(Ayn Rand and the libertarians)
(Sounds harmless, doesn't it? That's because the opinions cited in the Wikipedia article are nearly all borrowed from Aristotle. Underneath the veneer of fake Aristotelianism, however, lies something quite different.)
Incredible as it may appear, the libertards and Randophagists are actually convinced that Ayn Rand was a “great philosopher”, even “history’s greatest philosopher" (!).
The standard objections commonly made against this so-called “philosophy” – that it is dogmatic and doctrinaire; that it never proves any of its principal contentions; that it is superficial and oversimplified; that it makes sweeping generalizations; that it is repressive, unreal, unrealistic, inhuman, inhumane, a distortion of human nature, and a “how-to-do-it manual for psychopaths", will never produce the slightest effect upon the ayatollahs of Randophagy: they are totally irrational, totally fanatical and totally insane; little short of glassy-eyed lunatics, they live in an all-consuming dream.
The Randophagists nevertheless believe – even in the midst of their delirium – that an argument which is self-contradictory is irrational, and therefore false.
I am therefore inclined to believe that the only thing capable of penetrating their tiny brains – apart from a .44 Magnum or a half-inch power drill with a very hard bit – is a demonstration that the so-called “philosophy of Ayn Rand” is irrational, illogical and self-contradictory according to its own standards and criteria; that the alleged starting points for the philosophy are not the real ones, that the real ones lead nowhere, and are promptly contradicted by everything that follows; that it is incoherent and essentially nonsensical.
Anticipated file names -- not ready yet
Introduction (satire)
Questions for Objectivists
r4 Why are people attracted to the philosophy of Ayn Rand?
r5 The reductio ad absurdum in the philosophy of Ayn Rand
r6 The problem of ideological or philosophical statements disguised as statements of fact
r7 Was Ayn Rand a crypto-Communist? (rhetorical question) (updated 16 December 2015)
r8 Was Ayn Rand a closet “gay”? (rhetorical question)
r9 Was Ayn Rand a Kantian? (rhetorical question)
r10 The problem of banal ideas expressed in pretentious language
r11 Ayn Rand on the “Reality of the External World as Perceived by the Senses” and the “Validity of Sense Perception”
r1 Ayn Rand on the “The Primacy of Existence” (aka “Existence Exists”)
r13 Ayn Rand on the “Hierarchy of Concepts”
r13a Ayn Rand and "the Hierarchy of Values"
r17 God: a problem of definition
r18 From the confusion of definitions, all evil
r19 Nonsensical definitions in the philosophy of Ayn Rand
r20 Preposterous factual and logical assertions of the Objectivists
r23 Ayn Rand and the anarchists: Bakunin and Kropotkin
r24 Was Ayn Rand a good writer?
r25 Was Ayn Rand a serious person?
r28 Ayn Rand and Sex
r35 The Objectivist refusal to answer questions
r36 Racism and the Objectivists: a misstatement of Aristotelian logic
r37 What is meant by “Philosophy”?
r38 Are philosophers crazy?
r39 Questions for Kantians
r40 Is Aristotelianism a discredited philosophy?
See also:
An Analysis of the Philosophy of AYN RAND by C.W. Porter (with afterword by Michael Shermer)
Short version of "An Analysis of the Philosophy of AYN RAND" (from VNN forum)
The Aristotelian Connection by C.W. Porter
Austro-Libertarianism, Catholicism and Judaism by Trudie Pert
(respectfully stolen from The Occidental Quarterly, vol. 11, Spring 2011, special issue on libertarianism-- highly recommended)
The Sociology of the Ayn Rand Cult by Murray Rothbard NEW
The Objectivist Death Cult by Justin Raimundo NEW
Libertarianism: Marxism of the Right by Robert Locke
Ayn Rand: Admirer of Serial Killer by Mark Ames
The Psychopathy of Ayn Rand (stolen from the democratic underground)
Ayn Rand: How-to-Do-It Manual for Psychopaths by Marcella Mroczkowski
How Ayn Rand Seduced a Generation by Bruce E. Levine
(sorry to steal all this stuff, but it saves me the trouble of saying all the same things. -C.P.]
Ayn Rand: Architect of the Culture of Death by Donald DeMarco NEW
Ayn Rand's Theory of Knowledge by Tom Porter (reviewed by Carlos W. Porter, with personal comments)
The "Right" of Abortion: A Dogma in Search of a Rationale by Edwin L. Vieira
(respectfully stolen from Libertarians for Life)
Ron "The Producer" Paul - Anatomy of a Fraud