anti-Communists in Cuba in a complex operation of which only the prearranged massacre at the Bay of Pigs became generally known.
When the monster came into power in 1959, one of his first reforms was a violent liquidation of the Catholic Church in Cuba by killing or driving into exile all the clergy and ecclesiastics, except the few who were willing to become his shepherds. That, you will remember, was before the Jews consolidated their control of the Vatican.
Now we learn from the Wall Street Journal, 19 September 1986, that "Castro has declared that he is a Christian_a statement that has led to mass conversions among the old revolutionary guard. Now hardly a day passes without some prominent Cuban Communist discovering that he has always been a Christian at heart." The present Archbishop of Havana, Jaime Ortega, like so many prelates and priests throughout Central and South America, has been chanting hosannas to the bloody degenerate for years, and he has now seconded Castro's invitation to Papa John Paul II to visit his faithful sons in Cuba.
In the meantime, filthy Fidel has become a theologian and has had someone mix for him a pail of pious slop that will be smeared on paper by Simon & Schuster, a publishing firm that reportedly paid $1,300,000 for the privilege of vending Castro on Religion to half-witted Americans.
The Vatican announces that the Pope may visit Cuba in 1987 to hob-nob with his new buddy and celebrate another triumph for the ecumenical movement and the religion the Jews made for goyim.
Surprised? What did I tell you?