J e w i s h  R i t u a l - M u r d e r :   a   H i s t o r i c a l   I n v e s t i g a t i o n
Der jüdische Ritualmord: Eine historische Untersuchung von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D.

K i e v   1 9 1 1

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(p. 354)

In Fall of 1913, thus after a two-year span of investigation, the proceedings against Beilis were supposed to be opened. On 1 October 1913, (22) Theodor (355) Fritsch addressed himself to this point: "In Kiev there sits a man, in investigative custody for two years due to suspicion of having murdered a twelve-year-old boy. There would be nothing special about this, since murders happen in all times and in all countries. But this time there has to be something special going on, because the entire cultural world has been stirred into an uproar over the fate of this man. . .what could have awakened so much sympathy for this ordinary human being? And how were the wise men in Germany, England, and America -- without a closer knowledge of the situation -- able to judge whether the man was guilty or not?. . .So there has to be a special circumstance having to do with Beilis and his crime of murder, and in fact: Beilis is no ordinary mortal, for he belongs to the 'Chosen People'. And his crime of murder is also of a special type; there's no question of either a robbery- or of a lust- murder. Therefore, because a Jew was accused of a serious crime, for that reason the Jewry of the entire world exerts itself in order to bring criminal justice to a standstill. " -- What had happened in the Kiev of the 20th century was merely what the Jew Maier Balaban(23) described quite frankly as already existing as the rule for relations in Lublin of the 16th century: ". . .When that sort (i.e., ritual-murder) of trial was held in the tribunal, the families of the accused, the seniors of the Jewish community, all came to Lublin to assist their nearest and dearest. The seniors of the Lublin community were first of all bombarded, . . in order to procure for (the accused) at least the smaller comforts. (356) Patronages for the Schöffen [type of lay judges, somewhat like American justices of the peace], for the executioners, for the wardens, had to be gotten. They ran from judge to judge, they sought Jews at the market who were acquainted with the judges, had business relationships with them, were their lease-holders or creditors (!), and an effort was made, through their mediation, to convince the judges of the innocence of the accused." -- But the bribery money was raised by ruthless "contributions"!

The final attempt of Jewry to have Beilis declared ill and to get him out of investigative custody, misfired because the physicians had determined that Beilis was enjoying the best of health!

The Main Trial

The trial was now finally set, for 8 October 1913.

Jewry thereupon undertook a new "offensive," to hinder jurisdiction. In the Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums, [General Times of Jewry](24) the Rabbi Ziegler in Karlsbad issued the following "flaming appeal": "On the day of the opening of the Beilis trial in Kiev, protest meetings should be held by the most respected Jews and Christians in all cities and all communities of the world, to lodge a protest against the affront which was done to Jewry, to the truth, and to justice with this trial. Jews of all states, of all nations, get ready to protest! Let no city, let no town be absent! Gather your best [people] around me, ask noble, truth-loving Christians, theologians (!) as well as laity, to stand beside you; this concerns the honor of that religion which Jesus, too, loved with every fiber of his heart (!). The entire cultural world is united to wash the shame of the Beilis trial from itself!" -- Who does not recall the "appeal" of the chief Rabbi Güdemann in Vienna on the occasion of the Hilsner trial in Kuttenberg in 1899, which likewise beseeched the non-Jews "in the names of Christ and the Virgin Mary," to help an "honest, innocent" little Jew; an appeal which was framed in total similarity in its content, and equally scornful. (357)

Judah always knew how to begin -- some representatives of the "mobilized cultural world" we have already introduced by their signatures [i.e., those mentioned on p. 353]!

In response, the President of the Kiev Court of Justice, Senator Meißner, stated to a correspondent that the Prosecutor, Fischer, would emphatically seek to prove the facts of the case, that ritual motives were the basis for the murder which was perpetrated upon the boy Yustschinsky.

Rabbi Ziegler knew where things were going, he became noticeably nervous: "Given that the State's Attorney makes the claim that Jews require the blood of Christians only against a dark, hidden sect of Jews -- must not the State do all that it can to discover this sect, in order to root it out, branch and trunk? Not a third [of the Jewish population] remains in Russia. It [the State] either declares, with the condemnation of the accused, that the Jewish religion requires Christian blood, -- then it must proceed with every power against the adherents of this religion -- or the Russian government desires to take measures against only some secret sect or other of the Jews -- then it must seek to find the latter, to seize [its members]. In both cases the Jews of Russia are standing on the verge of a catastrophe without peer. . .We declare ourselves to be in unreserved solidarity in this matter with our Russian brothers in the faith."(25)

But the President of the Reich Union of German Jews had become stupid from the loud protests, and had the carelessness to state at a meeting: "As a consequence of this accusation, not only Beilis, but all of the world's Jewry sits in the dock. If Beilis is guilty, then we are all guilty."(26) Out of fear of ensuing difficulties, perhaps, numerous Russian Jews let themselves be baptized. The Lutheran pastor Pir in Helsingfors conducted a land office business, by making out a baptismal certificate for anyone for a fee. The Russian government saw itself forced to warn the police officials (358) against admission of these "Geschwindigkeitschristen" ["speeded-up Christians"] -- as the Hammer (27) named them -- into forbidden areas!

Not fewer than 219 witnesses were available during the 20 days of the trial. Baldgrov had the presidency of the court, while Prosecutor Fischer acted for the State. Unfortunately, detailed reports like those that exist for other ritual-murder trials, are missing; Jewry, for obvious reasons, had hindered an informative, objective coverage. Among the 44 representatives of the press who were admitted, only a few non-Jews were to be found, according to statements of one of the few Jew-free papers, the Petersburg Zemschina! Not only the entire press outside of Russia, but with few exceptions, even the majority of Russian papers had been 'served' by Jewish correspondents. -- In Kiev there was only a single paper whose publishers weren't Jews!

The Hammer, as the single German paper, was able to publish fragments from reliable Russian sources at the end of the year 1913; the outbreak of the World War prevented a detailed account of the trial from the protocols and stenographic records, and after the war Judah 'liquidated' documents and witnesses which had become dangerous for it. The Jewish terror during the trial in Kiev is supposed to have overshadowed everything prior to it -- even the events in Nyiregyháza in Hungary! Thus, witness testimony which was unfavorable to the Jews was simply made unintelligible by means of continuous noise from the galleries; it appeared that the court President did not work up the courage to have these young Jews thrown out. When one of the chief witnesses, the student Golubov, wanted to communicate to the court the statements made to him by the little Zhenya Cheberyakov, who later succumbed to the murderous attack by poison, at first a hushed silence prevailed in the hall; but when the expositions of Golubov took an incriminating shape, they were soon drowned out by the galleries of the correspondents by means of riotous noise, moving around, the overturning of seats, the dumping out of coins, knocking with canes, and so forth, so that (359) the the presiding judge finally decided to send up bailiffs, to make continuation of the trial possible!

As we recall, Golubov had been been made to look like a true scoundrel in the Jewish press, while a non-Jewish voice (Novoya Vremya) described his appearance before the court in the following manner: "A hushed silence descended upon the courtroom when the witness Golubov appeared on the witness stand in his white student smock, a tall, gaunt figure with a youthfully fresh and peaceful, almost child-like facial expression, a youngster whom the leftist (read: Jewish!) press had described as an agitator, almost as a footpad [archaic term for a mugger], whereas he presented a thoroughly sympathetic appearance. Golubov delivered his testimony with great unbiased calmness and clarity. . ."

The high point of these 20 days of testimony, however, was shaped by the questioning of the little ten-year-old Ludmilla Cheberyakov, whose younger sister had succumbed to the murder attack of the Jewish Feme [The Feme court was a type of unofficial, secret tribunal held in Westphalia during the 14th and 15th centuries, and the analogy is a fitting one, although rabbinical courts -- particularly the Hassidic variety -- were and are potentially far more sinister.]. She was the single witness who was able to tell about something [she had] observed about the disappearance of her companion at play, Andrusha. Her testimony shall be reproduced here verbatim:

"Tell me, my child" -- so inquired the presiding judge Baldgrov -- "what you know of the case!" And the girl related in the hushed courtroom: "Mama went out up to the market. We were sleeping, Zhenya was sleeping, I was sleeping, and Valya was sleeping. Then we heard someone call from the street: 'Zhenya, Zhenya!' It was Andrusha, he was calling Zhenya, [telling him that] he should go with him. Zhenya wanted to go and said I was supposed to look after the room, but I said [that] Valya would cry. Then we all got dressed, locked the room, and went playing on the broken clay. There were still other children there. Then Mendel Beilis came running up behind us; we ran away from [him]. Mendel caught Zhenya and Andrusha; Zhenya tore and tore, and tore himself loose, but Andrusha didn't; Mendel and one other Jew held him by the hands. Also, the young Mendel was there. Valya was scared and didn't run with us, but toward the other side; she saw how they were dragging Andrusha to the kiln. I didn't see that, I saw how they were dragging him off; that they were dragging him to the kiln, Valya told me that."

(360)The Prosecutor: "Do you remember how Andrusha was found?" -- "I remember." Prosecutor: "Why didn't you tell right away, what you are saying now?" -- "I was at my grandma's, and later on they didn't ask me." Prosecutor: "How did you get into the quarry?" -- "There was a hole in the fence." -- Prosecutor: "Were you chased away from there sometimes?" -- "They chased us away because we did damage; sometimes we ran through the bricks." Prosecutor: "Was Andrusha always along?" -- "May God keep him, but this time he did come along." Prosecutor: "And where was your father?" -- "He had to work." Prosecutor: "Were you [children] in the habit of sometimes going to Beilis? " -- "We went with Zhenya after milk. There were Jews there who were praying, or were doing some such thing -- I don't know." The defense counsel for Beilis, Grusenberg, asked: "When Mama returned, did you tell her what had happened?" -- "Yes, I told her." -- Karabatschevski asked: "Did somebody give you a pie?" -- "Yes!" -- "And did you become sick from it?" -- "We all became sick." -- "When did Valya die?" -- "One week after my brother."

Ludmilla screwed her face up, tears were in her eyes. The presiding judge: "Why are you crying?" -- "I'm scared," replied the girl!

The representative of the civil plaintiff: "Who brought you the pies?" -- "Vygranov and Krasovski." -- "Do you know them both?" -- "I know them." -- "Who threatened you?" -- Poleschtschuk."(28) -- "And what did Krasnovski say?" -- "He said that I was supposed to say only two or three words!" -- "Turn around and say whether you don't see Poleschtschuk?" -- "Yes, Poleschtschuk is here!" -- "Point him out to me!" -- The girl walks up to Poleschtschuk, points at him, he gazes at her threateningly, and she begins to cry. "Why are you crying?" asks the presiding judge, "no one will do anything to harm you here!" The girl cannot calm down and replies: "I'm afraid, I'm scared. . .They threatened, (361) if we would testify, then the same thing would happen to us as with Yustschinsky. . ."

According to the testimony of this child, Andrusha had not been involved in the tours of the children through the property of the brick works up till then. Now, how did the -- according to the inquiries of the court -- painfully conscientious, almost shy boy, who was at one time supposed to become a clergyman, come to play hookey from his classes at the Sophie School and tramp about on that fatal 20th of March, 1911?

According to the exposition of the State's Attorney, Fischer, a few days before his death, the youngster had received a shotgun as a gift from the Jew Arendar, who lived in the vicinity of the Cheberyakov family, and who had taken in the Jew Tartakovski, who died suddenly under mysterious circumstances; beaming with happiness, he had shown it to his siblings -- all that was missing was the gunpowder, and that was the cleverly laid snare! A day before his death, Andrusha told his mother that "good people" would buy him the gunpowder, on the next day, he forgot about going to school because of it, in order to go to these "good people". . .

A Jew with fox-red hair, who has remained unidentified, had observed every step of the boy in his final hours; after the murder, he vanished without a trace; the page in the list of houses where he would have had to be entered, was torn out! Just as numerous foreign Jews, who -- according to the inquiries of the State's Attorney -- had stopped on the day before the crime at the estate of Zaitsev, were "as if blown away" again. The shed which had conspicuously been suddenly whitewashed, was burned down three days before its appointed judicial inspection! Fischer remarked at this: "This fire is one of the many Jewish advantages we are up against in this trial; it is of help to them. . ."

The expert Dr. Sikorski once again threw light upon the murder from all sides and came to the conclusion that religious insanity was as work here. He stated that the murder of Yustschinsky was distinguished by numerous characteristic signs, that it appears as a striking crime of definite type and evokes by its (362) accompanying circumstances a terrifying impression. [That] its interpretation is not based upon prejudice or fantasy, it is a matter of a genuine event of the 20th century. [He stated that] murders, tied in with the drawing off of blood, have been committed by fanatics, but persons who are healthy and act with deliberation. [That] such murders occur everywhere where Jews and Christians live together, yet Jewish children are never victims of such murders; sometimes, the victims are circumcised beforehand, as the Zaratov trial has shown. The suspicion is confirmed by the Jews themselves, who immediately take in hand defensive measures at the discovery [of such a crime]. -- Repeatedly, stormy scenes resulted during the questioning of this expert, who participated in the judicial proceedings in spite of a serious heart condition; he was persistently interrupted by the attorneys of the Jewish party in a shameless manner, and his giving of evidence made more difficult in every way. Thus, the defender of the Jews Zarudny thought it necessary to take away his notes and pages from the expert witness, so that Sikorski was obliged to give oral testimony! "How much filth this man was pelted with. . .Other scholars whom we have heard, have been more cautious; one of them, an attorney (!) of surgery, compromised himself for the Jews. For this man, the puncture [wounds] were inflicted upon Yustschinsky -- according to his opinion -- 'only as a jest,' and [the rest of the testimony] of this expert could be filled in according to his views: they [the wounds] have provided endless amusement for him. This expert. . .differed from all other expert witnesses on a total of 25 points. Not only I, but all of Russian society, knows what to think of this man." (29)

Against the psychiatrist Professor Sikorski were also arrayed the Professors of the religious academy in Kiev and Petersburg, Hlogelev and Troizki (baptized Jews?), who, on the basis of Bible and Talmud denied categorically the possibility of the use of human, and in particular Christian blood, by the Jews! -- We thereby brush up against, once again, the 'Intelligentsia' of Europe: "Almost no day goes by, without some sort or other of 'highly significant (363) statement' not only of diplomats, men of science, etc., but also from bishops (even from the 'reformed,' for example Dr. Desidor Baltazzar), cardinals, nuncios, the generals of [monastic] orders, and the like. . . (30) In the overcrowded Russian churches, however, "entire populations [i.e., of towns and villages, etc.] prayed in common for the repayment of the murderers; a profound stirring went through the Russian folk-soul."(31)

But Jewish megalomania had taken on unbearable proportions! The Russian paper Druglavny orel copied the following excerpts from Jewish papers: "The fate of the Russian people -- its future -- not merely in Russia, but in the entire world -- now finds itself in the hands of twelve unenlightened Russian peasants. These have challenged the great Jewish people. With a feeling of disgust, gnashing our teeth with pain and humiliation, we take off the glove which has been stained with our sacred blood (32)."

Gradually, the line was crossed into blunt threats: "The Russian government has resolved to deliver up the Jewish people in Kiev to a general slaughter. Upon the outcome of this titanic struggle depends the fate -- you believe, of the Jewish people -- oh, no! -- the Jewish people is unconquerable -- the fate of the Russian State is at stake: To be or not to be? That is the question for it. The victory of the Russian government is the beginning of its end. There is no way out for it. Take note of it!. . ."

Or: "In Kiev, we will show before the eyes of the entire world, that the Jews cannot be trifled with." -- "If Jewry, up until now, has for tactical reasons concealed the fact that it has held the leadership of the Russian Revolution, so now, after the staging of the Kiev trial, an end must come to that. Let the outcome of this trial be what it will, for the Russian government there is no (364) salvation. So Jewry has decided, and thus will it happen. . ."

And thus will it happen: Five years later, the Romanovs met their end in the Ipatyev House at Ekaterinburg by the hands of their Jewish executioners -- their ashes were scattered to the winds! [Not literally true of all the remains; forensic anthropologists identified the skulls of several members of the Romanov family, some seventy years after their slaughter by the Jews. But these remains were obscurely buried under rubble and might well have been lost to posterity, had it not been for a combination of pure chance and the persistence of those who cherished the memories of the Romanov family as symbolic of the Old Russia which Jewish Bolshevism had murdered along with the Tsar and his family.] The Elders of Zion had already decided upon this -- according to the excerpted press citations -- in 1913, in the year of the Beilis trial!

Another Jewish paper called upon the Jews of all nations to boycott the Russian state bonds on all the stock exchanges, to depress the currency, in order to intimidate in this way the Russian government!(33) In Berlin, the Jew Oppenheim, by profession a college teacher in the capital city of the Reich, raged that Mendelssohn must stop all credit for Russia. . .It's unnecessary to go into the role of the Rothschilds again! It would still be, at best, a curious circumstance, to relate that the London Rothschild (Lionel Walter, a 'Lord') turned to the then State Secretary of the Pope, Merry del Val, with the "very humble request for merciful protection for my persecuted comrade in the faith, for the defense of the truth and justice." In his humble petition, he enclosed a certified copy of the papal brief of Innocent IV which dealt with protection of the Jews!(34) It is known by far too few that the "Miracle Monk," Rasputin, this demonic instrument in Jewish hands, also took a direct influence upon the course and outcome of this trial. According to the words of his Jewish "secretary," Aron Simanovitch, Rasputin declared categorically to the Justice Minister Cheglovitov: "You will surely lose the trial. Nothing will come of it!" -- Even before the trial, Rasputin had prophesied the acquittal of the Jew, but Cheglovitov was "dismissed"!(35)

(365) The Beilis trial is supposed to have cost the Jews 17 million Rubles. "Some kind of invisible power directs these machinations, an invisible hand disperses money to cover up the murder. . ."(36) -- But to the dubious Vyera Cheberyakova in Kharkov, 40,000 Rubles were "offered" for her signing a blank sheet of paper. The Rubles rolled -- "the golden bullets had shot the truth":

Beilis was acquitted!

Theodor Fritsch Theodor Fritsch commented upon this news in the December issue (1913) of the Hammer as follows: "After all the peculiarities which distinguished this amazing trial, nothing other than this was to be expected. This time, also, much has occurred which was able to contribute to the finding of not guilty, just as in the trials of Skurz, Xanten, Konitz! Throughout five months the investigation was led in a false direction in accordance with a plan; two examining judges, one after the other, proved to have been bribed, had to be relieved of their office and charged. When the third finally took up the sure trail and proceeded to the arrest of Beilis, remarkable things happened: two chief witnesses against Beilis (both the children of Cheberyakova) died a sudden (366) death, and when the examining judge was on the verge of inspecting a shed in the brick yard of Zaitsev, in which according to all probability the murder of the boy took place, this shed suddenly burned down. . .In the trial it has been shown that several witnesses, intimidated by threats, did not dare to directly testify; with others, the ringing of gold demonstrably played its role.

Thus a mysterious power has so strangely led by the nose the Russian court of justice, whose honest intentions are otherwise by no means to be doubted, that one hole remained for the caught fox through which he could slip away. Should the consequences of a sentence of condemnation really have been feared?"

They were feared! The State's Attorney, who, in contrast to his foreign colleagues, had not appeared for Jewry, had quite clearly recognized its machinations in this giant trial -- how else is this passage from his address to the jury to be explained: "You should not allow yourselves to fear [anything that could happen] with the condemnation of Beilis, may the image of the martyr Andrusha Yustschinsky step before your inner eyes; Beilis may be a saint for others, for us he is not. The Russian people will extinguish his name from its memory, his name will not be allowed to beshadow that of Andrei Yustschinsky; for the latter is the name of a martyr. . .We do not fear the consequences of the matter in which we have ventured ourselves, however difficult and serious they might be. . ."

In his analysis of the motives of the crime, State's Attorney Fischer arrived at the conviction, similar to that of the Czech attorney Dr. Baxa (37) in the Hilsner trial at Kuttenberg, that Jewry had imposed once again a blood toll upon non-Jewish humanity -- the Jews have not forgotten it! Fischer explained: ". . . People call the Beilis case an outrageous case; we have experienced days of revolution, in which officials (367) were killed, bombs were thrown at the representatives of power, the people were shot at. . .but even out of this bloody past the murder of Andrusha Yustschinsky stands out by its terrifying character! On a bright day they slay an innocent boy, who never did anyone harm, whom everyone loved; they murder him under unbelievable tortures, they loot his blood. . .But this atrocity becomes a world event, because judgement is supposed to be passed on a [certain] Beilis, because we possessed the impertinence to put a Jew on the dock! If only we had been trying a case concerning Russians, . . .then we would have seen at the defense table neither the cream of the legal profession, nor famous scholars as expert witnesses. . .Who had need of his blood? You have heard the definitive remarks of the expert witnesses, that the crime could not have been committed by madmen or psychopaths. . .what interest had they in the murder? Who are the murderers? One of them sits in the dock. . .With what [crime] is the accused charged? It is determined that two thirds of the boy's blood was removed, that he was tortured. . .Are there sects which use blood? There is an entire series of trials which indicate this: One of these trials has taken place in Austria in the case of Polna. . .These trials extend back through all times. . .In all cases, the Jews have made the greatest efforts to shelter their fanatics. . .They are unusual human beings, these Jews. . .The Bible speaks of bloody sacrifices. . .From the Talmud, one could infer what one wishes. We have the Zohar. The Hassidim appear on the scene, at their head the famous (read: notorious!) Schneerson. . .It is a single current of religious superstition. The use of the blood of Christians by the Jews is beyond any question. Jewry feels the burden of the blood secret, but does not dare lay it aside. . ." -- "We will remain pariahs, as long as it remains," a Jewess had written in 1900, who was complicit in the blood-murder of Konitz. . .

Beilis had been acquitted on [the strength of] Jewish-international pressure -- not, however, by the Russian people! "Believe us, (368) o child, the Russian Mother Earth will open itself and spit from out its depths the miserable wretch who has shed your innocent blood. 'Twelve unenlightened peasants' -- may this conscience of the Russian people stand as surety for you."(38) The files concerning the "Beilis case" had thereby concluded. The outbreak of the World War prevented their systematic revision, and after the collapse of Russia they were likewise disposed of like those in Paris which concerned the "Damascus case" after the take-over of the Ministry of Justice by the "attorney" Crémieux-Smeerkopp in 1870!


Beilis was "compensated" in princely fashion. The "Israelite Committee" in New York had arranged a collection of about 400,000 Gold Marks, in order to be able to offer their "innocent, persecuted" racial comrade a large farm as a present upon his arrival in the Land of Freedom, after a large number of Jews had already emigrated to America already, during the trial -- in a similar manner, of course, the ritual-slaughterer and "martyr" Buschhoff in Xanten had also been "compensated."

Nevertheless, Beilis seemed to have developed no inclination toward agriculture. According to a report in the Hammer of May 1914 (39), Beilis surfaced suddenly in the land of his patriarchs. In Alexandria he was received like a king at his disembarkation, especially for this purpose a "reception committee" had been formed, at whose head stood a certain Isaac Piccioto. -- This name also seems known to us: Two Jews of the same name had, if we rightly recall, played a role in the ritual-murder trial of Damascus in 1840 -- just as it is a striking phenomenon in general, that at Jewish blood-murder trials names surface over and over again which have been previously mentioned for the same reason (Schneerson!). Orient and Occident reached out their hands to each other once again: the circle was closed! In Palestine Beilis was able to await in peace the coming ruin (369) of the State over which the death sentence had already been pronounced by Jewry, in order to return there, if needed, as an expert in the slaughtering of human beings. . .

The men who had exerted themselves for Right and Justice fared otherwise, however. The shocking scenes and abuses to which, for example, the student Golubov and the psychiatrist Sikorski had been exposed through Jewish sub humanity, still continued on after the conclusion of the trial.

So [it was for] Professor Kossorotov; he had belonged to the scientific experts in Kiev, after the sudden demise -- which remained unsolved -- murder by poison was spoken of here, too -- of the University Professor Obolonski. He had presented his opinion before the court to the best of his knowledge, in full scientific agreement with the other experts, which did not at all please the Jews! A terrible campaign ensued against him in the following period, which continued to his lecture hall in Petersburg University, without his having been protected from these Jewish impertinences by his authority. There were tumultuous scenes in his college. He even wrote about it in the Novoye vremya: "If I had been told earlier about student nonsense, I would not have believed it; but on 23 October (1913), I had to change my opinion. I saw human beings who behaved like beasts, made ear-splitting noise, and were not receptive to a single rational word. I had to believe in that which had formerly seemed incompatible with the concept of [what] a student [is]. . ."(40)

Unfortunately, it isn't clear from the report, whether Kossorotov had clearly recognized the racial membership of his audience who were "behaving like beasts"!

The Beilis trial also lapsed into oblivion; but in the same measure as the memory of non-Jewish humanity failed, Jewish memory retained its liveliness!

In 1917, armed with enormous financial resources, Trotsky was ordered to Russia, in order to create a terra deserta, a desert, out of this land. In a (370) bloodshed which was unprecedented in history up until then, next to which even the bloody slaughters of the Old Testament pale, he fulfilled his instructions to the fullest satisfaction of his secret Jewish task-masters. "The Jewish people is unconquerable -- at stake is the fate of the Russian State," thus was World Jewry able to cry out already, in 1913, in the certainty of its imminent victory!

After the collapse of Russia, there began a genuine round-up against, first and foremost, those persons who somehow or other stood suspected of harboring anti-Jewish tendencies; it is now very instructive to discover that nearly all accusers, witnesses and expert witnesses, who during the Beilis trial in Kiev had spoken out against Jewry, fell as victims to the Jewish-Bolshevist Terror. Thus, in 1919, the Professor of Psychiatry, J. Sikorski, was shot under martial law in Kiev, together with a series of nationally-minded professors, while one of his chief opponents in the Kiev trial, Bechterev, who appeared at the request of the defense in the trial with a denial of the possibility of ritual-murder, received a leading scientific administrative post, thanks to Jewish protection.(41) Naturally, the Kiev judges also bled to death under their Jewish executioners; but even the Russian Justice Minister Cheglovitov, who remained completely indifferent during the trial, whose single "crime" had consisted of having finally, after a period of a year (in the middle of 1912), taken the trial -- which was threatening to become disastrously entangled in Jewish snares, away from the authority of corrupt local officials and getting it underway. . .even he went the same way [as the judges, etc.]. . .

"The murder of the boy Yustschinsky provided the occasion for the Minister Cheglovitov and other enemies of the Jews, to initiate the famous ritual-murder trial against Beilis. But this trial did not have the expected result, its ramifications were, rather, very unpleasant for its originators," confirmed a knowing Jew. . .(42)

(371)"Thus has Jewry decided, and thus had it happened!" But in one of the Hammer issues of 1913 (Nr. 275) there are also these prophetic words: ". . .Once again the Jewish party has triumphed; but -- some more such victories, and it will lose without hope of recovery!"

The final monstrous victory of Jewry was the Jewish-Bolshevist massacre and the sacrifice of racially flawless, and for that reason consciously or unconsciously anti-Jewish classes of the people in numerous nations of the Old World. It was the last victory. Aryan humanity attained consciousness. It won its way to the conviction that it has a common enemy: the Jews

Recognizing the enemy, however, means: taking up the struggle. A new world order is in the process of arising, after unspeakably difficult birth pangs, an order in which the Jew has nothing more to seek and -- to murder!

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Copyright 2001 by R. Belser. Reproduction in whole or in part without express written permission of the translator is not permitted. All rights reserved.