J e w i s h  R i t u a l - M u r d e r :   a   H i s t o r i c a l   I n v e s t i g a t i o n
Der jüdische Ritualmord: Eine historische Untersuchung von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D.

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(p. 41)

From the same year the Bollandists report (April II, p. 838) as the second case the murder of a small child at Motta in the Venetian region. A third case occurred at Treviso. Again, five years later, Jews slaughtered the child Lorenzo in the area of Vicenza, a sign that at that time these areas especially had been designated by secret instructions to "furnish" blood. At this time all Jews were banished -- as it said, "for all time" -- only to encyst themselves a few years later again as merchants, thanks to the support of the Jew-bought Doge Mocenigo of Venice, who was always in need of money(15). In the year 1487 the Franciscan Bernardin of Feltre closed a sermon at Crema (in upper Italy) with the words: "The usury of the Jews is so out of bounds that the poor are strangled. And should I, who eat the bread of the poor, keep silent when I see their robbery?" (16)

The same Doge Mocenigo, by the way, had issued the following order, which typifies the powerful influence of the Jews, on the 22nd of April 1475 -- therefore before the investigation had unearthed the true facts of the case: "It is to be accepted that the news which has it that the Jews had murdered a Christian child, is only peddled for ulterior reasons; since the Doge wishes that the Jews might live peacefully and comfortably in his land, he hereby forbids that their standing in society be changed in any manner, and does not allow pastors to spread this information from the pulpit or for anyone at all to spread this news in such a way as to agitate against the Jews. . ." (Géza von Ónody, p. 84). Emanuel Baumgarten adds to this (in his defense of the Jews: (42) Die Blutbeschuldigung gegen die Juden. Von christlicher Seite beurteilt [The Blood-Accusation against the Jews, Evaluated from the Christian Side], 2nd edition, Vienna, 1883 -- all in all, a weaker recasting of the notorious Chrsitlichen Zeugnisse gegen die Blutbeschuldigung der Juden [Christian Testimonials against the Blood-Accusation of the Jews], Berlin, 1882) the following supplementary letter of this Doge from that time: "How very much this affair displeases us, and is painful and unpleasant, you, with your cleverness, may be able to realize best. We at least believe that the rumor concerning the murder of the boy is a slanderous invention; for what reason, others may see. But we have always wished that the Jews in our lands live securely and without fear, that they be protected from any injury in a manner equal to the rest of our other loyal subjects (omnis inuria absit ab illis)."

Outside of Italy as well, the outgoing 15th century lists Jewish blood-murders of children. In the year 1486 -- thus a decade after the Trent murder case, in Regensburg not fewer than six children were murdered by Jews in a subterranean vault. The remains of the dismembered corpses were brought to the town hall. In the vault was found a stone block, fixed up like an altar, whose blood-traces were covered with glue (Raderus, Bavaria sancta, III, p. 174).

In 1490 in Guardia near Toledo, a small child was nailed to the cross by Jews, after he had been stabbed and scourged. The child was canonized. In 1886 the history of his sufferings was published (II. Desp., p. 79).

In 1494 fourteen Jews, among them two Jewesses, dragged off a child into a Jewish house in Tyrnau in Hungary; after they had stuffed his mouth, they opened the victim's veins. The blood was carefully collected "down to the last drop" and a portion preserved. The body was dismembered. At house-searching, spots of blood were discovered in one of the Jewish houses, which led to the arrest of the murderers. The Jewish women who had been questioned first confessed the crime in all its horrific details. The main culprits were condemned to death by fire (Bonfinius: Fasti Ungarici, III, 5 and Acta sanct., April II, p. 505)

In 1498 a bloody persecution of the Jews broke out on the Greek island of Zante because the populace (43) had been driven to self-help by a whole chain of ritual crimes, which without exception happened around the time of the Jewish Easter.

In the year 1503, as Eck was passing from Cologne to Freiburg "for his studies," he had the opportunity at Freiburg to observe the body of a child butchered according to Jewish rites, which was discovered "in the woods": "[I was able to] grasp and to touch the cuts of the child with my fingers, perhaps four weeks after the murder." The blood had been smuggled into Alsace.

In the city archives of Tyrnau there is a document from the year 1529, which was composed on the occasion of the ritual-murder at Bösing (17). It reports that on Ascension Day 1529 in the market-town of Bösing, which today is situated in Slovakia, the nine-year-old son of the tenant farmer Gregor Maißlinger suddenly disappeared. Early in the morning of the next day, a peasant woman found outside the village a mutilated child's body with the hands bound and lying on his face in a puddle among thorn hedges. She immediately brought her discovery to the court, which determined that it was the child who had disappeared the day before; the father was able to recognize his son in the mutilated child's remains. The type of wounds and the circumstance of the body being empty of blood steered suspicion toward the Jews of the village, especially since an entire series of similar crimes from earlier years had remained unsolved. The entire Jewish population of the market town was "taken prisoner." A court commission under the chairmanship of the Count of "St. George and Bösing" determined exactly the type of the wounds on the body and proceeded then to harsh individual interrogation of those arrested. The Jew David Saifmacher confessed that the Jew Michel took the child captive and got him into the cellar and after a while a great number of Jews showed up in order to torture the child. Jew Michel confessed how he lured the child into his house on Ascension Day and that "all tortured (44)the said child with each other, and he [himself] had struck the first blow on his head with a hook and then each Jew stabbed the child for a while."

The blood was sucked out of the body by means of a quill and a little "tube," collected in bottles and next hidden in the synagogue "where it was the occasion of much rejoicing." The Jew Wolfl finally killed the innocent creature by stabbing him in the nape of the neck. With the agreement of all the Jews, the blood was handed over to various Jewish middlemen. The child's body "was carried at night with bound hands out beyond the Hofner alleys and laid in a [patch of] thorn plants near a stand of some nut trees, where some Jews then stood watch."

Jew Saifmacher was comfortable enough to still make the confession that just five years before, in 1524, he had been given the task of driving out of the city of Tyrnau [the body of] a "tortured" (= ritually butchered) Christian, hidden in a cartload of manure.

This statement was amplified by the Jew Szecho, who declared that "in Passion Week four years ago a Christian at Tyrnau had been tortured, but he [himself] had not been there."

On the Friday after Pentecost of the year 1529, "in the several thousands, people from other cities, market-towns and villages" awaited the verdict. It corresponded to the sentiment of the people: the Jews of Bösing, thirty in number, were led out to a place far outside the market town, "set afire and burned to a powder." The children of the Jews were divided among individual families and -- baptized.

At the excavation site on the occasion of the construction of the Preßburg-Tyrnauer railroad in 1840, in the vicinity of the present railway station of Bösing, a walled cavity was stumbled upon, which still was filled with the remnants of bones and coal.

In 1540, at Easter, the four-and-a-half-year-old Michael Piesenharter from Sappenfeld, Kreis Neuburg (Oberpfalz) was kidnapped by Jewish merchants in the area of Ingolstadt, bound to a pillar, tortured for three days, his fingers and toes mutilated, finally cut with crosses all over his body and after death had occurred, hidden under dry foliage. A shepherd dog helped to trace the body. A Jewish child had reported to his non-Jewish companion that a child had been tortured (45) to death, "this dog has howled for three days long" -- thus the Jewish child already received the conviction inoculated into him that anyone not Jewish had only the status of a beast. The blood was found later in Posingen (Raderus, Bavaria sancta III, 178 etc.).

The examination findings of the surgeons yielded the following: "the body pitifully torn to pieces, many piercing wounds, on the right shoulder a cross incised, circumcised. . ." (Johann Eck, Judenbüchlein). The Jewish criminals were supposed to be acquitted through a "letter of release" hurriedly arranged on the part of some indebted members of the nobility.

In 1547 at Rawa in Poland two Jews stole the son of a tailor and nailed him to a cross; the murderers were convicted and burned, their racial comrades expelled (Acta sanct., II, April, p. 839).

In 1569 at Witow in Poland the two-year-old son of a widow was sold by a down-on-his-luck subject for two silver Marks to the Jew Jacob and by the latter was slowly tortured to death in hideous manner. Ludwig Dycx, Gouverneur of Cracow, reports on this case, as well as the fact that simultaneously in Bielsko and also other places Christian blood has been shed by the Jews (Acta sanct., ibid.).

In 1574 the Jew Joachim Smierlowicz in Punia (Lithuania) killed a seven-year-old girl shortly before Palm Sunday. Inscription and image in the chapel of the Holy Cross in Vilna bear witness that the blood of the child was mixed with the meal which served for the preparation of the matzos (Easter bread) (Acta sanct., ibid.).

Around the same time in Zglobice the Jews stole a boy whom they carried off to Tarnów, where already another youngster was found in the hands of the Jews under suspicious circumstances; both children were still able to be freed in time (Acta sanct., ibid.).

In 1590 in the small town of Szydlow the Jews stole a peasant boy and withdrew his blood from him through opening the veins and numberless piercing wounds. The corpse was found in an isolated spot and bore all the signs of torture (Acta sanct., ibid.)

In 1592, in March at Vilna, the seven-year-old Simon Kierelis (46) was tortured to death by several Jews. Upon his body over 170 wounds were caused by knife and scissors, aside from the many cuts which they had inflicted on him under the nails of his fingers and toes. The body was later handed over to the monks of St. Bernhard. In the church of St. Bernhard at Vilna there is a marble tablet with the following inscription: "Memorial of the minor child Simon Kierelis, born at Vilna, who in his seventh year of life was horribly murdered by the Jews with 170 cutting wounds and was buried in this church. In the year 1592 after the birth of Christ" (Acta sanct., among other places, March III, p. 589).

In 1595 at Gostyn in Poland two Jews were strangled because of repeated blood-murders of children -- "all of Poland was aroused at that time" (Acta sanct., April II, p. 839).

In 1597, again in the vicinity of Szydlow, Jews stole a peasant child and butchered him [in the Jewish manner]. The blood, having been tapped, was used, among other purposes, for the dedication of the new synagogue at Szydlow. The body, discovered in an open field, showed piercing wounds in the eyelids, in the neck, in the veins, the limbs, and in the sexual organs and was severely contracted due to the fact that tortures which employed fire had been inflicted upon the child (ab igne constrictum). "From gazing [upon the body] everyone was seized by horror." According to the report of the Bollandists (Acta sanct., April II, p. 839) the wretched victim died under "choice tortures" (per tormenta exquisita); what was meant by that was clearly to be seen in the body which had been discovered.

In 1598 in the village of Woznik (Podolia) the four-year-old son Albert of the farmer Pietrzynin of Smierzanow, who had left his father's side and lost his way, was kidnapped by two young Jews and butchered [in the Jewish manner: Whenever the verb schächten is used, it indicates butchering according to Jewish slaughtering rites.] under the most horrific tortures four days before the Jewish Easter, at which the most influential Jews of the region were present. The body was at first hidden under barrels, then thrown on marshy ground. The crime was soon discovered by reason of the features of the wounds; the Jews offered everything to bribe the judges of the highest Polish court at Lublin. They possessed the impudence to refer to "privileges," according to which they could not recognize the court. (47) Nevertheless, the "Royal High General Court" decided that "the Jews could not be protected by their charters [of privileges] which they produced, in such an abominable atrocity and such a horrible crime. . ." The elders of the Jews of Lublin now attempted to obtain "postponement of the case," in order to "carry the investigation a farther distance" according to their well-known practices, "to prove" their "innocence." They had no success. One of the murderers, Isaac, stated that the child had been hidden at first in a cellar for several weeks. The Jewess Anastasia had gone to the child [he stated] when he whimpered from being afraid. . .," . . . "after which Mosko and Selmann took the child and brought him through a chamber; but Isaac walked behind them with the knife with which they were otherwise used to using to slaughter cattle, and had killed the child in this manner. Moses had cut, or rather stabbed the breast, as did Selmann, but Isaac had cut the hand, after which they caught up the blood into a pot. . ." One of the Jews, who kidnapped the child, Aaron, suddenly wanted to be baptized. But when it was revealed to him that he would be condemned despite this, "the Jew fell silent and was very shaken" and declared that he would then die as a Jew.

The chief perpetrators were broken on the wheel; the Rabbi Isaac confessed before his death that the Jews required non-Jewish blood for ritual purposes, in part for Easter wine [i.e., for Passover wine; Whenever the author refers to "Jewish Easter," the festival of Passover, Pessach, is meant; Easter and Passover occur during the same time of year, and in fact the date of Easter is determined (approximately) by the date upon which Passover falls.], and in part for Easter bread! (Acta sanct., April, II, p. 835; Hosman, Das schwer zu bekeherende Judenherz[The Jewish Heart, Hard to Convert], p. 121; Tentzel, Monatl. Unterr., 1694, p. 130). As we have seen, the Jewish plague simply had terrible free range in Poland; in every year countless children disappeared, most around the time of Easter! "All of Poland was aroused at that time."

At the threshold of modern times, in 1650, on March 11, a child by the name of Mathias Tillich at Kaaden in Bohemia was "killed with a knife" by a Jew -- on both hands the fingers had been cut off (Eisenmenger, p. 373). Thereupon all Jews of Kaaden were banished for the well-known "all time" by Imperial order. A memorial tablet was later erected for the victim (Hosmann, p. 47, Appendix).

In 1665, on the 11th of May, in the Jewish Quarter of Vienna, a woman was murdered in the most horrible fashion and the blood-emptied body, (48)in a sack weighted with stones was thrown into a horse-trough. The body was covered with countless piercing wounds, while the head, both shoulders and thighs had been separated by an expert hand.

Since the Jews in the following years committed a series of similar crimes, on the 4th of February of the year 1670 it was proclaimed in every public place in Vienna "that all Jews without exception take themselves away from there forever and on the evening of Corpus Christi that not one should let himself be seen there any more, on pain of the death penalty." The fortunate city of Vienna straightaway lost 1400 Jews, one part of whom characteristically migrated to Venice, another portion of them to Turkey -- thus into the regions in which they were able to go about the ritual-slaughter of human beings without being disturbed (Eisenmenger-Schieferl, Entdecktes Judentum [Judaism Uncovered], Dresden, 1893, p. 369).

The list of Jewish ritual crimes in the centuries of the so-called Middle Ages alone is endless. Even the most careful arrangement and sorting -- as far as this is at all possible -- of all the relevant document passages, documentary authentic examples, and reliable reports, will have to remain forever incomplete for the reason that most crimes of this type were not generally known or, respectively, recognized -- that is, as ritual crimes commanded to Jewish murderers in accord with certain laws, and which therefore were not always penetrated because they seemed downright incomprehensible to non-Jewish humanity and were not comparable to any of the usual cases of murder -- they could only originate in Jewish Talmudic brains! Moreover, there were, time after time, influential persons who were dependent upon Jews, at the head of some state organ -- one recalls the Doge of Venice -- who quashed most willingly proceedings against the Jews or warded them off and summoned back the once-expelled murder plague into the land again after a short time.

But Jewry is resolved, still, to adulterate documentary and authentic and unshakable evidence, as an example (Trent) has already demonstrated, or, if even these tricks misfire, to dispose of these murders from that time as regrettable "isolated cases" and to describe them as unquestionably unworthy of "modern," "enlightened," and "civilized" Jews. Also spoken of are medieval religious "aberrations" of individual fanatic (49) "sects." Thus did the French historian Feller, a laudable exception of his time, recognize razor-sharp, this Jewish maneuver. He writes in his Journal historique et littéraire of 1778 on 18 January: "If one listens to the scholars of our day, it was pure fanaticism that could have ever [caused] the ascribing of such barbarous atrocities to the Jews at all. If one accuses them in the year 1775 of having again committed such an atrocity in Poland, the other side tries to make out the witnesses of the acts to be the viewers of apparitions and declares anyone of the sort to be half-crazy who gives any credit to the statements of the witnesses."

These findings are all the more remarkable, when indeed in this 18th century the so-called Enlightenment ran its pernicious course through all of Europe and looked back with sovereign contempt, as if upon a conquered position, upon the "Dark Middle Ages," which nonetheless showed instances of incorruptible righteousness, an attitude of mind which was only too happy to a priori reject anything which could be somehow laid to the account of supposed medieval prejudice! Even the mere possibility of believing in the existence of blood-murder or of listening to witnesses was condemned in advance -- there must be a misunderstanding, the death a misadventure, some kind of accident, to be attributed to some sort of perverse and unfortunate inclination of a pathetic individual -- under these circumstances it is at any rate understandable, then, that the thus "enlightened" 18th century was not prepared to solve any murders of the constantly exercised Jewish blood-practice -- and, from pure enlightenment no longer recognized the closest-occurring and simplest case in its true essence, and above all in its deepest-lying motives.

So wrote the Hungarian Reichstag Deputy Géza Ónody on the occasion of the great ritual-murder trial of Tisza-Eszlár (1883)(18): "In the Age of Enlightenment and Tolerance we have happily reached the point at which we simply put aside these kinds of (ritual-murder) inquiries and investigations and, in short order declare the blood-accusation, repeatedly raised against the Jews afresh time after time (50)on the basis of new criminal facts, to be an absurd, dark superstition which belongs to the junk room of the intolerant, bigoted, and mentally limited Middle Ages -- and the raising of which redounds to the shame and discredit for the progressive spirit of the times and the genius of humanity."

How disastrously that attitude of mind consciously or unknowingly obliged Jewry, the following case might show: The thirteen-year-old Andreas Takáls was made to bleed to death by a [Jewish ritual] butchering cut on 21 February 1791 in the little Transylvanian village of Pér. The Jew Abraham was arrested, his five-year-old son was a witness to the slaughtering and stated before the court that his father, together with the Rabbi and still other foreign Jews had slaughtered Andreas: "At night Father came home with some other Jews, among whom was also the Károlyer Rabbi of the Jews. They took from Andreas his guba (fur coat) removed his shirt, and held his mouth (the impression of five fingers was still discoverable on the body), stuffed his mouth with clay, and Jakob tied his feet together, hung him up by a cord from a beam, and then (the head hung downwards) cut open the vein on the right side of his neck, while Father held a leaden basin to catch the blood."(19)

The blood was taken away by the Rabbi. An eyewitness of the autopsy, the Reformed Pastor of Pér and "Chief Notary of the Reformed Church District beyond the Theiß," the former Daniel Héczey, writes in his notes(20): "Following the exhumation which took place on 24 February 1791, the boy is now thoroughly dissected. I saw with my own eyes that upon the opening of the veins of the right arm, not one drop of blood appeared, because the blood had been drained off from the right side of the neck (ritual slaughter cut!) but on the other had, from the left arm two little drops of blood flowed out, the internal vital organs were entirely empty of blood, and the diaphragm and the sexual organs together with the bladder had been torn apart. . ."

(51)Although they had the cleverest attorneys, on the 27th of December 1792 all of the accused were condemned to death at the wheel by the Comitat Court at Zilah, but meanwhile an order had been issued from Vienna, according to which the execution of judgment in these trials was made dependent upon the approval of the Emperor. At the same time, a command reached the authorities [which ordered] that "anyone who would dare to make the slightest reproach to the Jews in this matter, would have to reckon with the severest penalty."

This occurrence excited the highest outrage of the populace. The rationale for the order, however, read as follows(21): "The belief has spread among the people, that the Jews require Christian blood on certain feast days; that is an old deeply-rooted error and serves only to awaken undeserved hatred against the Jews in our homeland. His Majesty has deigned to command that the clergy and the civil authority might enlighten the people to this, for this opinion is only a fable. If it were true, surely it would have been betrayed long ago by the Jews converted to Christianity. If murders committed by Jews do happen, such murders are nothing other than the ordinary murders [also] committed by Christians and have no connection with the [Jewish] rite. . ."

"And have no connection with the rite" -- one really smells the whiff of garlic of Jewish inspiration! In any case, the accused were set free!

In the old parish church of St. Paul in Eppan, in the Tyrol, a small sarcophagus stands at the left pier of the presbytery, and bears the following inscription: "Place of burial of the innocent boy Franz Locherer, who on 9 Aug. 1744 was found in the forest at Montiggl, slain in the manner of Simon of Trent. 'Let the little ones come unto me, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.'" Not far away, on the church wall is affixed a memorial plaque with the following inscription: "In the year 1744, on the 5th of August, the honorable Joseph Locherer and Anna Aberhämin lost their son, aged 8 years, 7 months, and 25 days, for whom they searched for most carefully (52) for 3 days with great sorrow: but just then. . .on the 4th day, a Saturday, he was found with the help of a shepherd boy by his father with great grief of heart, to have been murdered by an unchristian Jewish hand, with his neck stabbed through, the body and the bowels bound fast with his garters and the entire body so badly beaten that [the body] itself seemed to be a single total wound. . ." "(Renovatum[restored] on 23 July 1855)."

This plaque already conveys the most essential fact; moreover, a later protocol from the 17th of March 1802 reads: "a Judaeo immaniter occisi" -- "inhumanely slain by a Jew. . ."

The facts of the case, based upon the interrogation protocols of 12 August 1744 at the Schloß[castle] at Gandegg are recorded in the parish archives of St. Paul's in Eppan and are, briefly, as follows: The parents searched in vain for three long days for their child. A young herdsman finally reported that he heard a child cry out pitifully in the Kalten Forest; he indicted the approximate direction. The father actually found his child, murdered in the most horrifying way and lying on his back on a tree trunk. The neck was stabbed through, and besides this it showed red welts, as though the child had been strangled with a cord; the body was cut up so that the intestines hung out; moreover, the child had been circumcised. The whole body was so beaten that it seemed like one single wound and -- it was emptied of blood! Various circumstances suggested that the murderer or murderers had been disturbed during the act of slaughter.

While the judges of Eppan and Kalten argued about [matters of] allegedly offended jurisdiction and squabbled over the court fees, a Jew who had been discovered by several witnesses to have behaved suspiciously and who had been noticed in the area for a long time, escaped. When the instructions finally came that both judges should investigate the perpetrator together, it was naturally too late! The opinion that a Jewish blood-murder had occurred in this case also, has been maintained to this day among the people and finds unequivocal expression in documents and memoranda. The murdered child was viewed as a martyr from the start. His veneration was tolerated (Deckert: Vier Tiroler Kinder, Opfer des chassidischen Fanatismus, Vienna, 1893).

(53)In Russia, not far from the city of Zaslav, on 29 March 1747 young herdsmen found the trampled body of an unknown man in a marsh. In Zaslav the inquest was conducted in the presence of the mayor and many deputies: all the fingers of the right hand had been amputated, the blood vessels opened up to the elbow, and the bones splintered. On the left hand three fingers were missing, the blood vessels and sinews were pulled out up to the shoulder joint, and the bones likewise smashed. Three toes of the left foot had been amputated, while the nails had been torn off the remaining ones; on the calfs, the blood vessels had been cut out and the teeth had been knocked out. The entire body was thoroughly stabbed all over.

Among some of the Jews arrested on suspicion was Soruch Leibowitz, who suddenly declared that he wished to communicate important perceptions to the deputy Starost [title which was used in the East and equivalent to Governor]; on the basis of his statements three more Jews were arrested -- and the whole band of murderers was in custody! The long interrogations yielded the facts that the blood-murder had been performed as a decision of the Kahal of Zaslov; a lonely traveling journeyman had been gotten drunk in a Jewish gin-mill and then tortured in the presence of the elders of the Kahal, mutilated and ritually butchered. The tortures extended over several days. The blood was collected in basins and bowls, bottles filled with it and brought into the city of Zaslav to the Rabbi there. Each of the participants of the murder had taken a little of the blood, in order to add it to the matzos.

On 26 April 1747 the judgment was passed in accord with the Saxon Codex: the judges, in this case not made sickly by "humanitarianism" and "enlightenment," proceeded from the basis of having the murderers bear the torments which they had inflicted upon an unsuspecting non-Jewish victim in systematic torture. The bodies of the executed were left to the birds as fodder. . .

This remained the last death sentence against Jewish ritual-murderers in Russian territory!

Other sources then report the butchering of the three-and-a-half year-old son of a Russian nobleman on Good (54) Friday (!) of the year 1753 in the vicinity of Kiev. The blood of the victim was collected in bottles, the corpse thrown into a nearby wood where the residents of the village found it on the first day of Easter. The documents concerning this case were located at the court in Kiev (v. Ónody). [Certain, like many other records, to have disappeared under Communist rule.]

Further cases occurred in 1764 in Orkuta (Hungary), where a child who was plucking flowers in a meadow was kidnapped by Polish Jews, in 1791 in Holleschau (Moravia), at the same time in Woplawicz (district of Lublin) and under the reign of the Sultan Selim III in 1791 in Pera, where 60 Jews were convicted of the crime against a young Greek and were hanged in tens by rope at the bazaar (H. Desp., le mystère du sang., p. 89). These few blood-murders which have become known show well enough that in the 18th century too, the blood-practice of international Jewry could be performed without interruption.

In more recent times certain clerical currents [of thought] have accepted this phenomenon as [the Jews allege it to be]. They regard the Jews -- if not with baptismal water immediately at hand -- as lost lambs whose cause should be taken up all the more lovingly to the point of complete purification. To this dubious enterprise, the disastrous "Mission to the Jews" -- in its time as removed from the world as it was close to the Jews -- owed its origin as well as its inglorious end. It was never conscious of the physiological as well as psychological -- and eternal -- law involved, that blood is always thicker than water, even baptismal water, which indeed, as far as the Jews are concerned, is termed "whore's water" (Majim kedeschim) or as "stinking water" (Majim seruchim), while baptism itself appears as an act "of uncleanness" and of "filth" (according to Eisenmenger), which can only be allowed to be done to deceive the Akum (non-Jews). But the Jew who lets himself be baptized in earnest, makes himself guilty of an offense worthy of death, according to the Jewish conception of the law (according to Rohling: Polemik und Menschenopfer, 1883, p. 20.21) [Polemics and Human Sacrifice]. In general, the Jewish baptismal candidates resemble those "honorable Jews" Heine and Börne, who, to use the words of a leading so-called Reform Jew, the Professor at the rabbinical seminary at Breslau, Grätz (22), (55) "outwardly break with Judaism, but only like warriors, who grasp the armor and flag of the enemy, that they might more surely strike him and more emphatically annihilate him" -- indeed, that is said quite openly.

We shall still have opportunity to deal with this category of Jews.

Now, however, one cannot, with eyes piously uplifted, artfully shift (for example) the 19th century into the setting of the supposedly dark Middle Ages. Indeed, it is exactly this 19th century which is so rich in extremely revealing ritual-murder cases and their court procedures, that in the true sense of the word it makes a bloody mockery of any philosophical or theological attempts to improve upon it, and categorically demands for our time: the total elimination of the Jewish blood sucker from the body of the non-Jewish peoples!

The past 19th century took on the legacy of the centuries which preceded it in more than one respect. The already long yearned-for "Enlightenment" fell into the lap of Jewry in this century by itself -- it meant: Emancipation. As such, it was "that result of legislative acts which, on the basis of the Enlightenment and its natural-right construction of human rights, first removed the status of exception of the Jews in the State, which was still medieval and bound to the Church, and then in a more or less long period of general domestic reorganization (!), elevated the Jews to the status of citizens of the State with equality of rights." (23)

A truly Jewish era seems to be dawning: Jewish gold, and with it Jewish influence everywhere, the Jewish Press dictates public opinion and Jews occupy the seats of government ministries, professorships(24) and judicial benches, the fate of whole states is determined by Jewish organizations -- a stroke of the pen from Rothschild, and a non-compliant nation will be delivered into state bankruptcy.

Under these conditions it is no wonder if we must draw the following conclusions in regard to our researches into this (56) century of Jewish emancipation:
1. The number of ritual-murders performed with unbelievable brazenness and self-confidence becomes frighteningly rampant;
2. when court procedures are initiated, they lead -- when not immediately nipped in the bud -- to no result, amidst scandalous accompanying circumstances.
3. The individual governments are not, by themselves, in any shape to confront the Jewish murder-plague, because they
4. are at the mercy of Jewish high finance.

For the 19th century there are over 50 attested blood-crimes, and the majority of the murder cases occurred -- as in all past cases -- around the time of the Jewish Purim and Passover!

We wish to put forward, as likeliest for consideration by chronological order, only the following ritual-murders:

1803 On 10 March the 72-year-old Jew Hirsch from Sugenheim seized a child aged two years and four months, in the hamlet of Buchhof, which lies in the outer environs of Nuremberg. When the child was missed along with the Jew, the latter came out of the adjacent woods across the field to Buchhof and helped search for the child. On the next day the Jew denied having been in Buchhof at all on the 10th of March! The father of the missing child wanted to prove the contrary with witnesses, but was rebuffed by the judicial authority with threats and abuse. On the twelfth day the child was found dead, wounded under the tongue, with a bloody mouth and, despite the dirty weather, with clean clothes. The Kreisdirektorium [local administrative governing body] then in Neustadt was besieged by the Jewish riff-raff for so long, till the case turned out to its satisfaction. The father was coerced by threats into signing a protocol according to which the child, who had still been warm at the discovery [of the body], had frozen to death! (Friedrich Örtel: Was glauben die Juden? [What do the Jews Believe?], Bamberg, 1823).
1805 The blood-emptied corpse of the twelve-year-old Trofim Nikitin, stabbed to the point of unrecognizability, was discovered in the dunes. Three Jews were made to answer charges before the district court at Velish, (57) among them a certain Chaim Tschorny, who came under strong suspicion of a similar crime in 1823. The entire affair had finally been left to "the will of God"! (Lyutostanski: Jüdische Ritualmorde in Rußland [Jewish Ritual-Murders in Russia], p. 17). Velish had a whole chain of blood murders to display!
1810 In Aleppo a poor Christian tradeswoman disappeared. Since she was not under the protection of any Consulate, there was never any trial, although public opinion accused the Jewish real estate broker Rafful Ancona of having killed the woman in order to have non-Jewish blood for the Jewish Easter (from a letter of the English Ex-Consul in Aleppo, John Barker, to the Count Ratti-Menton on 20 April 1840. -- Achille Laurent, Affaires de Syrie, H. Desportes, p. 89).
1812 On Corfu three Jews who had strangled a child were condemned to death in October. A short time later, the child of a Greek by the name of Riga was stolen on this island and ritually butchered (Achille Laurent, Affaires de Syrie).
1817 The ritual-murder committed in this year against the minor girl Marianna Adamovicz at Vilna remained unpunished. The court proceedings were later quashed due to a "statute of limitation" (Konstantin de Cholewa Pawlikowski: Der Talmud, p. 280).
1817 Three ritual-murders in Velish, committed against two boys and the wife of a Polish nobleman!
1819 Two small beggar-girls were lured into a Jewish gin-mill and murdered. Numerous accused Jews were convicted of deliberately [making] false statements, but were released!

These years had been famine years for Russia. Countless children passed from place to place, begging, and the Jews exploited this catastrophe in still other ways than by usury. As two of the chief witnesses of the later Velish trial of the year 1823 stated before the court, hungry children were lured into, and then ritually butchered in, the cellars of Jewish houses. The witnesses (58) knew most of the guilty parties and were even able to describe the events of the ritual slaughterings in all details. One Jew had been so incriminated by these statements, that he called out: "If a member of my family will confess and tell everything, then I will also confess."
But the other Jews stubbornly kept silent or screamed and threatened (!) in such a way that the Commission had to interrupt the interrogations. At a wink and a nod from a higher authority, the proceedings came to nothing. (Lyutostanski, p. 20).
1823 On the 23rd of April (!), at Velish, in the Russian government [district] of Vitebsk, the three-and-a-half year-old son of the invalid Yemelian Ivanov was kidnapped by Jews, tortured to death during the tapping of his blood, and dragged into evergreen shrubbery, where the blood-emptied body was discovered on 4 May. The autopsy, performed by a staff doctor in the presence of a Commission, had yielded, among other information, the fact that the skin on many parts of the body was scraped raw and inflamed as the result of forceful and continued rubbing with a brush-like object, that on the body numerous wounds, as if originating from a dull nail, were found, and that marks of throttling allowed the realization that the victim was strangled. The legs had been tied together beneath the knees. The intestines of the child were completely empty and without decay. From these circumstances, the chief examiner concluded that
1. the boy was intentionally tortured, that he
2. was left several days without food (inferred from the emptied intestines), that
3. the mouth had been strongly tied closed in order to keep the victim from yelling, that
4. the body of the child had been rubbed with a brush in order to bring the blood into lively circulation, that
5. the legs were tied off in order to direct the blood to the upper parts of the body, that
6. the victim had been stabbed in numerous places or had been drilled in order to tap off the blood directly under the skin, and that(59)
7. this outrage was perpetrated upon the unclothed child while he was still living -- there were no traces of blood on the child's things.

Despite of the many eye witnesses strongly incriminating the Jews, the trial was suddenly quashed and numerous charged Jews were "acquitted" (Pawlikowski). According to Lyutostanski, who treats the trial against the multi-branched, far-reaching and best-organized Jewish murder gang comprehensively and with greatest exactitude, three non-Jewish chief witnesses for the prosecution were banished to Siberia by decision of the Russian state council on 18 January 1835, therefore after twelve (!) years! Jewry had every reason to eliminate these very witnesses, for they had made corresponding statements to the effect that among other things, bottles had been filled with the blood of the child and sent on to other Jewish communities. Also [they stated], linen soaked in this blood had been distributed, while the remaining blood had dried up. These extremely important statements prove completely independently in a startling manner the correctness of the revelations of the former Rabbi Noe Weinjung (Neophyte), to which we shall return in another connection.

During the trial proceedings, however, yet five (!) other, entirely similar blood-murders came to light, which, aside from corresponding to one another in the same goal of gaining blood, also corresponded in the fact that all of the murderers remained unpunished, although they could be exactly identified. But on February 28, 1817, the Imperial Russian government issued the order that Jews were in no event to be charged with blood-murders! The files were simply made unrecognizable or held back and duty-conscious, uncooperative officials were discharged or deported. . .
1824 In Beirut the translator Fatchallah Sayegh was killed by his Jewish landlady. The investigation found ritual-murder (Henri Desportes: Le myst. du sang., p. 89).
1826 At Warsaw on a country road, a murdered (60) five-year-old boy was found, whose body showed over 100 wounds as signs of the withdrawal of blood, at which all of Warsaw fell into rioting. The Jews sought everywhere to prove their innocence, without yet having been accused. The report made to the court, together with the physician's record, was soon placed ad acta (Pawlikowski, as above, p. 282).
1827 At Vilna, the body of the peasant child Ossyp Petrowicz who had previously (according to the statements of the sixteen year-old herdsman Zukowski) been kidnapped from an open field by the Jews, was found with multiple piercing stab wounds (Amtl. Mitteilung des gouvernemnts zu Wilna[Official communication of the government at Vilna]; see Pawlikowski, p. 282). Two Jews who had given incriminating statements were found dead shortly thereafter: the one had been slain [outright], the other had been poisoned. . .(Lyutostanski, p. 20).
1827 In Warsaw Jewish constables kidnapped a non-Jewish child shortly before the Jewish Easter (Chiarini, Theoria del Giudaïsmo, Volume I, p. 355).
1827 At about the same time the seven-year-old Jewess, Ben-Noud, born in Aleppo, saw from the roof of the house of her relatives in Antioch two boys who were hung up by their legs and had blood streaming from them. Horrified over this scene, she ran away crying. Her aunt said to her that the children had been "naughty" and had been punished for it. Later the bodies had disappeared, but she found on the floor of the room a large brass vase, which the Arabs call a laghen, filled completely with blood (Achille Laurent, Affaires de Syrie, tome II, p. 320. Paris, 1864).
1829 At Hamath in Asia Minor a young Turkish woman was frightfully mutilated by the Jews; the Jews saved their lives by means of high sums of bribery and were merely expelled (H. Desportes, p. 90).
1831 In St. Petersburg the Jews killed the daughter of an officer of the Guard. The ritual purpose of the murder was recognized by four judges, but designated as doubtful by the fifth. The guilty parties were merely banished (Henri Desportes, le myst. du sang., p. 91).(61)
1834 The Jewess Ben-Noud, who later converted to Christianity, was a witness in Tripoli when an old man was lured into an ambush by several Jews and hung up by his toes from an orange tree. They let their victim hang in this position for several hours. In the moment when the old man was near death, the Jews cut him through the neck with a ritual slaughter knife and left the body hanging until all the blood was collected in a basin. Ben-Noud learned later than the murderers had packed the body into a crate and had cast it into the sea. She confessed to the Orientalist Count Durfort-Civrac this fact besides, that the Jews mix the blood into the unleavened Easter bread (mossa = matzos) and this they call mossa guésira(25) -- blood-matzos (Desportes, p. 42).

Some years later ritual-crimes took place which aroused enormous attention and, like a flash of lightning, threw illumination upon the internationalism of these Jewish crimes, as upon those responsible for them, only then to allow blindness to follow all the longer, because the non-Jewish world, which had taken the most active interest during the course of a trial, was permitted to see nothing for the future. All of Judah understood again, at any rate, how to stage-manage masterfully -- and it should be discovered to their disgrace later, with the most accommodating support of the most important European cabinets.

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Copyright 2001 by R. Belser. Reproduction in whole or in part without express written permission of the translator is not permitted. All rights reserved.