"JFK was pond scum." NEWSWEEK, August 19, 1996.


The best source for Marilyn's murder is The Life and Curious Death of Marilyn Monroe, NY:Pinnacle House 1974, by her former husband Robert F. Slatzer.

JFK is quoted by Traphes Bryant as saying to a friend, "I'm not through with a girl till I've had her three ways." (Reeves p 241)

During a 1961 meeting in Bermuda with British Prime Minister Harold McMillian Kennedy said, "I wonder how it is with you, Harold? If I don't have a woman for three days, I get terrible headaches." There is a much more vulgar Kennedy quote along the same line in Hersh page 389.



Zapruder frame 313
On a political trip to Dallas November 22, 1963, JFK was killed by a mafia conspiracy. Carlos Marcello, the mob chief of New Orleans who also controlled Texas, vowed revenge when RFK had him deported and dropped in a Guatamala jungle. In 1962 Marcello was quoted as saying in reference to the Kennedys: "The dog will keep biting you if you only cut off its tail. You must cut off the dog's head." He also said one could get away with it if one found "a nut to take the blame." Oswald worked in New Orleans from April to October 1963. He was a close associate of one of Marcello's top aides, a man named David Ferrie. Oswald was also the nephew of Dutz Murret, another Marcello associate, who set Oswald up in New Orleans (the mafia trusts family). A third Marcello associate arranged bail when Oswald was arrested in August for a street disturbance. Three weeks before the assassination, Jack Ruby, a small-time mobster, called Nofio Pecora, Marcello's chief aide. Ruby, who had suddenly come into a great deal of cash on November 22, 1963, said later that he was "framed into killing Oswald." After the hit on Kennedy, Marcello let it be widely known throughout the mob world that he had done the hit. He told Jimmy Hoffa through a mob lawyer "You tell him he owes me, and he owes me big." Hoffa rewarded Marcello with $3.5 million from the Teamster's pension fund for a French Quarter hotel project. The House Select Committee on Assassinations (1979) concluded that the Mafia pulled the job. Robert Kennedy told Arthur Schlesinger that he blamed Marcello for his brother's death. Ironically, RFK's 3 year prosecution of Marcello ended the day JFK was killed - Carlos Marcello was acquitted in a deportation case November 22nd by a jury in New Orleans.

Oswald used a 6.5mm Mannlicher-Carcano bolt-action 40 inch carbine with a four-power scope. It cost only $19.95. It takes a minimum of 2.3 seconds between shots. Oswald used bullets reloaded for high power.


The official theory is that two bullets hit Kennedy and the first of them continued on to hit Connally. The shots were at Zapruder film frames 223 and 312 and the range between Oswald and Kennedy for the first shot was 165 feet, for the second 265 feet. Zapruder's camera speed was 18.3 frames per second, thus the shots were about 5 seconds apart. The bullet which caused President Kennedy's neck wound and Governor Connally's back wound came from a point 27(deg )to the right of true north from the President and was descending at an angle of 25(deg) below horizontal. A straight line can be drawn from Oswald's sniper nest through Kennedy and Connally. Three spent cartridges were found on the sixth floor of the Book Depository, the first shot at frame Z160 having missed. The fact that two bullets made all the wounds makes a multiple-shooter theory unnecessary and ridiculous - why were the phantom shooters such terrible shots that they missed everything?

Oswald had connections to the Soviet Union, Cuba, and the mafia but Ruby was only connected to the mafia. That makes a mafia conspiracy the only plausible one. Prosecutor Jim Garrison of New Orleans (Oliver Stone's source) pointed his finger at everyone except Marcello. It was as if he were Marcello's agent of disinformation (not too surprising given that Garrison hired David Ferrie as his investigator and defended Marcello under oath).
1. That the C.I.A., which was under the total control of the Kennedys, did it is preposterous.
2. The Soviets wouldn't have used an amateur that could be easily traced to them. (Indeed, what would be their motive? They judged JFK was weak.)
3. Castro couldn't have used the mafia which hated him and was trying at the time to kill him. Note, however, that if Castro had killed Kennedy that he was within his rights to do it. Every man has the right to defend himself.

Of all the pro-active false leads that Marcello and Ferrie planned, the Cuban connection was the most fruitful. Oswald, who was anti-Castro, was encouraged to join a pro-Castro group, distribute their literature and get this to the notice of the police. An Oswald impersonator signed into the Cuban (and Russian) embassy in Mexico City shortly before the assassination. The supposed Oswald-Cuban connection caused RFK to interfere with the assassination investigation because he did not want the secret that the Kennedys had tried to assassinate Castro to come out. Marcello walked free.


Dean Acheson, former Secretary of State and one of JFK's top advisors, observed that Kennedy "did not have incisiveness and he was out of his depth where he was. I hate to say this because I know it's going to be misunderstood, but his reputation is greater because of the tragedy of his death than it would have been if he had lived out two terms...he did not seem to me to be in any sense a great man. I did not think that he knew a great deal about any of the matters which it is desirable that a Chief of State or a President of the United States should know about. He was not decisive."

To quote from Professor Thomas Reeves, "During the Thousand Days, Kennedy arrogantly and irresponsibly violated his covenant with the people. While saying and doing the appropriate things in the public light, he acted covertly in ways that seriously demeaned himself and his office."

With the appointment of his brother as attorney general, he tried to found a political dynasty, abhorred by the Founding Fathers. "The metaphor of Camelot, after all, is ultimately un-American and undemocratic, conjuring up images of crowns and dashing young princes and noble birth."

The Dark Side of Camelot by Seymour Hersh, Little Brown. 1997, defines JFK as a lout, a cad, a boor, an oaf, a schemer, a liar, a blackmailer and a reckless gambler with the nation's security, its integrity and its institutions. Kennedy was a man thoroughly out of control, thoroughly out of his depth, and maybe thoroughly out of his mind.

Kennedy wasn't just the Hoodlum Prince of Camelot, he was the incarnation of Sodom and Gomorrah.

REEVES -- A Question of Character by Thomas Reeves, NY:Free Press, 1991

An excellent book is John F. Kennedy's 13 Great Mistakes in the White House, by Malcom Smith, Smithtown, NY:Suffolk house, 1980.


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