Dear Mr Porter,
I would like to respond objectively to some of the questions posed in
your essay The Chemistry of the Holoco$t [sic].

[COMMENT: The "terminus technicus" is Hoaxoco$t: a hoax that costs plenty.-C.P.]
I have a double first in Natural
Sciences from Cambridge, so I know what I'm talking about.
COMMENT: I am very happy to hear
that, and I am very glad to meet you.-C.P.]
The active ingredient in Zyklon B is Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN), not a cyanide
salt like NaCN or KCN.
[COMMENT: You misunderstand me. Did
I say Zyklon B was a salt? On the contrary: it was Mosche Perlmann, a Jew,
in his book, THE CAPTURE AND TRIAL OF ADOLF EICHMANN, p. 375, 385. HE said
it was a salt, specifically, potassium cyanide. Josef Kramer is also quoted
as claiming to have gassed people with a "salt"; see below.-C.P.]
HCN can indeed be prepared by the
reaction of acid with such a salt, as is used in executions in some US
states, but is also easily stored ready-made.
[COMMENT: That is true; it has an
extremely short shelf life; that is the only problem.-C.P.]
Zyklon B, liquid HCN is absorbed into an inert solid substrate (the granular
diatomite which gives the characteristic colour) under suitable conditions
of pressure and temperature. This is a matter of convenience; it serves
to dilute the chemical and make it easier to handle.
[COMMENT: It also slows the evaporation
rate and makes it less dangerous to human beings. This was one of the principal
reasons for absorbing the liquid into the solid substrate in the first
HCN is a gas at room temperature
(boiling point 25 C), but evaporation from the substrate is easily prevented
by storing it in a sealed container, as with a flask of liquid nitrogen
for example. Thus the colloquial description of Zyklon B as crystallised
Hydrogen Cyanide, while not strictly accurate [!], is not far from the
COMMENT: The fact remains that it
was not "crystallized Prussic acid", nor was it a "crystal". A crystal
has a definite symmetrical structure. Cyanide "crystals", if I recall correctly,
are chemically different and react differently. HCN is a colourless liquid
which evaporates as a poison gas, paralyzes the sense of smell, and penetrates
walls. Potassium cyanide is a white semi-solid, semi-crystalline salt,
but not a true crystal. It looks exactly like crude sea salt. If you drop
potassium cyanide into acid, you get poison gas. There are true "crystals" of cyanide-- some of the "double
cyanides" -- some of which are not even poisonous. One of them is blue.
If you drop it into acid, you get laundry bluing. It's not the same. People
who believe that these things happened have a responsibility to describe
them in terms that make sense. If you are reading a crime story and somebody
says "I spun the cylinder on my .45 automatic", or "I pulled back the slide
on my .38 revolver", or "I used a sawed-off shotgun equipped with a telescopic
sight", you know that something is wrong. When I began this research 25
years ago I believed in the Hoaxoco$t; all I wanted to know was how it
happened, but I found nothing that made sense.-C.P.]
If Zyklon B were poured into a gas chamber from holes in the ceiling,
the solid substrate would fall to the floor. The HCN would then begin to
evaporate, with some delay as the molecules diffused out of the solid matrix.
This is a physical process; there would be no need for any chemical reaction.
[COMMENT: Did I say a chemical reaction
was necessary? Perhaps you are referring to the "confession" of Josef Kramer,
commandant of Belsen, no doubt in an "affidavit" written by a German-Jewish-American
army officer ignorant of chemistry. I have said that "the chemical reactions
described in Holocaust literature are wrong and all contradict each other." That is still true. The evaporation rates and ventilation times described
are also impossible.-C.P.]
That HCN is less dense than air is
[COMMENT: I agree with you.-C.P.]
not because it would actually be
rising from the ground, but because it would penetrate the entire volume
of a closed space through diffusion anyway. Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon
Dioxide have different relative masses, but air does not spontaneously
separate into layers of its constituent parts.
[COMMENT: Perhaps that is why Dr.
Nyzsli and others described people "climbing on top of each other to escape
the "rising layers of gas", which were presumably visible and moved horizontally,
then vertically, like sewer water filling a basement. If they could see
The substrate itself would not evaporate.
[COMMENT: Did I say it would?-C.P.]
The toxicity of HCN is well documented. As you mentioned, between 60-100mg
is a fatal dose, so we would need somewhere in the region of 200g to kill
2000 people.
[COMMENT: That is 60-100 mg absorbed
into the system, and more accurately refers to poisoning by mouth: it is
the amount absorbed into the system. "Gassings" require greater quantities.
How much, depends on the temperature, humidity, volume of space, and above
all, the TIME. You cannot "gas" a person with 60 mg on the floor 10 feet
away. I am surprised that I cannot get intelligent people to understand
this. Fortunately, the revisionist movement does not depend on my deficient
and imperfect efforts; see the RUDOLF REPORT.-C.P.]
This would assume ideal conditions,
so call it a full 1kg.
[COMMENT: Germar Rudolf assumes 6-10
kg. The problem is the evaporation rate, temperature, humidity, and above
all, the TIME. 200 g of HCN could certainly kill 2000 people if one were
to wait long enough. Also, you've forgotten the other properties of Zyklon,
better discussed by Faurisson, Leuchter, Rudolf, and Lüftl.-C.P.]
finely dispersed solid can easily absorb a large proportion of its mass
in liquid - between a 6th or a 3rd would not be unusual.
[COMMENT: Diatomaceous earth absorbs
up to 5 times its weight in liquid.-C.P.]
Therefore it would be entirely feasible
to carry out such a killing by dropping fine crystals with a mass equivalent
to 6 bags of sugar into a sealed and confined space.
[COMMENT: The problem is the evaporation
rate, temperature, humidity, time, how to get rid of the gas afterwards,
how to remove the bodies a few minutes later without poisoning yourself,
how to cremate millions of people in 52 ovens (according to Vailliant-Couturier)
or holes in the ground dug in a swamp, etc. etc. ad infinitum.-C.P.]
Naturally, one would not use such a lethal material as a domestic pesticide
[COMMENT: That is precisely what
it was used for, by the Finnish Army, among others, even during WWII. It
continued to be used until about two years ago under the trade name Cyanocil,
and was manufactured at Weyer's Cave, Virginia USA. The advantage is that
it was equally effective against warm and cold-blooded animals, adult insects,
larvae, and eggs, but left no residue or unpleasant taste or smell, and
was thus suitable for the fumigation of foodstuffs and tobacco. This is
why the irritant was removed during the war: the irritant left a smell
or taste.-C.P.]
, but this proves nothing because
it would be a simple matter to reduce the potency dramatically by using
a much, much lower ratio of HCN to substrate.
[COMMENT: Or just less Zyklon.-C.P.]
And yes, it would be quite safe to pump the gas into the air outside because
the vastness of the atmosphere would ensure rapid dilution.
[COMMENT: I agree with you, nevertheless
this is not the way things were done. The procedure was to fumigate for
6 - 32 hours, ventilate the building thoroughly for at least 24 hours,
and keep everyone at least 5 meters away from the building during this
entire time. The purpose of safety procedures is to avoid industrial accidents
caused by carelessness. You can be careless for years, and maybe nothing
will happen. But somebody somewhere someday will have an accident. One
such (non-fatal) accident during the fumigation of a barracks is described
in a letter by Rudolf Hoess. The "pumping" is not such a simple matter
either; see the RUDOLF REPORT. The gas is first neutralized by ammonia. American gas chambers have a chimney.-C.P.]
This is why cyanide gas is not practical
for mass killing in concentrations less than that required to cause instant
[COMMENT: Instant death by "gassing"
appears to be "instant" in theory only; Caryll Chessman took 13 minutes
to die.-C.P.]
Your quote from a 1922 encylopedia
obviously refers to a First World War battlefield scenario, not a gas chamber.
[COMMENT: The point is that the toxicity
of HCN is dependent upon its concentration in the air, which is not such
Leipzig, 1925; see also the very interesting article in the 1938 Enciclopedia
I do not have the necessary sources to comment on some of your other
claims regarding the myth of the Holocaust, but if your ill-informed and
spuriously reasoned essay is at all representative, they are not worth
a bag of shit.
[COMMENT: The humble and much-maligned
substance disparagingly known as "shit" is useful for all kinds of things;
for example, you can make explosives out of it. You can also make explosives
out of urine, as was done by the Confederacy during the War Between the
States. You can even make explosives out of air, as the Germans theoretically
attempted to do during WWI; all you have to do is extract the nitrogen,
convert the nitrogen into nitrates, and whammo! Would the same people gas
millions of people with Diesel exhaust or insecticide?-C.P.]
If you are genuinely interested in
the truth, you will either demonstrate the flaws in my arguments
[COMMENT: I see no flaws in your
arguments, except that you attribute to me statements made by Jews entirely
ignorant of chemistry. 20 years ago, the Jews didn't even know what Zyklon
was; today they write complicated articles based on revisionist research
to "prove" that the revisionists are wrong! If the Jews are so smart, why
didn't they get it right in the first place?-C.P.]
or withdraw your article.
[COMMENT: I would withdraw it, because
it is 23 years old, and Leuchter, Rudolf and Lüftl -- not to mention
many other people far better qualified than myself -- have done a much
better job of discussing the same problems; but it shows how I became a
revisionist. It says so at the end. Can't you read?-C.P.]
I await your response with interest.
Yours etc,
RJ Copeland
Any relation to David Copeland, the London bomber?-C.P.]

Thrill to "Holo-Land"
Fun for the Entire Family
If Mr. Copeland is "genuinely interested
in the truth", perhaps he will "demonstrate the flaws" in the following,
or "withdraw his belief" in the Hoaxoco$t:
[For people who always look at the
answers before doing a puzzle in a magazine, I have indicated some of the "flaws" below; this was the judgement which, as I wrote in "NOT GUILTY AT NUREMBERG", proved the existence of a total of 10 steam, gas and electrical death chambers, in the
same camp, at the same time". Actually one would need a computer
to figure out how many gas and steam chambers there were, or where. The
Jewish judge has also got his concentration camps all mixed up.-C.P.]
Judgement, Trial of Oswald Pohl,
January 13, 1947-August 11, 1948, "Green Series", NMT V, p. 1129:
Concurring judgement of Judge Michael A. Musmanno:
War II, shattering every record for destruction, damage, turbulence, and
death, eclipsed all known calculations also in the transportation of human
freight. Never in any decade, or perhaps century, were there such mass
migrations of human beings as occurred between 1939 and 1945. This vast
movement was not limited to the armed forces. Civilian populations travelled
as they never did before. Europe became a nomadic continent. Refugees,
workers, slaves, laborers, captured peoples crossed frontiers and entered
new horizons in a kaleidoscopic travelogue of misery and degradation that
has no parallel even in fiction.
describing the horrors experienced by the wretches transported to Auschwitz [!!!] for extermination, the Polish investigation commission declared that
they were subjected to such cruel suffering of body and soul that, "death
in the steam [!!!] chambers must have come almost as a welcome relief." (XVIII/31, Doc. 3311-PS.)
See "Steam Chambers" under "Index to Book".-C.P.]
was the name given to movement whether the travel was by vehicle, or on
foot. When travel was by land, as many as 130 persons were placed in cattle
or freight cars, and in wintertime no extra clothing was allowed for the
journey. In one group of 4,500 men and 500 women who moved from Monowitz
to Nordhausen in January 1945, a trip lasting 8 days, only twice were the
prisoners given food which consisted of one-half loaf of bread and 106
grams of meat. Space was so tight that the weak and the sick were smothered
by their own comrades when they sat down. Upon arrival at their destination,
between 1,000 and 1,300 of the travellers were dead.
3/8/1945, 2,000 prisoners were taken from Nordhausen to Bolkenberg, a 10-day
trip by wagon and foot for which they were given 3 days’ food. Only 1,000
arrived alive. (VI/ 89, 2222-PS.)
commandant of Buchenwald concentration camp, Hermann Pister, declared in
an affidavit taken at Dachau on 2/3/1947:
from the East arrived most of the time in open boxcars, so that out of
a transport with a total strength of 1,200 prisoners 300 arrived already
dead in the Buchenwald CC, while the rest were merely skeletons. This happened
frequently, and I found out that the transports were sometimes on the way
for 4 weeks. In most cases, no advanced notice was given about these transports." (III/122, Doc. NO-2327.)
Schiedlausky, physician at this same camp related:
of these transports was met at the Buchenwald railway station by a group
of personnel charged with the care of the inmates as well as by all available
vehicles such as hand carts, carts and trucks to pick up the inmates who
were no longer able to walk and to bring them to the bathing installations.
Others were dragging along painfully supporting each other. There were
cases when inmates who, to be bathed suddenly, collapsed and died under
the shower. I remember one transport where among about 2,000 inmates, 460
of them were unloaded dead. The hospital chief reported to me about the
fate of these arrivals and told me that within the next few days hundreds
more of them died regularly. (XXI/4, Doc. NO-2332.)
Gerstein described the arrival of a 45-car train at Auschwitz [!].
Of the 6,700 passengers who had boarded the train, 1,450 arrived already
corpses. (XVIII/49, Doc. 1553-PS.) It often happened that prisoners arrived
in a debilitated condition but not yet too far gone to be saved. However,
Gerhard Wiebeck declared in this connection:
had the impression that the SS men and those prisoners helping in unloading
the other prisoners were anxious to see those who were still alive die,
just to save themselves work." (XXI/31, Doc. NO-2331.)
Abend testified that when he was transferred from Schoebnik to Auschwitz,
he travelled in a freight car so crowded that it was practically impossible
to lie down, that it carried no drinking water, nor did it have toilet
facilities. The trip lasted 4 days during which time they were given no
United States Congressional Committee, inspecting Dachau, found a train
of cars which had been used to bring prisoners into the camp:
cars were an assortment of odd boxcars, some of which could be locked,
and some were the coal-car type. In each of them the floor of the car was
covered with dead, emaciated bodies. In some of the cars there were more
than enough to cover the floors. In size, these cars were of the small
European type, which, when used for the movement of troops, would never
accommodate more than 40 men. Nevertheless, the army officials in charge
of this camp advised us that there were 50 of these cars in this one train
and that at least 100 of these civilian prisoners had been jammed into
each car locked in and they had been on the road for several days without
food or water, and that approximately 3,000 of them were dead upon arrival
and most of the others were in a dying condition. We saw many dead bodies
on the ground. These prisoners had apparently crawled out of the cars and
had died on the ground." (VI/78, Doc. 159.)
there was the unique protest on the part of concentration camp commandants
that between 5 and 10 percent of the Russian prisoners of war sent in to
be executed arrived already half dead or dead altogether. Further, that
on the hike between the railroad station and the camp, many collapsed from
sheer exhaustion. The commandants complained that this state of affairs
was very embarrassing because "the civilian population takes notice of
these happenings." (V/176, Doc. NO-91.)
one comes to write on this subject the ink runs heavy, the words falter,
and a sadness akin to a hopeless resignation enters the soul. How can one
write about a planned and calculated killing of a human race? It is a concept
so completely fantastic and so devoid of sense that one simply does not
want to hear about it and is inclined to turn a deaf ear to such arrant
nonsense. Barbarous tribes in the wilds of South Pacific jungle have fallen
upon other tribes and destroyed their every member; in America, Indian
massacres [!] have wiped out caravans and destroyed whole settlements and
communities [!]
[COMMENT: Better not say
that today, it's not "politically correct"; also, it's "NATIVE AMERICANS",
thank you very much-C.P.];
that an enlightened people in the 20th century should set out to exterminate
one by one, another enlightened people, not in battle, not by frenzied
mobbing, but by calculated gassing, burning, shooting, poisoning is simply
blood-curdling fiction, fit companion for H. G. Well’s chimera on the invasion
from Mars [!].
Certain passages from "The War of the Worlds" and "Doctor at Auschwitz
-- deleting the words "Martians" and "kapos" -- are in fact very similar;
so much so that Nzysli appears to have been partially inspired by Wells.-C.P.]
Eichmann. chief of the Jewish section of the Gestapo, estimated that the
Hitler-Himmler extermination policy of the Jews resulted in the liquidation
of 6,000,000 Jews, of which 4,000,000 were killed in extermination institutions.
The murder of 6,000.000 human beings is entirely beyond the capacity of
man’s imagination and one instinctively refuses to believe. But the curtain
of incredulity has lifted and the armor of incomprehensibility no longer
protects. The evidence is in and what was utter fantasy and a mere macabre
playing with numbers, is proved fact. The figure 6,000,000 is written in
digits of blood, and no matter which way one turns their crimson horror
is upon one. Still, the cumulative shock of 6,000,000 dead is not felt
unless one attends a murdering party of a small fraction of that ungraspable
number. The great mass of the killings was done in gas [!] chambers. Let
an eye witness describe the operation of a gas [!] chamber in Auschwitz
10 minutes the first train will arrive! And indeed, a few minutes later
the first train came in from Lemberg [Lvov]. Forty-five cars, containing
6,700 persons; 1,450 of whom were already dead on their arrival. Behind
the little barbed-wire openings, children, yellow, scared half to death,
women, men. The train arrives: 200 Ukrainians, forced to do this work,
open the doors, and drive all the people out of the coaches with leather
whips. Then, through a huge loudspeaker instructions are given: to undress
completely, also to give up false teeth and glassessome in the barracks,
others right in the open airto tie one’s shoes together with a little piece
of string handed everyone by a small Jewish boy 4 years of age, hand in
all valuables and money at the window marked ‘Valuables’, without bond,
without receipt. Then the women and girls go to the hairdresser, who cuts
of their hair in one or two strokes, after which it vanished into huge
potato bags ‘to be used for special submarine equipment, DOOR MATS [!!!], etc.’,
as the SS Unterscharführer on duty told me. Then, the march begins:
right and left, barbed wire, behind, two dozen Ukrainians with guns. Led
by a young girl of striking beauty they approach. With Police Captain Wirth,
I stand right before the death chambers. Completely naked they march by,
men, women, girls, children, babies, even one-legged persons, all of them
naked. In one corner, a strong SS man tells the poor devils, in a strong
deep voice, ‘Nothing whatever will happen to you. All you have to do is
to breathe deeply, it strengthens the lungs; this inhalation is a necessary
measure against contagious diseases, it is a very good disinfectant! Asked
what was to become of them, he answered, ‘Well, of course the men will
have to work, building streets and houses. But the women do not have to.
If they wish to, they can help in house or kitchen.’ Once more, a little
bit of hope for some of these poor people enough to make them march on
without resistance to the death chambers. Most of them, though, know everything,
the odor has given them a clear indication of their fate. And then they
walk up the little staircase and see the truth! Mothers, nursemaids, with
babies at their breasts, naked, lots of children of all ages, naked too;
they hesitate, but they enter the gas [!] chambers, most of them without
a word, pushed by the others behind them, chased by the whips of the SS
men. A Jewess of about 40 years of age, with eyes like torches, calls down
the blood of her children on the heads of their murderers. Five lashes
into her face, dealt by the whip of Police Captain Wirth himself, chases
her into the gas [!] chamber. Many of them say their prayers, others ask:
who will give us the water for our death. Within the chambers, the SS press
the people closely together; Captain Wirth had ordered: ‘Fill them up full.’ Naked men stand on the feet of the others. Seven to eight hundred crushed
together in 25 square meters [!], in 45 cubic meters! [!!!] The doors are closed. Meanwhile the rest of the transport, all naked, wait.
Somebody says to me ‘Naked, in winter! But they can die that way!’ [...]
The answer was, ‘Well, that’s just what they are here for!’ And at that
moment I understood why it was called, ‘Foundation Heckenholt.’ Heckenholt
was the man in charge of the Diesel [!] engine, the exhaust gases
of which were to kill these poor devils. SS Unterscharführer Heckenholt
tries to set the Diesel [!] engine moving. But it does not start!
Captain Wirth comes along. It is plain that he is afraid because I am a
witness to this breakdown. Yes, indeed, I see everything and wait. Everything
is registered by my stopwatch. Fifty minutes, seventy minutes the Diesel
[!] engine does not start! The people wait in their gas [!] chambers. In
vain. One can hear them cry. ‘Same as in a synagogue,’ says SS Stürmbannführer,
Professor Dr. Pfannenstiel, Professor for Public Health at the University
of Marburg/Lahn, holding his ear close to the wooden door. Captain Wirth,
furious, deals the Ukrainian, who is helping Heckenholt, 11 or 12 lashes
in the face with his whip. After 2 hours and 49 minutes as registered by
my stopwatch the Diesel [!] engine starts. Up to the moment the
people in the four already filled chambers were alive, 4 times 750 persons
in 4 times 45 [!] cubic meters. Another 25 minutes go by. Many of the people,
it is true, are dead at that point. One can see this through the little
window through which the electric lamp reveals, for a moment, the inside
of the chamber. After 28 minutes only a few are living. After 32 minutes,
finally all are dead! From the other side, Jewish workers open the wooden
[!] doors. Like stone statues the dead are still standing, there having
been no room to fall or bend over. Though dead, the families can still
be recognized; their hands still clasped. It is difficult to separate them
in order to clear the chamber for the next load. [...] Two dozen workers
are engaged in checking the mouths, opening them by means of iron hooks. ‘Gold to the left, without gold to the right!’ [...] Dentists with chisels
tear out the gold teeth, bridges, or caps. In the center of everything,
Captain Wirth. He is on familiar ground here. He hands me a large tin full
of teeth and says, ‘Estimate for yourself the weight of gold! This is only
from yesterday and the day before yesterday! And you would not believe
what we find here every day! Dollars, diamonds, gold! But look for yourself!’
" (Doc. 1442-PS.) [!!!]
wrote this sleep-robbing horror, this unspeakably mournful tale? A Jew,
a Pole, a non-Aryan? This view into one of the deepest furnaces of hell
was written by an SS Lieutenant, Kurt Gerstein, attending at the
execution because of his technical knowledge on poison gases and his familiarity
with the technique of sterilization of clothing of deceased persons.
Franz Ferdinand Hoess, commandant at the Auschwitz concentration camp from
5/1/1940 to 12/1/1943, must stand out individually as the greatest mass
murderer in history. His eminence in wholesale slaughter? his distinction
in multiplicitous killing, his supremacy in systematic massacre, must dwarf
the fame of all killers from the beginning of time. In comparison to Hoess,
Genghis Khan was a Sunday school boy, Torquemada an entertaining Micawber,
and Ivan The Terrible, an innocuous, benevolent, old man. With complete
self-assurance, Rudolf Hoess declared under oath that he personally supervised
the executions at Auschwitz until 12/1/1943, and he estimated that up to
that time, 2,500,000 prisoners were, "executed and exterminated there in
the gas [!] chambers and crematories."
least a further half million people died from hunger and sickness, which
adds up to a total amount of about 3,000,000 deaths. This figure represents
about 70 or 80 percent of all persons who were sent to Auschwitz as prisoners.
The remaining were picked out and used for slave work for the industries
located in and surrounding the concentration camp."
into the details on this carnage, Hoess explained how he used a crystallized
Prussic acid which was thrown into the death chambers through a small opening:
older extermination camps, Belsec, Treblinka, and Wolzek
Wolzek never existed-C.P.]
used monoxide gas. To exterminate 1,500 people between 5 and 7 cans of
one kilo each of Zyklon B were required in cold and humid weather."
B gas [!] was also used. Hoess calculated that during the time he was at
Auschwitz, 10,000 cans had been purchased for this lethal use:
figure is arrived at by computing the number of 21/2 million gassed people
and the consumption of an average of 6 cans for every 1,500 people."
all the Jews arriving at Auschwitz were executed. Those who seemed strong,
healthy specimens were permitted to work. The selection could scarcely
be called a scientific one. As the prisoners came off the transport a Hauptsturmführer
looked at them cursorily, and, with a movement of his right or left hand,
indicated respectively death or life. A slight movement of the right hand
and the newcomer was sent on his way to the gas [!] chambers; a flick of
the left hand and the newly arrived prisoner lived to agonize, and probably
later die in a work gang. (XI/6, Doc. NO-199.)
youngsters under 16 years of age, all mothers with children and all those
sick or weak were taken to the gas [!] chambers.
(XXI/26, Doc. NO-268.)
happened to the doomed ones is described by one who witnessed the operation:
Auschwitz there were 4 crematories, of which 1 and 2 were the large ones,
and 3 and 4 the small ones. Upon their arrival at the crematory, the SS
ordered these people (men, women, and children) to jump from the trucks
and when this order was not obeyed fast enough, they were beaten with sticks
and whips. The SS also had police dogs at their disposal which they set
on these people. After being unloaded they were all obliged to undress
entirely in the dressing room, and no difference was made between men and
women. When they were undressed they were taken into the gas [!] chamber,
which was underground in the crematories 1 and 2. These gas [!] chambers
looked like large bathrooms [!]; they were tiled [!], provided with
shower bath installations, which, however, were not connected with
the water supply. When all the people were in the gas [!] chambers
the outside doors, which were gas-tight, were closed SS Hauptsturmführer
Mengele, Tilo, and Klein, and their assistants, the noncommissioned officers
of the medical service of the Waffen SS, threw cans of HCN gas [!] through
small barred windows [!] into the gas [!] chambers, after which the
windows [!] were closed gas tight. After 3 or 4 minutes no sign
of life appeared anymore from these gas [!] chambers, in which in this
manner a concentration of one hundred percent was obtained. After a
security limit of ten minutes [!] the gas [!] chambers were aired and the
doors opened. The corpses of the men, women, and children, murdered
in this horrible manner, were carried away from the gas [!] chambers by
the Kommando, the so-called ‘Sonderkommando,’ consisting exclusively of
Jews and taken to the furnaces where they were totally burnt by pairs.
The possessions of these people were declared State property at the station.
The clothes were transported to Germany, after being sorted and distributed
among Germans who had lost their belongings through air raids. However,
the SS men stole much of this ‘confiscated’ property for their own use
or to be used as means of payment on the black market." (XI/39, Doc. NO-1949.)
Neumann, an inmate of Auschwitz, stated that in his estimation between
1940 and 1944 four million were executed and that, on certain days, the
deaths reached the number of 20,000. (XI/79, Doc. [?]
United States Congressional Committee which inspected concentration camps
in April 1945, reported on the facilities for killing which they found
Dachau [!]. The gas [!] chamber there was built of concrete,
measured 20 by 20 feet, with a ceiling of some 10 feet in height. The supply
of gas [!] was controlled by means of two valves [!] on the outer walls,
and beneath the valves was a small glass-covered peephole through
which the operator could watch the victims die, 100 to a gassing. Flanking
the gas [!] chamber were two warerooms measuring approximately 30 by 50
and various other articles on Dachau. No Dachau trial ever "proved" the
existence of a gas chamber at Dachau. The report on the gas chamber at
Dachau written by Col. David C. Chavez of Albuquerque New Mexico was never
introduced into evidence at Dachau, but was taken right over to Nuremberg
6 weeks later and introduced into evidence, even it was perfectly well-known
that it was not true.-C.P.]
the time we visited the camp these warerooms were piled high with dead
bodies. In one of the rooms the bodies were thrown in an irregular heap.
In the other room they were neatly stacked like cordwood. The irregular
pile of bodies was perhaps 10 feet high, covering most of the floor space.
All of them were naked. It was quite evident that the daily death rate
at Dachau, by execution and otherwise, far exceeded the daily capacity
of the crematory to dispose of the bodies. The stench indicated that some
of them had been there for several days." (VI/79, Doc. 159.)
the spring of 1942 an extermination camp was established at Treblinka.
It contained 10 death chambers and opened up for business in the
early autumn of 1943. Death was inflicted here by gas [!] and steam [!!!], as well as by electric current [!!!]. Behind the death
building, and separated from the rest of the camp, stood the barracks and
kitchen for the grave diggers. But as the executions grew in numbers mass
graves were dug out by motor-driven machines and not by hand and shovels
as in the beginning.
See "Electrical Chambers" and "Steam Chambers" under "Index to Book".-C.P.]
the actual execution operation was handled by the SS, the menial services
had to be performed by the inmates themselves.
unloading of the trucks, stripping of the victims, and sorting out of their
clothes and shoes (Lumpensortierung), the emptying of the death chambers
and the burying of the bodies. When a new transport arrived some of the
Jews were picked out to do this work so long till they broke down morally
under the impression of this organized and mechanized mass murder. Then
they had to dig their own graves and take up their position at them, whereupon
they were shot one by one by Sauer, personally. Their last duty before
dying was to push the body of the preceding victim into its own grave.
(XVIII/30, 31, Doc. 3311-PS.) [...] All victims had to strip off their
clothes and shoes, which were collected afterwards, whereupon all victims,
women and children first, were driven into the death chambers. Those too
slow or too weak to move quickly were driven on by rifle butts, by whipping
and kicking, often by Sauer himself. Many slipped and fell, the next victims
pressed forward and stumbled over them. Small children were simply thrown
inside. After being filled up to capacity the chambers were hermetically
closed and steam [!!!] was let in.
This would be like hermetically sealing a pressure cooker: the building
would blow up.-C.P.]
a few minutes all was over. The Jewish menial workers had to remove the
bodies from the platform and to bury them [!] in mass graves. By and by,
as new transports arrived, the cemetery grew extending in eastern direction." (XVIII/31, Doc. 3311-PS.) It is estimated that 700,000 Jews were killed
at Treblinka. The exact figures are impossible since the Germans kept no
records of the Jews deported to this camp. (XVIII/31, Doc. 3311-PS.) Kurt
Gerstein, who described the killings at Auschwitz [!!!], also visited
next day, Captain Wirth’s car took us to Treblinka, about 75 miles
NNE of Warsaw. The installations of this death center differed scarcely
from those at Belsec, but they were still larger. There were 8 gas [!]
chambers and whole mountains of clothes and underwear about 35-40
meters high [!!!].
That's over a hundred feet, the height of a five-story building. How did they get the underwear up to the top? With a helicopter?
35 meters = 114 feet 9 and 61/64ths inches.
40 meters = 131 feet 2 and 51/64ths inches.
This passage is actually found on p. 1134 of volume V of the NMT transcript, not volume IV.-C.P.]
Focker-Wulfe 61 - for underpants flights, Treblinka
in our ‘honor’ a banquet was given, attended by all of the employees of
the institution. The Oberstürmbannführer Professor Pfannenstiel, MD,
Professor Hygiene at the University of Marburg/Lahn, made a speech: ‘Your
task is a great duty, a duty so useful and necessary.’ To me alone he talked
of this institution in terms of ‘beauty of the task, humane cause,’ and
to all of them, ‘looking at the bodies of these Jews one understands the
greatness of your good work!’ The dinner in itself was rather simple, but
by order of Himmler the employee of this branch received as much as they
wanted a far as butter, meat, alcohol, etc. were concerned. When we left
we were offered several kilograms of butter and a large number of bottles
of liqueur." (XVIII/53, Doc. 1553-PS.)
the gassings first began, just like any other mechanical operation, the
facilities were a little primitive. Instead of the highly efficient, technically
perfect concrete, steel, and tile [!-C.P.] gas [!] chambers, two old farm buildings
were used at Auschwitz-Birkenau. These two buildings had been constructed
by the SS construction office:
windows were bricked up, the partitioning walls taken out and a special
door put in, which shut the chamber airtight [!].
The space was made to hold three hundred persons. The prisoners had to
undress in a barrack situated next to the gas [!] chamber, and were then
taken into the gas [!] chamber. After the doors were closed the gas [!]
(Zyclon B) was thrown by three SS men through slits [!] which could
be shut, into the gas [!] chambers. These SS men wore gas [!] masks
and were trained in the use of poison gas." (XXI/26, 27, Doc. NO-2368.)
regulations prescribed that a physician had to be present at each gassing
as a safeguard for the SS personnel! "After 5 minutes the initial loud
clamor and groaning had stopped. After a further 25 minutes [!] the
doors were opened and the corpses of the dead taken by a detail of
CC inmates wearing gas [!] masks to the open. The dental gold was removed
under the supervision of a Unterscharführer who had been assigned
specially to the job by Dr. Lolling, then the corpses were loaded on
lorries, and taken to graves [!] which had been dug [!] by a prisoners’ detail. After the corpses had been buried [!] the gas [!] chambers were
cleaned and were then ready again for the next transport. The clothing
was collected, brought to the camp and taken over by the stürmbannführer
Burger." (XXI/27, Doc. NO-2368.)
Victor Abend testified this procedure was not entirely satisfactory because
many of the people were not killed and then it became necessary to throw
them into the cremating fire while still alive. The cremating process
was also an improvised one. Holes were dug into the ground and filled
with wood, gas was poured on the wood, and the bodies then placed in the
ensuing conflagration. (Tr. p. 259.)
They set the fire first, then threw the bodies in. Hot work.-C.P.]
system not only had various defects, but with the increase in business
more up-to- date methods were required. The trend of modernity toward mechanization
and assembly line methods was not overlooked even in this most modern of
achievements-genocide-a business so novel that a new name had to be coined
for it. Genocide, the scientific extermination of a race [!!!]. Friedrich
Entrees, camp physician at Auschwitz, continues with his narrative:
reason for the new construction of gas [!] chambers and crematories was
the increasing number of transports. The new crematories were built in
such a manner that the complete process of liquidation could take place
in one building. The prisoners were first taken to the dressing rooms and
then to the gas [!] chambers. The new gas [!] chambers had properly
constructed chutes [!] through which the gas [!] was let in and had a modern
ventilation system [!]. Adjacent to the gas [!] chambers the crematories
were situated, so that the crematories could carry out the liquidation
of the prisoners in an assembly line manner (laufendes Band)." (XXI/27,
Doc. NO-2368.)
then the inevitable hardening of the heart and the callousness of feeling
to mass human butchery which in time became as casual as the killing of
beasts in an up-to-date abattoir:
am of the opinion that those participating in the gassings became a willing
tool, under the pressure of the system prevalent in concentration camps,
and the impressions made on them during the gassings by which one can explain
that such actions were possible at all." (XXI/29, Doc. NO-2368.)
of the defendants on trial in this case testified that although they had
visited Auschwitz and immediate vicinity, they did not know, nor did they
learn anything of the mass exterminations taking place there. Gerhard Wiebeck,
a former SS man and so-called war representative, made various trips to
Auschwitz where a huge cloud of smoke [!], which could be seen for miles
around, hung over the concentration camp. He was told by a member of
the Reich criminal police and judicial officers of the concentration camp
that, "the gassing of prisoners in Auschwitz was no secret." (XXI/32, Doc.
efforts were made to hide from the doomed inmates what was awaiting them.
trees [!] were erected around the crematories [!] and the gas [!] chambers.
But the waiting ones could, nonetheless, hear the screams of their wretched
predecessors. So a method the SS were resourceful was devised to conceal
the screams. A music camouflage was introduced:
that time the children were burned on big piles of wood [!]. The crematories
could not work at the time, and therefore, the people were just burned
in open fields with those grills [!], and also children were burned among
them. Children were crying helplessly and that is why camp administration
ordered that an orchestra be made by a hundred inmates, and should play.
They played very loud all the time. They played the Blue Danube or Rosamunde;
so that even the people in the city of Auschwitz could not hear the
screams. Without the orchestra they would have heard the screams of
horror; there would have been horrible screams [!]. The people two kilometers
from there could even hear these screams [!]; namely, that came from
the transport of children. The children were separated from their parents,
and then they were put to section III camp. Maybe the number of children
was several thousand." (Tr. pp. 88, 89.)
August 1944 some of the inmates rose in rebellion and destroyed one of
the gas [!] chambers. It did not prevent their being gassed, of course,
and it brought about a horrifying sequel which, could they have anticipated
it, would in itself have stayed their indignant hands. The remaining three
gas [!] chambers continued to work, but one day they were being used for
adults, and there was on hand a batch of children to be exterminated. The
SS, known for their quick-wittedness in solving any trying problem, simply
solved this one by burning the children alive [!].
they were not entirely devoid of feeling in the execution of this rather
nasty job:
one of these SS people sort of had pity with the children, he took the
child and beat the head against the stone first before putting it on the
pile of fire and wood so that the child lost consciousness." (Tr. p. 389.)
No doubt in imitation of the Biblical injunction, "Happy is he who takes
their little ones and dashes them against the stones" (137th
general practice, however, was simply to throw the tots into the flames.
The procedure was simple:
used to put a sheet of wood, then the whole thing was sprinkled with gasoline,
then wood again, and gasoline and wood, and gasoline- and then people were
placed on there. Thereafter the whole thing was lit."
thousand children were burned alive at this time. (T/389.)
a variation to this entire macabre performance, the assassins now introduced
the murder van technique. The victims were gathered in a group and informed
they were to be taken to another locality for resettlement. The van drew
up and the families were loaded aboard.
the doors were closed and the gas [!] streamed in through the starting
of the vehicles. The victims died within 10 to 15 minutes. The cars were
then driven to the burial place, where the corpses were taken out and buried." (XVIII/23, Doc. 2620.)
[!] concentration camp transport vans were fitted up in such a manner that
Zyclon B
We thought it was motor exhaust; or are we mistaken?-C.P.]
be introduced while the vehicle was in motion. In this way no time was
lost. The van picked up prisoners at Mauthausen, passed them on the way
to Gusen, where they were unloaded and cremated. At Gusen another load
of prisoners was picked up, gassed on the journey back to Mauthausen and
there cremated in the crematory awaiting them. (V/180, Doc. 499-PS.)
This is in contradiction to the claim that a gas chamber or gas chamber(s)
(plural)existed at Mauthausen; see
was fighting a war for its very existence. Leaving apart the origin of
the conflict, forgetting for the moment whether from Germany’s point of
view the war was just or unjust, the fact remained that after Stalingrad
every resource of raw material and blood was needed to save Germany itself
from invasion and destruction. By February 1943, it was evident to every
person in Germany above the mental age of 10, that Germany was fighting
a war for survivorship, fighting on the actual brink of total catastrophe.
And yet, while teetering on that edge, the very strength needed to hold
on was dissipated in the maniacal execution of a maniacal hate against
a people who had in no way declared war against them [!].
See, for example, JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY, Daily Express, March 24,
1933 and many other Zionist "declarations of war". There were enough of
them to form the subject matter of a 408-page book, "Jüdische Kriegserklärungen
an Deutschland", by Hartmut Stern, available from Ardnt Buchdienst,
Postfach 3603, D-24035 KIEL for 50 DM.-C.P.]
direction of many combat troops sorely needed on the battlefield were diverted
on this insane mission of extermination. Incalculable manpower was killed
off [!],
of every description was destroyed every consideration remained unconsidered
as against this insanity to wipe out a defenseless race [!].
We are deeply indebted to Judge Michael A. Musmanno, a Jew and a member
of B'nai Brith, for this admission that Jews are a race, and not a religion.-C.P.]
Pohl, on the witness stand, attempted to defend his position on the Jews
by saying that he had not opposed the Jews prior to the war, but when the
war came he had to decide between Germany and the Jews, and he chose Germany.
But it was not apparent that there was a necessity for such a decision.
A German report on indiscriminate Jewish massacring in the Ukraine declared:
attitude of the Jewish population was anxious obliging from the beginning.
They tried to avoid everything that might displease the German administration.
That they hated the German administration and army inwardly goes without
saying and cannot be surprising. However, there is no proof that Jewry
as a whole or even to a greater part was implicated in acts of sabotage.
Surely, there were some terrorists or saboteurs among them just as among
the Ukrainians. But it cannot be said that the Jews as such represented
a danger to the German armed forces. The output produced by Jews who, of
course, were prompted by nothing but the feeling of fear, was satisfactory
to the troops and the German administration." (XVIII/18-19, Doc. 3257-PS.)
March 1945 [!] the extermination program was halted [!],
We thought it was stopped in the fall of 1944.]
because conscience long lost in the jungle of greed and arrogance had caught
up with the Nazis, but because the labor supply had become so critical
[!] that thought had to be given even to keeping alive a few Jews. According
to Gluecks, chief of department [division] D of WVHA: "There were still
15,000 Jews still alive." Himmler decided he could employ them also in
another capacity. He could "use these people as the trump card in negotiations
with Count Bernadotte", which Himmler thought at the time might save his
[Printed from the otherwise useless
and unworkable Aristarchus NUREMBERG WAR CRIMES TRIALS CD ROM, pp. 81600-81633,
available from Aristarchus Knowledge Industries, PO BOX WA 98105, USA or
IHR, PO BOX 2739, Newport Beach CA 92659 USA. The judgement quoted above
(NMT V) was handed down in August of 1948, although almost nothing it
contains was upheld in the judgement of the first Nuremberg Trial (IMT).
As a result, 3 men were hanged. To hang and persecute people on the basis
of such "evidence" is an injustice. The Hoaxoco$t is the product of a race
of people who are mentally ill.-C.P.]
NOV 5, 2000
article is mainly nit-picking about incomplete or simply erroneous info
given by Holocaust-"survivors" or historians who are all laymen in chemistry.
As you might have noticed, I did not do that in my Report, because as a
chemist I know that non-chemists cannot distinguish between all these compounds,
features, properties, so errors must occur when they open their mouth.
That does, however, not prove that their claims are necessarily wrong.
Otherwise, every account of a non-chemist addressing chemical things would
be a lie, as one simply cannot get it right as a layman.
This article of yours is thus
a great example of revisionism attacking the other side for really unimportant
inconsistencies and errors, and drawing much more general conclusions from
it which aren't supported by it. I don't think that your article has many
errors, if any [!]. It is an error as such… these errors/inconsistencies
prove/disprove nothing.
NOV 7, 2000
I am grateful to Mr. Rudolf for
taking the time to answer. I believe that Mr. Rudolf's comments are very
fair criticism up to a point. It is obvious that Zyklon can kill people,
even if you think it is Swiss cheese. The essay is 23 years old and totally
obsolete, but it shows how I became a revisionist.
Essentially, I became a revisionist
because of the single sentence "We knew when the people were dead because
their screaming stopped." That is an obvious lie, relating to the
very basics of the killing operation. After 13 Nuremberg trials, one
would imagine that the nature of the murder weapon and circumstances of
the crime would have been established; but this is by no means the case,
even today.
Perhaps I am descended from the Borgias,
but I am interested in poisons. When I read something that doesn't make
sense, I get suspicious. Errors/inconsistencies may prove/disprove nothing,
but if you've got enough of them, they add up. See above. Again I thank
Mr. Rudolf for taking the trouble to comment.-C.P.]
NOV 8, 2000
I appreciate you taking the time to reply to my letter. Let me make
three final points:
1) Although Zyklon B is not literally crystallised hydrogen cyanide,
it seems entirely plausible to me that a layman might describe it as such.
It is after all a crystalline solid that contains HCN. In the UK we describe
domestic heating devices as radiators, but they do not literally work by
[COMMENT: That is correct.-C.P.]
2) I agree that you cannot kill someone with 60mg of HCN on the floor
10 feet away, but lets take a closer look at my figure of 1kg (absorbed
in 6kg Zyklon). HCN has a relative molecular mass of 27.Therefore: no.
mole HCN = 1000/27 = 37 (approx).
One mole of any gas occupies about 0.024 cubic metre, so 1kg of pure
HCN gas would occupy about 0.9 cubic metre. If a gas chamber had dimensions
20x10x2 metres, the fraction of the HCN inside would be 0.9/400 = 0.002
(approx) or 2000 parts per million. The Leuchter report quotes 3600ppm
in the atmosphere as a fatal concentration, so my rough estimate is of
the correct order of magnitude. I agree that evaporation rates would be
though one could compensate for this by multiplying my suggested 6
kg of Zyklon B several-fold and still have a manageable quantity. None
of the orthodox accounts I have read (eg Shirer) claim that death was instantaneous;
I would guess at least half an hour.
[COMMENT: The times mentioned range
from 2 - 15 minutes, occasionally 20 minutes, perhaps half an hour for the opening of the doors. I agree with you that Zyklon
B could kill people in 20 minutes or half an hour. That is correct.-C.P.]
Whatever the truth may be, there can be no doubt that in principle Zyklon
B could be used to kill human beings.
[COMMENT: That is correct. For further
details, I suggest you read the various reports by Leuchter, Lüftl,
and Rudolf, Arthur Butz, Carlo Mattogno and Jürgen Graf, and the various
articles by Robert Faurisson, which started all of this in the late 1970s.
The long version of the Rudolf Report will be published early next year.
There are many other problems involved. Please see the links or other literature.-C.P.]
I therefore find it hard to understand
why it was the impossibility of the chemical reactions which first
convinced you that the Holocaust must have been made up. Did you really
approach the question with an open mind?
[COMMENT: I believed it until I read
William L. Shirer. What else can I say? I believed the story about Ann
Frank until I wondered how you could hide half a house by building a bookcase
across a stairway. It took me twenty years to doubt that one; I must be
a bit dim.-C.P.]
3) Your suggestion that 20 years ago the Jews didn't even know what
Zyklon was will not stand serious scrutiny. The agent is clearly named
in Shirer's Rise and Fall (1960) for a start.
NOV 13, 2000
[COMMENT: It is described as an "amethyst-blue
crystal of hydrogen cyanide". Hydrogen cyanide is a colourless liquid.
Finding out what Zyklon B really was in the mid-1970s was no easy task.
Of course, everyone is wise after the fact. Just the other day I read that
Zyklon was a "nerve gas". What really convinced me was Josef Kramer's "confession" ("a bottle... of salts"), the sentence "we knew
when the people were dead because their screaming stopped" in Hoess's confession, and the
cremation procedures, both in crematory ovens and in the open,
which we have not even discussed yet, and, in particular, the footnote
about the size of the crematory oven in the German edition of Shirer's
book (page 1025, etc. of the Knauer paperback edition, if I recall
points are still ENTIRELY VALID. Please note that Zyklon did not come in "bottles".
you look up "Dresden" in the index to Shirer's book, you will see that
is mentioned as a place name only, in a single sentence, on one page. There
is no mention of the Dresden bombings. He "forgot" to mention them. See
also my translation SAUCKEL'S EXPLOITATION SPEECH. His "extermination" sources are rubbish. See DOCUMENT R-135. So much for Shirer.
There were 13 Nuremberg Trials.
In the judgement to the fifth trial, NMT IV, pp. 1019-1054 of the "Green Series", the Trial of Oswald Pohl et
al, the existence of the "steam chambers" and "electrical chambers" was
upheld in the judgement (excerpted above). Mass killing with electrical
shocks is "possible" too -- far more easily possible than "gassings" with
Zyklon B (see the film KING RALPH.) Now the Jews are talking about a "gas
chamber at Dachau" again, and even "human soap". Sooner or later, they
will have to get it straight. When will that be?-C.P.]
NOV 14, 2000
[The article in question was written in 1978.-C.P.]
See also Letter 37.