Behind the Mask of Respectability (click on the individual
number for MPGs)
08 An 8-part video produced by the
National Alliance detailing the less than savory facts and
history surrounding the world's "foremost civil rights group,"
including: questionable ties to organized crime figures; criminal
espionage operations; anti-patriotic brainwashing of law enforcement
personnel; mass bribery of politicians; Soviet-style censorship
initiatives; thought crime laws; and a host of other disreputable
actions. The real truth about this group is enough to make
your skin crawl.

Picture of Abe Foxman, director of ADL

Abe Foxman, left, meets
with mass-murderer Ariel Sharon, right.
Abe Foxman A Disgrace to My Religion
A Closer Look at the Enemy
Abe Foxman's Anti-Semitic Pandemic
Abe Foxman's Genocide Denial Roadshow
ADL Accused of McCarthyite Tactics
ADL Adds Revisionist to Top Ten Extremists List
ADL: A History of Disinformation and Intimidation
ADL and Mossad
ADL Applauds President Clinton
ADL Award Now Under Review Recipient Discovered to be a Fraud
ADL Backs Ashcroft Bush Surveillance
ADL Blocking Software
ADL Campaign Against Tolerance
ADL Claims Court Ruling Victory in Spying Lawsuit
ADL Controls American Library Association
ADL Defends Pillsbury Doughboy
ADL Deplores Ontario Union's Vote to Boycott Israel
ADL Didn't Do Anything Wrong and Promises Never to Do It Again
ADL Fact Sheet
ADL helped cover for Nazi supporter Prescott Bush
ADL in 1933 and Berlusconi Now
ADL Infiltrates the FBI and Subverts its Agenda
ADL Info Helped HUAC in 1947 Witch Hunts
ADL Issues Hate Crimes Cards to Police
ADL Jews Withdraw Fearing Exposure
ADL National Director Abraham Foxman Pushed UC Santa Barbara to Investigate
ADL Offers Damage Control for War Criminals
ADL Promotes Radical Homosexual Agenda
ADL Pushes Legislation That May Threaten Talk Show Hosts and Free Speech
ADL Releases Software to Block Internet Hate Web Sites
ADL Report Diminishes its Reputation
ADL's Foxman Was Present at Creation of Marc Rich Pardon Plot
ADL's Journalistic Status Reaffirmed by California
ADL Spy Probe
ADL Spy Scandal Case

ADL Suit Reinvigorated
ADL Targeted Black Congresswoman Critical of Israel
ADL Ties With Mossad
ADL Told to Open Files
ADL Turned Notion of Human Rights on Head
ADL Urges Bush to Blacklist Nation of Islam from Faith Plan
ADL Wants Senate to Censor Internet
ADL Will Continue to Fight $9.7 Million Jury Award
Adversaries Go Inside ADLs Spying Operation
A Heated Argument About Israel
AIPAC & ADL Refuse to Condemn Ethnic Cleansers
AIPAC and Iraq Playing Politics at Ground Zero
American Jews Support Direct Negotiations
A Mockery of Justice: The Great Sedition Trial of 1944
A New Outlet for American Dissident Voices
Anti-Defamation League and the FBI
Defamation League Case Upheld
Defamation League Suffers Major Legal Defeat
Anti-Defamation League's National Director is "Crazy Like a Foxman"
A Revisionist Response to the ADL
A Revisionist Response to the Defamation League
A Victory Against Hate
Behind the Mask of Respectability
B'nai B'rith ADL on the German-Jewish Tragedy
B'nai B'rith and ADL Hypocritical Say Critics
B'nai B'rith Moves to Suppress Jewish Communist Atrocities
B'nai B'rith Offers Brainwashing Program to Counter Flyer
Book-burners and Their Victims: First-Hand Accounts of Pro-Israel McCarthyism
California Appeals Court Decision on ADL
American Jews Support Direct Negotiations
Censoring the Internet on Behalf of Israel
Censoring Thought and the ADL Effort to Deny Tenure to Joseph Massad
Couple Tarred as Anti-Semites
Court Rules for Activists on ADL
David Duke Exploiting Anti-Semitism in Russia ADL
Days of Remembrance

Defamation League
Desperate Fanatics: The ADL Pounds the Table
Disgusting Jews Suppress Christmas Celebrations
FBI Calling the Kettle Black
Freedom Under Attack
Frist Accused of Exploiting Religion Issue
Gathering Wind - The Rise of Mental Flatulence in America
Hate Hurts Book Review by Louis Calabro
Hate Hurts But Bullets Kill
Helping Police Probe Hate Crimes
Hitler's Apologists Review of ADL Smear Pamphlet
Milton Viorst on 'The
Israel Lobby'
Israel Now for Journalists of the Future
Israel's Bellin Rips U.S. Jews
Its Informant Sentenced But ADL Criminal Charges Dropped
Jewish Defamation League to Monitor Pro-Life Web Sites
Defamation League
Libel Award Against Anti-Defamation League Upheld
Local Chapter Breaks with ADL Position on Denial of Armenian Genocide
Nader: Criticizing Israel is Not Anti-Semitism
Nader vs. the ADL
Neighbors' Spat Leads to a Huge Award Against the Anti-Defamation League
New Film 'Defamation' is an Expose of Israel
Noam Chomsky Describes the ADL
Peninsula Professor Targeted by ADL for Criticism of Israel
Pentagon lambasted by ADL for doubting Jews' US loyalty
Police Get Help Putting Hate in its Place
Professors in Britain Vote to Boycott Two Israeli Schools
Propagandizing the Police
Protecting Privacy, Monitoring Hate

Rabbi Calls ADL Leader Jews Worst Enemy
Ralph Nader as David Duke
Rightist Rally Hears Speech From Giuliani
Safire: Abe Should Resign
Safire Calls for Resignation of Executive Director Foxman
Secrecy Defended by ADL
Spat Leads to Huge Award
Spy vs Spite
Spying Case Over Struggle Continues
Stopping Extremism Before the Crime
Tell the ADL: Stop Silencing Jewish Dissent
The ADL: America's Greatest Enemy
The ADL and Rich
The ADL and the Great Sedition Trial
The ADL and Tolerance
The ADL Changed My Job Description
The ADL: More About the Monitors
The ADL's 1995 Audit of Anti Semitic Incidents
The ADL Snoops Were the Spies Journalists
The ADL Spying Case Is Over But The Struggle Continues
The ADL Targets Shortwave Stations
The ADL The drive to outlaw free speech and thought

The Anti-Defamation League - Censors of the Universe
The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith
The Changing Role of the Defamation League
The Corruption of America's Children by the ADL
The Corruption of America's Police by the ADL
The Ugly Truth About the ADL
They Dare To Speak Out - Chapter 6
Trapped in a Nazi Fantasyland
UC Santa Barbara Students Confront ADL's Genocide Denial
Uncomfortable Truths
Were the Spies Journalists? The ADL Snoops
Who's the Dog? Who's the Tail? And the ADL
Why I'm Leaving After 25 Years
Witch Hunt at Columbia